Album de Theresa Sokyrka

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Sokyrka to record first CD in Saskatoon

SASKATOON - Theresa Sokyrka is going into the recording studio today.

Sokyrka, who had considered moving to Toronto after Canadian Idol, now plans to stay in Saskatoon, record her first CD in Saskatoon, and will be backed up by Saskatoon musicians.
Free from the restrictions of the Canadian Idol contract, which did not allow the top 10 to record for three months, Sokyrka is wasting no time.
"I'm going to work really hard January, and hopfully have it distributed Febuary," said Sokyrka in a recent interview.
"It's definitely something I would have done before the show. I would have put out an independant album and hoped for the best, shopped it to labels, probably. This a different way to do it."
Sokyrka has enlisted her close friend, Terry Tran of Edmonton, to engineer and produce the album at Audio Art in Saskatoon.
"I'm really excited to work with him. I've done a few recording before. It's going to be great to have him there with me."
Her band will consist of well-known Saskatoon musicians Kenny Marco on guitar, Rod Solloum on piano, Joe Dickson on drums, and Terry Collison on bass.
"They are so awesome. They're super-fantastic people, and they got soul, you know. Musicians that have soul, they're so hard to find."
The CD will include jazz tunes, songs performed on Canadian Idol, and a couple of her own original songs. She calls it a "mix and match album."
Sokryka, the runner-up to Idol winner Kalan Porter, originally felt she had to move to Toronto after Idol ended. She has since changed her mind.
"I realized that I'm happier here, and my dad's here and my mom's here and my family is here. I'm so happy here. I love life and I love being comfortable. I got a new place...and it's awesome.
"I feel really free and really happy. I'm so glad to be back in Saskatchewan. There's something really strange about Ontario. It's just a big place."
Sokyrka has been extremely busy ever since returning from Idol. A huge concert at the Odeon Events Centre and a 15-day tour to the Middle East, where she and a large group of entertainers performed for the UN troops, have been among her appearances.
She will appear at the Centre of the Arts in Regina with the Regina Symphony Orchestra's big bang in February; will return to Red Deer, where she studied music, on Jan 14 and 15 to sing with Red Deer College's big band, and will travel to Newfoundland in July.
To celebrate Ukrainian Christmas, Sokyrka will join her sister Christina's group Voloshky to sing at the Enchanted Forest from 7 to 9pm Saturday at the Christmas Cottage. The Sokyrka sisters are joined by Nadya Foty and Marusia Kachkowski.
Then, also in February, Sokyrka will be in Winnipeg to open for Chantal Kreviazuk at a charity concert called Dreams Take Flight. Her friend, Chloe Albert, also a singer and guitarist, will join her.
Despite being busy, Sokyrka is working on processing the Canadian Idol experience. She recently pulled out Idol show DVDs and began examining what happened.
"It's so unclear. Some of the shows I haven't even seen yet. It was a really, really awesome time in my life and I will never forget it. I just hope people will want to support me even after."

Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7197
Inscription : dim. nov. 21, 2004 1:00 am

Message par Charlot21 »

J'espère qu'elle réussira à le finir pour le mois de février !
Sinon va-t-elle reprendre Cruisin et Good Mother sur son CD? --Message edité par boobah le 2005-01-05 12:07:35--

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