Re: Spoilers
ça va être un beau moment de télévision qui nous attend ce soir
encore plus beau en s'imaginant la face de ceux qui pensent que Dan part à soir
encore plus beau en s'imaginant la face de ceux qui pensent que Dan part à soir
OUI Dan vote Shane svp!!! Je veux vraiment un final 2 entre Dan et Ian avec Ian grand vainqueur.LeoChris a écrit : Le POV ceremony n'a pas encore ete fait Ca se fait live au final 4.
Presentement, c'est Ian et Dan sur le bloc, mais Danielle peut (et likely will) sauver Dan pour mettre Shane sur le bloc... evidement, elle s'attend a ce que Dan sorte Ian (Shane/Dani veulent que ce soit Dan qui le fasse et non Shane pour que Dan ait un peu de sang sur les mains, quoi)... sauf que Dan semble s'etre decider de sortir Shane si il est sauver (il a un f2 deal avec Dani et Ian, mais rien avec Shane, et Dani/Shane ont aussi un f2...)
Re: Spoilers
Si tous se passe comme prevu, je me demande si Dani va etre assez frue contre Dan pour amener Ian au f2 si elle gagne le dernier HOH.
Re: Spoilers
Endurance en cours. Ils se font slammes dans un mur.
Re: Spoilers
Ian out...
Re: Spoilers
Dan essait de convaincre Dani de lui laisser, disant qu'il sera pas capable de battre Ian in part 2...
Re: Spoilers
Dani off, Dan wins part 1.
Re: Spoilers
Danielle devrait gagner un prix de la personne la plus facilement manipulable et la plus cruche de la saison!
Non mais après tout ce que Dan a fait, elle le laisse encore gagner? J'en reviens juste pas de sa naïveté!
Non mais après tout ce que Dan a fait, elle le laisse encore gagner? J'en reviens juste pas de sa naïveté!
Re: Spoilers
HOH pt. 2 en cours.
(Disons que si Danielle gagne, la saison n'a plus aucun suspens )
(Disons que si Danielle gagne, la saison n'a plus aucun suspens )
Re: Spoilers
Ian a gagner.
Re: Spoilers
Ca m'etonerais vraiment qu'il ammene Danielle
Pour l'instant, Dan dit vouloir thrower part 3 a Ian. Bon, c'est ce qu'il DIT on s'entend...
Mais j'ai l'impression que Ian gagnerait contre Dan (Ashley, Joe, Brit, Shane)
Pour l'instant, Dan dit vouloir thrower part 3 a Ian. Bon, c'est ce qu'il DIT on s'entend...
Mais j'ai l'impression que Ian gagnerait contre Dan (Ashley, Joe, Brit, Shane)
'Big Brother 14' huge spoilers: Who will play in the final HOH?
source: http://www.examiner.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Tonight was a big night in the "Big Brother 14" house. On September 14, they played the second round of the competition for the final HOH. Do you want spoilers on what happened?
Fans already know that Dan Gheesling won the first part of the HOH competition. This puts him automatically playing against the winner of tonight's competition in the finals. Tonight Ian and Danielle fought it out to see who gets to play against Dan. Dan was not able to watch them compete.
When "Big Brother After Dark" started up, it was easy to find out that Ian won the next part. Danielle was screaming and yelling at Ian that he better not take Dan to the final two or she would make sure he doesn't win. She is not happy at all.
Ian and Dan are still talking about having a deal together. It sounds like they will be in the end no matter who wins, but either one could change their mind. Danielle says that she will make sure that the jury doesn't vote for Ian if he takes Dan. According to Dingo Hamsterwatch, this was all planned last night to try and get Ian to throw the final competition to Dan.
Dan made a comment saying that he won $50,000 which got her started going off. She thinks that this means Ian is taking him for sure and Danielle is mad.
Who do you think will win this season of "Big Brother 14"? Dan's wife still thinks he will win! Sound off in the comments!
source: http://www.examiner.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Tonight was a big night in the "Big Brother 14" house. On September 14, they played the second round of the competition for the final HOH. Do you want spoilers on what happened?
Fans already know that Dan Gheesling won the first part of the HOH competition. This puts him automatically playing against the winner of tonight's competition in the finals. Tonight Ian and Danielle fought it out to see who gets to play against Dan. Dan was not able to watch them compete.
When "Big Brother After Dark" started up, it was easy to find out that Ian won the next part. Danielle was screaming and yelling at Ian that he better not take Dan to the final two or she would make sure he doesn't win. She is not happy at all.
Ian and Dan are still talking about having a deal together. It sounds like they will be in the end no matter who wins, but either one could change their mind. Danielle says that she will make sure that the jury doesn't vote for Ian if he takes Dan. According to Dingo Hamsterwatch, this was all planned last night to try and get Ian to throw the final competition to Dan.
Dan made a comment saying that he won $50,000 which got her started going off. She thinks that this means Ian is taking him for sure and Danielle is mad.
Who do you think will win this season of "Big Brother 14"? Dan's wife still thinks he will win! Sound off in the comments!
Abysse a écrit : Mm en y repensant bien j'imagine que Danielle ne peut compétitionner en round 3 et donc que c'est la manche pour couronner ou Ian ou Dan vainqueur?
La part 3 se fait live lors de la finale. Le gagnant (Ian ou Dan) fout quelqu'un dehors. Cette personne est catapultee dans le jury et vote 5-10 mins apres. C'est excessivement mal fait
Dan... a vrai dire je sais plus ce qu'il ferait. Mais probablement Danielle.
Ian amene Dan a 2000%
Re: Spoilers
Danielle est officiellement virer folle... elle disait a Dan qu'elle desirait faire plein de trucs physique a Ian (j'ai pas le transcript exact mais genre "I'll break his neck" etc.) elle est presentement dans le DR
LeoChris a écrit : Danielle est officiellement virer folle... elle disait a Dan qu'elle desirait faire plein de trucs physique a Ian (j'ai pas le transcript exact mais genre "I'll break his neck" etc.) elle est presentement dans le DR
Finalement, Zingbot avait raison, va falloir que Shane se munisse d'un "restraining order" contre Danielle!