Jaydee Bixby

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Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Citation :Jaydee Bixby to release debut country album

Updated Fri. Jun. 6 2008 3:37 PM ET

Sheri Block, CTV.ca

Almost one year after being named runner-up on Canadian Idol, Jaydee Bixby is set to release his debut album.

"Cowboys and Cadillacs" will hit stores on July 8th and if you didn't know better, you'd swear it was being sung by a seasoned country music veteran, not a 17-year-old who isn't even old enough to get into the places he's been playing at.

But Bixby is no stranger to performing - not only did he have one heck of a run on Idol last summer - he has been singing live with his family's band since he's been 11-years-old.

"If I'm able to entertain a bunch of people who have been drinking all night it's a little easier than being on Canadian Idol," said Bixby, who recently made a stop in Toronto to promote his new album.

"I got to go (to the bars) when I was 11 and I got to have people hang off me and say, 'You're an amazing singer,' and (I could smell) everything they've been drinking or chewing or smoking or just everything on their breath, and my eyes are starting to water and I'm just like, 'Thanks very much.' I definitely learned a lot in those first few years playing with my parents in a band."

"Cowboys and Cadillacs" was recorded in Vancouver, BC and Bixby, an Alberta native, did an album true to his country roots. The title track alludes to the whirlwind ride he's enjoyed since Idol's season finale last fall.

"That's talking about before Idol, going onto Idol, after Idol, going to Vancouver and Toronto and stuff," said Bixby. "I was always a small town boy and it was just talking about a simple ease of living in the country and stuff. I had a horse when I was young and was just trying to put the saddle on and stuff and then you're working in the city but the country's still your home and life hasn't just been the same without 'Cowboys and Cadillacs.'"

The first single, "Old Fashioned Girl," talks about his love for girls with more conservative values.

"You know how you watch the rap videos and all the MuchMusic videos and they have girls dancing around half-naked and younger kids see that and they think 'well that's what I've got to do to be cool and be like the people on TV' (but) there's nothing more attractive than a girl who dresses down and doesn't let (everything) hang all out when she's going out, a genuine old-fashioned girl who likes her hair up in ponytails or something.

"I always heard if you can find a woman like your mother, you're good."

Bixby has co-writing credits on two of the tracks and is happy he was afforded the time to make the kind of record he wanted.

"I really wanted the album to represent me. When you do a really fast job on it, people will notice. If you take time to work on it and nurture it ... I wouldn't have let it go out unless I felt like this is how I want people to see me, this is how I want my career to start."

Bixby also recently shot his first video on a farm near Delta, BC.

"It was a new experience for me to be up on a hill, singing along to my song. I felt kind of silly because usually I'm performing with a guitar or something. I was standing on a hill and I didn't know what to do with my hands. All I could think of was Nelly Furtado in her video spinning around in circles and I was thinking, 'Oh, I hope I don't look like that,'" said Bixby with a laugh.  "She's Nelly Furtado, (but could you see) George Jones or Johnny Cash spinning around in a circle?"

Bixby has got a busy summer ahead of touring and promoting his new record and hopes this is just the beginning of a 60-year-long career in the music industry.

"Canadian Idol was amazing. It got me to where I am today. (But instead of) 'Jaydee from Canadian Idol,' I want to be known for 'Jaydee that has that song on the radio.'"

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Citation :Idol runner-up swings into town

Canadian Idol runner-up Jaydee Bixby visited Metalworks to talk to students about his experiences in the music industry.

By: Chris Clay

June 5, 2008 08:28 PM - For such a fresh-faced youngster, Jaydee Bixby's voice sure packs a powerful punch.

The 17-year-old, Drumheller, Alberta native was in Mississauga tonight to promote his upcoming debut album, Cowboys and Cadillacs. Bixby, who finished as the runner-up on the fifth season of Canadian Idol, also found time to swing by the Metalworks Institute of Sound & Music Production to speak with students about his new album, his time on the television show and just about any other question that popped into their heads.
And, the affable singer had the crowd laughing at every turn. Displaying a sharp wit and an aw-shucks, down-home charm, he performed three tracks off the new album, Old Fashioned Girl, Cowboys and Cadillacs and Boys in the Band.

The album's title track was actually written about the singer's experiences on Canadian Idol.

"It's about getting thrown into the big city; I had never been past Saskatchewan before," he said. "The whole experience was mind-blowing.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the show," he continued. "I figured I'd go out and sing and see what they said. What was the worst that could happen? And, I made it pretty far."

With his album set to release on July 8 through HRM Records/Fontana North, Bixby was philosophical.

"My Uncle Rocky and I worked together for a summer and we were building a house," he said. "It was hard work and gruelling but there was nothing like seeing the finished product at the end. Depending on how much effort you put in and how much wood you use, you either have a mansion or a shack. It's how I feel about the album and my career. They turned out just the way I want."
On the 12-track album, Bixby has co-writing credits on Love Is and Somewhere Tonight. Coming from a musical family, Bixby invited his mother and father to sing harmonies on the CD.
The album is distinctly country but Bixby cites as influence artists such as Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash and Little Richard. He also professes a deep admiration for music of the 1950s and 1960s.

"(When I was younger, we would) go the lake and my parents would put on some Johnny Cash and it was amazing," said Bixby. "I love the music they made. That music means more to me than anything out there today. Johnny Cash didn't auto-tune his voice."
For more information, visit www.jaydeebixby.com


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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 22573
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2004 12:00 am

Message par ImWyckA »

Ahhhhhh je l'attends avec impatience !!! ...

"Coybows and Cadillacs".... ouash
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Inscription : sam. oct. 08, 2005 3:00 am

Message par ~*Chris*~ »

J'aime bien sa chanson  Mieux que ses performance d'Idol mais ses pas la chanson qui va etre sur mon ipod...

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Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Ninty »

Ses tounes sont pas si pires, mais je le détestais tellement pendant Idol, que mon esprit est marqué à jamais pas sa médiocrité!  
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Message par TommyMtl »

vivement le 8 juillet !  
Plus la photo est vieille, et plus on a l'air jeune
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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Re: Jaydee Bixby

Message par LeoChris »

J'suis comme extrement en retard la mais bon :gla:


J'viens d'entendre pour la premiere fois la version studio de All I Ever Wanted par Jaydee ... (comment ca ce fait que c'est sorti sa ? Me semble que Craig a jamais sorti Meant To Fly / Mitch a jamais sorti Where We Begin) c'est sur que ca pas bas Brian, mais c'est comme ... pas affreusement mauvais :gla: :lol: :lol: :lol: J'me souvenais pas que Jaydee était aussi bon :gla:
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 22573
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Jaydee Bixby

Message par ImWyckA »

Je te renie, parle moi même pu :o
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Jaydee Bixby

Message par Ninty »

Y a surement eu un leak. Comme la version de Jacob de "Awake In A Dream".

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