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Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:11 pm
par Sweet Angel
«Jadz» ouvre tes feeds, elles sont en crisssssssss, elles ont eu les questions du jury et elles n'ont pas du tout aimer, même les questions du FS !!!
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:17 pm
par Jadz
Mais mon pc est pas vite à ouvrir...
Bon je switch de mon Mac au PC...
Je reviens..
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:18 pm
par Sweet Angel
«James» n'aurait apparemment pas manqué «Maggie» avec sa question !!! Bref, elles sont en criss après toutes les questions qu'elles ont eu et n'en reviennent tout simplement pas !!!
Ouf, c'est trop drôle de voir comment elles sont en crissss, comparativement à hier soir où elles jubilaient et ont continué de "bitcher" «Janelle» over and over again !!!
Et devinez quoi, «Ivette» dit que c'est encore de la faute à «Janelle» qui est en train de raconter pleins de menteries et continues de jouer la game, bla, bla, bla, !!!
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:24 pm
par Kaylee
Bien les 2 FS sont en furie
Il y a des résumés de leurs discussions sur , et autres... lol.. La j'ouvrirais mes feeds( bien en avoir)
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:30 pm
par Kaylee
Ivette feels like Beau was the only one who wasn't bitter. Maggie didn't like Beau's question for her. She said that his question was what was your strategy after Eric left the game. Ivette didn't find anything wrong with it. But, Maggie didn't like what it implied whereas she said that Beau gave Ivette a funny question to answer.
Even the Friend-Sheep are turning on Maggie and April.
One of the issues that keeps coming up is the "Who decided to evict Kaysar?" during Jen's HOH week.
Ivette and Maggie feel like they are getting blamed for that one. Rachel told Maggie I know you weren't the one who decided to get rid of Kaysar making it seem like it was Ivette's idea. Ivette said that the jury is over there playing the blame game. It looks like Jen is even asking Maggie some hardball questions. And April is asking Ivette some tough questions. And Jen is also pointing the fingers at Ivette about the Kaysar situation.
April told Ivette how does it feel not getting blamed for anything in this game. April feel like she took a lot of the blame for a lot of things that happened in the game.
James accused Maggie of selling out her alliance to win the game. James asked Maggie how does it feel setting up your own partners to take the fall for you.
Howie asked Ivette when did she start playing with integrity. Howie accused Ivette of lying.
Maggie is saying that even Jen wasn't nice to her with the questions.
Ivette feels like Janelle will vote for Maggie so that people can always ask Ivette why didn't you take Janelle's offer to win $500,000 kind of like how people always ask Marcellas why didn't he use the veto.
Maggie and Ivette feel like they have been bashed by the jury. Now they know how BB4's Jun and Alison felt after they got a tongue lashing by their jury.
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:32 pm
par Sweet Angel
Bon, comme j'en ai manqué un bout, car je n'ai pas ouvert les "feeds" aujourd'hui, je vous transcris un résumé pris tout de suite après les questions du jury :
I: oh my god I'm in shock right now. Jen hates me.
M: someone asked me who besides Eric & Ivette would I choose to play this game with. What did April ask you?
I: rachel doesn't like me at all. She's like "hey ivette it's rachel. just one question for you - why do you deserve the money over Maggie?"
M: she asked me what I would take back.
I: and "what was that promise Maggie?"
M: see!
Maggie and Ivette are talking about the questions the jury asked them. Maggie :That was them handing us our assholes. No one was nice except Beau to you.
They are dogging Janelle and how she likes to stir things up.
Ivette was talking about how many people asked her why she chose Maggie over her family (apparently Janie and James and Howie commented that they already asked his question).
Ivette is all screaming and raising hell and being defensive.
I: that wasn't fair.
M: so why do you think.
I: she's not gonna vote for me 'cause she said i'm pretty much an idiot. she said I cost myself like $450,000
M: I don't like the way they made me feel like I didn't deserve to be in that seat. you won one HoH more than me. Why do you deserver it instead of me?
I: you won the POV.
M: I know but I'm not seen as a strong player.
I: Did you see how many times I got asked why didn't I put my family first? Janelle, James, Howie asked that. How unfair was that? I'm supposed to put everything...
M: You made it very clear that it didn't matter.
I: I don't think they understood. I was gonna get the money just b/c I picked Janelle?
M: No.
I: Do you think I made it clear? I wasn't going to get the money b/c I broke a promise. And then I told her I couldn't throw it b/c I couldn't do that to maggie. and I truly do continue to play this game even w/o temptation.
M: Let's go in order. Jen asked you...
I: If you had to play this game with someone other than Beau who would you play with? I can't pick one person.
M: And to me?
I: She said I just have one question. up in the HoH, room, who first said...
M: I wish I knew the fucking answer.
I: Beau said it was him and I told her it was me. I told her I'll take the blame for it, I don't care.
M: I can't quote that...that I can't remember and everyone else can? That bothers me. apparantly it's a big fucking deal.
Maggie: Talk about making us feel bad to stil be here .
Ivette: Everybody was attacking us
They are both stuffing their faces and now have decided to walk around the backyard. Ivette keeps saying she is so fucking annoyed.
Maggie: I have never been told I didn't deserve something so much in my whole life.
Ivette:Janelle was the only one that told you that-don't take it personal.
Maggie:I was really mean in my answer wasn't I? (ED Worried about losing the 500K?)
M: Jen had a way better memory than me. what can I do?
I: I'm not very happy right now.
M. you think I am? That was them handing us our fucking assholes. Not one person was nice, except for Beau to you.
I: I don't think Beau was mean to you.
M: what did he ask me?
I: I dont' remember.
M: I rememeber going "holy shit..that just came out of Beau!" It was a question.
I: Janelle just loves to push buttons
M: Yeah. She pushed the family button with you, she brought up the deal. I think that just made you look better that you didn't do the deal. She said I wasn't even playing the game. Was I a fucking bitch when I answered her? I was huh?
I: I think it's hysterical how Rachel hates me. "Congrats for sitting there". Like she's telling me she's all about you being there. I'm not fucking there at all.
M: How about everyone else calling you a strong player and not me.
How do you think that felt?
I: I'm sorry about that Maggie.
M: I know it's not true. We just have different styles.
I: I said it I'm super competitive. I don't know why it didn't come out in this house.
M: I'm super competitive. I don't know how it got hidden so well in this house.
I: I think you're a great player.
M: I think you're a great player.
I; I think you're much better player than I am.
M: Apparantly not if no one noticed I was playing.
I: that sucked huh?
M: it did suck. so much for my idea of getting hugs at the end of this huh?
I: You are. I don't think...out on that hockey thing, I gave it 100%. did i not win it? I'm sorry that Janelle is super mighty.
M: Why is she seen as this mega good player?
Direct quote from maggie:
"Did someone just screw me in the ass and forget to use lube"
M: Janelle going "try not to look so shocked next time" did you hear her?
I: I've given these competitions 100% of me. I swear I have.That they haven't been to my favor. There's fucking 14 people here. Did you hear April? "or did you jsut think there was stronger people in the house?" That was horrible. What the fuck April!? You didn't beat them either!!!
M: Was that April?
I: that was April who said that! She goes "were you throwing the competitions or were there just stronger players?" her & Jen didn't beat them people. they were there in the beginning too. I wasn't the only one with the 13, 12, 11, people too. Jen shined week 6 and after that everyone else did too. And April was always complaining 'cause we didn't get picked for the POV's.
M: So howie got clarified that I was the mistake of week 3. that was nice.
I: i'm just shocked. b/c up to a certain point there can be many games where you don't play (pov)
M: talk about making us not feel good to be here.
I: i didn't get picked for POV's early. I got picked for yours. that wasn't fucking fair. All I got was two moves and I was out (the chess one the week Eric was eliminated)
M: Do you think I came off too strong?
I: that's what you were supposed to do. Everybody was attacking us.
M: I felt like I was defending myself.
I: I wanna change.
M: You wanna walk the yard?
I: Yeah.
M: I'm gonng put on a sweatshirt.
I: I'm fucking annoyed, that's what I am right now.
I: (mocking Janelle): 3 Days ago I came to you with the offer that I was going to take you. Why didn't you take it?
M: Mother fucker
I: what the hell was that. So for being a dumbass Ivette you're not fucking even in the chances of getting the money you know what I mean. ahhh I'm sorry I'm annoyed.
M: yeah that was our downfall? Holy shit I've never been told I didn't deserve something so much in my life.
I: janelle was the one that told you that.
M: I was such a fucking bitch with my answer
I: janelle was the only one who told you that so don't even take it personally.
M: I was so ruthless. "well Janelle, coming from someone who was considered a Mecca of this game, I take it as a compliment that you didn't notice my strategic moves"
I: I'm still in shock sorry, give me a second at that.
M: who shocked you the most? (belches! LOL)
I: uh....April did a little bit by like saying that I threw the comps, were there just stronger players. A couple of them threw me off guard, seriously.
M: come here (they hug)
I: I'm sorry Maggie
M: I'm sorry too. I'm sorry we just went through that.
I: I think you deserve the money 100%.
M: i don't agree with you at all. I think we both deserve the money. If I could split it with you.
I: Apparantly I'm an asshole for fucking caring about you and the promise that I made
M: Yeah apparantly
I: "Ivette you were an idiot and you threw comps and you didn't play the game well so you're not getting my vote". Fuckers
They're now walking the yard. Ivette says they're going to blame the whole Kaysar thing on her. Maggie says the mistake was not keeping a promise, not evicting Kaysar. Maggies regretted making a promise she couldn't keep.
M: If I say that I don't feel responsible for that..then Jen & April's votes are for you.
I: It sounded like you regretted the whole week, not just that promise. So the votes would go to you. We shouldn't break our heads about this maggie.
M: I'm ok about never talking about it ever again.
M: it's done. we don't get to see them before their votes go in before we see them.
I: howie said I won the POV and saved myself
M: yeah he was happy for you. he said you did an amazing job in the game.
I: that doesn't mean anything. He thinks that I lied about everything. When did I start playing with my intergrity that I so much claimed? That was what he was telling me. You wanna drop it?
M: Yeah. I get really frustrated by it. I feel like they would all take the 5th if they could instead of voting. Except James & Beau.
I: I'd let America vote. "Hi Ivette, it's me Janelle". what was up with the "Try not to look so shocked." she goes "Maggie, you look shocked, as usual"
M: What did I look like, a deer in the headlights?
I: she's out of control
M: she's a bitch.
M: she never complimented me like she did you. She really thinks I did not play the game. I find that extremely offensive.
I: I'm sorry Maggie. I sorry if I have anything to do with it too.
M: i don't know how you would?
I: i think you're an amazing player
M: that never got noticed? 3 people complimented you being a strong player. Not one person said I was.
I: I said our existence and everything (alliance) started the week you got HoH. I never forgot that. That's why I couldn't sit there and not pick you and throw a compl
M: It's just frustrating playing a game and putting so much into it and having people think that you didn't even play. that's frustrating. or that you played wrong. that's gotta feel just as bad as not playing at all. It's a sucky feeling.
I: I think they're all just being asses...sore loosers. We all knew there were only 2 seats. I don't think I would have acted that way.
M: if it was Janelle & James. But those are our FRIENDS asking us questions like that.
I: April did "don't take these things personal..." WTF april? Jen and Beau and you were there too!
M: Holy shit (sighs) we're not gonna sleep tonight. I knew we'd be super riled up. I had no idea it would be so bad...that we'd feel like we shouldn't be here.
I: And I got attacked on a really personal level...
M: with your family.
I: people keep throwing my family in my face.
M: I thought that I was looking like an asshole b/c I wasn't talking about my family.
I: people ask why I was here and I was playing for my family.
M: the money had a face for you.....everybody has a different style of playing.
I: Now you're gonna say I chose friends over family? Fuck you all. It's just stupid.
M: your family wouldn't think that way You explained that dirty money is good money. and how do you think that made me feel that all these people think you should have picked someone else over me.
I: who else would you have picked? Who cares!! It was all of us and then who was left over. I think i'm gonna go in and relax and play cards. This is getting me more riled up. wanna go with me? just lay on the couch, relax, and play cards.
M: sure. Or just open the doors and walk home. Which would I prefer at this point?
they go in
I: Jen doesn't like me...she's not fond of me. What is that smell? Glue? they're building...building away
M: build our coffins! Holy shit that was fucking horrible.
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:35 pm
par Sweet Angel
M: how about mine. Did I evict my own houseguest to get where I am today?
I: that was James.
M: how do you like that? Ooops..that was your alliance that did it to you. Not one person in our alliance turned on each other.
I: you (james) set up other people.
M: can you turn away for a second. please.
I: what?
M: no not you, the cameras (they do)
M: Is it off of me? Thank you!
I: what point did you really truly start playing with integrity? What the fuck was that? Why am I the only one the feels boggled with it?
M: i was wondering if you guys could make me feel like any more of a shitty person. Thanks. I appreciate it. "I just want to know if you intentionally set up your alliance..." did I propose them to nominate us. Did you even understand that question why he was asking me that? Was it to make me look bad?
I: Apparantly they're all angry people.
M: I thought we all our alliance played this game together. When did any of us turn on our alliance? Not once. I should have said that.
M: I should have made it clear I would have prefered for him to be evicted way before anyone else. yes James, great question. I started with my own partner Eric.
I: Howie thinks that Janelle is the greatest player.
I: to me it was worth it to beat her.
M: we all beat her. does he understand that?
I: remember, I said my greatest victory would be to beat her. Remember, when we were on the treadmill.
M: Yes.
I: and I did it. We did it.
M: I don't understand....sighs.
I: I told you it wasn't going to be fun.
M: no but I think you just won.
I: no way Maggie
M: that's the impression I got.
I: not the one I got. Just 'cause they're saying that, they have 2 days to say shit to each other. Since Janelle's there and they've asked all the questions, no the game talk starts.
: i'm sorry if you're upset
M: i'm sorry if you're upset
I: I would have left so differently. They're playing the blame game...all of them.
M: yeah I heard it. Jennifer specifically asked me who said, whose idea was it to evict...
I: I said jennifer asked those questions to put you on the spot.
M: I told her I don't remember, she's gonna think I was lying.
I: I told you I'd take the blame for that. Nobody wants to take the blame for the Kaysar thing.
M: I feel like I was just as responsible as everyone.
I: they want to pin it on 1 specific person.
M: Do I say who's idea was it to evict Eric?
I: he got evicted!
M: he got evicted and I can't do a fucking thing to change that.
I: that's why fucking Rachel goes "don't worry Maggie, I know it wasn't you." yeah but nobody remembers the week before to "can ivette" I was supposed to be a pawn. Was it Jen, April, Janelle's? Does it make a difference? the fucking idea was out there. Who gives a fuck whose mouth it came out of!
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 9:39 pm
par Sweet Angel
I: I'm not going to sit here and fucking break my head up. If they wanna do that at the wrap party? I got my family there and I'm going home.
M: was it my idea about Kaysar? I don't know.
I: you even said about Jennifer, that when she made that promise to put you up you took a step back and went "oh my god".
M: I wish I knew who did say that 'cause then I could flat out say that.
I: If she thought Kaysar was such a dirty player in the pressure cooker, then why is she trying to figure out who said it first?
M: they missed a huge ball that's been going on in this game.
I: didn't I tell you...they're sitting there playing the blame game.
M: did she ask me that to say myself?
I: she probably wanted you to say me.
M but I don't want to blame it on someone else if it was me.
I; It wasn't you originally. But does it make a difference b/c she thought of it in the pressure cooker, before she even got HoH. Why is it so important who said it? Beau told her before he left. I told her I did.
M: why did she ask me? that makes me think I don't know the right answer or to make me look stupid. I know I don't remember things like everyone.
I: Well apparently I've been throwing competititons.
M: No. I never once thought you threw one.
M: so you throw them. I wasn't even playing the game, your integrity was shabby, I don't deserve to be here, I look like I'm shocked all the time, I sold out my own group to advance in the game.
I: James said "We've all been talking here. What do you think of you setting up your partners, your friends.
M: what the fuck kind of question was that?
I: Thanks BB it was awesome. I'll be sure to tell all my friends to sign up for this fucking game.
M: "We've all been talking here and then..." (quoting James). We know he's lying b/c they (BB) told us they haven't been talking! He's still lying!
I: If he's still saying he didn't swear on the Bible. Howie thinks I made it all up.
M: I'm gonna have to address that in the DR b/c Allison wouldn't lie to us. She wouldn't!
I: B/c they all got to talk 40 min before.
M: jen's question to you was nicer than her question to me. How do you feel about that?
I: that's the way she does things sometimes. Let me know what you're trying to do. Are you looking for me to be a bitch back? Do you need me to be an asshole.
M: what are you talking about?
I: Jen up there in the room saying who would you want to sit next to - Kaysar or James. Remember when she asked us each individually to go upstairs.
M: yeah yeah yeah.
I: "just answer my question." what the fuck? you're not my fucking Mom. Don't tell me what to do!
I: I'm very confused.
M: "We've all been talking here and was your strategy.." how did he (james) ask me.
I: was it like putting them out there kind of?
M: was your entire strategy to be the biggest asshole that came into this entire game?
I: i don't think they'll vote for me b/c I still think Janelle is a good player in this game. that's why I don't think Jen & April will vote for me. I think they like you.
M: apparently they don't. Apparantly no one likes anyone. Beau's happy for you b/c you're his partner
I: beau's happy for you too
M: it doesn't sound like it.
M: I can't believe the bashing we just went through! (she messes up at card) I'm sorry, I'm distracted.
I: they're not the happiest people I guess.
M: I dont' feel like either of us got a better deal on those discussions. I feel like they were all harsh.
Now iVette is on the couch with the comforter.
The couch back folds down to make a bed!!! Maggie is sitting on one side.
Maggie: I don't feel like I came out looking like a better person after I answered those questions.
Ivette: I sounded like I was begging for money.
Maggie: I don't think so. I was fumbling a lot. We didn't get to ask them. No one was nice. Jen wasn't even nice to me. That was NOT a nice situation.
I: they're jealous, I'm sorry.
M: we're here, they're not, there's nothing we can do about that.
I: you want to go find out if they're allowed to continue talking about the game? I'm dying to find out.
M: Go ask. Will you find out what all the rules are?
I: come on.....(gets up and walks towards the DR)
M: K. (gets up and follows Ivette) ask for Allison. She tells us the truth.
Both walk towards the DR.
Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 10:58 pm
par Sweet Angel
Feeds back on at 12:52 am BBT. Ivette is making fun of the house, yelling and acting like her voice is echoing.
Ivette is going to do something and Maggie says "you're gonna get fucking hurt."
Ivette: I might have to compete with Janelle.
Maggie: You never know. It's the summer of secrets. They may put her ass back in here.
Ivette: come on Maggie.
Maggie: I'm not doing it. I don't want to get hurt.
Ivette: just move. I'm going to do it.
Maggie: Ok, I can do that.
Maggie: no the gold safe would have been hidden under all that shit
Ivette is muffling her mic BAD. (Ed: BB yell at her!)
Maggie tells her not to practice humping.
Ivette: Hey. I said stop that! (mocking BB) Yelling "Play with me Maggie"
Maggie (yelling): No
Ivette (yelling): yes!!!!
Ivette finds Maggie's ear plugs.
Ivette: It looks like a little butt plug.
Maggie: is there really butt plugs?
Ivette: yeah.
Maggie: why would you ever need to plug your ass?
Ivette: for fun.
Maggie: What do you mean? wait. Explain butt plugs!!!
Ivette: listen, I'm gay but I like girls. i don't play with the ass.
Maggie: the buttplugs are for gay people?
Ivette: what? No. Straight people use butt plugs too.
Maggie: what do they use them for?
Ivette: They sell them at sex parties. Don't you and your nurses talk about it at your sex parties.
M: I've never seen a butt plug.
I: you've never seen that thing that's like flat on one side and goes up into a cone at the sex stores.
M: no. I have not. I probably thought it was a funnel.
I: a funnel?
M: you just described it like a funnel.
I: oh for fuck's sake.
M: that fucking sucked.
I: "oh I know you're not the one responsible for that." that was Rachel.
M: and now they don't get to talk again (Ed: I guess the DR confirmed that). I don't think that worked to either of our advantages...that whole situation. i really don't. I don't think either of us shined. I don't think it brought out good things in either of us. I think we both tried to be as honest as we could. That made me feel like everyone hated us. Do you feel the same way about that?
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 1:55 am
par Automne
Elles espéraient quoi come question?
C'est quoi la marque de ton shampoing?
Pourquoi est-ce que je t'aime tant?
C'était évident qu'elles allaient se faire bardasser, c'est toujours comme ca les questions du jury... Puis Maggot est donc pas contente de passer pour une bonne joueuse . Mouin, on voit que les friendsheep vont resté looongtemps ensemble .
I hate them!
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 7:07 am
par Pacm
Je vous l'avais dit que ça allait etre bon la finale si Maggie et Ivette allaient etre là, encore une fois j'avais raison , j'ose même pas imaginer si Janelle et April seraient étaient en finale pour recevoir des questions du genre "Avez vous eu 36 ou 38 chirurgies plastique?".
D'un autre coté on n'aurait pas eu de discussions de butt plugs --Message edité par Pacm le 2005-09-18 13:08:41--
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 10:10 am
par Kaylee
Merci Sweet Angel pour les résumés.
Je les ai vu sur ces vidéos elles ont hâte d'être ds leurs lits pas à peu près
Initial reactions Just coming back
Crapshoot Ivette says Maggie's HOH win was a crapshoot, and more
Holy Shit Beau Questions that surprised them
No lube (wait for it) They're more agitated the more they talk about it
Ivette speechless It's a first, and more
Kaysar blame Who first suggested backdooring him?
Maggie didn't play She resents that it was said or implied
Not a good person Maggie speechless, and do they think she's not a good person?
Shitty & befuddled How Maggie says she feels
Désolée mais juste des voir angoisser & être en c... suis contente Ça m'est jamais arrivé d'être méchante de même mais la...C'est pas parreil
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 11:13 am
par vampirella
Je regarde ces vidéos et je ne trouve pas qu'elles ont l'air si frustrées que ça, on dirait qu'elles jouent aux filles frustrées. Elles semblent plutôt bien fières d'elles et contentes de où elles se sont rendues :/
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 12:39 pm
par Dannoux
Vous prennez vraiment ce jeu à coeur ma parole.
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 1:08 pm
par LeoChris
vampirella a écritJe regarde ces vidéos et je ne trouve pas qu'elles ont l'air si frustrées que ça, on dirait qu'elles jouent aux filles frustrées. Elles semblent plutôt bien fières d'elles et contentes de où elles se sont rendues :/
Oui, je suis d'accord avec toi ... A mon avis elles fake pour essayer de se faire penser au fans quelle se sentent coupables quelle ont agit comme elles lont fait ... ben sa marche pas avec moi my dear Crapettes
Publié : dim. sept. 18, 2005 1:28 pm
par Dannoux
Crapettes... Pourquoi pas Crapotte tant qu'à y être? ... Encore deux jours avant la "grande finale".
Publié : lun. sept. 19, 2005 9:04 pm
par Sweet Angel
Voici quelques derniers commentaires de nos si charmantes finalistes et qui, encore une fois, m'ont fait plus que redresser les cheveux sur la tête :
Ivette: Can you imagine that in 20 years we will remember that and say we had a job where we had to do nothing, but only sell our souls. I had one hell of a summer, we sold our souls and hung out all day.
Maggie: Yup , wierdest summer of my life.
Ivette: yelling , anyone want to have a stressful summer? Anybody?
Ivette: Tomorrow, finaly, we'll see human beings.
Maggie: Aren't we supposed to meet with a shrink?
Ivette: Are we? I don't want to talk to a shrink. I don't want her to know that I want to cap their asses after the show. I fucking hate everyone. There were times I wanted to put a pillow over and not let them breathe. I seriously want to slice up some people.
Maggie: I was competing and I wanted to find ways to knock people off the competition.
Ouf !!! Si ce n'est pas de la démence et de sérieux problèmes mentaux, alors je n'ai plus de mots pour décrire ces personnes qui, pendant 79 jours consécutifs, sans arrêt, presque 24 hres sur 24, nous auront démontré dans toute leur splendeur leur soi-disant personnalité et toutes les belles valeurs qu'elles ont proclamées comme étant les leurs !!!
Et ironiquement, le commentaire de «Ivette», dans cette phrase :
"we sold our souls..."
c'est exactement ce qu'a dit, entre autres, «Kaysar» dans "Revenge of the Houseguests" :
"Someone needs to explain to them that it's not okay to sell your soul for money."
Et pourtant, il s'est fait ramasser.. par «Marcellas & Grechen» pour ces propos, et particulièrement «Grechen» sur ce dernier, puisqu'elle n'était pas d'accord de parler de "soul" dans cette "game" !!!
Mais si «Kaysar» a souligné ce propos, c'est justement parce que le FS l'a mis en premier plan, particulièrement «Ivette» qui a dit à plus d'une reprise, à propos de «Janelle», "she has the worst soul that I had ever seen in my life" ou "she doesn't have a bit of soul"... !!! Et ces 2 phrases n'ont pas été dites seulement sur les "feeds", mais ont les a également vu à la télé !!!
Anyway, c'est à n'y rien comprendre, et c'est «Kaysar» qui se fait dire qu'il a été arrogant et "drama" et qu'il est comparable à «Maggie» ??? Ouf !!!