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LE DOMAINE BLEU • ** American Idol 7 ** IDOL GIVES BACK ** 9 Avril 2008 ** - Page 9
Page 9 sur 9

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:11 pm
par BooGGY
~*Chris*~  a écrit
C'etait juste une joke :'( :'( ... Je connais deja le rouleau a pate vu mon pere ses mr.Doughboy (Pillsbury)

Je sais, moi aussi. J'ai édité parce que ça portait à confusion  

Je te ferais jamais ça, voyons!  

So, t'es Pillsbury Doughboy JUNIOR?  

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:12 pm
par ~*Chris*~
BooGGY  a écrit

Je sais, moi aussi. J'ai édité parce que ça portait à confusion  

Je te ferais jamais ça, voyons!  

So, t'es Pillsbury Doughboy JUNIOR?  

No, jaime pas cuire mais mon pere aime sa... Il sa fait faire doughboy comem tatoo avec un rouleau a patre

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:13 pm
par BooGGY

La finale était  bien.

La voix de David Cook dans ça   Wow!

Toutit3, c'était une chanson protestante?  Comment tu sais?

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:21 pm
par toutit3
BooGGY  a écrit

La finale était  bien.

La voix de David Cook dans ça   Wow!

Toutit3, c'était une chanson protestante?  Comment tu sais?

Parce que je le suis !
C'est une chanson que l'on chantait à l'église (mais en francais nous.. traduit)
La chanson s'appelle "Shout to the lord"

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:22 pm
par ~Havana~
United States and Canada call now   ...on peut pas voter mais quand il s'agit de dons par exemple , les lignes sont ouvertes stic...

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:30 pm
par BooGGY
toutit3  a écrit

Parce que je le suis !
C'est une chanson que l'on chantait à l'église (mais en francais nous.. traduit)
La chanson s'appelle "Shout to the lord"

ah ok! Je savais pas    

La chanson sonnait bien

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 4:34 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Moi j'ai appeller et jai pas eu du services du tout... Je voulais donner 10$ et la il a dit : oh 10$ avec un aire un peu decu... Ils ont ben dit donner quoi que vs pouve

Publié : mer. avr. 09, 2008 7:27 pm
par Frank_
~*Chris*~ a dit : Moi j'ai appeller et jai pas eu du services du tout... Je voulais donner 10$ et la il  a écritoh 10$ avec un aire un peu decu... Ils ont ben dit donner quoi que vs pouve
Voyons donc !

Publié : jeu. avr. 10, 2008 8:35 am
par felix
Citation :Idol Gives Back
Wednesday, April 9 at 8:45 PM

"More stars than there are in heaven" was the motto of MGM studios back in the days when they churned out movies like gumdrops.

That motto might easily have applied to Wednesday's Idol Gives Back charity telethon, where the top-rated Fox reality show attempted to raise $100 million for childrens' charities in the United States and abroad.

Who showed up to help out?

Snoop Dogg, Brad Pitt, Whoopi Goldberg, Reese Witherspoon, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams and Peyton and Eli Manning, among others.
The bulk of the show was actually taped last Sunday at Hollywood's Kodak Theater, with 3,000 people in the audience.
Part of Wednesday's show was live, as host Ryan Seacrest roamed a "phone room" where Idol contestants manned the phones.
The telecast kicked off with the Idol singers performing Rihanna's Don't Stop the Music, while dancers from So You Think You Can Dance whirled and twirled (and flipped and break danced) on the stage.

Then the show got down to business, soliciting call-in donations while celebrities like Bono, Celine Dion, Alicia Keyes and Annie Lennox gave us sad tours of African slums where children are dying of everything from malaria to AIDS.
Were there high points in a show like this? Not high, exactly, but a few notable:

   * Jimmel Kimmel spent several minutes talking about judge Simon Cowell's nipples before introducing him with the glib comment: "All the good feelings Mary Poppins brought (from England) he has undone.".

   * Idol alumnus Carrie Underwood and Desperate Housewives stars James Denton and Teri Hatcher did a short sketch where Hatcher finds Underwood fixing a sink with her man, then says she's going to steal Carrie's song. And she does. Hatcher takes to the stage and sings
     Underwood's hit Before He Cheats. She's not a half bad singer, but she shouldn't quit her day job.

   * Miley Cyrus showed why she's the hottest thing in entertainment since sliced bread. She got not one but two changes to sing.

   * Robin Williams showed up wearing a garish gold shirt that would have made Liberace shriek. Come to think of it, he's probably shrieking anyway in the afterlife. They really should monitor Williams' Redbull intake backstage.

     Did I mention that a lot of stars took part, either coming to the studio in person or sending taped messages? Stars like Mariah Carey, Forest Whitaker, Jimmy Johnson, John Cena, the Jonas Brothers, Billy Crystal, Fergie, Heart, David and Victoria Beckham, John Legend, Keith Urban, even British prime minister Gordon Brown.

The giving continues tonight when American Idol gives someone the boot. We should also learn if the fundraiser met its $100 million goal.

http://blogs.rockymountainnews.com/denv ... _back.html

--Message edité par felix le 2008-04-10 14:36:02--

Publié : jeu. avr. 10, 2008 5:18 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Citation :Britney Spears Donates $25,000 to Idol Gives Back

Britney Spears was so moved by the stories told on Idol Gives Back on Wednesday, April 9, that she donated $25,000. “She did it all on her own. She watched the show and cried for like two hours over the children in Africa with malaria,” a Spears family insider tells Life & Style. “She didn’t know much about the disease, so she Googled it. She was horrified to realize kids were dying from mosquito bites. So she went online and donated after getting [her dad] Jamie's permission. She used her Amex.”

A rep for FOX declined to comment.