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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Pacm »

Reality show contestant under arrest
Sunday, April 10, 2005

Christopher Shelton, a contestant on Donald Trump's The Apprentice reality show was arrested early Sunday morning at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa.

Shelton was charged with disorderly conduct after a police officer twice asked him to calm down. He reportedly became loud and belligerent after becoming upset about something he thought was going to be free, but was not.

Shelton is out of jail on bond.
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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3816
Inscription : jeu. avr. 03, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Jadz »

C'est vrai, pas de surprise là pour son tempérament.

Merci pour l'info  ;)

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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 26673
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Zoukie »

Mais quelle surprise!!!!!!!!

Micii Pacm!  
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 21548
Inscription : ven. févr. 28, 2003 1:00 am

Message par nicki »

Bin r'garde donc ça!  Chris se prend pour un autre!  C'est nouveau!!!
[img][/img]" onclick=";return false; [img][/img][/center]
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Char Aznable
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5784
Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Char Aznable »

Citation :

Shelton was charged with disorderly conduct after a police officer twice asked him to calm down. He reportedly became loud and belligerent after becoming upset about something he thought was going to be free, but was not.

C`est pas la première fois qu`un participant de reality show est pris dans un scandale judiciaire mais s`tu drôle ,j`ai aucune difficulté à m`imaginer la scène dans son cas.
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Pacm »

plus de détails sur cet incident tragique

Fired Up `Apprentice' Contestant Arrested At Casino

Published: Apr 11, 2005

TAMPA - Christopher Shelton has felt the wrath of Donald Trump. Now he's feeling the wrath of the law.
Shelton's bad boardroom behavior on NBC's reality show ``The Apprentice'' led Trump to call him ``a loser'' and ``a hothead.'' Seminole police - saying Shelton threw a temper tantrum early Sunday morning in the lobby of the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino - arrested the reality television star and charged him with disorderly conduct after he argued with staff about a cover charge at a hotel bar.

Police said they asked Shelton to calm down several times. When Shelton continued to yell and curse, police arrested him. According to a police report, several people in the lobby were visibly shaken by Shelton's actions.

Shelton, a Las Vegas native, was in town on business and to celebrate the birthday of fellow ``Apprentice'' contestant John Gafford.

Gafford, a Tampa resident, was not at the hotel when the incident happened but spoke with Shelton on Sunday morning. He said Shelton told him the argument began when hotel staff asked him to pay a $20 cover charge to enter the bar and that Shelton refused, saying he already had spent $2,000 on a hotel room.

Gafford believes hotel staff overreacted.

``It's so ludicrous,'' Gafford said. ``The hotel handled the situation very poorly from top to bottom.''

Shelton posted $250 bail and was released late Sunday morning.

Shelton and Gafford were cast for the current season of the ``The Apprentice,'' a reality show featuring contestants competing to win a job with real estate mogul Donald Trump. Filming of the season finished several months ago, but the winner won't be announced until the show's live finale in May. Gafford was ``fired'' on March 10.

NBC Entertainment would not comment on Shelton's arrest, but said the incident ``is not an NBC situation.'' The program is owned by Mark Burnett Productions. Contestants sign a contract with the production company prohibiting them from talking with the media until they are ``fired.''

A publicist for Mark Burnett Productions did not return a telephone call or e-mail.

Shelton is one of the show's final six contestants and will appear in this week's episode. Shelton acknowledged having an anger management problem on a recent episode. Gafford said Shelton's arrest won't help his quick-tempered reputation.

``Sometimes he wears his emotions on his sleeve,'' Gafford said. ``We're all portrayed on the show as certain characters, and unfortunately this will play into his.''
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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3816
Inscription : jeu. avr. 03, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Jadz »

Citation :
Fired Up `Apprentice' Contestant Arrested At Casino

Published: Apr 11, 2005

Fait toujours un aussi bon travail ce "reporter" là

J'me demande si Chris chique encore du tabac...  

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Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3816
Inscription : jeu. avr. 03, 2003 1:00 am

Message par Jadz »

rupert  a écrit
C`est pas la première fois qu`un participant de reality show est pris dans un scandale judiciaire mais s`tu drôle ,j`ai aucune difficulté à m`imaginer la scène dans son cas.
Ouaip.... le visage cramoisi, le dos rond, le pointage du doigt ... pis un spit chunk on the side !

Un millionnaire avec tout un style  

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Char Aznable
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5784
Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Char Aznable »

Pacm  a écritplus de détails sur cet incident tragique

Bon,il était avec son ami John. Cette incident représente très bien le cast de cette saison.Je le sais pas s`ils ont fait exprès pour les côtes d`écoutes mais ils ont vraiment prit une bande de guignole cette année.J`en reviens tout simplement pas qu`il y ait du monde qui vienne nous dire que ce groupe est meilleur que l`année passé.Les gars comme les filles,ils sont tous atroce.La preuve,au lieu de prendre des VRAI book smart,ils ont pris des musiciens et des reines de beautés,ça en dit long.Je poste peut être pas mon message dans le bon topic mais il fallait que je le dise.Cette évenement est représentatif.J`ai hâte de donné mes notes.  