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Messages : 2403
Inscription : ven. juil. 11, 2003 12:00 am

Message par FRISETTE »

C'est vraiment drôle!!!!

Host: Hi Tom are you ready to take some questions?
Big Tom: Yeah, man let's let it rip!

Question: Tom, after you were voted off you stopped on the plank and gave Boston Rob a hard stare, were you trying to send a message to him?
Big Tom: Yeah, I was sending a message. I wanted him to know my butt was in a cat seat and his fate would be in my hands if he makes it to the final two.

Question: You looked pretty pissed at Rob, how mad were you?
Big Tom: I was mad enough that if I could have just got a hold of him I would have felt a whole lot better. Just a little before that we made a handshake deal that we were going to vote out Jenna.

Question: How do you feel when you watch the show and hear how Rob talked about you?
Big Tom: It really doesn't bother me...that's part of the game. But talking about my son, well you're walking on thin ice and it pisses me off. That's family. He's out there enjoying the game, I'm the one playing the game. I treat his family with respect -- his brother -- and for him to talk about my son, that shows no class.

Question: Big Tom!!! What do you think about Sue getting an extreme makeover?
Big Tom: *Laughs* I don't know anything about it, but she is a perfect candidate. Is she going to get a new broom, too? Gimme that guy's number who is making Sue over, maybe I'll get me one of those, too.

Question: Is Rob such a despicable human being in real life?
Big Tom: When you first see Rob it's like a dog coming across the yard, you want to pet it. Then you get busy, dog goes away, and you go through the yard and step in dog poo. Then you try to wipe it off your shoes, you can't get it off, and everywhere you go it smells like dog poo. Same way with Rob.

Question: Tom, other than your family what is the one thing that you missed the most while on the island?
Big Tom: I guess it would be a glass of milk and a cheeseburger. And my watch. I about wore my arm out looking at it and looking for a watch.

Question: Who smelled the worst?
Big Tom: Rob, cause he reminds me of that dog poo.

Question: What was the funniest thing that happened to you out there and who made you laugh the most?
Big Tom: The funniest thing I guess would have to be walking on those rocks. It was kind of like walking on sheep snot. Those are the slickest rocks I ever seen. I had to laugh at myself, here's this 200, 300 pound man walking around and slipping on rocks.

Question: Why didn't you go with Rupert and Jenna and vote off Amber?
Big Tom: I had an alliance with Rob and Amber from day one, and we outnumbered them. I'd be putting myself on the chopping block if I did vote off Amber. During the course of Survivor, the original tribe is the one that sticks together to the end.

Question: If each of the remaining Survivors were farm animals, what would they be?
Big Tom: *laughs* Rob would be the dog; Rupert a big old work horse; Jenna a chicken, like a rooster doing that crowing thing 24/7; Amber, she would be that cute thing on the farm, we put her in the petting zoo. Sue, I know she left early, but she would be a goat.

Question: Tom you and Sue called each other names all the time, so I'm wondering was there sexual tension between you and her?
Big Tom: *laughs* Yeah, there was! There was sexual frustration among us. Because every time I look at her I forget about sex.

Question: What exactly did you, Rupert and Jenna discuss when Rob and Amber were at the drive-in?
Big Tom: Popcorn, hot dogs, Pepsi. We did not basically discuss the game. Which might have been a mistake on me and Jenna's part. We didn't discuss it.

Question: Besides Survivor, what reality show do you like the most and would you be on another reality show?
Big Tom: Sure, I'd like to be on another reality show. That'd be great. I'd like to do The Amazing Race with Lex. Because Lex speaks three languages and I have the common sense. If I were a single guy I'd like to be on a show with some chicks.

Question: You and Rupert were buddies up until the pecking order meal, is that why you didn't choose him and his wife Laura to join you on the reward?
Big Tom: No. The reason I didn't is because of that cold tater he gave me, and I can't stand to see a 40 year old man act like a seventh grader with his wife, with that dry humping there. I can't stand it.

Question: What do you think about the riding coattails strategy?
Big Tom: Well, if it works don't knock it. Everybody's got their own plan and agenda. Every decision ends up being a part of the game.

Question: Who were you most mad at for voting you off, Rupert or Rob?
Big Tom: Definitely Rob. I wasn't mad at Rupert. I had an alliance with Rob.

Question: Tom, I will miss your singing. Why did you trust Rob and Amber?
Big Tom: I made a pact with the devil the very first day, which was Rob and Amber, and I stuck with it. Any other move... the numbers weren't there. Lex, Kathy and Shii Ann... You realize at the merge we won, all we had to do was vote along tribal lines and it would have ended up us five. Rob wouldn't have had to do all the big thinking he's trying to do now. Why play dirty when you could have went right down the line? No reason, which would not burn himself on the jury if he were to make it to the final two.

Question: You had all the power after you won immunity, then gave it to Rob. Why did you not see that you were playing for third all along?
Big Tom: I don't agree with that. I was playing to win. But I had to get to third place in order to win. Early in the game you could see that Rob had hurt himself with the jury.

Question: Didn't you have an alliance with Rupert in the beginning?
Big Tom: No, never had an alliance with Rupert. Unfortunately Rupert was with Jenna, and we couldn't even discuss it. If we did have an alliance it would have been good. He's stupid, and I am too, for not doing that. But we gave our word.

Question: From watching the show so far, who in your opinion has been the smartest player?
Big Tom: Lex, I think he was the smartest player, he made the biggest mistake, but he was the smartest player.

Question: In the episode where everyone was blindfolded and one person from each tribe had to lead you around, you got hit a lot, did that actually hurt bad, it looked kind of painful.
Big Tom: Big time bad! I didn't remember the puzzle, but I could not have done it, I wasn't hit in the head and had a clear brain.

Question: Twice, last night Amber said she could "smell the money" and bragged about getting the car, do you think that was a mistake?
Big Tom: Well, it didn't help her any. But you know, there's been worse comments made by other people there, so it didn't really hurt her.

Question: Cool show, what is the name of your favorite goat?
Big Tom: Jessie, after Jessie from Africa. Now that's a woman.

Question: Was your son still waiting there to see if you got voted off or had he gone home already?
Big Tom: He had already left.

Question: Who would you have taken to the final two with you?
Big Tom: Rob, because I knew I could beat him. That was my plan.

Question: How frustrating was it for everyone to sit and watch Rob and Amber kiss and carry on?
Big Tom: Well it was terrible. You know, it was like high school.

Question: How was being on Survivor All Stars different from the first time you were on Survivor?
Big Tom: The first time I went I had never watched the show, and I was in Africa saying my gosh, what's going on. This time was more difficult because I knew some of the players, or thought I did. My strategy this time was a lot different... I had strategy this time.

Question: Did you know that Rob was trying to get you and Rupert to fight last night, or did you find out like the rest of us?
Big Tom: I knew Rob was wanting the fight, but I was having to say, well I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I had to make a decision, but I really thought Rupert was a snitch, a white rat.

Question: Rumor has it that you didn't know how to swim before All Stars. Any truth to that? If so, how did you prepare in such a short time for Panama? You did great in the water challenges... better than some of the seasoned swimmers.
Big Tom: Have you ever saw a farmer with a swimming pool in his backyard? No, I didn't know how to swim, but I learned to doggy paddle in a water trough. This time I trained for two months at the Wellness Center before. Really, I worked my butt off. My wife and I were thinking we were going somewhere with water. I didn't want to embarrass myself not knowing how to swim.

Question: Was the jury an angry mob when you joined them?
Big Tom: Yes. Lot of hate and discontent.

Question: What does love, peace and hair grease mean?
Big Tom: *laughs* My wife's a school teacher, and when I'm leaving I always tell the kids, "Love, Peace, Hair Grease, see you later".

Question: Were you surprised your son Bo won that "critter" eating contest and how do you think you would have done?
Big Tom: It didn't surprise me because he's a competitor. And he's also used to eating his mother's cooking. I would not have done very good. That farfaru stunk like a buzzard on a gut wagon.

Question: Are you ready to let them all have it on Sunday... Got some good words planned?
Big Tom: I actually hadn't planned anything. I'll say whatever comes to my brain.. I never plan upfront. I'm better off the cuff I think.

Host: Our time is up... any final comments for the Survivor fans?
Big Tom: I want to tell everybody thank you for all the great support through my Survivor adventures. Hope to be able to meet everyone of you and say "hey" sometime on the farm. And watch Sunday. Be there or be square.

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