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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Nouvelles d'Eva Avila? - Page 16
Page 16 sur 16

Publié : mer. mars 05, 2008 2:34 pm
par felix

Publié : sam. mars 15, 2008 3:35 am
par felix
Citation :Monologists speak out against violence
Celebrate V-Day. Women's charities benefit from reading and artexhibition
Published: Monday, March 10

Expect to hear a lot of the "V" word on March 27, when an Old Montreal art gallery hosts a star-studded evening of art, humour and celebration of womanhood.

That's "V" as in vagina - but also as in violence against women.

It's the 10th anniversary for V-Day, an international event that raises funds to fight rape, sexual abuse and other forms of violence against women. Eve Ensler, creator of the award-winning play The Vagina Monologues, founded V-Day in 1998.

To mark the date, celebrities Ginette Reno, Tara Spencer-Nairn, Eva Avila, Sophie Grégoire, Kim D'Eon, Patsy Gallant, Nathalie Lauzon, Marie-Josée Turcotte and Geneviève Saint-Germain will present readings from the monologues at the gallery.

Galerie MX will also show 45 works inspired by The Vagina Monologues, by artist Nicole Mathieu, known as Niko.

"It's going to be a rocking evening," predicted Scot Blakeley, a communications consultant for the event.

All of the performers are excited about taking part, he said.

"These women are all on board with the cause," Blakeley said. "Not one of them asked for a fee."

All proceeds from the sales of Niko's printed catalogue and 10 per cent from the sale of artworks in the exhibition will help local and international charities that fight violence against women.

The hallmarks of Niko's vibrant paintings are expressions of spontaneity and women's strength and sensuality.

Organizers have selected the Shield of Athena Family Services, Chez Stella and the YWCA as local beneficiaries.

Internationally, V-Day is raising funds for the Katrina Warriors, an organization dedicated to ending violence against women and girls in New Orleans as it rebuilds in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The Vagina Monologues, a humorous series of reflections on the female experience, debuted in 1996. Ensler founded V-Day on Feb. 14, 1998 in New York, with a sold-out benefit featuring performances by Glenn Close, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg and Lily Tomlin.

Galerie MX, 333 Viger Ave. W., presents an exhibition and readings from The Vagina Monologues on March 27 starting at 5 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are requested. For details, visit galeriemx.com or call 514-315-8900.

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http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/n ... 44548d15d7

Publié : dim. mars 16, 2008 7:03 am
par felix
Nouveau blog d'Éva sur son myspace:

Citation : 2008-03-16

Humeur actuelle : décontracté
Catégorie : Blogging

Hello my darlings!!! Hope you are all doing wonderful

I realized I haven’t blogged in a while, so I thought I’d update you guys on what I’m doing lately, hehe. I’m still working on the new album, which should be released this upcoming summer! August most probably I’m really excited, as this time around I am part of the creative process. I was fortunate enough to collaborate with lots of amazing songwriters! it’s so awesome to be able to write my own songs! Write my own stories, melodies... I always knew I wanted to give it a shot one day, and boy am I glad I did It’s so fulfilling. Hopefully you guys will love the songs once the album comes out

Apart from that well... I turned 21 a few weeks ago... I feel ooooold. Haha! I got to go home in Hull to celebrate with my people... it was amazing. I constantly miss home, but hey, at least I get to go on average once a month, since it’s only 5 hours away Thank God I don’t live in BC! haha. I’m going home this weekend for Easter! mmmmmm chocolate eggs and chickens here I come. I love Easter. It’s a wicked opportunity to binge on chocolate with a great excuse! heehee. "Ooh I know this is my 12th bag of mini-eggs... but hey, it’s Easter!!! Weeee!"

Anyways, I just wanted to say hello to you all Thanks so much for visiting my Myspace page, and for all of you who write me on Facebook as well, a huge thanks to you guys

I appreciate your support, always always, I am so lucky to have wonderful fans such as you precious ones heehee

Lots and lots of love,
Eva le dragon

P.S. Oh and of course, I have a Friend dvd playing as I type hahaha

Publié : lun. mars 24, 2008 8:12 am
par felix

Canadian Idol winner Eva also lent her star power to the Toronto fashion event, where some of the biggest names in the country came together to promote heart health awareness
Photo:  © George Pimentel

http://www.hellomagazine.ca/news/200803 ... fashion/1/

Publié : lun. mars 24, 2008 8:45 am
par felix
autre image d'Éva au Toronto Fashion Week


Publié : mer. mars 26, 2008 4:34 pm
par felix
Citation :Le 27 mars 2008, Galerie MX, située au 333 Avenue Viger Ouest, à Montréal, sera l’hôte d’un événement présentant dix personnalités féminines canadiennes invitées à faire la lecture des extraits du célèbre scénario The Vagina Monologues (Les monologues du vagin) rédigé par Eve Ensler.

Lors de cette soirée remplie d’émotions, l’artiste-peintre Niko, dont ses œuvres, empreintes d’une vibrante énergie, rendent hommages à la beauté, à la sensualité et à la sensibilité de la femme, présentera sa plus récente exposition composée de quarante-cinq œuvres inspirées des monologues du vagin.

La totalité des revenus résultant de la vente des livres d’exposition et une partie des profits effectués sur la vente des œuvres de Niko seront versés à la FondationV-Day, un mouvement international qui a pour objectif l’arrêt de la violence à l’encontre des femmes.

La soirée débute à 17h00. RSVP par courriel à rsvp@galeriemx.com


Publié : lun. mars 31, 2008 12:28 pm
par Sebangecornu
Merci Félix pour toutes les nouvelles et photos que tu postes!

Vivement le retour d'Eva!

Publié : ven. avr. 18, 2008 2:56 pm
par felix
Citation :

Le lundi 14 avril 2008

Mario Boulianne

Le Droit

Une visite d’Eva

Eva Avila était de passage dans la région, vendredi, afin de participer au spectacle annuel de la Fondation Lani.

Cette visite éclair de l'ancienne idole canadienne a été très appréciée par les organisateurs du spectacle et surtout, par les centaines de personnes présentes à l'auditorium du Cégep de l'Outaouais. La chanteuse gatinoise a interprété deux chansons et elle a signé des dizaines d'autographes au terme du spectacle. Eva est présentement en préparation pour son prochain album qui devrait sortir en septembre. Ce deuxième opus sera entièrement en anglais, mais Eva avoue travailler à quelques chansons en français pour un éventuel troisième album. Pour l'instant, aucun spectacle n'est prévu dans la région au cours des prochains mois. On devra probablement attendre à la sortie de son deuxième album pour retrouver la jeune gatinoise sur une scène de l'Outaouais.

http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20080 ... 05/CPDROIT

Publié : ven. avr. 18, 2008 5:45 pm
par felix
Telle mère, telle fille!!!

facebook d'Eva

Publié : mer. avr. 23, 2008 2:57 pm
par Blu-Ray
On ditait qu'elle a engraissé un peu.  

Publié : sam. avr. 26, 2008 9:48 am
par felix
"Salut! Le single sera fort probablement lancé au courant du mois de juillet  "  dixit Eva Avila

Note pour Blu-ray ... j'ai pas osé lui demandé pour sa taille... LOL

Publié : dim. avr. 27, 2008 5:18 am
par felix
Eva a un nouveau message sur son blog myspace

Citation : 27 avr. 2008, 13:00

Very much alive!
Catégorie : Music

Hello my dah-lings! thank you for reading my blog

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm NOT dead, I'm still very much alive and working extremely hard on this new upcoming album. I know you guys might not be hearing as much about me as a while ago, but that just means I am in the process of preparing a new and kick-ass album! I am super excited! I have been working non-stop with amazing producers and songwriters, finding a feel and flavour to my new musical style and it has been a fantastic experience. I have learned a lot and I'm feeling more and more prepared for the launch of this sophomore cd. I reeeaaally hope you guys like it... look forward to this summer! Heeheeeee

Other than that I've been great, I get to go home in Gatineau once a month on average, which is very much needed. I'm such a homebody, I miss my mom and dad and brother and all my family and friends... It's always magical to spend a few days at home. Even the little things like eating at my favourite restaurants makes me feel fulfilled.

I am healthy, happy and ready to rumble!! lol
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for sticking with me and for all the messages, and for all the looove!!! Know that I am reading all of your messages, pinky swear!

Much much love
Eva le dragon

Publié : ven. mai 02, 2008 9:20 am
par felix
Citation :Idol winner gets healthy back-to-school lesson

Photo by Daniel Ho

Eva Avila, season four Canadian Idol winner, was at Huntington Ridge school today. The singer was there to help reinforce the positive messages students have been learning through the At My Best program.

By: Chris Clay

April 29, 2008 01:49 PM - Canadian Idol winner Eva Avila went back to school today.

Avila, who won the fourth season of the reality television singing contest, was at Huntington Ridge Public School to help reinforce the positive messages students have been learning through the At My Best program.

The pilot project, which is ongoing at 50 Peel schools, provides teachers with activities and lesson plans to help students improve their physical and emotional well-being.

At Huntington Ridge, located near City Centre, students from kindergarten to Grade 3 were part of an assembly in which the youngsters taught Avila songs and dances they learned through the program. The pop star good-naturedly performed the words and movements to several songs, including 10 Shining Stars, The ABC Song as well as If You're Healthy and You Know It.

"Doesn't it feel good to exercise in the morning?" Avila asked the students. "Doesn't it feel good to eat fruits and vegetables instead of candy?"

The students were especially excited when Avila broke out into an impromptu song.

Grade 1 student Amna Amir said her class practiced for two months in anticipation of Avila's visit. She said students enjoyed learning the songs and liked all the extra exercise they were getting.

"We would practice in the classroom and we would listen to CDs and have lots of fun," said Amna. "I liked 10 Shining Stars because you get to march (in place) and the words tell you what to do, sort of like Simon says."

At My Best is being administered through the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), with funding and additional support from Mississauga-based AstraZeneca Canada. The program was designed by educators to prepare children for a healthy future by promoting physical activity, proper eating and emotional well-being.

Participating schools receive kits for each grade that come with a series of activities, storybooks, lesson plans and a CD. The cost, about $1,000 per kit, is covered by AstraZeneca.

"When we were communicating with the school boards, they said (kindergarten to Grade 3) are the grades where you can influence behaviour," said John Jenner, AstraZeneca's executive director of customer insights. "If this program is successful, and we know it will be, we'll look at other grades."

The program also includes take-home exercises for students and their families.

"You can teach (healthy habits) in a school environment, but if at home they (revert) to similar habits, there isn't going to be a change," said Jenner. "We hope to educate the parents as well."
