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LE DOMAINE BLEU • ***spoilers *** Résumés webcam ... Jusqu'au 18 août!!! - Page 68
Page 68 sur 71

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 4:05 pm
par sakke
J'ai hâte que Howie continue à harceler April

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 4:26 pm
par Char Aznable
Va falloir qu`il pense à de nouvelles insultes pendant la nuit, parceque là il les a pas mal tous sortie.

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 4:54 pm
par Sweet Angel
Franchement, ils sont tous en train de souper, et la "bitch Jennifer» a la photo de son «Dan» avec elle qu'elle traîne partout comme une idiote et lui donne des becs !!!

Maintenant qu'elle a eu tous ses beaux cadeaux et photos et son "power trip" grâce à «Kaysar» en pleurnichant pendant des heures et en jurant sur sa vie, et bien elle met «Kaysar» dehors !!!

Comment peut-elle avoir la conscience tranquille et être fière, même si elle peut mentir, comme elle dit, dans cette "game" ???

Ouf !!!  Sans commentaires !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 4:55 pm
par Char Aznable
Ça me fait penser.Pourqui Jase est pas de cette année,je suis sûr qu`il aurait passé pour un good guy.....  

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:01 pm
par LeoChris
Je crois pas ... Scott, Marvin et Jase étaient ... légèrement ... dérangés Je reste fan de Will et Drew Surtout Drew ... Ai-je mentionné que je suis supporter de Drew ?

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:10 pm
par Char Aznable
LeoChris  a écrit Je crois pas ... Scott, Marvin et Jase étaient ... légèrement ... dérangés Je reste fan de Will et Drew Surtout Drew ... Ai-je mentionné que je suis supporter de Drew ?
Jase aurait pas été dans l`alliance de fille,c`est certain.Il les auraient rendu folle et aurait été vu comme un héro.
J`étais d`accord avec James à soir.Faut être pissous pour backdoré quelqu`un sans qu`il ait la chance de se défendre.Ben oui,comme Jase l`année passé.

J`ai même vu du monde dire qu`Allison et June pourrait passé pour des good girl avec la gang de cette année..mais ça je suis moins sûr.

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:15 pm
par Sweet Angel
La «Bitch Jennifer» est maintenant étendue sur son lit de princesse et écoute de la musique en regardant et prenant continuellement la crissss... de photo de son «Dan» !!!

Si elle peut sacrer son camp, pis aller le retrouver son «Dan» au plus sacrant, ainsi on aura pas à endurer de voir sa face de "bitch" !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:18 pm
par LeoChris
Jenn va être sur le jury pour sur Sweet Donc on va devoir l'endurer pendant au moin un segment de minimum 5 mins tout les jeudis jusqua la fin de la saison

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:19 pm
par Sweet Angel
«Howie» s'est vraiment calmé et est revenu les 2 pieds sur terre, dommage, c'était vraiment l'fun !!!

Il parle calmement avec «Beau», en ce moment, à la table après le souper, il était même assi à côté de «Jennifer» pendant le souper et a parlé à «Crapette» cet après-midi !!!

Disons que «Rachel» y est pour quelque chose, elle a dû le mettre en pénitence !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:23 pm
par Sweet Angel
LeoChris  a écritJenn va être sur le jury pour sur Sweet Donc on va devoir l'endurer pendant au moin un segment de minimum 5 mins tout les jeudis jusqua la fin de la saison

Ben disons que j'aime mieux 5 minutes à la télé où je peux changer de poste, que là de l'avoir continuellement sur les "feeds" !!!

Merde, les "feeds" ne montrent que le «FS», ça fait plus de 3 heures que je n'ai pas vu ni Kaysar, ni Janelle, et Kaysar part jeudi, donc merde, montrez-le nous avant qu'il parte !!!

Chu pu capable de voir le FS sur les "feeds", car le coeur me lève !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 5:35 pm
par Sweet Angel
«Rachel & April» parlent ensemble, «April» redit la même shit... comme quoi qu'il peut dire n'importe quoi sur elle, mais pas sur sa famille, qu'il a dépassé la limite, bla, bla, bla !!!

Et là «Rachel» lui dit :

"I wish I could apologize for him, but..."

Et «April» lui dit qu'elle n'en veut vraiment pas à «Rachel» car elle ne lui a rien fait, ni dit !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 7:23 pm
par Sweet Angel
Eh bien, j'en reviens pas !!!

Faut croire que «Rachel» a donné du «ritalin» ou un «antidrépresseur» à «Howie», car ce dernier est en train de faire un massage (vieilles habitudes) à la "bitch Jennfier" assis sur le bord du tourbillon, alors qu'elle parle avec «Rachel» qui est dans le tourbillon !!!

Jsute à côté, «Kaysar & Janelle» jouent aux échecs (comme toujours aussi "cute" :love sur la table patio à l'extérieur !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 7:33 pm
par Sweet Angel
C'est drôle, car la caméra a montré un gros plan de «Kaysar» qui joue avec ses bouclettes !!!

Faut croire que même les "cameramans" ont remarqué cette habitude !!!

Publié : mar. août 16, 2005 8:14 pm
par Picasims
sakke  a écrit

Publié : mer. août 17, 2005 4:01 am
par Sweet Angel
Merde, je n'arrive pas à croire que BB va laisser partir le HG plus intelligent, le plus "wise" stratégiquement, et ce, sans qu'il ait besoin de mentir, de faire des "bitcheries", etc., comme un joueur de la trame de «James» ou la gang de "bitchs" !!!

C'est sûrement le meilleur joueur "clean" de toutes les saisons de BB, quoique je n'ai pas écouté les autres, mais ce gars-là c'est un génie !!!

Je savais que la stratégie de «Rachel» aujourd'hui de tenter de ralier désormais «James» de leur côté en lui disant que s'il voulait gagner il devait absolument être avec eux, car si il se retrouve en finale avec un «FS», jamais le «FS» ne voterait pour lui, car ils sont 4 de ce côté dans le jury versus 3, cela ne fonctionnerait pas, car «James» a Yvette !!!

Et justement, ce que «Rachel» ne sait pas et elle n'y a pas pensé, c'est que «Yvette» a une alliance (deal) avec «James», donc il va avoir son vote et que «James» va s'arranger pour finir en finale avec «April», et comme Yvette déteste April, c'est certain que «Yvette» voterait «James» !!!

«Rachel», ce midi, en parlant à «James», croit qu'il n'a pas pensé à tout ça !!!  Ben voyons donc, je le savais qu'il y a pensé depuis longtemps, il n'avait plus rien à perdre !!!  Pourquoi il s'allierait avec un groupe de 3 qui sont supérieurs à lui (James), au lieu d'un groupe de 5, et qui sont toutes des femmes sans cervelles ???  Il devient ainsi le "leader" après le départ de «Maggie» et va passer pour le héros !!!

Anyway, tout ça pour dire que finalement, «Kaysar» a tout analysé et compris en décrivant la situation à «Janelle & Howie», cette nuit, car alors qu'ils étaient à l'extérieur, «Janelle» lui a demandé qu'est-ce qu'il pensait qu'il allait se passer et que «Rachel» ne voulait plus éliminer «James», mais lui a demandé de se rallier avec eux s'il voulait gagner !!!

«Kaysar» a alors dit, vous faites ce que vous voulez car moi dans 2 jours je ne suis plus là, mais je vous le dit JAMAIS «James» ne va se rallier de votre côté et ça ne sert à rien, vous êtes faites..., c'est lui qui doit «sortir» "backdoor" le premier, car là il pense que vous ne voulez plus le mettre OUT et que vous êtes tellement en colère, contre «Jennifer» que c'est elle que vous allez sortir !!!  Ensuite, la 2e à sortir, c'est «Maggie», puis «Yvette» !!!

Bref, ce fut la conversation la plus intelligente et la plus "wise" que j'ai entendu (ça fait changement des "bitchs") !!!

Comme un très bon résumé a été fait en anglais sur un autre forum, je vais m'éviter de tout écrire et le copier ci-dessous, d'ailleurs ça serait beaucoup trop long et je ne pourrais pas tout traduire correctement !!!  Il manque un grand bout de la conversation, mais disons que l'essentiel est là !!!


Janelle:  Why do you think they put you up «Kaysar» ?

Kaysar: Because I'm smarter and better than those crap. And the only thing they can justify it as .. you knmow what, we're afraid of what he brings to this game. We don't like the viewers loving him.. we don't like the fact he can come into this game and bring his team together. We don't like that he can come into this game and not cheat or lie. We don't like that. So for that, I'm penalized and I'm out for the second time.

Quiet for awhile.

Janelle: What do you think is gonna happen after you leave.. and do you think we should still get rid of Jenny first?

Kaysar: You guys always need to leave your options open. You didn't leave your options open last week. You fucked up.

Janelle: I know

Kaysar: You didn't cover your tracks. You need to put Ivette up, and Maggie. That'll split the teams. They'll have to choose who is fighting for hwo and why.

Janelle: Obviously beau is gonna play for ivette.

Kaysar: I don't think so, they might try and beg James to get it and that'll piss the rest of the team. put those two up, cause dissension, and if someone gets up, you put someone else up, and cause more dissension.

Howie says something about Triple eviction.

Janelle: But if they put Howie and Rachel up, I would fight for both of them. So Maggie might fight for both.

Kaysar: No, look, they're isnecure. If you're Ivette on the blcok, you ask James b/c for sure James will get it and take Yvette off. How do you think April and Jen will feel? they'll be pissed. as much as they say they don't care they don't care they don't care, they don't wanna go home. they're greedy. so you put them up. don't listen to what they have to say. read their body language and follow their actions.

janelle: im nto gonna listen to them ever again except for you and rachel.

kaysar: so you put those two up. my.. this is my opinion, okay... Kaysar: Um... you... depending on who gets it.. a good combination would be this.. you want ivette and maggie up there because james will vote maggie off, and you guys can do the same, too, and... and next week, it doesn't matter because it could be tiebreaker. eitherway, so win win. if ivette goes, fine. maggie goes, fine. Jenny is a peice of shit, she's gonna crawl into her hole right after this week is done.

Janelle: youre sure?

Kaysar: Yes! She has nothing. She doesn't know how to play the fgame. If you don't believe what she says, she can't do anything. She's a piece of shit. If she believed in herself, she could create something, set them up for next week.. actions like this are brought about by insecurity. they didn't believe in themselves so they had to lowball us.

Janelle: Yeah..

Kaysar: And that's the sad thing.

Kaysar: They're gonna think, OO, i'm so pissed abotu Jenny, my speech is gonan be about Jenny, so when you put jenny up, she's gonna be so paranoid she's goung home that.. it's gonna kill her.

Janelle: Yeah..

Kaysar: You go for Maggie. I'm telling you.. you go for Maggie. She's the bitch that's still running it. And she's acting like she isn't because she's scared people are gonna go for her. SHE'S the one. She's loving it rihgt now because she's used Jenny to pull the strings.. to cut the cord.. to do all the bad thingsd and get all the bad attention. But it's HER and Ivette who are trying to fuck shit up.

Janelle: Yeah.

Kaysar: Kinda makes sense because it's her and ivette who are closest to eric, and it's something eric would have done.

Kaysar: said that true..they have the vote next week and will have the team in the sequester house. James has been acting all nice since he knows he can't win with Janelle, Howie and Rachel because he isn't strong enough. Tells them that James' stragedy is better than any of Maggie's team and with their stragedy and Maggie's teams votes..I'm telling you, you are all screwed.

K: They are so scared, their gonna think, I'm so pissed at jennifer, so we put her up she's gonna be so parinoid that shes going home.
Im telling you, vote for maggie, shes the bitch, shes pretending that she isnt.
She just got james to cut the cord. Its her and ivette that are tyign to fuck something.

Kaysar: James is insecure so in the end, he can't pull it off with you guys. So, he probably thinks its a safer bet to stay with them ebcause he can beat them any day of the week. yes, it's true that they have the vote.. (Howie: they have to vote someone off) but in the end they have to vote in sequester house. but he thinks hes so popular that he can keep winning comeptitions.. look at him, how nice he is, because he knows he's in sequestor house. don't give me this bullshit. look at the way he is playing this game. he is trying to win them over. he doesnt think he can win with you guys because he knows you guys can take him out because hes not strong enough.

janelle: but we cant take him out if we want to win.

kaysar: im telling you, his strategy is much better than any of theres. with their numbers nad his strategies, you guys are fucked.

janelle: what should we dod them

howie: did yo utalk to rachel.

kaysar: no.

howie: talk to her tomorrow i nsecresy.

Kaysar: she thinks she can swing james, though.... this is just my opinion.. you guys can do what you want.

Howie: shes got a good point though.

KaysaR: about the sequester house. we already know that. but look at how he's acting. like an angel. because he thinks he can flip their votes at the end. what happened to im just an asshole im jsut an asshole. what happend to that now. every day of the week he was saying he was an asshole. what happened to that.

hwoie: but since he lost his girlfirned, hes stressed. he doesnt know why hes here right now.

kaysar: dont let that fool you. he knwos this is sequester and that these are the people.

howie: he also knwos theyre gonna tkae them out.

kaysar: no. the first thing he is gonna do is go to maggie and hes going to blame me like hes been doing

hpwie: lets look at it tho. he gets there with one of them.. who do they vote for.. not him! if he wants a shot, he has to get there with one of us.

kaysar: he knows that. he thought agout it. he'll take jenny ro april to the end with him ebcause he knows they wont win. he knwos anyday he can beat them in a physical or mental competition.

howie: but in the fianl two, who knows how its gonna work. the final two go and then we vote on the winner.

kaysar/janelle: we know that, howie

janelle: people arent gonna give money to april opver james

hopwie: you think so?

kaysar: theyre not going to give it to april.. thats a waste.

hopwie: nbut what if he gets there with ivette or beau

kaysar: he wont do that.

Kaysar tells them to look at James actions. He never comes to them with real info from the other side but he does take info from them to Maggie and Ivette. They say that James is defintely on Ivette's team because he thinks that he can tell them whatever they want to hear and they will forgive him. Telling Howie that why are they falling for his bullshit (howie, rachel and janelle..giving James info, etc.).

Howie said that if James goes with one of them to finals, then he is guaranteed to win since everyone hates them.

Kaysar: James thinking logic..it is easier with 6 people instead of 3.
Howie tells K that James is playing a different game with Sara gone..

Kaysar says BULLSHIT. He is playing the same game. I'm telling you, James will NEVER come to your side and work with you.  It's to late, you fucked up last week, he should have been gone before I come back, and because of that, it's me who have to leave again now.  James want me out badly, he's afraid of me, I'm his biggest threat in this house.  Why do you think everybody wants me out ?

Kaysar: There is no pressure on him, there is no change. With any chemical reaction, you have to add heat and pressure.. a catalyst to make the change. there is no change here, he is nto gonan change. you dotn have power, there is nothing you can do. he is not going to do anything because after this week, he knows he is not the target any more.

Howie: He looks like he's took the house off his shoulders.

Kaysar: Who's idea was it to take me off, who convinced them, who convinced htme its okay?

Hwoie: He did.

Kaysar: Exacty. Who convinced them? He did. He'll do anything to save his own ass. It doesn't matter. These people... they can't think for themselves, they never have,

Hwoie: I don't think James knew he was up

Janelle: I'm sure he knew

Kaysar: Bulshit! Just like maggie say she didn't know and april didn't know?

Howoe: they did

Kaysar: Of course, they all knew and James also. He convinced them all week.

Howie: I'm going by body reactions.. OK,they knew.., but I don't think he did.

Kaysar/Janelle: Yes, he did.

Kaysar: Juste the way Jen sat at the veto ceremony and said, "Deal on." You think he isn't with them?

Kaysar: She patted him on the knee and said deal on, and left. He looked at her like he just wasn't sure.

Kaysar: You know what that look was? (James look) THat look was, "No, don't say that because I don't want they think it's me who did that."

Howie: I can buy that.

Kaysar: He didnt' want it to be public knowledge, because he wanted it to be trickery. Don't fall for the nonsense because it doesn't make sense the way you're looking at it. I fell for the bullshit because I wans't able to read them and see what was taking place because I wasn't here last week. I didn't know there was some shit with Ivette.. I didn't know. I was blindsighted. But you weren't. Don't fall for this crap. You're trying to grease him. Rachel is trying to swing him.. he's going to take that info and run to the top.

Howie: you opened my eyes.. gotta look at it from every angle.

Kaysar: I'm telling you, this is what it is. You do want you want, but please believe me, I am 150 % sure of what I'm saying.
I'm sorry I can't be with you guys, but this crap MUST go, it's your only and last chance you have left to might win this thing, and if you are waiting to long, you're screwed, it's finish.
PLEASE not fall for that bullshit, he's a crap.  He might be intelligent but that's it, he has to lie to make it through.

Janelle asks Kaysar what makes you think that they aren't going to take James out? He tells her not to buy into their shit because she said that they think that james is a bigger threat. Kaysar said that they are using James beacuse they can't think for themselves. He goes over to the other side and Ivette sucks his dick...talking about friendship with him, relationships, etc. Tells them that they are getting douped.

Howie tells kaysar that he has opened his eyes to James alot.

Kaysar: He's the one who's working the angles and looking at everything.. not you guys. I'll tell you that right now.

Kaysar: You think it's going to be that clear, that simple? You know what.. Ivette told me,: "I told James, I don't trust you, and you're not safe later." Why would they say that, after all the lies?

Janelle: Maybe they think hes more of a threat than us.

Kaysar: No, janie, don't buy it.
That's fucking bullshit. You think they're gonna sit and think that. That's bullshit. We can wipe our own asses so we're gonna use him.

Hopwie: He reads the bible like he's a bible boy now, like hes' a saint.

Kaysar: One week hes making promises and swearing on the bible, next weke hes doing god knows what. GUYS.. you're getting duped.

Hopwie: I dont trust the son of a bitch. But what i do trust is he needs five hundred over fifty.. and you explained the best way.. riding in there with april.

Janelle: After he gets rid of us, he'll go after them.

Kaysar: His chances of going to final two with you four and winning is none, that's why he switched side. Come on, going with April and getting there is the easiest 500 grand or mil ANYONE has ever achieved. Come on man, come on.

Howie: We have a problem. But, the problems are only there when I am HoH. We gotta win still.

Kaysar: He thinks what we're gonna do now are take out Jenny or maggie. What is he gonna do? When someone gets HOH they're gonan take them out. He has a uffer zone.  You are doing his job and after that he will finish it. That's it.

Howie: They might target each other.

Kaysar: NO, they won't. They made a pact to take out everyone before themselves. He's gonna sit there and watch you take everyone out and HE'S gonna be chilling out. Then hes gonna tell them hes so sorry about what happened and HES gona become leader.

Kaysar: Rachel is trying to be friend with him now and tell him we need him.. it's not gonna work, dude.  Forget that, you have to put him OUT.  That's it.  It's the only way.

Howie: We gotta backdoor him, but at the same time, we cant keep losing ground and they stand strong.

Kaysar: No you can't look at that. The game changes every week, next week its different.

Kaysar: Last week you fucked up guys. You had to keep James here, after that, "backdoor". That flinch, that second, it fucked things up. I would still be here this week.

Howie: I know. If he hadnt have won the veto, you would still be here right now.

Kaysar:  It's not only the veto, you should "backdoor" him, putting Yvette & Maggie and if no veto, than it's ok., at least Maggie or Yvette is out.

Kaysar: Don't get blindsighted, man, that is the worse way to go out. The worst way to go out.

Howie: Well, they ahve the numbers, what do they want. They need hoh, that's what WE have t ostrive for.

Kaysar: you need to see things that's taking place.

howie: yeah.

kaysar: you have to take out James this week b/c hell take over the group. if you take out maggie, though, fine, second best. but then the group is depressed and james will come in, and ivette andd james will run the group. he'll defend them, and as women, they'll want to be defended. and they'll protect him. in essence, though, he doesnt give two shits about them. you need to see that.

howie: yeah. thats why i needed you back ,kaysar.

kaysar: if you attack James now, they wont fight for him because they haven't bonded for them. this is the time. I know you guys feel like its backtracking. but you need to cut your losses so ti works in the end. you will never attain james. never ever ever. trust me. he doesnt work that way.

Kaysar: Don't let him plug himself into that group, especially when Maggie needs a partner. He's probably like, I know how they think, I know how Kaysar thinks. I'm tellign you, he sold them. He told them, you need to do this because he's dangerous.

Janelle: Yeah..

All of them are quiet now, no one is talking. Someone is scraping something on the table.

Howie: You're right.. I made a 500 thousand dollars mistake.. but you're right.

Kaysar: Trust me.. I get the feeling, I know something is up. I know. That's what it is. I know it. That's what it is.

Janelle: Yeah, we have to take James out.

kaysar: where did he run to after the fight? he ran upstairs to comfort beau, to comfort april. he told them they cant take these personal fights, that he's never seen anyting like that in his life. hes trying to fuck you guys, are you gonna sit him bac kand let him do that to you. it frustrates me that. i'm pissed. I'm out the door again because of him and he's gonan fuck you guys.  I'm telling you.

howie: i hate him, i hate all those people. they fucked me. we would have fuckin cleared out this house if he wasnt such a fuckin pussy.

kaysaR: and he's still saying to go look at the tapes. why is he saying that? because he wants to work you guys.

howie: i know that.

Kaysar: By doing what they did, they put everything into it. They said they're putting their faith in James and taking Kaysar out. Now he's becoming their hero. You take that out. Take him out first. After all the drama, the fighting, and removing James.. they're gonna feel like crap. Next week, they have less of a chance to win that veto. Two against five is better. Who is gonna win it?

Kaysar: Did you notice, that I'm talking to you guys since almost two hours.  And the second I brought forth this information.. how many cameras are on me right now ???

Howie:... two.

Kaysar: Right, and It was 0 before that.


Publié : mer. août 17, 2005 4:23 am
par Pacm
Sweet Angel  a écritMerde, je n'arrive pas à croire que BB va laisser partir le HG plus intelligent, le plus "wise" stratégiquement, et ce, sans qu'il ait besoin de mentir, de faire des "bitcheries", etc., comme un joueur de la trame de «James» ou la gang de "bitchs" !!!

C'est sûrement le meilleur joueur "clean" de toutes les saisons de BB, quoique je n'ai pas écouté les autres, mais ce gars-là c'est un génie !!!


JAMAIS «James» ne va se rallier de votre côté et ça ne sert à rien, vous êtes faites..., c'est lui qui doit «sortir» "backdoor" le premier,

Un joueur qui veut backdoorer un autre joueur ne peut pas etre considéré clean, tu viens de te contredire.

Publié : mer. août 17, 2005 4:42 am
par Char Aznable
C`est domage que Howie ait arrêté avec April.D`un autre côté c`est sûr que ça ne pouvait pas duré bien plus qu`une journée.Peut être même que c`est la production qui a demandé à Howie d`arrêter pour diminuer la tension dans la maison.La réalité est qu` April mérite vraiment ce qui lui ait arrivé.Malheureusement,elle va toujours raporter des conversations en y rajoutant des menteries,elle a pas changé pour autant,elle continue de mentir,mentir et encore mentir.Pourquoi elle au lieu de Jenn?Parceque April est la pire de sa gang avec Ivette et ce depuis le début et elle a dit du mal d`a peu près tout les housguest.Soyont sérieux,la fille qui est en crisse parcequ`on s`en prend à son fat husbi est la même qui accusait Mike d`harcèlement sexuel....

J`avoue que c`est triste pour le chien par exemple,ça doit pas être drôle d`avoir April comme maitre. --Message edité par Char Aznable le 2005-08-17 10:43:40--

Publié : mer. août 17, 2005 4:43 am
par Sweet Angel
Pacm  a écrit

Un joueur qui veut backdoorer un autre joueur ne peut pas etre considéré clean, tu viens de te contredire.

Je sais ça.... et «Kaysar» le sait aussi, il l'a même dit si tu as bien lu le résumé, mais ils n'ont plus d'autres choix, et si cela avait été fait avant, comme cela aurait dû être, et bien ils n'auraientt pas eu à faire ça !!!

Faut quand même pas chercher des bébittes... ou il y en a pas «Pacm» !!!  

Et les autres joueurs sont bien pires, ils sont complètement "dirty" !!!

Publié : mer. août 17, 2005 4:52 am
par Pacm
Sweet Angel  a écrit

mais ils n'ont plus d'autres choix

oui ils ont plein d'autres choix, si Howie gagne le HOH par exemple ils peuvent decider d'eliminer leurs vrais dangers comme Maggie ou Jennifer

Publié : mer. août 17, 2005 5:54 am
par sakke
D'après l'analyse de King Kaysar, on dirait qu'il voit les feeds. Je suis juste en désaccord avec lui sur un point, je sortirais Maggie avant James. C'est elle qui run l'affaire...!