Drew & Diane

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Modeste Jacasseur
Messages : 139
Inscription : sam. oct. 30, 2004 3:00 am

Message par ~St-Pierre~ »

Ya tu quelqun qui sait si Drew pis Diane sont encore ensemble?
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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 26673
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Zoukie »

Non! Drew l'a laisser....J'ai lue ca sur Survivor Sucks cette semaine!!
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 24788
Inscription : lun. août 25, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Melsy4 »

Ah ben!
Merci pour l'annocne
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3302
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par sakke »

Voici la lettre que Diane a écrit sur son site disant que Drew l'a foutue là!

For Love or Money…Wait that’s not my Show
October 27th, 2004

I guess to start things off, I wouldn’t normally give two shits less about one of my break-ups, but under the eccentric circumstances that this relationship was under I feel like I have to now make a public announcement about the event. I also told myself that I wasn’t going to say anything ugly or juvenile about the situation, but then again…that wouldn’t be me huh? My friends and fans know me and respect me because I am who I am and I’m not afraid to say what the hell is on my mind.  So the last thing I am going to do is sugarcoat this either.

           Yes it is official… Diane and Drew are no longer “together” however we will remain friends. But I’d rather people hear it straight from the horses mouth, than from some Diane or Drew hater that is posting shit on an internet forum somewhere. And yes I feel like and idiot/hypocrite due to this. An idiot because yet again I was dooped by another man, and a hypocrite because I swore up and down to America that I would prove to everyone that a reality relationship can work and that ours would because I thought I was in love.

I also wasn’t sure if I was would write about this or not, but then I decided hey…I seen the break-up coming just like I seen my eviction coming. It’s like one minute everything’s fine, then the next minute your getting the boot and you don’t even know why. So now all you people out there that were thinking, “I told you so” can actually say it. So congratulations. Drew got the money and the girl, then dumped the girl cause I guess he didn’t need her anymore. Thanks for the trip asshole! So for all you girls out there (now that Drew is single) please be careful.  He ended things with me while we were both drunk at a bar…I was flying home to KY the next morning clueless as to what the hell just happened, and then it took him two days to call me and talk about it when we were sober.  Real mature huh? That’s not even the half of it though, however the rest is personal. So is this the way relationships work these days? Someone really needs to clue me in next time. Or maybe it’s just an L.A. thing. Nonetheless, no matter what things lay ahead of me in L.A., I will always remember where I came from and definitely stay grounded because of it. I, unlike others, will never, as they say, turn “Hollywood.”  

           But all in all, my life’s motto is “everything happens for a reason.”  So this is obviously meant to be, right?  And the bizarre part was, about two days after all this happened I woke up and thought to myself, “I am totally ok with this.” With my last and only boyfriend I was crushed for like a whole year, and couldn’t eat or sleep. I was in emotional disarray.  So maybe this tells me that I am growing up, and that Drew wasn’t the one for me even though I wanted so desperately to believe that he was because in my eyes he could do no wrong. I am just more burnt by it than anything, which is why I wanted to vent about it publicly.

           So in conclusion, I want Drew to know that I wish him nothing but the best of luck in whatever he chooses to pursue in life, because I know he has the ability to do great things. So please don’t take this article offensively. I wrote it on my behalf, my life, and my feelings.  At times I just felt as though I couldn’t be my true self around him in fear that I would disappoint him, and I know that I do not need to be with someone like that anyways.  I am 99% comfortable in my own skin right now and I want my man to feel the same way about me and not judge me for some of the stupid things I choose to do in life.  For getting his heart broken so many times by girls from his past, he sure is good at doing it to others. Thanks again…I will take it as another life lesson. This way next time I am competing for half a million dollars I will not allow myself to be blinded by love or beauty. Thanks to that I handed Drew the money and my heart…greedy bastard. Which leads me to my only unanswered question. Did he ever really like me to begin with? In the words of my dear Prince William, if Karma is a boomerang you’ll be back in Urbana sooner than later. Then see if you can make time for a girlfriend.

P.S. Here is an article that I dedicate some of my inspiration to: http://www.hamsterwatch.com/091704.shtml. I also want to send a special thanks to Scott for actually being there for me when Drew dumped me. I know we fight sometimes but you are a truly genuine person and friend most of the time. And to Lori and Kristi…girls you are my best friends. Lori, you know everything about me, and again thank you for being there for me. We are going to have so much fun taking over Cali! Jerry, thank you for all your hard time and work you have devoted to me. It will be paid back one day.


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