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Message par Marina14 »

Citation :BettyElms  a écrit

Ayoye! Bitchage extrême!

J'avoue... Je tiens tout de même à souligner que je n'en suis pas l'auteure. En fait, je trouve plutôt dommage qu'une personne (connue ou pas, belle ou pas) se retrouve dans ce genre de situation...
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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

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NEW YORK - 2 Août
Rob Schneider

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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : sam. avr. 05, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Abysse »

Strophe  a écritAbysse, moi c'est le contraire, je la trouve beaucoup plus jolie en brunette Drew Barrymore.  
D'habitude je penserais le contraire mais là c'est l'exception faut croire.
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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

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LOS ANGELES - 1er Août 2005
Ashlee Simpson

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Abysse  a écrit
D'habitude je penserais le contraire mais là c'est l'exception faut croire.
Sais-tu quoi? D'habitude moi aussi je penserais le contraire, mais Drew est à mon avis plus belle en brune...
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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

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Edward Norton
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Chris Martin de Coldplay
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Message par tipet »

Strophe  a écrit

Chris Martin de Coldplay

Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : lun. déc. 01, 2003 1:00 am

Message par BettyElms »

tipet  a écrit


mmmmmmmmmmmmm is right!

Et allo tipet! C'est moi ou on ne te vois plus beaucoup ces temps-ci!?

J'espère que tu passes un bel été!
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Message par Yautja88 »

pfffff...y'é même pas beau!

(commentaire de gars...   )
Je t'aime Pinklily <3
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5225
Inscription : sam. oct. 25, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Mélody28 »

Abysse  a écritKimberly Stewart, la fille de Rod. Que je ne trouve vraiment pas jolie, surtout à cause de sa maigreur:

Est tellement maigre qu'elle en perd sa jupe  
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5225
Inscription : sam. oct. 25, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Mélody28 »

bebitte18  a écritelle est vraiment belle Drew Barrymore sur cette photo la!

Je l'ai toujours trouvé très belle.
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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : sam. avr. 05, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Abysse »

Pas mal beau Chris, mais edward aussi tant qu'à moi.
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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Strophe »

JEN SPEAKS: Speaking in the September issue of Vanity Fair, Jennifer Aniston says she's seeking psychiatric help to cope with her divorce from Brad Pitt. "Am I lonely? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I'm also doing really well," she tells the magazine.

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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Strophe »

PARIS VS. NICOLE, ROUND 35: Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie's feud is extending to the box office. According to the New York Post, Hilton's new film, National Lampoon's Pledge This!, has been moved to the same release date as Richie's Kids in America.


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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Strophe »

Strophe  a écrit

JEN SPEAKS: Speaking in the September issue of Vanity Fair, Jennifer Aniston says she's seeking psychiatric help to cope with her divorce from Brad Pitt. "Am I lonely? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I'm also doing really well," she tells the magazine.

Avec plus de détails.


Aniston "Shocked" About Pitt and Jolie

Jennifer Aniston has broken her silence.

The former Friend and current tabloid cover girl who is going through an extremely public divorce with Brad Pitt has finally opened about her breakup. Speaking to Vanity Fair, Aniston says that she has been "shocked" over the whole Pitt and Angelina Jolie saga.

"The world was shocked, and I was shocked," Aniston says in the magazine's September issue about the revealing photos featuring her soon-to-be ex and his Mr. and Mrs. Smith costar Jolie traipsing along an African beach with Jolie's young son Maddox. "I'd be a robot if I said I didn't feel moments of anger, of hurt, of embarrassment."

Pitt and Aniston separated in January, and Aniston filed for divorce in March. Last Friday would have been their fifth anniversary.

In her first interview since the split, Aniston admits to seeking therapy in recent months and says she is still struggling to cope. "Am I lonely? Yes. Am I upset? Yes. Am I confused? Yes. Do I have my days when I've thrown a little pity party for myself? Absolutely. But I'm also doing really well."

Asked if she believed Pitt when he publicly stated he didn't hook up with Jolie before he and Aniston broke up, Aniston says she is giving Pitt the benefit of the doubt.

"I choose to believe my husband," she says. "At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything, but I would much rather choose to believe him."

But she says, "He makes his choices. He can do--whatever. We're [about to be] divorced, and you can see why."

Aniston also fired back at reports that claimed her marriage ended because she wasn't interested in having kids at a time when her career is red-hot.

"A man divorcing would never be accused of choosing career over children," the 36-year-old actress sniped to the magazine. "I never said I didn't want to have children. I did, and I do, and I will!"

Also discussed in the interview, the photo shoot in W magazine that featured Pitt and Jolie playing house. Aniston says that while she thinks Pitt might have "a sensitivity chip that's missing" for taking part in the session, Aniston says her former beau "is not mean-spirited; he would never intentionally try to rub something in my face."

Adds Aniston: "I love Brad; I really love him. I will love him for the rest of my life. He's a fantastic man. I really do hope that someday we can be friends again."

That said, she manages to get in a final zinger about Pitt's new bleach-blond hairdo, saying "Billy Idol called, he wants his look back." --Message edité par Strophe le 2005-08-02 21:14:27--
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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Strophe »

Ça devrait plaire aux hommes du forum

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12836
Inscription : mar. oct. 14, 2003 12:00 am

Message par NetRoll »

Pas vraiment, le photographe est comme du mauvais côté
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Inscription : sam. mars 01, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Strophe »

Je pense que Tara Reid est exhibitonniste !    

Et sur d'autres sites, y'a plus "compromettant"  


Maudit... on dirait que mes liens fonctionnent pas --Message edité par Strophe le 2005-08-02 21:37:12--
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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : mar. oct. 14, 2003 12:00 am

Message par NetRoll »

J'pense qu'elle est trop gelée pour se rendre compte qu'on voit tout

Mettons qu'elle a piqué toute une plonge dans mon estime... Mais pour ce que ça peut lui faire!

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