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Publié : sam. juil. 30, 2005 2:17 pm
par Char Aznable
Pacm a écritVoici un petit scénario que j'imaginerais bien arriver et que seul James aurait le guts de faire. Admettons que James et Sarah se rendent dans le final 4 avec 2 autres personnes, peu importe c'est qui, et James fait son décompte des votes qu'il a besoin dans le final 2 pour gagner. Imaginons qu'il se rend compte qu'il lui manque un seul vote pour gagner, James serait bien capable de backstabber sa propre partenaire et girlfriend Sarah et de la voter out sans l'annoncer à personne avant, ça serait un grand choc pour tout le monde mais James pourrait ainsi s'assurer d'un vote supplémentaire et passerait pour un génie s'il gagne par un seul vote à la fin! Vaut mieux gagner 500000$ que de finir 2e!
Oublions ce scénario,connaisant Big Brother on va surement se ramasser avec une final Rachel-Jennifer,voix le genre....
Publié : sam. juil. 30, 2005 3:00 pm
par Pacm
Le scénario fitte encore car James a avoué qu'il hesiterait pas à sacrfier Sarah, il sait que si tous les couples sont défaits sauf le sien il aura pas le choix. Vous rappelez vous la scene dans Cliffhanger quand John Litgow tue sa femme parce qu'il devait se debarasser de tous les pilotes d'hélicopteres pour que son plan fonctionne? James va faire ça bientot.
Publié : jeu. août 18, 2005 3:43 pm
par Pacm
Bump parce qu'on a besoin de ça en page 1 vu que la game commence vraiment ce soir, ce qu'on a vu jusqu'à date c'etait une introduction, un prologue, une ronde d'échauffement pour James, maintenant on regarde le magicien à l'oeuvre et on s'emerveille.
Publié : sam. août 20, 2005 3:10 pm
par Pacm
J'suis surpris que James ait pas perdu intentionnellement à soir sachant que seulement Beau et non Maggie ou Howie pouvaient gagner. Ça vaut dire que Maggie est encore plus haute dans son pecking order que Howie. J'aurais pensé que Howie aurait pris la tête apres l'élimination de Jennifer étant donné qu'en perdant Howie ça permet à James de facilement récuperer Rachel de son bord et qu'en plus ça lui donne le feeling d'eliminer celui qui l'a trahi et a éliminé sa blonde. Mais j'imagine que sa strategie au moment présent est la meilleure malgré tout, I'll watch listen and learn comme ils disent...
Publié : sam. août 20, 2005 3:28 pm
par LeoChris
Pacm a écritJ'suis surpris que James ait pas perdu intentionnellement à soir sachant que seulement Beau et non Maggie ou Howie pouvaient gagner. Ça vaut dire que Maggie est encore plus haute dans son pecking order que Howie. J'aurais pensé que Howie aurait pris la tête apres l'élimination de Jennifer étant donné qu'en perdant Howie ça permet à James de facilement récuperer Rachel de son bord et qu'en plus ça lui donne le feeling d'eliminer celui qui l'a trahi et a éliminé sa blonde. Mais j'imagine que sa strategie au moment présent est la meilleure malgré tout, I'll watch listen and learn comme ils disent...
Peut-être qu'il savait juste pas la réponce
Publié : sam. août 20, 2005 3:32 pm
par Pacm
Il savait la reponse, il a répondu correctement à la question no.10 pour aller en prolongation.
Publié : sam. août 20, 2005 3:33 pm
par LeoChris
Scuser javais mal lut la question
Publié : jeu. sept. 01, 2005 3:49 pm
par Pacm
Vu que James est parti ( ) voici quelque uns de ses milliers de quotes pour se remémorer sa performance
Sarah: -Hey! Who do you think Maggie looks like?
James: -A dude?
-Cappy would be more useful to keep. He cooks. Sometimes he cleans. You can use him as a stepstool.
-I guess my flirting with Ivette wouldn't have got me anywhere.
-Sarah is beautiful. Sarah is... somewhat intelligent.
-Eric is now watching from home, Hi Eric!
-The Head of Household bedroom was wonderful, it was the most amazing moment of my life. No, it was PATHETIC - I'm watching all these putrid little rats go around and try to kiss Maggie's ass some more. Let her listen to her music and... y'know smoke banana peels and do whatever the hell she does in there. just... Don't make me sick!
(decrivant Ivette pendant la food competition) -She was yelling out for Eric during the food competition. Just pick a word.............. dumbass...
Sarah: -Do you think your mother throws holy water at the tv when she sees you on?
James: -Yeah probably
Sarah: -I love you
James: -Yeah whatever
-I want Maggie to leave this week so that way at least if Eric comes back, they can pass each other in the hallway
-America you can send Eric back this week and I'll send him right back to your ass next week
(en imitant Eric): -You better fucking put me back in that goddam house or I'll come to your houses and kill you children.
And they had to put him in closeup because he so fucking short.
-If I get HOH and Jenny/April try to come talk to me, I'll say, "It's my understanding that you had a chance to save my girlfriend. Sleep well!"
(Apres s'etre oté du bloc en utilisant le veto sur lui-même) -So Howie, I guess you gotta put up whoever lost straws, or whatever.
-Keep em America, I want Sarah
James: -When you get a Christmas gift that you don't want, what do you do with it?
Ivette: -Return it?
James: -That's right. So let's give America back their gift, because we don't want it.
Ivette: -There's 10 players now--
James: -Aren't there 9?
Ivette: -No, 10.
James: -Oh, that's right, because they brought back Dickhead.
-I feel like I'm the hot chick; everyone in this house has fucked me
Et pour finir le quote qui résume probablement le mieux son sejour dans la maison:
-My threshold for stupidity has definitely been fufilled. It's been overflowing.
Publié : mer. sept. 07, 2005 5:26 pm
par Kaylee
Ce que James pense de Magette
Une photo vaut mille mots
Publié : mer. sept. 07, 2005 5:32 pm
par Pacm
À noter que Maggie est maintenant la favorite pour gagner, qui est-ce qui a été celui qui s'est rendu compte le premier qu'elle etait une menace et qu'il fallait s'en debarasser?? Give me a J, give me an A, give me a M-E-S...
Publié : mer. sept. 07, 2005 5:41 pm
par Kaylee
C'est surement sa réaction oui ;)
Publié : mer. sept. 07, 2005 5:59 pm
par Jadz
Pacm a écritÀ noter que Maggie est maintenant la favorite pour gagner, qui est-ce qui a été celui qui s'est rendu compte le premier qu'elle etait une menace et qu'il fallait s'en debarasser?? Give me a J, give me an A, give me a M-E-S...
T'as oublié les cheerleaders !!
Publié : jeu. sept. 08, 2005 4:10 am
par Pacm
James Rhine of Atlanta kicked off the sixth season of Big Brother with shady playing that included plenty of lying and deceiving. Doing so made the 29-year-old loss-prevention manager (who claimed he was a teacher) a huge target for the houseguests. They tried to evict him multiple times, taking out his beloved show partner and real-life girlfriend, Sarah Hrejsa, in the process. But the tough player kept winning the Power of Veto and used his skills at manipulation to pit the two alliances against each other. After his luck finally ran out last Thursday, he spoke with before heading to the sequester house — and showed off a surprisingly softer side. For a bit, it seemed like the two alliances were more concerned about taking each other down than in ousting you.
James Rhine: Unfortunately, they didn't completely forget about me. [My plan] was working for a while. [Later] I felt deep inside that it was a lost cause, but I felt like I was going to try to take out as many people as possible. You sound defeated, but on TV it didn't seem like you gave up hope.
James: Oh, I would never give up hope. I knew that, as bad as it sounds, I was dealing with people who weren't really that intelligent. So they made some of my work easy. At least you made it to the jury, which is pretty good.
James: [Sighs] If I had been knocked out in Week 3, when they were trying to get me out the first time, at least I would have lost competing. That's what bothered me about this backdoor plan — I lost because I was going up against cowards, six people who were scared to compete with me. That is the part that sucks. I didn't go out on my terms; I went out because they were scared of me. HOH is a big responsibility. If you are going to nominate somebody, you'd better have the b---s to stand behind your decision. This backdoor plan.... [Pauses] I'm trying to be nice.... I love competition and I hate poor sports, and I think that was a display of poor sportsmanship. Did you feel that there was anyone in the house who could outmatch you in terms of strategy or competition?
James: No. The thing that hurt me was that Sarah only became my partner three days before we were supposed to go to the show; I had another partner who backed out at the last minute. One of the issues I had was that I took [things] personally because a lot of people were attacking my girlfriend in order to get to me. If I weren't with her, it would have been a lot different. With this other [original partner], we would have destroyed that house. You would have been even more aggressive?
James: Oh, completely. In the beginning I was doing things to create dissension among everybody. The whole reason Ivette and Janelle hate each other is because I told Ivette on Day 2 or 3 that Janelle told me she was coming after her. That was completely made up, but it gave me an ally. I had the dumb alpha male with my original partner, Eric; he could take heat, I could place heat on everybody else. But the moment Sarah found out what I was doing, she got all upset with me for playing "dirty." Sarah does seem very nice.
James: She's an amazing woman. There is not a man luckier. I mean that sincerely. She doesn't belong in that game. That's so sweet. We didn't get to see this side of you.
James: When you have 12 people attacking me personally and physically, you aren't going to get the sweet side of me. One of my mistakes in listening to Sarah was that she wanted me to be that nice guy. What did you think of your alliance falling apart?
James: Howie made the biggest mistake in Big Brother history. In his own words, he's the biggest dumba-- in this entire show. I almost feel bad for him in a way, because when he gets out people are going to rip on him. We had a very, very powerful team with the Sovereign Six. After [they evicted Sarah], I wasn't going to trust people. It was an emotional a--kicking [and] I wanted to take as many people out before these idiots figured out how to backdoor me. It only took them seven tries. I was surprised that it was April who managed to take you out.
James: That is the most disgusting part about this. Her and Jennifer I have no respect for, because of what they did to Mike. When they retracted their sexual-assault accusations after he left the house that really, really struck me. I was an adamant supporter of getting Mike out of the house, and I said some horrible things about him because who would make up something like that? That is the most deplorable tactic I have ever, ever seen. April and Jennifer are just vile people. You had said you'd like to keep in touch with Ivette. Is there anybody else?
James: Kaysar. When he came back in the house, I know he had no idea what was going on. He made a very stupid mistake. Aside from [that], Kaysar is a very smart person, idealistic, and I enjoyed the conversations I had with him. He was the only person in the house I could have a discussion with that wasn't about their outfits or their plastic hair falling out. And I owe Michael a huge apology. Are you dreading going to the sequester house?
James: Yeah. I'm with two of the worst people: Jennifer — I think she's a vile creature — and Rachel, who is just not very exciting. She doesn't stray from her schedule at all. There will definitely be some arguments at the sequester house. If they allow me to tell Jennifer what I think of her, then she's got something coming. The first thing I'm going to do if she asks me what [getting ousted] was like is to tell her it sucked, but that it was great to see Sarah and that she got to spend the night with me at a hotel. It is all bull----. But I'm going to ask her if she got to see her boyfriend, Dan. I'll derive some enjoyment from that. Among the guest who are left, who would you least like to see win?
James: April. She's a disgusting person. Would you be happy with anyone winning?
James: Really, I don't care. I have to vote for someone, but I wanted to vote for someone who was a good competitor. Right now I'd have to say Janelle, who has been herself from Day 1. She's put up with a lot of crap... but her goodbye message really p----d me off. She is the one who approached me about selling out Howie, not me approaching her. I'd vote for Janelle because it would drive the rest of them crazy. If Ivette won, I'd be happy for her. What are your plans after this is all over?
James: I don't know. The houseguests, or "the guinea pigs," used to say to me, "They are going to put you on Survivor." If there was an opportunity to do something like that, I'd do it. And hanging out with Sarah more?
James: I'll never leave her. She's amazing. OK, good luck in the jury house!
James: Thanks. They can't vote me out of there.
Publié : jeu. sept. 08, 2005 4:18 pm
par Pacm
Publié : sam. sept. 10, 2005 12:59 am
par Coucou ö,ö
J'ai une impression Pacm..que ce petit geste t'a mis de bonne humeur..... ;)
Publié : mer. sept. 21, 2005 6:35 am
par Pacm
Publié : mer. sept. 21, 2005 7:11 am
par Sabegalu
Il fait des fingers avec ses 2 mains
Publié : mer. sept. 21, 2005 9:03 am
par Coucou ö,ö
Sabegalu a écrit Il fait des fingers avec ses 2 mains
Bien oui, r'gardont ça!!!!