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Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:09 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Theo Tams - No Woman No Cry
Theo, je doit le feliciter pour faire une performance sans instruments. Et comme toujours, c'etait une bonne performance. Et il a fait vraiment une bonne job pour faire une chanson de Bob Marley
Jake: Getting out from behind the piano was a great move. Great vocal performance.
Sass: I think you did a really good job.
Farley: I agree with Sass.
Zack: The vocal was really cool. The best thing you've done so far & you look amazing on camera.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:14 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Mitch MacDonald - Angel Eyes
Mitch, a fait vraiment une bonne job avec cette chanson. Il a connecter avec la chanson et c'etait un bon choix pour sa voix. Et il a un voix unique...
Sass: Jeff was a personal friend of mine & I think he would have been really happy with that performance.
Farley: Really smart song choice for you.
Zack: Your voice is so unique but that was annoying. [ at least i think he said it was annoying unsure.gif every one booed so it wasn't anything good, lol)
Jake: Your voice is so unique and anything you do you just sound like Mitch.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:16 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Earl Stevenson - Light My Fire
Non Non NOn... J'haie ca, sa voix je l'aime pas et sa voix est pourrite sur la chanson. Et il est loin d'avoir la version a Papa Johns...
Farley: So far i'm really impressed with the song choices You choosing with that song was beyond appropriate!
Zack: I never seen anybody communicate so much without opening their eyelids! That was killer.
Jake: I think tonight you finally prooved how smart we were in getting you here!
Sass: The best part was when you looked completly shocked that we all loved you so much! That was awesome!

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:18 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Et je rajoute, que je comprends pas pk les juges trippe dessus lui

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:27 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Sebastian Pigott - Love Me
C'est beaucoup, mieux que la semaine mais c'est loin d'etre la version de Elvis mais sa reste que c'est une OK performance...
Zack: You sir are no Elvis Presley.
Jake: You were really out of tune off the top. I don't the vocal was that look great..but we all know you look great. You didn't pick a good song choice.
Sass: You do look good!
Farley You're not singing well...straight up. One week I could have forgive you..but two weeks..

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:28 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Katherine St-Laurent - Move Over
A me decu un peu mais bref, sa voix etait vraiment vraiment vraiment bonne
Jake: I thought most of the notes you hit were good but I don't feel like you were in the moment. You should have walked around & being angry but I just didn't feel like you were in the moment.
Sass: It's a really tough song to was a brave effort. You look gorgeous!
Farley: If you have any misunderstanding about what the songs means just ask somebody.
Zack: Next time just ask Byrd how to run around the stage & you'll kill it! Your vocal was fantastic.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:34 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Drew Wright - No Rain
C'est vocales sont vraiment bien et la chanson lui va bien. Je veut vraiment qui soit safe poru un autre semaine. Une des performance la plus bonne du moment...
Sass: DW did it again! I know you can't hear a word I'm sayin but that's okay!
Farley: You listened to me about being more animated. You came out & did something that was animated!
Zack: Vocally, you really did a great job!
Jake: Great that you came out & worked the stage. Your voice is perfect for it.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:34 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Il a des gens qui lit?

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:39 pm
par qwertygirl
Oui je te lis!!  

Bien contente que Drew chante du Blind melon... quelle belle chanson no rain... bien décevent que le chanteur soit décédé avant son temps!

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:39 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Mookie - I Feel Good
Sa performance etait trop cool. J'aime c'est quoi qui faisait sur scene et la chanson lui va vraiment bien!!!
Farley: Hardest workin man in idol business brother, no doubt. You're obviously use to the stage. You entertain did all the right things. Good job.
Zack: I thought that was really cool!
Jake: You did it!
Sass: You just kicked the door wiiiide open my brotha.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:43 pm
par Seniorita
Je te lis aussi... Et je suis bien contente que Drew ait faite une bonne performance!!

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:52 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Amberly Thiessen - Redemption Song
WOW... Amberly, wow juste wow. Beaucoup mieux que la semaine passer. Elle a fait une excellente job avec la chanson et l'a fait a sa maniere. Vraiment une bonne performance Amberly. Dans le top 3 des performance ce soir ...
Zack: You belong here for a long long time.
Jake: I have to agree with Zack. The tone of your voice. Amberly is back where we want her.
Sass: The purity of the tone of your voice is so appealing.
Farley: You look stunning. It was so accurate & you wanted to make people understand what the song means.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:55 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Mark Day - Dance With My Father
Je l'aime pas mais il a une excellente voix. Il a connecter et il a pas fait des gestes stupide. Et encore, c'etait vraiment bien
Jake: I know you're a good singer. You're hre because you're a good singer. You know that's the kidna thing you should be doin. You sang it with hit every note...continue to show Canda you're a great singer.
Sass: Great job.
Farley: You just got a couple votes outside of Newfoundland...good job!
Zack: Well my little cod cheeks...I think it was very convincing & inredibly loveable.

Publié : lun. juil. 21, 2008 1:56 pm
par ~*Chris*~
1- Amberly Thiessen
2- Theo Tams
3- Drew Wright
4- Mark Day (Il etait vraiment bon cette semaine)
5- Mookie Morriss
6- Katherine St-Laurent (Elle m'a vraiment decu ce soir, je m'attendais plus d'elle)
7- Mitch MacDonald
8- Sebastian Pigott
9- Earl Stevenson

Publié : lun. juil. 28, 2008 12:54 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Top 08 - Unplugged
Sebastian Pigott -> Lucille
Earl Stevenson -> ? (Ryan Adams)
Mark Day -> Stay (Sugarland)
Mitch MacDonald -> Oh Atlanta
Amberly Thiessen -> The Way I Am (Ingrid Michaelson)
Mookie Morriss -> ?
Drew Wright -> Sunday Morning (Maroon 5)
Theo Tams -> ?

PS: Je comprend pas les juges ce soir et c'est comme vraiment mauvais --Message edité par ~*Chris*~ le 2008-07-28 19:57:38--

Publié : lun. juil. 28, 2008 1:09 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Sebastian Pigott - Lucille
Sebastian est beaucoup mieux que les 2 meilleures performance. C'etait vraiment bien mais je crois pas que c'est assez pour le point de la competition
Jake: After the last 2 weeks you really needed to do something great & you did. Good work.
Sass: Best thing you've done in a long time.
Farley: Welcome back to the music business.
Zack: I agree with them. Much better then the last couple of works. You'll be able to go home tomorrow night & we can go on with finding the next Canadian Idol.

Publié : lun. juil. 28, 2008 1:13 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Earl Stevenson - ?
Honnetement, la meilleure chose qu'Earl a fait. Il sonne vraiment bien sur la chanson la, et c'est qui devrait faire toute les semaines...
Sass: That was really really really good. Like realllllly.
Farley: That was Earl.
Zack: It feels like the soundtrack of my life when I hear you sing.
Jake: You make a song that people don't know sound great.

Publié : lun. juil. 28, 2008 1:24 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Mark Day - Stay
J'adore cette chanson, pourquoi faut que Mark l'a chante ... Il a une belle voix mais cette chanson lui va pas mais c'etait une pas pire performance...
Farley: Really good song selection for you. It allows your voice to come out. Good job.
Zack: Nice performance. Much better than being a giant grape or a cod cheeky thing.
Jake: I'm glad you listened to Gavin's advice & you meant what you're saying. Today you showed us what a great interpreter you are.
Sass: I enjoyed you singing that.

Publié : lun. juil. 28, 2008 1:26 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Mitch MacDonald - Oh Atlanta
Je pensais s'aurait ete sa semaine... La chanson etait poche pour lui et sa mit la chanson poche, il a fait mieux...
Zack: It was good but like the wrong tv show.
Jake: I think the performance was good but at this point it's time for you to step up & show us you can win this show because you haven't taken any risk yet.
Sass: There's a charm that you have...
Farley: I agree with Jake. You need to pick songs that challenge you.

Publié : lun. juil. 28, 2008 1:33 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Amberly Thiessen - The Way I Am
Pas de guitare ma belle Amberly. Elle a fait un bon choix de chanson pour sa voix. Je l'a voit vraiment aller dans ce genre. Meilleure choix de chanson de la soiree et meilleure de la soiree encore...
Jake: I would much rather watching you perform that song then her.
Sass: Your pitch is fantastic.
Farley: You look stunning. It was the perfect song for the tone you have.
Zack: Were you not to be here next week, Canada would have jumped the shark.