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Message par nancy31f »

photo de britney mais vraiment on voit pas grand chose

"La vie serait bien plus heureuse si nous naissions à 80 ans et nous approchions graduellement de nos 18 ans"
Mark Twain

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Inscription : ven. oct. 31, 2003 1:00 am

Message par babychoux »


Caïd de la Causette
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Inscription : jeu. oct. 07, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Caro_la_picotte »

babychoux  a écrit  

Ouin, je savais pas qu'il avait du beau linge comme ça au Walt Mark...

Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7018
Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

Seigneur de la Causerie
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Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

Seigneur de la Causerie
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Message par Seniorita »

Hilary Duff's 18th Birthday Party

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Inscription : ven. oct. 31, 2003 1:00 am

Message par babychoux »

la maison de ashlee simpsons

Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 10492
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par qwerty »

Elle fait assez d'argent pour avoir une maison de même ?
https://www.cremecassonade.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
https://blog.cremecassonade.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
https://www.facebook.com/cremecassonade" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Caïd de la Causette
Messages : 812
Inscription : jeu. oct. 07, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Caro_la_picotte »

babychoux  a écritla maison de ashlee simpsons

Seigneur, quesqu'elle fait avec une maison grosse de même... y'est tu tout seule là dedans ou elle a encore son chum?

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 19196
Inscription : mar. nov. 30, 2004 1:00 am

Message par Mikaela »

caline, je pensais vraiment pas qu'elle faisait autant de cash...ca maison doit valoir au moins 5 millions! Faut pas capoter!
Océannes 20-5-2006, Sofianne 26-5-2008
Maélie 12-8-2010, Coralie 21-07-2013
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Inscription : ven. oct. 31, 2003 1:00 am

Message par babychoux »


One of her recent major purchases: a 9,000-sq.-ft. home on an acre of land in California's San Fernando Valley. "It's modern," says Simpson, who's staying with her parents until renovations are completed.
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Inscription : ven. oct. 31, 2003 1:00 am

Message par babychoux »

New York, NY :: Lindsay Lohan was on the set (26th St. and 6th Ave.) of her new music video, Confessions of a Broken Heart. This music video will premiere on AOL First Listen on September 30th, 2005. Lindsay's album will drop by year's end. Her brother Cody Lohan is the boy in the blue t-shirt. And don't you love Lindsay's checkered pink and black Vans? Hot! More pictures (7x) after the jump

avant le tournage

après s'être habilée

--Message edité par babychoux le 2005-09-29 13:24:06--
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Message par babychoux »

nicole richie

--Message edité par babychoux le 2005-09-29 13:41:32--
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12238
Inscription : sam. juil. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Whenever »

Attention le ridicule de cette article peut être déstabilisant. Veuillez s'il vous plait prendre que ce pauvre mec en pitié...

Benji VS Kelly Clarkson

Good Charlotte's Benji Madden Slams Kelly Clarkson In Blog, Then Backs Off — Sorta
09.29.2005 2:09 PM EDT

Rocker may not have understood that Clarkson's comments about Hilary Duff were in jest.
Good Charlotte's Benji Madden and Kelly Clarkson
Photo: Evan Agostini/Frank Micelotta/Getty Images
With the advent of the messageboard and the "band blog," opportunities abound for rock stars to talk smack about their contemporaries. There are so many poorly punctuated rants, ego-fueled back-and-forths and downright puzzling tirades floating

"I heard that [Clarkson] said some petty things about someone I care deeply about, so I just made some petty remarks 'cause I'm a petty guy." — Good Charlotte's Benji Madden

around in cyberspace that in order for a burgeoning feud to truly get noticed, it's got to raise (or lower) the bar drastically and dramatically.

Well, that's the case with a tirade that Good Charlotte's Benji Madden has lobbed at former "American Idol" champ (and current pop-rock golden girl) Kelly Clarkson, which manages to break new ground in the "are-you-serious?" world of rock beefs because of its undeniable ridiculousness (but also because it doesn't involve the Killers — see "The Vanilla Thrilla: The Killers vs. The Bravery" and "Killers Get More Beef — This Time With Fall Out Boy").

The whole mess started late last month, when in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Clarkson made a joking reference to a beef between herself and Hilary Duff (a.k.a. GC frontman Joel Madden's girlfriend), saying that she'd like to "fight" Duff because she's from Clarkson's home state of Texas. She then added that she'd also like to throw Beyoncé in the mix, too, since she's also a native Texan.

Perhaps failing to realize that Clarkson was joking (even though the interview was in the magazine's 'Stupid Questions With ...' section), on Saturday, Benji Madden fired back at Clarkson with a catty entry in his blog on GoodCharlotte.com.

In the post, which has since been removed from the band's site, Madden got in a few shots about Clarkson's weight and career, while also giving props to his mom, replacing the pronoun "you" with "u" and spelling the word "sucks" with an "x."

"My mom told me if I didn't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, so I won't say 'Amercian Idol' sux, but it does make me laugh when someone like Kelly Clarkson disses someone like Hilary Duff," the post — as quoted in several punk blogs — read in part. " 'Cause let's not forget Kelly (BTW-Kanye West thinks u have a nice a--, I saw him look at it one time ... me, I prefer the more fit look), you were a 'contestant' on a TV show. Hilary made herself."

The post was long gone by Sunday, replaced with a message from Benji that read "Where did all my blogs go? O well," and concluded with a link to Clarkson's official site (listed as "#1 Ya'll!!!"). But Wednesday, Benji managed to get in one more passing dig, writing that he would be "making balloon figures of Kelly Clarkson" during Duff's birthday party at the Los Angeles club Mood on Wednesday night.

When MTV News caught up with Madden at Mood, however, there were no balloon figures or harsh words.

"Here's the thing," he said. "I heard that she said some petty things about someone I care deeply about, so I just made some petty remarks 'cause I'm a petty guy. Straight up, I'm from Waldorf, Maryland, you guys. Let's not forget that. You take shots, I take shots. I love you, Kelly — it's all good."

Well, maybe not all good. Neither Madden's record label, Epic, nor his management company would comment on the issue. And Clarkson has declined comment, though a spokesperson for RCA, her record label, who requested anonymity told MTV News, "It's insane. Kelly likes Hilary, and the [EW quote] was said in jest. In fact, the article says she was laughing while she said it."

Petit sondage MTV:
http://www.mtv.com/news/polls/poll_extra/?pollstat=r --Message edité par Whenever le 2005-09-29 17:41:40--

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Message par loft_great »

Avril Lavigne

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Message par babychoux »

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Message par babychoux »

lindsay lohan

Seigneur de la Causerie
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Message par Seniorita »

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Message par ~*Just*~ »

babychoux  a écritlindsay lohan

Linsday Lohan a vrm changé =|
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Inscription : sam. avr. 05, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Abysse »

~*Just*~  a écrit

Linsday Lohan a vrm changé =|

Ouais pis elle est bien plus belle de même.;) Ca fait tjours du bien un peu de chair sur une squelettique!

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