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Publié : sam. déc. 02, 2006 9:29 am
par Char Aznable
Cré Nathan,juste au moment où je pensais qu`on allait l`oublier,il nous revient avec du nouveau matériel. ... emaine.htm
Publié : dim. déc. 03, 2006 2:41 pm
par LeoChris
What'shername est tu entrain d'essayer de nous faire accroire que David a utilisé une BONNE stratégie ?
Publié : dim. déc. 03, 2006 3:12 pm
par pourquoi!pourquoi!
Publié : jeu. févr. 08, 2007 2:21 pm
par Char Aznable
On va pouvoir célébrer le départ de Janel ici...
Publié : jeu. févr. 08, 2007 2:29 pm
par LeoChris
Ou de Janelle ... encore une fois si ils la ramene encore une fois pour BB8 pour attirer les ratings ... a noter que ça me surprendrait pas pentoute
Publié : jeu. févr. 08, 2007 2:36 pm
par Pacm
Pauvre Janelle, son inspiration Anna-Nicole Smith est partie.
Publié : jeu. févr. 08, 2007 2:40 pm
par LeoChris
Pacm a écritPauvre Janelle, son inspiration Anna-Nicole Smith est partie.
Anna-Nicole Smith est morte ?
Publié : jeu. févr. 08, 2007 2:42 pm
par Pacm
oups j'avoue que j'aurais du attendre que tout le monde soit au courant
Publié : sam. mars 10, 2007 1:30 pm
par LeoChris
Ça vaut tellement pas la peine de partir un nouveau topic pour ça mais Janelle fait des annonces de dodge astheure ...
Publié : sam. mars 10, 2007 9:22 pm
par Pacm
C'est des annonces que j'vas prendre soin d'éviter.
Dans le sens de "dodge", la pognez vous
Publié : dim. avr. 15, 2007 2:06 pm
par Char Aznable
J`ai écouté l`émission tantôt et ça m`a tout l`air qu`il y aura pas de party de départ icitte.
Publié : sam. sept. 15, 2007 7:33 pm
par LeoChris
Y'a eu récement le love thread devenu hate thread ...
Fake ça j'pense que c'est l'exemple du hate thread devenu love ... Surement du au fait qu'on a pas, a ce que je me souvienne, de love thread pour Janie ...
Fake euh ... Janie love !!!
Publié : sam. sept. 15, 2007 7:38 pm
par samster420
Un des bons moment de la saison Big Brother 8, c'est quand Éric a traité Jannelle de Miss Piggy!!! Hilarant
Publié : sam. sept. 15, 2007 10:50 pm
par Pacm
LeoChris a écritFake ça j'pense que c'est l'exemple du hate thread devenu love ...
Je pensais que c'était l'exemple d'un love/hate thread devenu bashage de loft story/occupation double. Donc dans le fond t'as bien fait de le remonter vu que ça recommence.
Publié : dim. sept. 16, 2007 2:17 am
par AngelOfDistress
samster420 a écritUn des bons moment de la saison Big Brother 8, c'est quand Éric a traité Jannelle de Miss Piggy!!! Hilarant
Heeee si ca c'est un bon moment pour toi, je comprends alors ton topic d'adulation de Eric..
Pour le reste de la planète, c'était un moment de pur honte pour un gars qui se permet de rire du physique d'une femme..comme un enfant de d'avoir l'air foutument con!
Publié : dim. sept. 16, 2007 4:45 am
par Pacm
Mais techniquement y'en a un dans la BB house qui a rit du physique des femmes plus souvent qu'Éric, j'pense que j'ai pas besoin de nommer c'est qui...
Publié : dim. sept. 16, 2007 8:46 am
par AngelOfDistress
Sauf que je prétends pas que ce sont les meilleurs moments de la saison moi
Je sais que tu hais dick, tout le monde sait que tu hais dick, mais là t'es hors sujet désolée
Publié : dim. sept. 16, 2007 8:54 am
par Pacm
officiellement le sujet c'est celebrer le départ de Janelle
Publié : dim. sept. 23, 2007 5:48 am
par Pacm
Dear readers,
A couple years ago I spent an interesting month participating in BB6. That was in 2005, not exactly all that recent, and yet I still get little messages here and there about how Janelle still seems to be bitter about me dumping her So sad.
This whole time, I have disregarded her comments, simply because I find them silly, and secondly because I have been ignoring the general chit chat that goes on endlessly about Big Brother. I am enjoying living between Dubai and Newport Beach, and the last thing on my mind is some chick I briefly dated, once upon a time.
I would, however, take this opportunity to clarify some facts for anyone out there wanting to know what ACTUALLY happened between us
It really isn't all that complicated. One time, when I went to visit her in Miami, I asked her a question. I wasn't a loaded question; I merely wanted to know what she wanted in life. I asked her if she could have anything in life, material or immaterial, what would it be? After a minute or so of fake blushing, she blurted out "MONEY, I WANT LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY". So I said, "Fair enough. Now, imagine you have more money than you could ever spend, what would you do now?". With a blank stare in her face she said, "Nothing, I just want money". Pathetic.
Not much further into that same trip, we went out for dinner. When we were ready to leave her flat (which I thought was in a derelict building), I noticed she was wearing nothing more than a night slip, with her nipples actually coming out from the top. She may think I was being a "psycho" by letting her know that her tits were hanging out, but the reality is far simpler. If I wanted to be seen with a hooker, I would pay for one. Maybe I was? Who knows?
Furthermore, she mentioned personal family things about me which is, in my opinion, a sign of someone with absolutely no moral fiber. Perhaps it is some sort of jealousy she feels in contrast with her disaster of an upbringing, made clearer by the person she now is.
Just out of curiosity, if I was such a bad kisser, why was she jumping on me every second of that show? On the other hand, if she feels that petty comments like that offend me, she won't mind me telling the world about her... personal... hygiene.... problems. I think that is actually an understatement. I'm talking deathly stench here Should I also go as low as to say that her discount plastic surgery package can only have come from a doctor in Tijuana? That is just the beginning of many uncomplimentary things I could say about that girl. However, I think things which are of less childish proportions may be more appropriate.
Janelle is a girl whose only claim to any success at all is her brief stint on a television show which has deluded her into thinking she is anything more than she is; a sad, lonely and untalented girl, whose sole goal in life is to live on other people's money, and the praise of people she doesn't even know. The truth is that she will never surpass the bounds of what she briefly accomplished through the eyes of a transient television crowd, with only the hope that her mild looks will support her through a bar dancing career until her mid forties, by which time she will undoubtedly have pursued a full time career in alcoholism.
It is for this very reason that I have not bothered to write anything about her over the last couple years. I almost feel sorry for her.
I hope I don't have to write anything more to this effect, and I sincerely hope she doesn't do something as stupid as to continue talking about me, I have plenty more ammo, and fat grin on my face. Anyone out there who is a Scorpio will understand
On another note, how is everyone doing? I haven't been able to watch BB from here, all I get is Egyptian soap operas. Good stuff.
My very best regards to you guys for making my BB experience a fun one.
Publié : jeu. oct. 18, 2007 2:01 pm
par Pacm
C'est drôle de voir que le monde qui se plaignent qu'il y a trop de braillage sont les mêmes qui pleuraient et trouvaient ça triste en écoutant l'épisode du déluge