Citation :Q&A with So You Think You Can Dance Canada runner-up Allie Bertram
Kat Angus
Published: Monday, December 08, 2008
The first season of So You Think You Can Dance Canada came to an exciting end last night, as 24-year-old Nico Archambault was named Canada's favourite dancer. The choreographer from Montreal, Que. beat out the stiff competition to win $100,000 and a 2009 C230 Mercedes-Benz.
Runner-up Allie Bertram may not have taken the big prize, but the 18-year-old from Calgary, Alta. couldn't be happier with the results. Throughout her weeks on the show, the classically-trained ballet dancer had the chance to perform several routines outside her comfort zone, and in the process, she learned a lot about dance and about herself.
How do you feel now that So You Think You Can Dance Canada is done?
Oh, my gosh, this experience has been so incredible. I never want it to end.
Are you disappointed you didn't win?
No! Not at all. You know, I never expected to get this far. I'm so happy for Nico. I came so far myself and I learned so much. That's really why I did the competition - not for money and not for any prize, but just for the learning experience. I think definitely got that from being on the show.
What was the most important thing you learned?
I think I learned a lot about professionalism on the show. Choreographers expect a lot from you. Being able to prove yourself, being able to make things happen - especially on the show, you've got to keep going. Even if you have a bad day, you have to keep pushing because our time on it is so short, you don't have time to flub up. You got to keep going.
What was the hardest part of the competition?
The hardest part of the competition, I would say, is kind of the mental aspect of it. We only think about the show; that's the only thing going on in our brains. Mentally, it's tiring, and physically, it's tiring. When you don't have any days off, it gets really hard, but as the same time, we all love what we do and that's why we're here.
What was the mood like when the cameras turned off after the finale last night?
Oh, my gosh, everyone was so excited. I think they were even more excited when the cameras were off. We're so proud of Nico and everybody was so excited. We can't wait for the tour. It was really genuine when the cameras went off - we had a nice, big wrap party last night and everybody was out there dancing and having fun. It was a really great atmosphere.
What was your favourite routine from the entire season?
I honestly loved every routine because you sort of put your heart and soul into them, but one that's been in my mind is my very, very, very first routine, and that was the jive that I did with [ballroom dancer] Danny [Arbour]. I think part of it was that I loved dancing with Danny, part of it is that there was the excitement of the first live show, when we stepped on stage in front of the judges - it was really the most wonderful moment. That's what I'll base my experience on. It was scary but it was fun and there was so much energy in the studio. It was amazing.
Was it weird being one of the youngest competitors?
It wasn't too weird. On this show, ages range from mine to [final four contestant] Natalli [Reznik], who's 29. It's crazy. I felt like a youngun', but at the same time, I don't think anyone looked down on it because they saw me as a competitor as well. I think it had its advantages because I'm still training a lot, but then again, I don't have the experience that some of the other dancers have.
Which elimination surprised you the most?
It was really surprising for a lot of us when Vincent [Noiseux] and Arassay [Reyes] went home. It was very surprising for everyone; they're super-talented dancers. It surprised a lot of people.
Of the dancers who were not in the final four, who do you think should have won?
Of course I have to give props to my partner, Danny, but I think Vincent is such a talented dancer and he is just so skilled and so smart. I think he really is fantastic and I think he really would have deserved to win.
What's next for you, after the So You Think You Can Dance Canada tour?
After the tour, I'm not even sure. I'm just starting my career. I think the first step is for me to get an agent and, I guess, just keep going and auditioning for things. I think I'm going to do acting classes and singing. I just want to branch out and do as much as I can. I just want to perform.
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