****spoiler**** en regardant l'aquarium à poissons!!!
Chose certaine, si Howie gagne le POV, il va sauver Janelle. Comment pourrait-il survivre sans elle?
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Eric est vraiment un cliss de fou. C'est un "contrôleur". Je peux vous dire qu'on ferait pas bon ménage.
Merci Jadz, aujourd'hui je n'ai pas le temps d'aller lire. Et je n'ai pas le temps de commenter davantage non plus. Je reviens ce soir.
Merci Jadz, aujourd'hui je n'ai pas le temps d'aller lire. Et je n'ai pas le temps de commenter davantage non plus. Je reviens ce soir.
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- Char Aznable
- Seigneur de la Causerie
- Messages : 5784
- Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am
SUITE -- nuit de samedi à dimanche 17 juillet
Les feeds sont finalement revenus vers 3h am BB time. 6h am ici mais je dormais !!
En résumé quand c'est revenu, tous les HG dormaient sauf Michael et Janelle dans la gold room et Kaysar dehors dans la cour. Janelle dit que les autres HG (les filles surtout) inventent des histoires en ce qui a trait à Michael. Elles exagèrent des situations etc.
Tout était calme en fait. Michael est allé rejoindre Kaysar et s'excuse. On apprend en lisant les transcri pts que BB veux garder Michael. I.e. que Michael aurait parlé de quitter j'imagine.
Voici un extrait de conversation entre Michael et Kaysar. C'est long mais intéressant même si parfois il manque des bouts de conversation. En gros Kaysar ne reconnaît plus Michael.. et il lui donne plein de conseils sur comment agir etc. afin de conserver l'harmonie avec les autres HG. Il lui suggère même de s'excuser envers les filles et de rester calme, sans sarcasmes.
M = Michael
K = Kaysar
Michael says I was about to leave. What's on your mind.
Kaysar. Lot of things. Like you losing your cool, your composure, man.. That's not the Mike I'm used to.
Michael.. I've never been like this before.. All these people think I'm something I'm not. Never been in a situation like this before.. Dude, its..
Kaysar.. but see for me, I felt like I went through my whole life this way, been accused of things or seen a certain way ..this is pp
I told you when we came in here not to give up your power. I'm concerned that you aren't the same person. You are and you're not. Don't take it the wrong way. Hard for you to deal with what's going on here
M This is a particularly difficult situation here, not just the game but I'm a target.
Jennifer spawned this thing, other girls ride the ride.. she could have stopped it.
Kaysar says she told him it was over for her, the other girls jumped on the bandwagon
I've been having conversations everytime someone says something bad about you.. tell them have respect, grow up but you have to understand, this is not you! Getting under your skin.
When you were tying up in the harness and ERic was going to help and you said didn't need help.
M says when I came out they were talking to you and I just looked and he went off.
Kaysar says.. you are definitely getting the short end of the deal here, getting screwed.
Screw the game at this point I'm just trying to calm people down, or even that you grew up in a different culture.
Kaysar says you had an opportunity at that time.. I would have not used the sarcasm in your voice, hint of aggression. People are not receptive to that Just you didn't realize, accept my apology.
Michael says you are right. I'm just sick and tired of it.
Kaysar says but you can't you are at a disadvantage.
bro, this is how the world works; the art of negotiation, etc..
Michael says I guess I'm not so good at that.
Kaysar says you just have to learn.. I know you , you are very similar to me, but this part of you is fresh, untapped.. just think a little bit, sometimes you get carried away.. get a little more serious. you need damage control.
Michael I don't even care about the game anymore.. Just let me speak my mind on camera on why I'm leaving, reputation intact.
Kaysar says you told them that?
Michael says THEY WANT ME TO STAY.
Kaysar says I support you either way, leaving or.. at least leave with our head up through eviction or victory in the end, whatever.
If tonight is an indication of what is taking place, I don't know what is.
Michael says I'm not like this, have lots of friends.
Kaysar says he was out here not to start a fight, but to apologize and then I got disrespected and she (Ivette) called me a MFer.. Michael is surprised..
You came out here, glared at Eric, I had to jump on Eric and then fight with Ivette.
She called you a MRer?
Yes but concentrate on this.. I told you three days ago you need to be on your best behariour. and you can't be on your best behavior locked in a room with Janelle all day.
Michael says but coming out is like War.
Kaysar says what is being pissed going to do for you , can't express self, irrational decisions, can't think for yourself.
Stay calm.. convo over foosball.
Michael says and I beat you, that was great.
THey laugh, but Kaysar starts back.. been telling you.. if you could see what I said in the DR, I've seen this coming, taking steps to fixing but can't stay in the room and trash talk, glare at them..
M If I'm in a room talking to someone.. I can't talk to a bunch of sheep out here who believe what one Fing guy is telling them.
You aren't playing the game.
M.. I didn't ever expect the kind of cheap personal attack, the level to which these people have stooped is inscrupulous (sic).. can't look objectively, I do hear you , understand, try to do my best, know what you are telling me is the right way..
Every emotion in me says "kill them all"
Some girl you wouldn't touch, is looking at you like you raped her, because of some •••••••• confusing her, can't tiptoe through fing tulips.
Kaysar says you have to be calm not an act..
Michale yawns
Kaysar says tomorrow go to April and ? they extended themselve already.. suck up your pride.
Michael is seething, has gone through hell to get where I am and you are RIGHT, pisses me off.
Let's talk in the morning I have to go to bed.
Kaysar says we may not get to talk in the morning.
No noises, don't act kooky, start repairing, don't lose cool.. if someone attacks, you freak. Don't let that happen, you are not staying focussed, bro.
I dont' blame you , you haven't dealt with this, you are used to people loving you, but in this environment it isn't the case.
Michael says he didn't expect to be loved, but a complete lack of morals? Ivette might as well have been born from Satan, disgusting and Eric!..
Dont' focus on them, says Kaysar..
Think about being productive, goal to clear your name, salvage something at the very least. You need to do it for yourself, bro, I can't.
M Are you sleeping in the gold room?
K No
M Howie's not in the bed, I'm going to sleep in the center console thing.
What you are telling me I need to hear, but my brain is in mode A, I know that is what I need to do but I need to get to mode B.
More pep talk from Kaysar.
Think I don't want to tell them how I feel, but NO! Society under pressure, here.
Michael says you prepared for this much better than I did.
MOre of same from K.. not talking about other things, stay humble, down a couple of notches.. don't keep placing blame!! Trust me on this. make it seem like you thought about this, actually DO care, feel somewhat sorry that things happened... very happy that you feel comfortable enough to come to me.etc.
- Sweet Angel
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 3528
- Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am
- pourquoi!pourquoi!
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 4348
- Inscription : dim. oct. 26, 2003 12:00 am
Bon bien de retours et je viens de me mettre à jour!!! Merci à tous pour ses superbes résumés et commentaires!!!
Crime j'en reviens pas de ce que fait Eric...méchant phénomène lui. . pis en plus c'est lui le HOH cette semaine..Janelle et Michael nominés!!!Y'a pas de justice!!!
Touka merci encore!!!
Crime j'en reviens pas de ce que fait Eric...méchant phénomène lui. . pis en plus c'est lui le HOH cette semaine..Janelle et Michael nominés!!!Y'a pas de justice!!!
Touka merci encore!!!
C'est aussi ça la vie!!!
Effectivement, la conversation entre Kaysar et Michael est très intéressante. Kaysar est de très bon conseil et Michael devrait l'écouter même si je pense qu'il est trop tard.
J'aurais souhaité que Eric soit évincé par BB. Dommage qu'ils lui aient donné une 2e chance, il ne la méritait pas.
J'aurais souhaité que Eric soit évincé par BB. Dommage qu'ils lui aient donné une 2e chance, il ne la méritait pas.
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- Char Aznable
- Seigneur de la Causerie
- Messages : 5784
- Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am
- pourquoi!pourquoi!
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 4348
- Inscription : dim. oct. 26, 2003 12:00 am
J'peux vous dire que ça faisait dur de les entendre ce matin avec Eric.
Rachel, Jennifer et Ivette prenaient toutes pour Eric Elles le défendaient pour ses actions d'hier, voici quelques extraits de résumés avec un peu de traduction libre et rapide
Rach = Rachel
Iv = Ivette
Mich = Michael
Jenn = Jennifer
Jennifer dit qu'elle a fait des cauchemars cette nuit, Eric s'excuse, mais elle répond que ce n'était pas Eric dans ses rêves...
Jenn says she had nightmares last night. Eric apologizes. She tells him it wasn't him who she had nightmares about.
Ici Eric explique qu'il ne savait pas si il allait être ici ce matin. Les filles présentent dans la cuisine sont comme ça -->
Jen dit que ce n'est pas juste ! Il n'a pas touché Michael ou dit quoi que ce soit de violent ! Eric répond "je sais" mais que ses actions (chaise etc.)...
Eric says he didin't know if he was going to be there in the morning. They gasp in disbelief. He says he has a feeling they were going to make him leave. Jen says that's not fair. He didn't touch him or say anything violent. He says he knows, but his actions of getting up and throwing a chair...
Ici Eric admet qu'il a ses torts...
Eric says he is the one ___ everything off. If you look at things objectively, I was the one who set everything in motion.
Rach says, well, it's over. Eric says they got their warning. Eric says he appreciates them giving him a second chance. It was a tough night for everyone. Was an eye opener.
Bon... ici Rachel dit que ce n'est pas de la faute à Eric pour son apparence physique. Et Ivette ajoute qu'Eric est musclé mais qu'elle ne se sent pas menacé par ça mais plutôt par les looks de Michael. Elle dit aussi avant que physiquement Michael pourrait faire plus de dommage à Eric.
Eric says he has to look at his actions, his physical presence getting up like that...Rach says it's not his fault. He says that's true, it is what it is.
Iv says her last statement on that is he looks physically like that because of his mucsles. But physically, Mich could do a lot more to him. Erics's body does not intimidate her, but Mich's looks do. Rach says he was provoked.
Eric dit que BB s'est inquiété à cause de la façon dont il s'est levé de sa chaise etc. C'est considéré comme une menace. Mais Eric ajoute avec un sourire en coin que s'il avait vraiment voulu confronter Michael il en aurait été capable. BB veut juste être certain que tout l'monde se sent en sécurité dans la maison.
Eric says he feels like he had a right to do that as long as he doesn't threaten him. But the way he got up and went toward Mich, they got worried. IF you look at it as an outside person, for me to get up from their perspective were Holy... (shit?)
Eric says he would never hit anybody.
Eric says they have everybody's inerest at heart.
Eric says if he really wanted to get to him, he could have (with a smirk). Says BB just wants to be sure they all feel safe with him in the house.
Ivette dit que les regards de Michael et son langage non verbal (corps, posture) sont intimidants et provocateurs. Eric ajoute que ce n'est pas ce qu'il allait dire à Michael qui était inquiétant mais plutôt la façon dont il allait le faire.
Eric ajoute qu'il a eu des chicanes (arguments) pas mal plus grosses que ça avec sa femme et que l'idée de la frapper ne lui a jamais traversé l'esprit !!!
Iv says Mich's stares and body language does intimidate and provoke. Eric says it wasn't what he was going to say to Mich it was how he was going to say it that worried him. Eric says he has had much worse arguments with his wife, and it has never crossed his mind to hit her.
Ivette ici qui essaie encore de descendre Michael en disant qu'il fait exprès pour provoquer tout l'temps etc.. et qu'il mange toute la bouffe.. etc. Eric de répondre "ça fait partie de la game, ça pourrait être sa stratégie et ce n'est pas contre les règlements" (là y fait du sens)
Iv says he is purposely provoking all the time. They complain abot him eating all the food and he goes outside eith three hotdogs. Eric says that is part of the game. Could be his strategy. Nothin in the rules against it. But says you play with fire, you are gonna get burned.
Et finalement nous avons ici Ivette qui sait déjà comment vont aller les prochaines éliminations selon ses désirs bien sûr. Et elle continue de descendre Kaysar...
Iv says Kay is next, Jan next. Iv now giving her version of her discussion with Kay. Now going off on Kay...
- pourquoi!pourquoi!
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 4348
- Inscription : dim. oct. 26, 2003 12:00 am
- pourquoi!pourquoi!
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 4348
- Inscription : dim. oct. 26, 2003 12:00 am
Ivette et Jennifer doivent avoir la langue bien brune.
Elles me donnent mal au coeur.
. --Message edité par Nicki le 2005-07-17 21:42:35--
Elles me donnent mal au coeur.
. --Message edité par Nicki le 2005-07-17 21:42:35--
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- pourquoi!pourquoi!
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 4348
- Inscription : dim. oct. 26, 2003 12:00 am