CanelleEtPruneau a écrit
Pour ce qui est de Ian, lui et ssa femme se chicanaient tout le temps... et chaque fois qu'il arrivait au pit stop, il criait : 'We're coming Phil!!!'
j'avais oublié ça c'est vrai, Ian criait comme un perdu au pit stop, me semble qu'un moment donné il avait dit "yay america!" ou quelque chose du genre, ça avait aucun rapport c'était vraiment bon!
Un vieil article de bons souvenirs sur Ian, le gars qui l'a écrit detetstait Ian, mais plus tard (je l'ai rajouté apres l'article) admet qu'il a fini par comprendre qu'il l'aimait depuis le début. J'comprends pas pourquoi le monde les aimaient pas tout le long ... art&page=1
Citation :I told myself that I was going to wait until they were eliminated, but it has gotten to the point where I can hold it in no longer. It's time to address the way Teri and Ian, the married parents on The Amazing Race 3, function as a team. Also, I would like to take a look at the way Ian talks to Teri, and how the situation would have been handled if Ian were my grandfather and talked to my grandmother the same way Ian talks to Teri. Let us just call this article a way to speak to and treat your mate, the right way, and the Italian way.
When I first saw the profiles of the teams for this seasons race I automatically came to like John Vito and Jill. They have not let me down one time this season, as I have mentioned in a previous article. However, I always tend to root for the older people because I give them credit for taking part in the show. The Gutsy Grannies from the second season of TAR and Jan from Survivor: Thailand, for example. When I got a good look at Teri and Ian's profile on the CBS website, they seemed like interesting people, and I wanted them to do well. Let me tell you, after the first episode I had decided that maybe my presumption about them was wrong. It seemed like Ian did nothing but shout at Teri and order her around. As this was going on I could only think about how my grandmother would handle the situation. My grandmother, God rest her soul, was a full-blooded Italian. If the man of the household came home expecting something, Italian women put them in their place. There is a sense of family that I don't think Teri and Ian have at this point. There was no love shown in the first episode when Ian screamed at Teri, "Prepare my bag so when we get to the airport you can put it right on me." Had my grandfather said that to my grandmother she would have replied back to him, "Why not do that yourself because I'm your wife, not your slave," then she would have given him a good hit on the head. That is the way it should be sometimes. There is no reason for the disrespect that Ian shows Teri, especially since they have been married for 20 years.
Making Teri pull the donkey during the detour in the first episode was also Ian's way of showing that he is not a gentleman. When told to pull the donkey while Ian looked like Ben Hurr, Teri should have replied as my grandmother would have: "I'm the woman, you're the man. Therefore, you will be pulling the jackass, you jackass." I was shocked to see Teri pulling that donkey. She needs to learn to stick up for herself and put Ian in his place from time to time. Since she never says anything, she is digging her own grave, and sending a message to Ian that it is OK for him to address her the way he does. As of now, I have yet to see any sign of a gentleman within Ian. In episode 2 he did not even help Teri back on to the wave runner when she fell off. Instead, he chose to yell at her while she struggled to get back on. Now, I could just envision what my grandmother would say: "If you don't help me get back on this thing in 10 seconds, not only will you be in the water with me, but I may get back on and leave you behind." Believe me when I say that she would not be lying.
Episode 3 is where I really started to have a problem with this team. After getting in the boat to get their next clue, instead of instructing Teri on how to row the boat, Ian decided it would be easier just to yell at her until she gets frustrated and stops altogether. Yeah, that is a great strategy you have going for you Ian. If my grandfather had yelled at my grandmother that way in the boat, she probably would have taken the oar out of the water and whacked him on the head with it. That would have taught him a lesson for the rest of the race. If that was not bad enough, the roadblock was even worse. Ian chose Teri to do the roadblock seeing that it was going to be a physical task. I almost fell on the floor when he looked at her and said, "That's you!" I felt so bad for Teri while she was trying to throw that pole to make it land between the lines. It was not helping though watching Ian attempt to instruct her on how to do it. My grandmother would have told him, "If you thought you could do it so well, you should have done it yourself." Then, once again, she would have taken the big pole and shoved it where big poles do not belong. There was no good reason as to why Teri did that roadblock, and instead of supporting her; Ian decided to yell at her, as he always does. How Teri has endured this for 20 years I just cannot comprehend.
In episode 4 we are treated to Ian screaming for a taxi when he is not even out of the airport. Why he did that, I don't know. Maybe it is because he is a pompous idiot who treats his wife like a slave. Go figure. Anyway, later in the episode, at the detour, Teri and Ian chose to row a huge boat full of wine, to the designated destination. It was quite obvious that Teri was having a hard time, and Ian, being the gentleman that he is, decided that screaming at her as usual would probably help. It didn't, and only got Teri even more frustrated than she already was. My grandmother would have had it at that point, and would have just thrown my grandfather into the water and left him there to think about the way he treated her. Too bad Teri has not thought of that yet. I think Ian could use the time-out. On the walk to the pit stop in that episode, Ian was chanting at Teri the whole time. I really wanted to reach through the TV and pull that hat over his head and push him into that river. For crying out loud, she was moving as fast as she could and yelling at someone does not help. His chanting of "Hoo-Ha" really does nothing for the team, but it does help to grate on the viewer's nerves, so I guess it does have a purpose.
Then came the shining moment. When I did not think it was possible for Ian to become anymore a jerk, he blew me out of the water in episode 5. It was obvious that Teri did not want to rappel at the detour. However, Ian talked her into it, and she decided to take one for the team. Ian went first and got to the bottom quickly. Teri took her time, but finished the task in a reasonable amount of time. She was so happy, and I was happy for her. Not Ian, though. As she screamed, "Ian, I did it! I'm here!" Ian casually replied, "Yeah, we gotta move, there are teams ahead of us." No congratulations, no hug, no excitement, no NOTHING. It was obvious that Teri was getting a new grip on life, and all Ian could do was rush her to the next challenge. Do I even have to say what my grandmother would have done? Let's just say that if my grandfather ever dismissed that big of an accomplishment of hers, things would have gotten ugly. I'll leave it at that.
How can anybody forget when it was time to get gas, and Teri said to make sure the car didn't take diesel fuel, and Ian dismissed her. Had he of listened they may have had a good lead and might not have needed to use the fast forward on the next leg. Just another reminder about how Teri actually knows what is going on, but Ian refuses to listen.
In the latest episode, we had more shouting from Ian, not to mention how he announced that he is the decision maker of the team. I have to agree with that though. He does make all the decisions, and it is kind of sad. I would love to see Teri step in there and take control of this team. She has tried several times, like taking control of the taxi, and figuring out which direction they had to travel in. Ian has stated that he is the captain and she is the navigator. I think Teri needs to navigate Ian to where his place is. I have never seen someone so boorish to his own wife of 20 years, and I know that if it were my grandparents on TV doing that, my grandmother would not have stood for it.
Teri, all I can say is that if this keeps going on, you need to make Ian sleep on the couch a few nights until he realizes that you are his wife, not his maid. There is a clear line between the two of them. Until he realizes this, I can only see his rude and inconsiderate ways getting worse as you approach that 25th anniversary.
Teri stated it best though, when they came in first this leg of the race: "We are a team, and when push comes to shove, we shove together." It goes to show you that even though they do bicker constantly, deep down there is that love. I wish the two of them the best of luck in and out of the race, but Ian needs to take a moment to realize what he has, and treat Teri with a little more dignity and love during the race - and outside of it. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity that the two of them get to do this together, and it is a pity that, as of right now, they are most remembered for Ian's rude behavior.
Ce que le gars a écrit plus tard avant la finale:
I picked Teri and Ian because it took me the whole race to warm up to them. Sometimes it may take me a week or two to finally like a team but it took me all season for these two. I actually wrote several articles about how much I disliked them (here and here), but then realized that I liked them the whole time. This is now my chance to defend their actions and state my case as to why I think they will win.