Explications de Janey: l'histoire du faux 400 $ donné a l'itinérant

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Messages : 23659
Inscription : lun. janv. 31, 2005 1:00 am

Message par LeoChris »

Citation :janellelovesmichael



Posts: 203
Registered: 29-9-2005
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posted on 10-11-2005 at 07:29 AM  

Ok, what's the big deal with this homeless man story?
I'll tell in detail, to clear up any confusion. My friends and I had parked our car two blocks away from a nightclub in Downtown Miami. On our way into the club, a homeless man asked my friends and I for money. We gave him money. Several hours later we emerged from the club ( also slightly drunk, you know the Janie Doll likes her champagne) As we were leaving the same man approached us and started asking for money again, and told us we were "cheap" because we only gave him $20.00 before! I honestley had no more money on me, so I told him" sorry I don't have any money"
Seriously, the guy would not let up, he actually followed us an entire block. I was getting really nervous, because I felt like he was going to get even more aggressive. So I remembered that I had $400.00 of "movie money" ( the kind the make for motion pictures) So, in order to get rid of him ( I was also kind of mad that he was so ungrateful, I mean I had just given him $20.00!) I gave him the $400.00. Let me tell youhe went from being very mean and nasty with us, to being really really nice! He was saying 'god bless you" la la la......So he finally stopped folowing us, and we RAN to our car. We were freaking scared. So as we went around the corner we saw him holding the $ up to the street light. At the time yea we thought it was funny! The guy was so mean to us! He should have left us alone after we said we didn't have any money. Anyway I am sorry for what I did, and I wouldn't do it again. If a homeless man ever gets aggressive with me again, I'll just run.
Not all homeless people are like this of course! I've come across some really interesting homeless people. They for the most part always have interesting stories. Some are really cool. I knew this one homeless guy in Hollywood his name was Mick. Whenever I'd go to my nieghborhood cafe' he'd always sing Marvin Gaye songs for me, and I'd always buy him food and give him a little bit of money. So please tell the anti-Janie people on the internet to get over the "homeless man story" It was five fucking years ago!
Thanks to everyone who stood up for me, in the chat rooms where certain people seems to have been misinformed xoxooxoxoox Janie  

Source : Forum de Mike

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