Émission très palpitante de ce soir

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Char Aznable
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5784
Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Char Aznable »

bof..je dirais que c`est toi..en plus je complémente mon écoute de survivor avec les scène qui sont pas montré sur le site officiel.Shii ann s`est rendu le plus loin qu`il était possible étant donné la nature du jeu survivor.C`est à dire que tout le monde sait qu`une tribe ballait la plus petite tribe dès le merge.Elle a tout essayé de faire même s`il y avait plus rien à faire.
Burnett est mieux de trouver des méchants bon twist pour le survivor 9 et 10 parceque j`ai bien peur que les votes out trop évident vont briser le show tôt ou tard.
Modeste Jacasseur
Messages : 217
Inscription : jeu. déc. 18, 2003 1:00 am

Message par V-KiNG »

Petite précision pour tous le monde, j'ai réécouter le challenge ou il mangaient des bébittes et le frere de Jenna avait plus ou moins raison.

Jeff aavit pas précisé qu'il pouvait pas boire de l'eau.  Apres qu'il ait dit avoir expliqué les regles et que l'autre a répondu " no you didn't" Jeff lui a dit "i just said it'  

J'ai fait rewind et non, il l'avait pas dit, je sais pas si au début début du challenge il l'a précisé mais avant de gober la tarentule nope désolé.

autre chose, voyant immunity challende qu'ils ont fait avec le feu j'me posais une question.  

Ils auraient fait quoi si tout le monde aurait perdu toutes leurs alumettes. Qui gagne le challenge???

Ca a passé proche en plus, si j'me rappelles bien ctait la derniere allumette de ShiAnn et Big Dumb ..euh scusez moi Big Tom.

ça aurait été cool pareil de voir comment ils se seraient arrangé non?
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Pacm »

V-KiNG  a écritautre chose, voyant immunity challende qu'ils ont fait avec le feu j'me posais une question.  

Ils auraient fait quoi si tout le monde aurait perdu toutes leurs alumettes. Qui gagne le challenge???

Ca a passé proche en plus, si j'me rappelles bien ctait la derniere allumette de ShiAnn et Big Dumb ..euh scusez moi Big Tom.

ça aurait été cool pareil de voir comment ils se seraient arrangé non?

Ils auraient probablement fait un challenge semblable de rechange.  Comme le challenge en Australie où les joueurs mettaient des seaux d'eau sur des bâtons tenus par Mike et colby mais qu'un des bâtons à cassé.
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Char Aznable
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5784
Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Char Aznable »

V-KiNG  a écritPetite précision pour tous le monde, j'ai réécouter le challenge ou il mangaient des bébittes et le frere de Jenna avait plus ou moins raison.

Jeff aavit pas précisé qu'il pouvait pas boire de l'eau.  Apres qu'il ait dit avoir expliqué les regles et que l'autre a répondu " no you didn't" Jeff lui a dit "i just said it'  

J'ai fait rewind et non, il l'avait pas dit, je sais pas si au début début du challenge il l'a précisé mais avant de gober la tarentule nope désolé.

autre chose, voyant immunity challende qu'ils ont fait avec le feu j'me posais une question.  

Ils auraient fait quoi si tout le monde aurait perdu toutes leurs alumettes. Qui gagne le challenge???

Ca a passé proche en plus, si j'me rappelles bien ctait la derniere allumette de ShiAnn et Big Dumb ..euh scusez moi Big Tom.

ça aurait été cool pareil de voir comment ils se seraient arrangé non?
C`est sur que Jeff a expliquer les règles clairement avant le challenge(pas montré mais il le dit qu`il a expliqué les règlements),même les autres participants ont dit qu`il l`avait dit.De toute façon,c`était évident que tu avais pas le droit de prendre de l`eau pendant le challenge.

Shii Ann Huang's Survivor: All-Stars
Web Chat Transcrpt

Question:  I had so hoped you would pull this out.  Do you think you are just too smart for this game?  The others don't seem to be thinking at all.
Shii Ann: *laughs*  Wow I like you.  I think that people were unable to be objective about their position in the tribe.  There was a definite pecking order  and those at the bottom refused to see the value of switching up the game, and it will prove to be their mistake.

Question:  I love the way you stirred things up in the end.  So why did you decide to do that?
Shii Ann:  I did that to send a message to the tribe to mix it up, people were getting really content in their positions.  And I think it needed to be pointed out that the person who appeared to me to be the outsider was the biggest threat and under the radar the whole time.  Also, it was just playful fun at the end.  I'm not going to just let them sail to the final 2.  I think it was fun to stir the pot, people were way too confident in their plans.

Question:  Am I correct in assuming you knew you were being voted out?
Shii Ann:  I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.  As soon as I lost the challenge I tried to play my last card. Make some last minute alliances.  Tell people how valuable it would be to vote off some of the power-two alliances.

Question:  When will everyone wake up and finally see the truth behind Rob's lies?
Shii Ann:  When the zombie dust wears off.  Even though Rob is getting a lot of props for pulling the wool over people's eyes, behind every great man is a great woman.  He has a lot of power but part of it comes from his bond with Amber.  It's quite fascinating to watch.

Question:  Do you think Amber truly cares about Rob or do you think she's just playing him to win the game?
Shii Ann:  As far as I can tell it's a little bit of both.  I don't see the appeal but perhaps the zombie dust is working on her too.

Question:  What do you think was your mistake that put the final nail in your coffin?
Shii Ann:  The mistake was not beating Tom in the fire challenge.  The only way I could have stayed longer was to come into the merge with more people in my original alliance or to keep winning immunity challenges.

Question:  Were you praying for a gust of wind to blow out Tom's fire?
Shii Ann:  I was paying too much attention to my fire.  I was hoping he would run out of matches.

Question:  You were so close in that last Immunity Challenge. How ticked was Rob that he didn't win?
Shii Ann:  I think he was fairly mad.  I didn't pay attention to him.  I was concentrating on my fire.  Again the tribe did not use that opportunity to vote out Rob, another chance missed.

Question:  Right here in this chat room, Lex likened you to a flea riding on a dog's back!  What are your thoughts on that, considering you outlasted him?
Shii Ann:  I think my record speaks for itself.  I know how to play this game and I played all the power players to get where I did.  I got to my tribe and saw 4 people who were very loud about their strategies, and I decided to go with an opposite strategy in order to use them, to make them feel like they were the boss, so that I could advance myself.  I never appreciated the under the radar winners of past seasons until I played All Stars. It takes a lot of planning, observation and hard work to last as long as I did.
Question:  Who do you see yourself staying friends with from All Stars?
Shii Ann:  Quite good friends with Kathy, Jenna M, and Ethan.  But my personal favorite will be Rupert.  I can't wait to see him at the finale.  He was truly sweet to me but we didn't see much of that on the show.
Question:  At your last tribal council you were on a tirade.  How long did it last and was Jeff Probst mad at you because he asked "did you get it all out"?
Shii Ann:  No, Jeff wasn't mad at me, he was asking if I was done.  It was fun to have my final say and I definitely got it all out.

Question:  Could you give a one word descrption for every Survivor left?
Shii Ann:  Amber - shrewd;  Rupert - too trusting;  Jenna - bossy; Tom - naive; Rob - deceptive.

Question:  Did you know that Boston Rob made an alliance with Rupert and Jenna, too?
Shii Ann:  Yes, I definitely did.  The thing is that they had closer alliances to each other.  Rob and Amber had a close alliance.  Rupert and Jenna had a close alliance. Unless they are planning on picking rocks, one of them is going to have to stab the other in the back.  Or they could try to switch things up, use Tom and mix it up.

Question:  I was a little thrown by your Asian Girl comment a few episodes back, do you really believe, considering the diversity of past Survivor winners and players, that the race card played a role in your early departure?
Shii Ann:  My comment had nothing to do with the race card, it was a joke.  And I thought it was funny they left the Asian woman rice out of the last 3 things remaining.  Survivor does touch on issues of race. It would be silly to ignore the fact that there are different cultures and races within the quilt that is America

Question:  I thought you might have turned it around when you won Immunity.  You seemed too excluded from the other tribe members.  Was that the way they really treated you?  How did you stand it?
Shii Ann:  It was the way the majority of the tribe members treated me in public.  Privately, I had lots of pleasant, friendly conversations with Rupert and even Big Tom.  And even Amber.  But when in a large group, they had to treat me like an outsider. It was fun watching them be able to lie and get fooled by each other.  It will be really fun to watch how these 5 players backstab each other in the next few days.

Question:  I know you can't tell us what they are, but are your questions for the final 2 contestants worth the wait?
Shii Ann:  You'll just have to watch and see.

Question:  Did you get tired of Jenna L. talking about plantains?  How hard is it to cook bananas?
Shii Ann:  Jenna was a bit of a control freak with the plantains.  But we were all a bit paranoid and edgy.

Question:  Your poor mother, did she recover from eating that gross thing?
Shii Ann:  Poor mom. I love her so much and I'm so proud of her for trying to eat that thing.  If it were me, I would have won that challenge because I had an empty stomach.  At least she didn't have to eat the farfaru which smells like a garbage truck on a hot summer day.

Question:  Did you have a good reunion with Kathy and Lex after the vote?
Shii Ann:  It was wonderful to see Kathy again, she was a good friend to me out there.

Question:  What else did you say at Tribal Council that wasn't shown in last night's episode?
Shii Ann:  I think it pretty much showed it all.  I don't remember...those were definitely the highlights from my final tribal.

Question:  I was glad you won immunity last week, mainly for the shake-up of the tribe.  Did you feel the game had become too predictable?
Shii Ann:  The game was becoming predictable because we had players who were too content coming in forth or fifth place.  That wasn't good enough for me.  I wanted to go the final 2, even though the odds were stacked against me.

Question:  If you got a chance to be in the final 2 and could chose the other contestant to be with you, who would that person be?
Shii Ann:  Of the final 5, Rob or Jenna L.  In my opinion they are the least liked of the remaining players.

Question:  Did you consider forming any romantic alliances with anyone? Like Amber did with Rob?
Shii Ann:  Absolutely not. If you got as close as I did to the men in my tribe you realize that not bathing for twenty-some odd days makes most men very unattractive.  The thought of kissing someone who has not brushed their teeth in that amount of days is repulsive. Rob must have some voodoo magic powder to have everyone, including Amber, under his spell.

Question:  Who was the most obnoxious All Star?
Shii Ann:  I think I answered that during the show.  The person who annoyed me the most is still in the final 5.

Question:  If you had won the relative reward challenge, would you have invited Rupert and his wife with you?
Shii Ann:  They would have been my number one choice.  Simply because Rupert was under appreciated at his tribe and deserved a reward.

Question:  After you were voted off, what did you do first, bathe or eat?
Shii Ann:  I bathed and ate, I think I ate in the shower as I was bathing.

Question:  What surprised you the most as you watched Survivor: All Stars on TV?
Shii Ann:  The fact that they didn't show more scheming between Kathy and I. We were quite close and discussed the game everyday at the waterhole.  I guess there wasn't time to show every relationship.

Question:  Were you surprised that they chose you for Survivor All Stars and why do you think they chose you?
Shii Ann:  I was absolutely not surprised.  I feel that I bring a different  perspective to the show, and they want confident players with strong opinions.  I feel that I represented that as well as being an under-represented minority in the media. Not to mention I like to stir the pot.

Question:  I thought it was awesome you threw your immunity win in their face. Did anyone say anything about it other than Alicia?
Shii Ann:  Yes, Jenna L.  She also had to give her two cents.  It really didn't matter.  I was proud of my win, and I'm glad I cheered for myself.  No one can take that away from me.

Question:  Jenna said that "when Shii Ann opens her mouth, I feel like putting a gun in mine" and you said that Jenna annoys you so much that you could "strangle her".  Was there really that much bad blood between you two?
Shii Ann:  We were all very emotional by that point - day 33. I don't have any hard feelings toward Jenna.

Question:  What's the best decision you made on All Stars and the worst?
Shii Ann:  The best was to change my strategy, to be flexible and under the radar.  It helped me go further than any other Mogo Mogo member.  The worst decision was supporting Kathy and Lex's decision to keep Amber.

Question:  I so enjoyed watching you quiz Richard. Did you pick up any strategy hints from him?
Shii Ann:  Not really. Richard was fun but didn't have a chance in the world this time around, and he really didn't have a strategy this time.  No one trusted him because he was playing everyone.

Question:  What's next for the Shii-Devil?  Is Playboy calling?
Shii Ann:  Since I've been back from Survivor I've gone back to recruiting and working as a creative partner at a film production company, and I'm looking to get back into media, which is my playground. I'm pursuing more opportunities in TV and journalism.  I'll be writing a book geared to young professional women.

Host:  Our time is up.  Final words for the fans, Shii Ann?  
Shii Ann:  Thank you guys so much for watching. It's really the fans that make the show so much fun after the show airs. --Message edité par rupert le 2004-05-01 16:26:21--
Modeste Jacasseur
Messages : 217
Inscription : jeu. déc. 18, 2003 1:00 am

Message par V-KiNG »

Pacm  a écrit

Ils auraient probablement fait un challenge semblable de rechange.  Comme le challenge en Australie où les joueurs mettaient des seaux d'eau sur des bâtons tenus par Mike et colby mais qu'un des bâtons à cassé.

J'me rappelles pas pantoute de ce challende là  

Citation :C`est sur que Jeff a expliquer les règles clairement avant le challenge(pas montré mais il le dit qu`il a expliqué les règlements),même les autres participants ont dit qu`il l`avait dit.De toute façon,c`était évident que tu avais pas le droit de prendre de l`eau pendant le challenge

C'est sur qu'il les a expliqués avant de commencer, je faisais juste remarquer que Jeff insistait en disant "i just said it" comme s'il venait tout juste de le rappeler ce qui nétais pas le cas.

Et pour les autres Survivors qui appuyaient Jeff... C'EST BIN CERTAIN QU'IL VONT ETRE D'ACCORD AVEC LUI, c pas lui qui doit gagner.  Ya surement juste Jenna qui defendait son frerot.
Rupert Boneham
Illustre Pie
Messages : 381
Inscription : ven. févr. 13, 2004 1:00 am

Message par Rupert Boneham »

C'est drole, même si j'aime pas Shi Ann, je l'aurait pas éléminer tout suite, j'aurais éléminer Rob héhé. Mais j'ai bien aimé que Shi Ann, durant le Tribal Concil, fasse le point sur la tribus en face de tlm, elle s'est fait éléminer, mais sa doit avoir fais réfléchir les autres...

Lol le challenge de bouffe, j'avais des frissons juste a regarder le dernier snack, la genre de bibitte blanche vivante, beurhh !!

Puis ? Qui sera le prochaine a être éléminer ?

Si Rupert gagne l'immunité, hum... Tom pourrait prendre le champ, sinon sa sera Jenna

PS : Lors de sa rencontre avec la femme de Rupert, wowow les hormones Rupert   . Si sa aurait été tout suite après ses 9 bìère me demande ce qu'il aurait fait..

Rupert... tu resteras toujours dans le coeur du ton plus grand fan !

J'espère que tu mèneras une vie digne d'un homme de ta grandeur !

Adieux !
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6985
Inscription : lun. mars 08, 2004 1:00 am

Message par matrix23 »

C'est clair que tom s'en va ! depuis le début , je me suis pas encore trompé. Je sais toujours qui va être éliminé

Yopel et les 20 bâtons de golf ! Un film touchant sur ce qu'est véritablement la vie , intelligent et émouvant , il vout fera pleurer et rire , avec Matrix,babychoux et moomin avec une apparition surprenante de la star Sahoe showng !
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Char Aznable
Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5784
Inscription : sam. oct. 18, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Char Aznable »

V-KiNG  a écrit

Et pour les autres Survivors qui appuyaient Jeff... C'EST BIN CERTAIN QU'IL VONT ETRE D'ACCORD AVEC LUI, c pas lui qui doit gagner.  Ya surement juste Jenna qui defendait son frerot.
Je sais ce que tu veux dire mais je pense pas que les autres participants étaient de mauvaise fois.
Citation :Lol le challenge de bouffe, j'avais des frissons juste a regarder le dernier snack, la genre de bibitte blanche vivante, beurhh !!
C`était sûr que le fils de Big Tom allait gagner,ça doit être le genre de bouffe qu`il mange sur sa ferme.
Modeste Jacasseur
Messages : 217
Inscription : jeu. déc. 18, 2003 1:00 am

Message par V-KiNG »

Citation :
C`était sûr que le fils de Big Tom allait gagner,ça doit être le genre de bouffe qu`il mange sur sa ferme.

Illustre Pie
Messages : 275
Inscription : ven. févr. 06, 2004 1:00 am

Message par pépère »

Merci pour le chat Rupert  

vieux motard que jamais

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