Soirée des résultats du top8- 12 avril

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Pour vous aider à patienter, lire ce petit article...

Citation :American Idol: Ace Young, Bucky Covington strong likelihood of being voted off April 12

With an 81% accuracy rate throughout 16 elimination rounds, The Dial Idol busy signal rating has been a solid performer throughout the season.

How does this work?  By measuring each Idol's voting line for busy signals, the idea is that the more busy signals, the more votes a particular idol is getting.  Dial Idol than tallies up to see which contenders are most likely to be safe for the week.

This time around, Dial Idol has Bucky Covington and Ace Young nearly dead even in the number of votes (or lack thereof).

Based on the Dial Idol tallies, both Katharine McPhee and Chris Daughtry are not too far ahead of Covington or Young, though they both share a decent enough cushion.

It would actually be shocking to find Chris Daughtry appear among the bottom three, but this could very well happen.

The results have Taylor Hicks, Kellie Pickler and Paris Bennett way ahead of the remaining group (Taylor getting the most votes).  Yamin sits in the middle.

Prior to Tuesday's night's performances, none of which were standout for a third week straight, Taylor Hicks paid out $300 for every $100 bet; Kellie Pickler paid out $600 for every $100 bet and Paris Bennett paid $1800 for every $100 bet - not too shabby.  Daughtry was the near even odds paying favorite entering into this week's competition.

Judge Simon Cowell didn't seem to like anybody this week, though he felt Katharine McPhee "almost pulled it off" and Kellie Pickler was a "very brave girl".

"On paper it (her performance) should have been completely hideous," Cowell stated, making reference to her cover of the great Queen song, Bohemian Rhapsody.  "I think it worked."

Of course Kellie Pickler had no idea what the term "on paper" meant.

Covington's performance of "Fat Bottomed Girls" was actually not all the bad and somewhat energetic.  This probably means that Ace Young (with elimination odds around 3 to 1 at online sportsbooks like (See Web Site Here) will probably be sent home packing Wednesday night.  Young performed a sloppy rendition of "We are the Champions".

Daughtry's performance of "Innuendo" was one of the best, which makes it surprising that Dial Idol has him with so few votes. McPhee's peformance likewise was solid.

Elliott Yamin's vocals were quite good and his performance favorable considering he selected one of Queen's toughest songs, "Somebody to Love".  The problem with Elliott is his inability to do much beyond vocals.  He almost looks in pain at time performing and this is something that cannot continue.  He needs to work on improving his moves and stage presence.

I agree with Simon Cowell about Taylor Hicks.  Whereas Yamin seems stiff, Hicks often looks like he's having convulsions.  Simon asked if he "were drunk" and - yeah - Taylor looked as though he very well could be.  Taylor is entertaining.  No doubt about that.  American seems to think so as well.  He is in no danger of being voted off this week.

Paris Bennett's performance I found to be among the best personally.  She dramatically changed her appearance for "The Show Must Go On".  And this was one performance that really had some moments.  Had Paris been even half as good as she was at the very end of this song throughout, this would have been her shining moment.

So here is the real question going into Wednesday's show: Can Bucky Covington win American Idol with odds that pay around $10,000 for every $100 bet at many online gambling web sites? thinks he will be sticking around after this week.

All the gambling sites seem to think that the odds are against Bucky Convington this week. However, they might want to rerun their numbers after Bucky’s performance of QUEEN’s “Fat Bottomed Girls.” With one performance, Bucky has gone from most likely to be going home next to being a possible darkhorse in the competition. Not many gave Bucky a chance at lasting as long as he has, but now Bucky seems to be peaking at exactly the right time in the competition.

Yeah, he's starting to grow on us a little bit too.


Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Un autre en attendant...

Citation :You can sell a house or buy a Paris Hilton Garbage Pail Kids card on eBay — and now you can find out who's going to win "American Idol."

OK, so it's not foolproof, but the auction site seems to have found a semi-accurate

<A TARGET="_new" HREF="| ... rive"><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0></A>


Like (see " 'Idol' Tries To Disconnect Speed-Dial Predictions Site"), eBay not only predicted Mandisa's departure last week, but the entire bottom three.

Using their eBay Marketplace Research program, the company discovered fewer than 10 Mandisa-related items had sold over the past month, compared to hundreds of items related to other singers.

"We thought it'd be interesting to see if there was any correlation between what people were voting for on 'American Idol' and what they were buying on eBay," eBay spokesperson Dean Jutilla explained. "And what we found was that they directly mirrored each other."

Well, not exactly (eBay had Elliott Yamin's and Paris Bennett's positions in the bottom three flopped), but it's fascinating nonetheless.
'Idol' Season Five Performances

 Photos Of The 12 Finalists

According to eBay's figures, Taylor Hicks has a strong lead, with 388 items sold, followed by Chris Daughtry (309), Ace Young (224), Kellie Pickler (120), Katharine McPhee (80), Bucky Covington (73), Yamin (23) and Bennett (10). The items range from pre-"Idol" CDs (for Hicks and some of the others) to a variety of homemade T-shirts, pins and even earrings.

"As eBay has gone more mainstream, with hundreds of millions of users, it's become a real barometer of what's in the pop culture," Jutilla said. "It's like a little stock market, and we're seeing that with 'Idol' right now. Taylor's stock is really high now, but Katharine may have a really good performance and get more investors next week. You see the market fluctuate."

EBay Marketplace Research was designed to help businesses and also spits out average selling prices (Taylor is tops again with $19.70), but "Idol" fans are welcome to join the $25-a-month subscrïption service.

And, of course, research is available far beyond "Idol." For instance, after Sunday's Masters golf tournament, eBay sold more than four times the usual Phil Mickelson items, and although he lost, Tiger Woods items still doubled.

After calculating the "Idol" contestant numbers, eBay also tested the popularity of host Ryan Seacrest and the judges. Simon Cowell was at the top with 75 items, followed by Paula Abdul (42), Seacrest (18) and Randy Jackson (six).

Jutilla's not ready to place bets on Hicks just yet, but he'll be watching the sales figures closely.

"The question, I guess, is: Is America looking for a whole marketing package?" he said. "I think Americans want to be a part of someone's career early on. They want to get in on the ground floor, so to speak, thinking they are going to make it big. And that's what these sales represent."

Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.

— Corey Moss

source: ... lines=true

Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Citation :April 11, 2006
Is Katharine McPhee Conceited?

Katharine_amazingA misunderstood statement by Katharine McPhee during the American Idol QUEEN performance show has some American Idol fans accusing her of being conceited.  The incident occurred after Katharine’s performance of “Who Wants To Live Forever.”  While Simon Cowell was praising Katharine, he told her, “You owe a big kiss to the director and the lighting director there because they made you look amazing.”

After Simon made his comments, many fans heard Katharine respond with something along the lines of “I know, I do” and interpreted this to mean that Katharine was agreeing with Simon Cowell that she looked amazing.  After receiving some emails pointing to Katharine’s alleged conceited moment, Reality TV Magazine reviewed a tape of the show to see exactly what Katharine McPhee said.

Katharine’s actual entire response was “Thank you, I know, I do, thank you guys.”  Katharine also turned away from the judges and appeared to be looking toward the directors when she gave her response.  The fact that Katharine was looking toward the directors and also said “thank you guys” indicates that she was not being conceited and agreeing with Simon’s comments about looking amazing.  Katharine was actually acknowledging and thanking the directors for doing a great job.  

source: ... ne_mc.html

Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Citation :Country girl rises to Queen challenge
Kellie Pickler was a bright spot in a camp-filled American Idol Queen tribute.
Miami Herald

s this the real life?/ Is this just fantasy?

-- Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen (1975).

On Tuesday's American Idol Queen Night, Kellie Pickler, the 19-year-old country girl from Albemarle, N.C., picked the ornate pop-rocker Bohemian Rhapsody. Bucky Covington, a country boy also from North Carolina, attempted the anthemic Fat Bottomed Girls. The wispy-voiced Ace Young chose the stomping rocker We Will Rock You.

Somewhere, Queen's late singer Freddie Mercury was laughing his bony behind off. Queen's complex music is not your usual Idol fare. Several of the performers made it even more of a challenge by choosing songs that didn't obviously match their vocal styles. But knowing the flamboyant Mercury, he was probably loving the sheer camp of it all.

Kellie's take on Bohemian Rhapsody would fit his sense of humor. The bubbleheaded girl who couldn't pronounce "salmon" until Idol whisked her out of the sticks, chose a song with lyrics like "Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the fandango."

Sheer genius.

Wisely, Kellie, wearing Olivia Newton-John's Totally Hot-era black leather, avoided the operatic, tongue-twisting portions of the song, choosing instead the opening ballad and the hard-rocking coda. It worked. Kellie's was the night's most entertaining performance.

Paris Bennett picked Queen's most dramatic song, The Show Must Go On. While it wasn't quite as wonderful as I hoped, the show will go on for this talented ball of energy for at least another week.

Song choice hampered the others -- but not always in the way one would think.

Katharine McPhee and Taylor Hicks both changed their minds in the song selection process. Katharine was to do the rocker Don't Stop Me Now; that would have taken the ballad singer out of her comfort zone. Instead, she opted for the grandiose ballad Who Wants to Live Forever and attempted to marry Celine Dion with Queen with ghastly results. Katharine can only sing softly. When she aims for gusto, she screams.

The spastic Taylor ditched We Are the Champions for the rockabilly Crazy Little Thing Called Love, because he said it would allow him to dance. But he put so much effort in trying not to fall off the stage, he forgot to sing in tune.

Chris Daughtry earns points for selecting the obscure Innuendo. He certainly had the most credible, resonant vocal. However, boiling down that intricate seven-minute epic into 90 seconds was misguided.

Judge Paula Abdul's gushing comment afterward and Ace's feeble We Will Rock You both brought to mind another Queen lyric: "You're simply not in the pink my dear / To be honest you haven't got a clue."

Paula credited Chris for singing a song Queen never performed live, alluding that Queen may have been afraid to tackle such a difficult number. Fact is, Queen never performed the 1991 track because its frontman died soon after its release.

As for the feckless Ace, he offered the nursery school of rock version of We Will Rock You, ensuring he bites the dust tonight when he's sent home.

source: ... 324762.htm

--Message edité par felix le 2006-04-12 20:24:12--

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

Umm je savais pas que c'était 1 heure Pis j'écoutais TAR ... Katherine's safe ... but who else ?
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

LeoChris  a écritUmm je savais pas que c'était 1 heure Pis j'écoutais TAR ... Katherine's safe ... but who else ?

Oubliez ça Thanks Ryan  
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12238
Inscription : sam. juil. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Whenever »

Elliott bottom 3... C'est poche

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

Ace bottom 3 .. Bon ben si on moins on pourrait se débarasser de Bucky sa se serait pas pir ... Même Eliott, sa me dérangerais pas
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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 26673
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Zoukie »

Alors ouiiiii!

J'en veux une caisse de Ace en camisole svppppppp!!!!  
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

Taylor était pas safe ? En tout cas ... je l'aime pas trop faque anyways ...
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

LeoChris  a écritTaylor était pas safe ? En tout cas ... je l'aime pas trop faque anyways ...

S'cuser j'était a l'autre poste   ( CTV a 30 mins de retard sur FOX ... )      
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 22689
Inscription : ven. janv. 09, 2004 1:00 am

Message par William »

Zoukie  a écritAlors ouiiiii!

J'en veux une caisse de Ace en camisole svppppppp!!!!    


Puisque les choses sont ainsi, je prétends moi aussi avoir mon franc parler, et, à l'exception des choses et des personnes auxquelles je dois respect, je dirai mon avis sur le reste.
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Pacm »

Bucky méritait tellement pas de partir cette semaine
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

Beuhbye Bucky ... bon astheure time for Unan!mous ... --Message edité par leochris le 2006-04-12 21:31:49--
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Ninty »

Yes Bucky out!!!!    
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 4074
Inscription : lun. oct. 03, 2005 12:00 am

Message par gaby »





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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 2152
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par edna »

J'ai pas pu écouter l'émission ce soir...

Par ce que je peux lire're FIRED!  

Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3641
Inscription : ven. avr. 04, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Éolianne »

Lorsqu'ils chantent le lendemain du vote, les participants n'ont généralement plus rien à perdre et ils chantent, ça vient du coeur. Elliot était vraiment écoeurant ce soir, ben meilleur qu'hier. J'ai été épatée!
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6085
Inscription : mar. août 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par SilverWings »

Ouais!!    J'suis désolée pour les fans de Bucky, mais j'suis contente de l'voir ne m'accrochait pas du tout, quoi que hier soir, je trouvais qu'il avait bien fait. Maintenant, débarrassez-moi de Pickler et je serai aux anges     nah..j'suis pas méchante comme ça, voyons don!!  

J'suis contente par contre qu'Elliot n'est pas été éliminé..j'aimerais bien le voir, lui et Chris près de la finale..ou en final, pourquoi pas!

Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

J'ai trouvé excellente la prestation d'Elliott et d'Ace hier soir...beaucoup plus convaicante et dynamique....bravo à tous deux....aurevoir Bucky, top8 c'était tout de même un bon résultat pour aura une carrière locale intéressante j'imagine.
