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Our Interview with Janelle, 9/19/05
A target from nearly her first week in the house, 25-year-old Janelle reached the end of her substantial luck this week when she was stumped by a math question in the final round of the HOH competition. With her confident manner and her signature platinum-blond tresses, Janelle incited “Janellousy” among some of the fellow houseguests. But to others she was more complex than just the “Buxom Blonde of BB6” (as Howie named her, tongue in cheek). Part small town girl, part chess nerd, and part happy-go-lucky party girl, Janelle was undeniably a fierce competitor. Unhappily for her, Big Brother is a popularity contest, and Janelle was supremely unpopular with the “Nerd Herd.” In the real world, however, she was popular enough to win two America’s Choice contests and spawn fans all over the Internet. Something tells me that even though Janelle lost, she’ll be remembered as a stand-out player of BB6.
Congratulations on making it to third place against tremendous odds, Janelle! You spent eleven weeks in the house after losing your partner in the first week. How do you explain your longevity after such a rough start?
Because I never gave up. I decided early on to never let anything get me down. Losing Ashlea was tough, though. She is a great friend of mine, and it was hard seeing her leaving. But the other friends I made in the house really kept me motivated, especially Howie and Kaysar.
Was this final week the hardest week for you? If not, what was the hardest week?
No. The hardest week – wait it’s a tie. The hardest weeks were five and six. On week five we made a critical error by putting up people from our alliance, James and Sarah! It was a huge mistake. After nominations, we couldn’t change it. In week six, it was difficult watching Kaysar getting pushed around by the Nerd Herd, there was nothing I could do to help him. I felt a lot of hatred that week. That’s when the game got hard. Howie and I vowed to go after the Nerd Herd to avenge Kaysar’s eviction.
Did you and Ashlea have a strategy coming into the House?
Our strategy was pretend we didn’t know each other, and keep winning competitions. Take out strong players and not make anything personal. We also wanted to stay true to our word and not break promises we couldn’t keep. We knew we wouldn’t fly under the radar. I was guessing that we would be immediate targets.
When did you have an inkling you weren't the only pair?
When we started watching Beau and Ivette. They were so obvious. Kaysar was the one that put everyone together with the help of James. I was so shocked when I found out Kaysar and Michael were a pair. I was also very suspicious that there were other pairs because I didn’t think that they would offer just one pair in the house and offer a bigger prize money if Ashlea and I had made it to the end.
Looking back, do you think Ashlea was the right person to choose as a partner for this game?
Yes. I knew Ashlea was athletic and would be a good competitor. However, I knew she had a problem of saying whatever came to mind. I thought the guys would get along great with her, but I thought the women in the house would feel threatened by her.
It seems that just after a few days in the house, you and Ivette were already arch-enemies. Why did you hate each other so much in the beginning?
I hated Ivette because she was loud and abrasive. She made fast friends with that vile man Eric. She also treated Ashlea very badly. She acted so freaking ghetto. I just couldn’t take it. I wasn’t used to living with someone who grew up sliding down garbage bags in the hood. It was so tacky.
Has your opinion of Ivette changed over the course of the game?
Yes it has. Ivette didn’t take my deal that I had proposed to her. It really shows me that she is a good person and she has heart. She chose friendship over money.
The final HOH endurance competition looked grueling. Was it as difficult as it looked?
It was horrific! Ewww!!! I am horrible at endurance. Mathematics and endurance are my downfall in the game. I’m terrible at math. My body was so sore for two days after. I wasn’t wearing my lucky competition gloves, and I always wear those when I compete. I was also terribly sweaty and gross. It was tough as hell.
Were you surprised at how well Maggie and Ivette did in the endurance competition?
No. I knew they were better than I at endurance, although I thought Maggie would win over Ivette.
Were you surprised when Ivette, and then Maggie, encouraged you not to quit during the competition?
Yes! Very surprised. It made me feel so much better. It was sweet of Ivette to do that for me. Especially after our past history.
You participated in many of the POV competitions, since many weeks you were a target. What was your favorite competition?
I loved all the competitions. I love competing and winning. But my favorite competition was the hockey game. It was an indescribable feeling beating the nerd. Jen knew she was toast.
What did you think of Howie’s nominations (James and Sarah) the week he was HOH?
I had a very uneasy feeling about his nominations. It was horrible watching Sarah and James not pull their key out. I didn’t want them to be nominated. If anything I told Howie backdooring James was a better bet, then putting up James and Sarah. I was mad as hell that Howie was getting pushed around by the Nerd Herd.
After Jennifer put Kaysar up as a replacement nominee, fights broke out in the house - notably, Hurricane Howie attacking April, you and Beau, Kaysar and Jennifer, too. Do you think that afternoon when everyone let it all out hurt you in the game?
Not at all!!! I was a target that was not going to reverse itself. That’s who I am.
You won two America’s Choice prizes (congratulations!). How does that feel?
I am so thankful to the viewers. It’s such a great feeling to know that I had America’s support. It really helped me in the game. I love America!!Thanks America!!
Did you let go of your button on purpose in the Pressure Cooker to win a prize?
No. I just wasn’t concentrating. I was dancing to Fifty Cent in my head because I was bored and I let go of the button. But I really wanted a prize, yes.
How do you think your fellow houseguests felt about your incredible luck with Big Brother prizes?
The Nerd Herd was mad as hell!!! They were so jealous! I love making nerds jealous.
Michael was the victim of a lot of vicious gossip. Who was the worst instigator the week he was on the chopping block?
The biggest instigator was Eric. Eric felt threatened by Michael and wanted to take him out when he had a chance.
Do you plan to pursue a relationship with Michael outside of the House?
Absolutely! I can’t wait to be with Michael when this is all over! He is the guy for me.
Many fans thought there was a lot of chemistry between you and Kaysar. Would things be different, say, if Michael weren’t in the picture?
Yes there was chemistry between Kaysar and I, in the beginning. But I think Kaysar and I are better off as friends. When I really got to know Michael for who he actually was I practically fell head over heels in love with the guy…He’s so dreamy…
Which houseguest made you laugh the most?
Howie by far made me laugh the most. I virtually laughed my way through the entire game.
We have heard a lot this season about playing the game with honesty and integrity - many times from players who have gone back on their promises and have racked up several lies. What is your philosophy on how to play the game?
Play the game with as much honesty and integrity as you can. You can lie – but if you lie, just don’t try to justify all of your lies. Win competitions and stay true to yourself. Stick to your same philosophy throughout the game. Don’t change it when you see fit. Consistency is the key.
What did you think of some people in the House saying they weren’t in the game to win the money?
That is a bunch of bulls***! If they weren’t there for the money they should have put in the DORs. I was so sick of people saying they were on vacation.
What do you think of the Nerd Herd’s shrine to Cappy, Jennifer and Beau in the HOH room?
It was ridiculous. It was typical of the Nerd Herd. Cappy was the most frightening. They even put his fireman hat on the picture of Cappy.
You played chess with many people in the House, but not with Maggie. Why do you think she wouldn’t play you?
Maggie isn’t intelligent enough to play Chess. I’m sure she was sick of losing in all the competitions.
Was Ivette a good chess player?
Not really. She didn’t get much better, either.
Who were you most glad to see leave the house before you?
Eric! That was my favorite eviction by far. The house was a much better place after he left.
Do you regret anything you said or did in the House?
Yes. I regret not staying on the surfboard, and protecting Ashela’s safety. I also regret letting Howie getting pushed around by a Nerd Herd when he was HOH for the first time.
Can you tell us briefly what you think of your fellow houseguests?
April - Frazzled, funny as hell but lacks physical ability in the BB game.
Ashlea – Hilarious. Great person and a wonderful friend.
Beau – A diva with an addiction to alcohol and an obsession with himself.
Eric – Horrible player. Was always crying.
Howie – Made the game so much fun for me. My best friend in the house.
Ivette – Juice competitor. A bit loud and annoying.
James – He was really stressed. He certainly didn’t sleep. Great competitor and good person, funny.
Jennifer – Has a problem keeping her word. Do not trust this woman.
Kaysar – Huge heart and a great leader. One of the smartest guys I know.
Maggie – Wuss! Had to throw competitions in order to win. Has an issue with looking constipated in her pictures.
Michael – He’s dreamy.
Rachel – Like an older sister to me. Love her.
Sarah – Total sweetheart. Very emotional. I got along with her very well.
Anything you would like to say to your fans and supporters?
I can’t thank the fans enough for supporting me and cheering me on. Thank you for voting me to win America’s choice. The Janie Doll loves America. Sorry I didn’t succeed in taking out the Nerd Herd.
Thank you again for answering questions for FansOfRealityTV.com. We’ve enjoyed watching you so much, Janelle, and we hope you stop by soon! Many thanks to CBS for granting the interview.