Entrevue avec «MAGGIE» (hilarante) par "RealityTVTalk"

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Sweet Angel
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3528
Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am

Message par Sweet Angel »

Voici une entrevue hilarante par "RealityTVTalk" avec «Maggie» qui nous prouve, encore une fois, à quel point le «FS» est complètement désilusionné... !!!

Ouf !!!  Sans commentaires !!!
Vaut mieux en rire tellement c'est pathétique... !!!


This Interviewer was really callin her out!!!

The winner (what a joke!) of Big Brother 6 spoke with me for about 5 minutes before she was rescued and taken away to another, presumably kinder, gentler, interview. Although the conversation was short, I now know pretty much what we can expect from the nerd herd now that they're back in the real world.

Maggie: Hello.

Hoosebaby: Hi Maggie. Hey, it's Hoosebaby from RealityTVTalk.

M: How're you doing?

H: I'm doing good. I bet you're doing pretty good too.

M: I'm Okay. (laughs)

H: Pretty stoked about all that money?

M: Yeah. It's pretty exciting!

H: Yeah, that would be way exciting. So how do you feel your reception has been since being out of the house?

M: I haven't really met with anyone except for media. I haven't gotten to talk to the public yet.

H: Has the media kind of given you any clue as to how that's gonna go?

M: Ummm, I mean I've heard, you know about the totally seperate alliances. I've heard that the favor was with the other alliance. I've heard a few things. I'm ok with it.

H: You're ok with it?

M: Yeah, it's uh, TV. (laughs)

H: Well, it is TV, but it's also streaming live on the internet. You realize that, right?

M: Well, yeah, absolutely.

H: Well I would just warn you that there's nothing that you did or said that wasn't heard, seen, and actually documented on the internet.

M: And I heard things even that didn't happen were documented.

H: Oh is that right?

M: Apparently.

H: Such as what?

M: I don't, we've just met with a few people who have informed us of what's going on.

H: So there were some things that they told you were actually put on the internet that never happened?

M: Ummm, let's just say, things can be perceived in many different ways.

H: Oh certainly. Do you plan on visiting the internet websites and the message boards, or are you gonna kind of stay clear?

M: No. I need to go back to normal life.

H: Yeah, well I can tell you first of all, I did not care for your alliance nor the way you guys played the game at all.

M: Ok.

H: I'll just be honest with you on that. However as a human being, I would say that's a good idea. Get back to your real life and have a good life with the prize winnings and your family. But, because of the overwhelming dislike for the things you did in the house, I'm going to ask you about them and give you a chance to clarify some of those things you feel might have been blown out of proportion on the internet. First of all, what do you think some of the reasons are that the public hasn't accepted you or your alliance so much?

M: You know, I have not seen one episode of the show. I have no idea how we've been perceived. I have no ability to discuss that at all.

H: Well, the show presented you guys just fine. It was what we saw on the live feeds that made the fans upset. For example, you guys talked in your group a lot about integrity and morality. Where does trying to use Beau to do sexual favors for Howie and then blackmail him fit into that integrity and morality?

M: Oh, that's totally misconstruing what happened.

H: Really?

M: Beau and Howie has a hilarious relationship on the show.

H: Yes, they did.

M: They were always teasing each other. They were always messing around. There was absolutely nothing serious that went on between Beau and Howie with their sexual teasing.

H: Right.

M: Nothing serious. So to take that and say blackmail, that is ridiculous.

H: Well let me explain to you what I meant by that. There was a time in the house where you and Eric were nominated and the plan was to get Eric out. So Ivette, Beau, and yourself and Eric were there as well. You had come together and decided, hey wouldn't it be great if we could get Beau to climb in bed with Howie. Do you recall this at all?

M: Ummm. Keep going.

H: Ok, climb into bed with Howie and do something sexual with him, and then we can blackmail Howie into voting to keep Eric.

M: Oh, I'm sure that was a joke.

H: Ok.

M: That doesn't sound at all like any serious conversation I had.

H: Ok, well if that was a joke, first of all it's kind of disgusting. But the only problem with believing that it was a joke was that you guys actually said you'd hide in the room while it happened, or pretend to be asleep. Then you guys actually went that far as to do that. But the only reason the plan kind of fell through is that Janelle told Howie not to go in there. So you guys said you'd try again another time.

M: Oh, you know, I totally don't know what you're talking about. But if it was that big of a deal, it's really unfortunate, because we had a lot of fun in there. I don't think anyone ever would take that in a way that was negative.

H: Well, you're wrong about that. But you just said you had a lot of fun in there. Was it fun to sit in the HOH room for 3 consecutive hours and bash on Janelle?

M: (extremely long pause) Hmmm. I really don't know which time you're talking about.

H: It could've been any day. Take your pick.

M: Hold on.

At this point in the interview, our friends at CBS informed me that they had to pull Maggie for another interview where they will most likely ask her things like, "What was your strategy when you first got into the house?"


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Char Aznable
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5784
Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Char Aznable »

Sweet Angel  a écritH: Well, you're wrong about that. But you just said you had a lot of fun in there. Was it fun to sit in the HOH room for 3 consecutive hours and bash on Janelle?

M: (extremely long pause) Hmmm. I really don't know which time you're talking about.

H: It could've been any day. Take your pick.

M: Hold on.

Exellente entrevue.J`aimerai ça que Ivette réponde à cette même question puisque c`était souvent elle l`instigatrice de ces fameux bashing.
À même titre que April a dû se défendre de son BB fan are piece of shit,j`aimerai bien qu`on remette dans la face à Ivette les commentaires semblables qu`elle a dit à propos des fans de BB. --Message edité par char aznable le 2005-09-22 09:01:25--
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5979
Inscription : ven. sept. 02, 2005 12:00 am

Message par KalidoR »

Faudrait pas avoir des caméras caché qui diffuse sur le web, chaque conversation de femmes qui peut travailler a l'intérieur des entreprises, vous seriez scandalisé les amis, ces choses la se passe tous les jours sous votre nez, dans votre dos et c'est plus communs que vous le pensez! Les femmes entre elles sont hypocrites! je ne vise pas toutes les femmes avant que quelqu'un me tombe dessus, mais c'est la réalité pis ont pourra jamais changer ca! Je ne pense pas que Yvette, Maggie et April font partie de la minortié, je dirait même que ce qui as épargné Janelle de faire pareil c'est qu'elle était collé sur des hommes! Les femmes entre elle se bitch c'est la vie WAKE UP gang!
Caïd de la Causette
Messages : 628
Inscription : jeu. sept. 09, 2004 12:00 am

Message par Sabegalu »

On en veut d'autres des entrevues comme ça!!! On en veut d'autres!!!  J'espère que les journalistes vont pas se gêner pour en faire d'autres de même! --Message edité par sabegalu le 2005-09-22 12:03:38--
Bébé #3 en route!Image
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5078
Inscription : jeu. sept. 15, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Dannoux »

LoL!! C'était comique le boute de la pause. Merci Sweet Angel.
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Caïd de la Causette
Messages : 692
Inscription : ven. août 12, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Rock6kev »

  Ouais, la dernière question était excellente!! Maudits gens de CBS qui viennent gâcher tout le fun!!  
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5078
Inscription : jeu. sept. 15, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Dannoux »

Ça serait bien si l'on pouvait trouver d'autres articles ou entrevues de ce genre.
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