J'aime pas vraiment les auditions moi... je veux pas m'attacher a personne parce que quand je fais ça ils partent toujours!
Hey ya quelque qui connait "THe Moffats"? Un groupe qui s'est séparé il y a quelques années? Un peu comme "Hanson"..? TOucas lol, Dave Moffat a été en audition et il l'a fait... tser a la fin Zack disait "Do you really want this Dave?" et lui ya dit: "Yes I want it!" et zack a dit: "Then do something!" Ben toucas c'etait lui lol
Première de CI ce soir! 20h sur CTV !!
Dreamer a écritJ'aime pas vraiment les auditions moi... je veux pas m'attacher a personne parce que quand je fais ça ils partent toujours!
Hey ya quelque qui connait "THe Moffats"? Un groupe qui s'est séparé il y a quelques années? Un peu comme "Hanson"..? TOucas lol, Dave Moffat a été en audition et il l'a fait... tser a la fin Zack disait "Do you really want this Dave?" et lui ya dit: "Yes I want it!" et zack a dit: "Then do something!" Ben toucas c'etait lui lol
Citation :
Sunday, March 06, 2005
More on The Moffatts
Specifically, I have more news on Dave Moffatt.
Regular readers will remember my surprise at the popularity of my post about Folkskunde and The Moffatts -- Folkskunde being a band of young Charlottesville musicians, The Moffatts being a band made up of four Canadian brothers.
An astounding percentage of people who find this blog continue to do so while looking for news on Dave Moffatt and his brothers. It is still the single most popular search item leading to Rick Sincere News and Thoughts. (That said, some of my postings on politics develop temporary surges of interest, but none of them are so consistently popular as Dave, Bob, Clint, and Scott Moffatt seem to be.)
While trying to satisfy my own curiosity about this phenomenon, I discovered, as I've noted before, that Dave Moffatt lives in Winnipeg and he will be performing in a local theatre's production of Miss Saigon.
I also found out that he has posed for some rather provocative -- edgy yet artistic -- photographs by a Vancouver-based photographer who goes by the nom de Net "toxicboy." (He's also known by "Mikel.") A look at the photos on his site demonstrates that Toxicboy is extremely talented. He has a great eye for shadow and frame, and he has a unique approach to color (tint, hue, shading). He also works in black-and-white. While I recommend a viewing of Toxicboy's work, be forewarned: His photos are mostly nude and semi-nude males with an erotic destination. Whether that's his primary destination or not, Mikel/Toxicboy is going places.
And to think I never would have discovered all this without Dave Moffatt and his many fans.
More news: Metro, a free newspaper distributed to mass transit riders in Toronto, reported last Friday in an article about "Canadian Idol" auditions in Winnipeg:
Interesting tidbits: Dave Moffat, from the Moffats, made it to the celebrity round. His brothers - he's the middle triplet - are re-forming their band with an alt-rock vibe, but Dave wants a pop career, so he was in Winnipeg trying out. In other news, the Canadian Idol production crew has been spooked and creeped out while staying at the Fort Garry Hotel, which is said to be haunted.And in the "small world" department (understandable only to those who know Canadian history) the paper goes on to note:
A weird coincidence: Unbeknownst to each other, both the great-great-granddaughter of Louis Riel and the great-great-grandson of Riel's arresting officer turned out for auditions.
source: http://ricksincerethoughts.blogspot.com ... fatts.html
Hey ya quelque qui connait "THe Moffats"? Un groupe qui s'est séparé il y a quelques années? Un peu comme "Hanson"..? TOucas lol, Dave Moffat a été en audition et il l'a fait... tser a la fin Zack disait "Do you really want this Dave?" et lui ya dit: "Yes I want it!" et zack a dit: "Then do something!" Ben toucas c'etait lui lol
Citation :
Sunday, March 06, 2005
More on The Moffatts
Specifically, I have more news on Dave Moffatt.
Regular readers will remember my surprise at the popularity of my post about Folkskunde and The Moffatts -- Folkskunde being a band of young Charlottesville musicians, The Moffatts being a band made up of four Canadian brothers.
An astounding percentage of people who find this blog continue to do so while looking for news on Dave Moffatt and his brothers. It is still the single most popular search item leading to Rick Sincere News and Thoughts. (That said, some of my postings on politics develop temporary surges of interest, but none of them are so consistently popular as Dave, Bob, Clint, and Scott Moffatt seem to be.)
While trying to satisfy my own curiosity about this phenomenon, I discovered, as I've noted before, that Dave Moffatt lives in Winnipeg and he will be performing in a local theatre's production of Miss Saigon.
I also found out that he has posed for some rather provocative -- edgy yet artistic -- photographs by a Vancouver-based photographer who goes by the nom de Net "toxicboy." (He's also known by "Mikel.") A look at the photos on his site demonstrates that Toxicboy is extremely talented. He has a great eye for shadow and frame, and he has a unique approach to color (tint, hue, shading). He also works in black-and-white. While I recommend a viewing of Toxicboy's work, be forewarned: His photos are mostly nude and semi-nude males with an erotic destination. Whether that's his primary destination or not, Mikel/Toxicboy is going places.
And to think I never would have discovered all this without Dave Moffatt and his many fans.
More news: Metro, a free newspaper distributed to mass transit riders in Toronto, reported last Friday in an article about "Canadian Idol" auditions in Winnipeg:
Interesting tidbits: Dave Moffat, from the Moffats, made it to the celebrity round. His brothers - he's the middle triplet - are re-forming their band with an alt-rock vibe, but Dave wants a pop career, so he was in Winnipeg trying out. In other news, the Canadian Idol production crew has been spooked and creeped out while staying at the Fort Garry Hotel, which is said to be haunted.And in the "small world" department (understandable only to those who know Canadian history) the paper goes on to note:
A weird coincidence: Unbeknownst to each other, both the great-great-granddaughter of Louis Riel and the great-great-grandson of Riel's arresting officer turned out for auditions.
source: http://ricksincerethoughts.blogspot.com ... fatts.html
Dreamer a écritmerci felix, je savais presque tout ce qui était là... Je suis un peu surprise qu'ils l'ait laissé passer... un peu injuste pour les autres, non?
Il a plus d'expérience de la scène mais cela n'est pas le seul aspect à considérer pour percer l'écran de télévision et rejoindre un large auditoire. Il aura a faire ses preuves, sans avoir l'air trop au-dessus de la mêlée.
Il a plus d'expérience de la scène mais cela n'est pas le seul aspect à considérer pour percer l'écran de télévision et rejoindre un large auditoire. Il aura a faire ses preuves, sans avoir l'air trop au-dessus de la mêlée.