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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7018
Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

~*Chris*~  a écritIl a ete sur ellen quand?

Wednesday, May 28
Mike & Juliet - Fox
Ellen - NBC
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Intronisé au Panthéon
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Inscription : sam. oct. 08, 2005 3:00 am

Message par ~*Chris*~ »

Merci, je vais le regarder en revennant de l'ecole Mercredi

Hier, il etais sur CNN
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Manitou de la Parlotte
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Inscription : sam. janv. 15, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Yo_girl_36 »

Un ptit salut de l^Espagne tout le monde!!!

Je suis BIEN contente de voir que Cookie a gagné over the Archuleter!

Vous vous rendez compte que je ne sais rien!?1 moi qui a de la misère à attendre pour un spoiler de chansons, je ne sais même pas quelles tounes il a chanté, s^il s^est planté, les commentaires des juges, etc. !

Jai bien hâte de voir les shows pour voir toutes ses performances et celles de groupes. Ca me fait chier davoir manqué les deux dernières semaines lol... les deux meilleures!

Bon ben @+
I^ll be back for the next season for sure !!!
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7018
Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 28442
Inscription : ven. avr. 21, 2006 12:00 am

Message par Pepsi »

J'aime pas ces photos là Je trouve que ça fait trop "vedette" justement Ce qu ej'aimais de David c'est sa simplicité, j'espère que sa va demeurer!
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7018
Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

Pepsi  a écritJ'aime pas ces photos là Je trouve que ça fait trop "vedette" justement Ce qu ej'aimais de David c'est sa simplicité, j'espère que sa va demeurer!

Moi aussi je l'espère
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Ninty »

Idol est fini, David est maintenant une rock star. Il est obligé d'avoir une ptite attitude.
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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »


David Cook says 'thanks' to hometown fans

By Stephanie Boothe
GateHouse News Service
Posted May 24, 2008 @ 04:59 PM

Belton, Mo. — David Cook may be the most famous person ever from Blue Springs, Mo. And now that the guy who had hopes of his high school band making it big is the newest "American Idol," he's being followed by paparazzi and doing a media blitz as the 2008 champion.

But he didn't forget about his hometown fans, the ones he says got him where he is. The Examiner had 10 minutes via phone to ask him about his experiences and how growing up in Blue Springs prepared him for stardom.

Q: What is your fondest memory of growing up in Blue Springs?

A: Wow. There's a lot to pick from. I loved playing baseball in the summer. Playing in the Blue Springs Little League was always a lot of fun.

Q: Will you get to come home anytime soon, or will you be kind of on a non-stop schedule with "Idol?"

A: Well, I can only assume a non-stop schedule, but worst-case scenario, I'll get to come home for a few days in August for the tour. But I'm hoping to maybe snag a couple of days to, you know, breathe and kind of sit down and wrap my head around what just happened.

Q: What have the last couple of days been like for you?

A: A whirlwind for starters. A lot of press and just kind of gearing up to promote the tour that's coming. I have a single out on iTunes. So far that's been doing very, very well. And then just start working on a record, which is kind of the whole purpose of this anyway.

Q: Will you get to put any of your original songs that you have written before on this album? Do you know yet?

A: I'm hoping so. If it works, trying to get all that mapped out, but hopefully. Hopefully, yeah. I'm just looking forward to being able to put out an album that I'm proud of.

Q: Back when you were playing with Axium, I think it was back in 2004 when we had The X, you told us that you wanted to make it big in the music industry. Were you expecting something of this magnitude?

A: Expecting, no. But hoping for, absolutely. I'll be the first person to admit this is the last avenue that I thought I was going to take to make it. And not in reference to any sort of negative stigma with the show. I never could have fathomed this was going to be my path. I just want to make music that means something. That's my goal.

Q: There were watch parties everywhere in Kansas City. Your mom's neighbor had them. They had them in Blue Springs. Were you aware of everything that was happening back here, all of the support that people were generating for you?

A: That's the feeling I got, and then I came home and I saw all of it, and I was just, I was very moved by it. You know I was just glad that everybody showed so much support around me to be put in a position to win this thing. I've said all along this title isn't a tribute to me. This is a tribute to everybody who took time out of their lives to vote. It's unreal.

Q: I saw on one of your forums that someone had voted for you 10,000 times before the final three. Did you ever think growing up in the Midwest, coming from Blue Springs, that you would have that kind of impact on people you've never even met?

A: No. I never even sold that many records before the show. That's the amazing thing about the show, it's such an avenue. It's such an opportunity. To hear those kinds of stories is extremely flattering and kind of mind boggling that somebody would text message or call in 10,000 times in four hours. I hope they didn't mess up their phone.

Q: I want to take you back to the sixth grade. You toured The Examiner with nine of your classmates. Do you remember coming to The Examiner and writing that story that came out the next day?

A: I do actually. I remember there was a photo of us huddled around an editor's desk. So yeah, I do. I have a vivid memory of that.

Q: Are there any messages that you want to deliver to your fans back here?

A: I'm humbled and extremely moved by just their support. To start at point A and to be here. This is awesome. .... I can't wait to come home and give them a proper "thank you." Hopefully those two nights at the Sprint Center will get something running. I have a feeling, in exchange, the next couple of years of my life I'm going to be busting a hump to make sure everybody understands that I appreciate it.

Q: You said on "American Idol's" Web site that your dream performance venue was the Sprint Center. Now you get two days there. How does that feel?

A: It's kind of a trip. And to think that I get to play last. It's going to be me and nine of some of my best friends. I couldn't have asked for a better scenario. I couldn't write a better scrïpt.

Q: Do you think your training and performances in theater at Blue Springs South helped you prepare for the "Idol" experience in any way?

A: I think absolutely. To take the opportunity to perform in front of people is going to help especially if it's the life's path that you want to take. But yeah, you know I spent time performing in high school. And then performing with Axium and Midwest Kings I think definitely helped me coming into this because it helped me understand how to operate within such an odd realm.

Q: Have you done any searches on eBay or Google and seen that your Axium CD, or even your last solo CD, sold for hundreds of dollars? Is that kind of a surreal feeling for you?

A: Yeah, if I had known they were going to be able to sell for that much, I would have started doing it before the show. I'm very, very flattered by that. That's what this show is. It's an awesome, awesome springboard. I can't wait to show people what I can do next.

Q: How does a guy from Blue Springs, Mo., who, you know, went to school to be a graphic designer, trying to make it on his own in the music industry, how do you go from kind of being known in your hometown to having paparazzi following you? How do you handle the celebrity status that comes along with all of this?

That's the tough part. That's another thing about "Idol" is they put a great support team around all of us to kind of help us because there's no school for this.

Coming into this, it's very much a 0-to-60 scenario. But I handle it just like I've handled everything else. You just kind of reach into the bag of ideals that got you to this point. For me growing up in such a grounded base - Blue Springs - was definitely a foundation. I feel like I've managed to maintain a sense of self, which has proven to be really helpful.

Q: Simon said early in the season that you lacked charisma when you said you were a word nerd, and he really didn't take kindly to your reply. Looking back, how did that moment on the show affect you, and how did feel when your fans rallied around you and started calling themselves the "Word Nerds?"

A: Well, you know, any time anybody's going to rally up behind me, I certainly appreciate it. That moment, for me, I learned from that that it's probably better to keep your mouth shut and your head down. The outpouring of support off that and everything thereafter. You know I've been asked a few times if there's anything I would change, and looking back I don't think there is. That moment, and really all the moments where I kind of stumbled, I learned from them, and they were great experiences. And I'm here just as much because of that as because of, you know, "Billie Jean" and "Hello."

Q: Well, David, thank you so much for your time. I know our readers are going to really appreciate the chance to hear you tell your story in your own words, and we're all so proud of you here.

A: Ah, thank you so much. I can't wait to come home and say "thank you" everybody. ... etown-fans

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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »


Grading the iTunes Hits: David Cook, Rihanna, Coldplay
Posted by Tom Breihan at 2:51 PM, May 23, 2008

David Cook: "Time of My Life."

This is the song that won the annual American Idol songwriters' contest, and it's exactly the sort of overblown treacly silliness that always wins that thing. None of these songs are ever any good, and "Time of My Life" abuses nonsensical Hallmark-card cliches particularly vigorously. Cook actually has to sell a line about "looking for that magic rainbow on the horizon." Seriously, who, in 2008, sits down with a piece of paper and a pen and comes up with "magic rainbow"? And how does that song then go on to win a contest of any kind? The assembly line exists for a reason. The song is concerns the nebulous concept of living life to the fullest or whatever, just like all the rest of them, and so Cook gets to promise us that he'll "taste every moment and live it out loud," which is, at best, a mixed metaphor. The good news is that Cook's elegantly grizzled growl is uniquely suited toward making a mess like this work. He's shameless enough to treat a nothing like this like it was "Everybody Hurts," and the way he builds from the gurgley snarls on the intro to a big drawn-out lung-busting note at the end shows that he's already a pro. And the song's construction is time-tested big-payoff power-ballad; I especially like the backing-vocal ahh-ahhs on the chorus. That Cook can make anything of this song is a minor miracle, and it bodes well for what might happen if Clive Davis starts throwing actual good songs his way. This mess immediately shot to #1 on iTunes pretty much the minute it was released.


Et non seulement "Time of My Life" était #1 dès la sortie jeudi matin, mais "I Still Haven't Find What I'm Looking For" (AI Performance) et non "Studio Version" était #2, "Dream Big" (AI Performance) était #3 et "The World I Know" (AI Performance) était #4 !!!  Wowww, faut le faire, quand même !!!  Quel artiste a déjà eu 4 chansons en même temps dans les 4 premières positions  sur le top chart "iTunes", dépassant même «Rihanna & Madonna» qui semblaient indolégeables ???  Et par surcroît, 3 chansons qui ne sont même pas des "single", mais uniquement des performances incomplètes "live" et à AI en plus !!!

Et comme si ce n'était pas assez, dès jeudi matin aussi, ces 4 vidéos plus celui avec «Archie» de la chanson "Hero" se retrouvaient également sur "iTunes" dans le Top 10 des vidéos les plus vendus !!!  Donc 5 vidéos sur 10 !!!  Méchante moyenne !!!

C'est certain que ça bouge très rapidement dans le "top chart" sur "iTunes", mais les 4 chansons sont toujours restées dans le "top 10" depuis, avec toujours à son #1 "Time of My Life" et je viens juste, à l'instant de vérifier enccre sur "iTunes" et "I Still Haven't Find What I'm Looking For" est désormais #4, "Dream Big" #6 et "The World I Know" #10 !!!  Et pour les vidéos, il y en a toujours 3, soit en 2e, 3e & 10e !!!

Bref, ça fait des semaines que je dis que ce gars là était déjà rendue une "Super Rock Star" avant même la fin de AI et qu'il était même trop gros pour AI, complètement dans une ligue à part et qu'il allait devenir très BIG après, mais certains semblaient croire que j'étais un peu trop fanatique ou parlait à travers mon chapeau !!!  Voilà, je pense que ces quelques chiffres prouvent mes dires !!!

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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »


David Cook talks about his 'American Idol' seventh-season win

By Christopher Rocchio, 05/23/2008

David Cook never thought he'd make it past his impromptu American Idol audition last summer, never mind defeat David Archuleta to take home the seventh-season title.

"I just figured I'd go in, sing a song and they'd say I wasn't what they were looking for. I'd go back to Tulsa to work on my record some more," Cook told reporters during a Friday conference call. "Apparently, somebody had another plan."

Apparently indeed. The 25-year-old Blue Spings, MO native won Idol's seventh-season after "97 and a half million" home viewer votes were cast immediately following Tuesday night's live performance broadcast that saw Archuleta and Cook each sing three songs.

Cook defeated Archuleta, a 17-year-old from Murray, UT, by a 56% to 44% home viewer voting margin, or roughly 12 million votes.

"I think that number is actually really misleading," Cook told reporters about his margin of victory. "Obviously within the bubble of Idol, it's hard to kind of get a vibe for what's going on. But I definitely thought [Archuleta] was probably a little bit ahead of me if I'm being honest. I attribute the finale vote discrepancy just to my fans being awesome. I don't really know how else to explain it."

Cook said he fully expected he'd be "taking second" to Archuleta after Idol judge Simon Cowell awarded all three rounds of Tuesday night's performance episode to Archuleta and said the teenager scored a "knockout" victory.

"The thing is you've got to hope for the best and prepare for the best, but expect the worst. That's pretty much how I operated," Cook told reporters. "I made sure I was prepared to win but [Archuleta] did a great job. I've said it the whole time that I definitely thought if you were basing it off of Tuesday, he deserved to win. He came out and did three amazing songs."

While Cook said he's aware of "conspiracy theories" about why he ultimately defeated Archuleta, he added that he hopes it has nothing to do with viewers simply wanting to prove Cowell wrong.

"All I can hope is that it was based on my own merit," he said. "But regardless, I'm happy of where I'm at. Simon's blunt and he's honest and that's why they pay him the money that they pay him. The goal of the season for me was just to try to find some constructive criticism from what he was saying, which sometimes was a little tough. But that's part of the show."

Cook and Archuleta were largely considered to be equals during the more recent weeks of the competition, and the seventh-season champ heaped praise on the runner-up when talking with reporters.

"He handled himself with a lot of grace, and -- more importantly -- he's just an amazing human being," said Cook about Archuleta. "So I was just honored to share the stage with him."

Cook described his current physical and mental state as "moderately rested," and said even before winning the title on Wednesday night he was able to remain calm despite the daunting task of singing several songs.

"They made it very, very easy for us with everything going on," he explained. "I think it's just a matter of focusing on each song at a time and not really worrying about [it]. It's just taking a step back and going one moment at a time."

While Cook conceded that both he and Archuleta had a teleprompter feeding them lyrics during their final seventh-season performances, he added both finalists still had to deliver.

"At the end of the day you can get the words, but it's still not the performance," he said.

Cook's ascension to the Idol thrown began when he was a youth, as he told reporters music was a "little hobby" but he was mostly a "sports nut."

"I did choir and theater and stuff like that in high school," he said. "I started in bands when I was 15-years-old in Kansas City. I was fortunate enough to get to play in and around Kansas City quite a bit and got to travel around the Midwest on occasion."

Upon graduating from college, Cook said his life hit a fork.

"I had a choice of moving to Tulsa and playing music or staying in Kansas City and getting a real job," he explained. "So I moved to Tulsa and joined a band, the Midwest Kings. They needed a guitar player... I wasn't ready to give up on music. I didn't think music was ready to give up on me, so I just made the decision to chase the dream a little bit... I played acoustic gigs a couple times a months, played full-band gigs a couple times a month. Just kind of hoofed it around the Midwest."

Cook said that he thinks his time performing at clubs prepared him for Idol.

"It helped me from a humility standpoint," he said. "You get pretty humble playing shows to five people, and having that experience made the Idol experience sweeter. To go from one extreme to the other, you kind of appreciate the huge crowds and all of that. I definitely think my time in Tulsa was needed in order to have any form of success on this show."

However Cook was a recording artist before he auditioned for Idol, as his debut album "Analog Heart" was released independently in May 2006.

"I spent a good year just playing out and promoting that record as much as I could," he said.

Cook said the album was well-received, and he sold-out of hard copies prior to his Idol audition.

"I had to have the record pulled, obviously for fairness issues because of the show. I got it pulled offline," he explained. "Then somebody -- I have no idea who -- re-posted it on Amazon [during Idol's seventh season]. While all that was going on, I was kind of at a loss. I had talked to Amazon about getting it pulled. There was a bunch of mass confusion about it. I'm extremely appreciative of how well it did. I thought that was crazy that it went No. 1 [in Amazon sales]. But I was kind of a pawn in that whole game."

It's been well-documented that Cook never planned on auditioning for Idol and only accompanied his brother Andrew to last summer's Omaha casting call to lend support.

"The audition process was strange. He really wanted me to audition with him and I was hesitant -- not for any negative stigma associated with the show -- I just didn't see this as my path, for whatever reason," he told reporters. "We were standing in line at 5:30AM in Omaha and it's raining, the sun hasn't come up. A producer comes by and interviews my brother and then turns to me and I'm like, 'I'm not auditioning.' He's like, 'You are now.' Life has a weird way of working it out sometime."

Andrew didn't make it out of Omaha while Cook received a golden ticket to the Hollywood Round, and he again advanced as one of the Top 24 seventh-season finalists.

"There was a definitely a progression for me on this show," he said. "Early on -- I'm talking the third or fourth week in -- our vocal coach really hit home with me on a particular lesson. I think going into this I put up a wall, kind of a protective barrier between me and the audience. Just to kind of protect myself, a little bit of a defense mechanism. [The vocal coach] kind of forced me to break that down. I think it helped in the performances."

In addition, Cook said he was aided by a short article the stage manager hung-up backstage midway through the season that touched upon Frank Sinatra and his process for recording a song.

"Before he sings it, he would read the lyrics and basically try to tune into what the lyrics were saying -- what the song was about -- and then he would go into the music aspect of it and figure out the melodies and all that," said Cook. "For me, that was a really eye-opening article. It made me think, 'Okay, I just need to step back. Before I even try to learn this song I just need to read the lyrics.' That really helped as far as trying to find the vibe... That was probably the biggest lesson I learned throughout the show."

Despite changing how he approached weekly performances, Cook said he pretty much remained the same guy he was before being cast for Idol.

"I didn't really change much of anything, as strange as it is," he said. "I went into this with kind of a different perspective from everybody else. I didn't have any expectations on what the show was going to do for me or what I was going to do for the show. I just went into it as an opportunity to expose myself musically to a large audience. So my confidence level really never wavered."

Cook elaborated that his self-confidence might have been "misinterpreted" as "cocky" or "arrogant" by Cowell earlier in the competition.

"But I think as the season went on, maybe [Cowell] saw the work that I was putting in," he continued. "I think I understood the brevity of what the show encompasses, but I just don't think I chose to get wrapped up in it. I wanted to not just experience the experience but enjoy the experience."

Once he started to hit his stride, Cook quickly became a favorite amongst Idol fans and never found himself among the bottom vote getters.

"I can't believe the level of support that has come out of me doing this crazy TV show," he said. "All I can do is try to embrace it and make all the effort people are putting into supporting me worthwhile. That's going to start with a record, and moving down the road a tour and a lot of success. The sky's the limit right now."

Cook quickly discredited claims that he didn't want to win Idol because it would damage his credibility as an artist.

"Did it cross my mind at any point in the competition? I mean sure, but only as an objective point," he explained. "I don't think I went into this with the idea of you don't want to win. I think that's a huge slap in the face to the 103,000 people who had auditioned this season that really wanted to win. So I definitely went into this to try to win it. As far as having more success by not being the winner, I think that's something that will get played out in the next couple of years."

The seventh-season's resident rocker, Cook drew comparisons to fifth-season finalist Chris Daughtry -- who may not have won the show but has been one of Idol's biggest success stories to date.

"I'm not trying to be Daughtry," Cook told reporters. "I'm just trying to put out a solid record. Even if it doesn't do well commercially, as long as I can say that I put out a record that I'm proud of that's the goal right now. If I can do that, hopefully the success will follow."

Cook said there are currently "no plans" for his debut album but hopes to get it released "as soon as possible."

"I think it's going to be a mixture of my writing and hopefully writing with some other people," he said. "The bottom line is I just want to come out of the gate with a solid record. If I can do that I'll be happy. It will probably be a rock record, but I think that's a pretty vague generalization. I just want to make a record that's going to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up."

While he was constantly praised for his various covers during the seventh season -- from Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" to Lionel Richie's "Hello" -- Cook said he feels no "added pressure" when it comes to creating original music.

"I just want to put out a record that's going to be able to standup on its own long I'm after I'm gone. If I can do that, then I'm set," he said. "The covers were great, but I'm ready to get back into the creative process of writing songs and basically bearing my soul on these records. I look forward to it."

In addition, Cook said that he's glad Idol gave him the opportunity to sing musical genres that weren't in his rocker wheelhouse -- and he hopes to continue with that on his album.

"That was the exciting thing for me about the show," he said. "I loved knowing that there were things that I could do that people would never expect that I could do. I'm going to try to recreate that energy within this record. I want this record to have some twists and turns on it. I want people to feel like they got taken on a trip from beginning to end. I've got my work cut out for me, but it should be a lot of fun."

Cook also said he wouldn't be against collaborating with his brother.

"I've left the option open," he said. "I'm kind of leaving it up to him. I know he wants to try to make his own way, so I'll support him in whatever he decides to do."

It's been quite a ride for Cook, which he said is the reason why he was so emotional when it ended Wednesday night.

"There was a lot of intensity in those last few weeks, as far as what was at stake and all the effort that had been put into it," he said. "The crying after I won was like an exhale. This whole experience has been about eight months including auditions. I felt like that whole time I was holding my breath. So to be able to breathe and enjoy the moment was amazing." ... n-7180.php

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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

Pour ceux qui auraient manqué «Larry King Live», vendredi 23 mai, et qui aimeraient le voir, voici les 7 vidéos sur Youtube:

Part 1
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Part 2
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Part 3
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Part 4
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Part 5
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Part 6
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Part 7
======================================================== ... t4412.html

Et à nouveau, lundi soir, 26 mai, 21h00 CNN, le "Top 12" sera à «Larry King Live" pour l'heure au complet, genre "Q & A" !!!
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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

Ceux qui aimeraient avoir certaines performances en vidéo «HQ», simplement me laisser savoir !!!
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 22573
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2004 12:00 am

Message par ImWyckA »

Sweet Angel  a écrit[couleur=#00ff00]-----------------------------------------------------------------
Bref, ça fait des semaines que je dis que ce gars là était déjà rendue une "Super Rock Star" avant même la fin de AI et qu'il était même trop gros pour AI, complètement dans une ligue à part et qu'il allait devenir très BIG après, mais certains semblaient croire que j'étais un peu trop fanatique ou parlait à travers mon chapeau !!!  Voilà, je pense que ces quelques chiffres prouvent mes dires !!!

On est encore da la "folie" Idol... Quand il sortira un album et aura quatres VRAIS singles dans un Top 5, on en reparlera
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7018
Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

Mon montage video sur David Cook  

En espérant que vous aimerez...


Pour voir avec une meilleur qualité que youtube vous pouvez le télécharger


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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 26673
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Zoukie »

Hey ma belle Seniorita....Tu est vraiment la 'Queen des montages'....

Tu réussit tjs à me tirer une larme,a m'émouvoir...Tu as bcp de talent!  

Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 7018
Inscription : sam. juil. 05, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Seniorita »

Zoukie  a écritHey ma belle Seniorita....Tu est vraiment la 'Queen des montages'....

Tu réussit tjs à me tirer une larme,a m'émouvoir...Tu as bcp de talent!  


Ah bein Merci!!! T'es dont bein fine!    Et c'est tellement facile avec lui de faire des montages touchant.
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Intronisé au Panthéon
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Inscription : ven. avr. 21, 2006 12:00 am

Message par Pepsi »

Yé telement hot le montage.... T'a même réussi à faire fiter le live avec le studio (la bouche genre)
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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

Un gros merci «Senorita», c'est un très beau montage hommmage à un artiste au talent exceptionnel, phénoménal, et par surcroît, accompagné avec une de ses très belles chansons qu'il nous a fait redécouvrir exactement comment doit être chantée cette chanson !!!
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 22573
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2004 12:00 am

Message par ImWyckA »

Wow ! Le montage est vraiment nice

Et j'avais pas entendu la version studio de "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" pis c'est donbin écoeurant --Message edité par MickA le 2008-05-26 15:49:04--
Messages : 34
Inscription : ven. mai 20, 2005 12:00 am

Message par coccinelle25 »

Ton montage est vraiment incroyable!