Top 20, Part 2 (1 Juillet)
Adam: J'adore cette chanson la...Wyclef Jean
J'ai pas hais ca moi! J'ai pas trouver ca super non plus,mais loin d'être si pire que vous l'avez dit...
C'est tellement à côté de lui,de ce qu'on connait,c'est bcp ca que j'ai aimer! Y'é weird un brin,j'aime ca
Jessica: Elle chante la version que Mandy Moore a fait de la chanson!
Ben je suis désolé,mais c'est la seule fois que j'ai aimer Jessica! Et j'ai trouver la fin écoeurante
J'ai pas hais ca moi! J'ai pas trouver ca super non plus,mais loin d'être si pire que vous l'avez dit...
C'est tellement à côté de lui,de ce qu'on connait,c'est bcp ca que j'ai aimer! Y'é weird un brin,j'aime ca
Jessica: Elle chante la version que Mandy Moore a fait de la chanson!
Ben je suis désolé,mais c'est la seule fois que j'ai aimer Jessica! Et j'ai trouver la fin écoeurante
Jesse: Correct! La voix à lacher souvent...
Mais ce que j'aime de lui c'est que je trouve qu'il a de la présence sur scène!! Mais c'était une prestation 'Correct'!
Theo: Je capote pas sur lui comme vs autres! Il a une voix vraiment,mais vraiment très juste,mais il me fait pas tripper!
Et ses yeux tjs fermés quand il chante,ca m'énerve!
Mais je le tasse pas de ma liste tout de suite,car je l'aimais bcp en auditions!
Mais ce que j'aime de lui c'est que je trouve qu'il a de la présence sur scène!! Mais c'était une prestation 'Correct'!
Theo: Je capote pas sur lui comme vs autres! Il a une voix vraiment,mais vraiment très juste,mais il me fait pas tripper!
Et ses yeux tjs fermés quand il chante,ca m'énerve!
Mais je le tasse pas de ma liste tout de suite,car je l'aimais bcp en auditions!
Adam Castelli – Beurk ! Me souvenais pu à quel point y’é mauvais ! Il fausse, il se pense bin bon pis y m’énarve ! Next !!
Jessica Sheppard – Ce que je déteste cette horrible chanson poche qui m’énarve !!!!! Mais j’adore tellement Jessica, sa voix me fait capoter ! Mais je suis déçu qu’elle chante cette chanson là… Et je suis d’accord avec Farley… Avec la voix qu’elle a, elle devrait plus se laisser aller pour nous épater !
Jesse Cottam – Jessica aurait du chanter ça ! C’est comme MA chanson ! Le début est bon… mais dès que le refrain arrive ouash ! Aussitôt qu’il monte, sa voix devient trop aigue et fausse, c’est horriblement agressant ! Je le hais d’avoir chanté cette chanson… D’autres aurait fait tellement mieux
Theo Tams – Amberly est stickée sur sa guitare, pis lui y’é collé sur son piano ! Sinon, évidemment, il est super bon ! C’est de loin un des meilleurs de toute la compétition ! Cette chanson lui va comme un gant, j’adore !
Katelyn Dawn – J’adore Katelyn ! Je suis pas d’accord qu’elle n’a pas choisit une bonne chanson, j’ai trouvé ça parfait pour elle ! Sa voix est vraiment superbe !
Mitch McDonald – Il devrait laisser tomber ses lunettes plus souvent, il est bin plus beau comme ça ! Je l’aime de plus en plus lui, j’ai bien aimé le genre de cette performance et il a une superbe voix (je me souvenais que je ne l’aimais pas en auditions…) ! C’était une bonne performance !
Katherine St-Laurent – Oki elle je l’adore ! Elle me semble toute fragile et toute douce et en même temps, elle a une voix vraiment solide et épatante ! Et quelle puissance ! Elle sait c'est quoi sa force et elle sait s’en servir, j’adore ! Très bon choix !
Omar Lunan – J’aime bien cette chanson ! J’avais pas bien bien aimé Omar la semaine passée mais cette semaine, il est vraiment bon ! Il a fait un bon choix de chanson, parfait pour sa voix, beau style !
Earl Stevenson – Lui je l’aime pas ! Sa voix est si monotone et en plus il a choisit une chanson tellement… karaoké ! C’est vraiment mauvais… vraiment !
Oliver Pigott – Bon, son talent est enfin revenu ! J’aime vraiment cette performance et oui, malgré son horrible première performance, je le préfère tout de même à Sébastian car selon moi, cette performance est meilleure que ce que son frère a jamais fait sur le show…
01. Katherine
02. Theo
03. Jessica
04. Katelyn
05. Mitch
06. Oliver
07. Omar
08. Jesse
09. Adam
10. Earl
À part les trois derniers, c'était une très bonne soirée ! Adam et Earl doivent partir... ils sont juste trop mauvais !
Theo est définitivement le meilleur chez les gars !
Katherine m'impressionne vraiment toujours, je l'adore !
Jessica reste ma préférée, je suis juste déçu du choix de chanson mais à part ça, je continue de croire que c'est la meilleure !
Katelyn est un autre gros coup de coeur ! Mais je sens qu'Amberly risque de lui faire de l'ombre vu qu'elles ont pas mal le même style mais qu'Amberly est plus populaire... --Message edité par MickA le 2008-07-02 01:06:08--
Jessica Sheppard – Ce que je déteste cette horrible chanson poche qui m’énarve !!!!! Mais j’adore tellement Jessica, sa voix me fait capoter ! Mais je suis déçu qu’elle chante cette chanson là… Et je suis d’accord avec Farley… Avec la voix qu’elle a, elle devrait plus se laisser aller pour nous épater !
Jesse Cottam – Jessica aurait du chanter ça ! C’est comme MA chanson ! Le début est bon… mais dès que le refrain arrive ouash ! Aussitôt qu’il monte, sa voix devient trop aigue et fausse, c’est horriblement agressant ! Je le hais d’avoir chanté cette chanson… D’autres aurait fait tellement mieux
Theo Tams – Amberly est stickée sur sa guitare, pis lui y’é collé sur son piano ! Sinon, évidemment, il est super bon ! C’est de loin un des meilleurs de toute la compétition ! Cette chanson lui va comme un gant, j’adore !
Katelyn Dawn – J’adore Katelyn ! Je suis pas d’accord qu’elle n’a pas choisit une bonne chanson, j’ai trouvé ça parfait pour elle ! Sa voix est vraiment superbe !
Mitch McDonald – Il devrait laisser tomber ses lunettes plus souvent, il est bin plus beau comme ça ! Je l’aime de plus en plus lui, j’ai bien aimé le genre de cette performance et il a une superbe voix (je me souvenais que je ne l’aimais pas en auditions…) ! C’était une bonne performance !
Katherine St-Laurent – Oki elle je l’adore ! Elle me semble toute fragile et toute douce et en même temps, elle a une voix vraiment solide et épatante ! Et quelle puissance ! Elle sait c'est quoi sa force et elle sait s’en servir, j’adore ! Très bon choix !
Omar Lunan – J’aime bien cette chanson ! J’avais pas bien bien aimé Omar la semaine passée mais cette semaine, il est vraiment bon ! Il a fait un bon choix de chanson, parfait pour sa voix, beau style !
Earl Stevenson – Lui je l’aime pas ! Sa voix est si monotone et en plus il a choisit une chanson tellement… karaoké ! C’est vraiment mauvais… vraiment !
Oliver Pigott – Bon, son talent est enfin revenu ! J’aime vraiment cette performance et oui, malgré son horrible première performance, je le préfère tout de même à Sébastian car selon moi, cette performance est meilleure que ce que son frère a jamais fait sur le show…
01. Katherine
02. Theo
03. Jessica
04. Katelyn
05. Mitch
06. Oliver
07. Omar
08. Jesse
09. Adam
10. Earl
À part les trois derniers, c'était une très bonne soirée ! Adam et Earl doivent partir... ils sont juste trop mauvais !
Theo est définitivement le meilleur chez les gars !
Katherine m'impressionne vraiment toujours, je l'adore !
Jessica reste ma préférée, je suis juste déçu du choix de chanson mais à part ça, je continue de croire que c'est la meilleure !
Katelyn est un autre gros coup de coeur ! Mais je sens qu'Amberly risque de lui faire de l'ombre vu qu'elles ont pas mal le même style mais qu'Amberly est plus populaire... --Message edité par MickA le 2008-07-02 01:06:08--
Katherine: Je l'aimais pas la semaine passé,je l'aime pas plus cette semaine...Je la trouve vraiment poche!
Sa voix m'énerve comme pas possible! Et moi le christie de criage..... Je ne comprendrai jamais pkoi les filles doivent crier pour montrer quelles ont de la voix!
Omar: Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Enfin un peu de soul et de chaleur ds cette compétition! J'ai adorer ca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C'était si bien chanter,si bien sentie....
Sa voix m'énerve comme pas possible! Et moi le christie de criage..... Je ne comprendrai jamais pkoi les filles doivent crier pour montrer quelles ont de la voix!
Omar: Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Enfin un peu de soul et de chaleur ds cette compétition! J'ai adorer ca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C'était si bien chanter,si bien sentie....
Ninty a écrit
C'est juste drôle ça fait 2 semaine que t'aime pas les mêmes que la majorité.
Mais c'est bien comme ca on va pouvoir s'obstiner!
Je sais! Ca fait pas ca a AI,seulement a CI!
Et ca ne me dérange pas! J'ai pas envie de ne pas dire ma vraie opinion pour ne pas être différente! --Message edité par Zoukie le 2008-07-02 01:21:13--
C'est juste drôle ça fait 2 semaine que t'aime pas les mêmes que la majorité.
Mais c'est bien comme ca on va pouvoir s'obstiner!
Je sais! Ca fait pas ca a AI,seulement a CI!
Et ca ne me dérange pas! J'ai pas envie de ne pas dire ma vraie opinion pour ne pas être différente! --Message edité par Zoukie le 2008-07-02 01:21:13--
Earl: Ses cheveux sont dégueulasse!!!
Et je comprend pas trop ce que je vois et entend la...J'aime les choses weird,mais pas à ce point la!
Et aussi...Il a tu pointer la caméra durant sa toune!?
Les juges disent qu'il a un 'tone' unique! Il chante mal comme sept cul sti! --Message edité par Zoukie le 2008-07-02 01:24:27--
Et je comprend pas trop ce que je vois et entend la...J'aime les choses weird,mais pas à ce point la!
Et aussi...Il a tu pointer la caméra durant sa toune!?
Les juges disent qu'il a un 'tone' unique! Il chante mal comme sept cul sti! --Message edité par Zoukie le 2008-07-02 01:24:27--
Zoukie a écritKatherine: Je l'aimais pas la semaine passé,je l'aime pas plus cette semaine...Je la trouve vraiment poche!
Sa voix m'énerve comme pas possible! Et moi le christie de criage..... Je ne comprendrai jamais pkoi les filles doivent crier pour montrer quelles ont de la voix!
MERCIIIIII, merciiiiii, je ne suis pas le seul à la trouver poche !! Elle est plaaaaate, pas originale pantoute, pis son accent m'énerve quand elle chante ...
Sa voix m'énerve comme pas possible! Et moi le christie de criage..... Je ne comprendrai jamais pkoi les filles doivent crier pour montrer quelles ont de la voix!
MERCIIIIII, merciiiiii, je ne suis pas le seul à la trouver poche !! Elle est plaaaaate, pas originale pantoute, pis son accent m'énerve quand elle chante ...
Citation :Canadian Idol: The top 20 Perform Part II
Posted: July 02, 2008, 11:00 AM by Sarah Millar
Television, Canadian Idol
Happy Canada Day! I'm a little disappointed no one was decked out in white and red Tuesday night (I'm looking at you Farley). But at least Ben remembered to put on his shirt over his t-shirt, which is more than we can say for Monday's show. Also, where is Jully Black? She kind of disappeared. Is she waiting until the top 10 to reppear and mentor the contestants? Or is she done? I guess only time will tell. Anyways, on with the show...
Kicking off the show this week was Adam Castelli singing Gone Til November. I agree with the judges it wasn't his best performance, but I don't think it was his worst either. I thought he blended his singing with his guitar playing very well, and it was nice to see him dabble into another genre. I do agree with Farley that Adam should have taken more license with the song and made it a little more melodic to show off his singing abilities.
Jessica Sheppard was up next singing the Mandy Moore version of Umbrella. More and more she is reminding me of Kelly Clarkson: both in the way she looks and the way she sings. I liked that she did this version, because it's slower and able to show off her vocals. The judges didn't like it very much, saying they had seen better from her. I thought she did well, partly because it was a power ballad which seems to be what she excells in.
In memory of his Uncle Rocky who died of brain cancer, Jesse Cottam sang Iris. It was a decent performance, however I feel like he lacked the emotional intensity of the song. Especially since it was for someone who meant something to him. The judges pretty much agreed, with Jake pointing out he needs to stop looking down so much when he sings because it comes across as not being confident in what he's doing.
Wow, I just realized this was the best night of performances last week. Right now, we're three people in and they've all tanked. Ouch. Maybe Theo's performance of Collide can change it all around. And did it ever. Theo is so magnetic, so confident in what he does. Honestly, he could sit at that piano and sing me my ABC's and I would still want to watch it and be moved. He's really winning me over, I almost want to change my pick from Omar to him. The judges also loved it, with Sass saying he doesn't need any advice because he's got it all down.
Next up was Katelyn Dawn singing She Talks to Angels. It was an interesting song choice, but I don't think it paid off for her. While her voice sounded great, she just didn't convey any emotion in what she was singing about. The judges agreed, telling her she needs to learn how to choose a song that suits the way she sings.
Oh look its promotional time with Pantene ProV (wait - is that why I bought some of that recently? Is Idol's product placement actually working????)
Wow, I almost didn't recognize Mitch without his glasses. He did I'm Yours, which I had never heard before, but his performance of it was just so much fun, I actually really began to like this song. It was very entertaining. The judges also liked it, with Zack calling it very Paul Simonish which, he says, is the highest compliment he can give (really? You mean from one hetero man to another that turned me on is not your highest compliment Mr. Werner?)
Katherine St-Laurent was up next singing The First Cut is the Deepest. I thought she did a decent job, and I still cannot believe she's so young: she looks, and sounds, so much more mature. For a song that's been done so many times, I think she was able to take it and make it her own. The judges were mixed in their reviews, but most didn't think it was the best job she had ever done.
Omar was up next. He did a killer version of Ain't No Sunshine. I liked how he updated it a bit, and how he showed his range on the "I know, I know.." part.I also thought Omar made great use of the stage, starting with his back up singers and then moving downstage. For the most part, the judges liked it, though Zack suggested he start singing stuff that would appear on his album if he were to win this thing.
Then we had Earl Stevenson doing Something to Talk About. At first I was a little concerned, but Earl totally won me over. Much like Mookie, Earl is a performer; you can't help but watch him. He made the song his own, and it was fun. I still don't think he could win this thing, but at least he's having fun. His energy is contagious. The judges loved it.
Finally, there was Oliver. Oliver sang Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word and ... I actually didn't mind it. His voice still drives me nuts, but I thought it was a decent performance. I think I like Oliver better than Sebastian, only because Oliver can calm himself down and perform. I also think he can sing a little better, which from what I recall, is what the judges thought in the boys' first auditions. And the judges, predictably, loved it.
Two to go home:
I'm going to have to say Jesse and Katelyn Dawn, as much as I like them both, I just don't think they really gave it their all this week. What about you? What do you think? Who did you like? Who did you vote for? We'll see you after the results show on Wednesday at 7:30!
source: ... rt-ii.aspx
Posted: July 02, 2008, 11:00 AM by Sarah Millar
Television, Canadian Idol
Happy Canada Day! I'm a little disappointed no one was decked out in white and red Tuesday night (I'm looking at you Farley). But at least Ben remembered to put on his shirt over his t-shirt, which is more than we can say for Monday's show. Also, where is Jully Black? She kind of disappeared. Is she waiting until the top 10 to reppear and mentor the contestants? Or is she done? I guess only time will tell. Anyways, on with the show...
Kicking off the show this week was Adam Castelli singing Gone Til November. I agree with the judges it wasn't his best performance, but I don't think it was his worst either. I thought he blended his singing with his guitar playing very well, and it was nice to see him dabble into another genre. I do agree with Farley that Adam should have taken more license with the song and made it a little more melodic to show off his singing abilities.
Jessica Sheppard was up next singing the Mandy Moore version of Umbrella. More and more she is reminding me of Kelly Clarkson: both in the way she looks and the way she sings. I liked that she did this version, because it's slower and able to show off her vocals. The judges didn't like it very much, saying they had seen better from her. I thought she did well, partly because it was a power ballad which seems to be what she excells in.
In memory of his Uncle Rocky who died of brain cancer, Jesse Cottam sang Iris. It was a decent performance, however I feel like he lacked the emotional intensity of the song. Especially since it was for someone who meant something to him. The judges pretty much agreed, with Jake pointing out he needs to stop looking down so much when he sings because it comes across as not being confident in what he's doing.
Wow, I just realized this was the best night of performances last week. Right now, we're three people in and they've all tanked. Ouch. Maybe Theo's performance of Collide can change it all around. And did it ever. Theo is so magnetic, so confident in what he does. Honestly, he could sit at that piano and sing me my ABC's and I would still want to watch it and be moved. He's really winning me over, I almost want to change my pick from Omar to him. The judges also loved it, with Sass saying he doesn't need any advice because he's got it all down.
Next up was Katelyn Dawn singing She Talks to Angels. It was an interesting song choice, but I don't think it paid off for her. While her voice sounded great, she just didn't convey any emotion in what she was singing about. The judges agreed, telling her she needs to learn how to choose a song that suits the way she sings.
Oh look its promotional time with Pantene ProV (wait - is that why I bought some of that recently? Is Idol's product placement actually working????)
Wow, I almost didn't recognize Mitch without his glasses. He did I'm Yours, which I had never heard before, but his performance of it was just so much fun, I actually really began to like this song. It was very entertaining. The judges also liked it, with Zack calling it very Paul Simonish which, he says, is the highest compliment he can give (really? You mean from one hetero man to another that turned me on is not your highest compliment Mr. Werner?)
Katherine St-Laurent was up next singing The First Cut is the Deepest. I thought she did a decent job, and I still cannot believe she's so young: she looks, and sounds, so much more mature. For a song that's been done so many times, I think she was able to take it and make it her own. The judges were mixed in their reviews, but most didn't think it was the best job she had ever done.
Omar was up next. He did a killer version of Ain't No Sunshine. I liked how he updated it a bit, and how he showed his range on the "I know, I know.." part.I also thought Omar made great use of the stage, starting with his back up singers and then moving downstage. For the most part, the judges liked it, though Zack suggested he start singing stuff that would appear on his album if he were to win this thing.
Then we had Earl Stevenson doing Something to Talk About. At first I was a little concerned, but Earl totally won me over. Much like Mookie, Earl is a performer; you can't help but watch him. He made the song his own, and it was fun. I still don't think he could win this thing, but at least he's having fun. His energy is contagious. The judges loved it.
Finally, there was Oliver. Oliver sang Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word and ... I actually didn't mind it. His voice still drives me nuts, but I thought it was a decent performance. I think I like Oliver better than Sebastian, only because Oliver can calm himself down and perform. I also think he can sing a little better, which from what I recall, is what the judges thought in the boys' first auditions. And the judges, predictably, loved it.
Two to go home:
I'm going to have to say Jesse and Katelyn Dawn, as much as I like them both, I just don't think they really gave it their all this week. What about you? What do you think? Who did you like? Who did you vote for? We'll see you after the results show on Wednesday at 7:30!
source: ... rt-ii.aspx