On ne sait pas encore quand TAR6 va commencer mais on a la liste des participants. J'ai pris les détails sur ce site:
http://www.realitytvcalendar.com/recaps ... -s-01.html
C'est en anglais, bien sur, mais j'ai cru que l'information
était assez intéressante pour la copier ici. Les commentaires sont de la journaliste Cari C.(?).
Rebecca Cardon (29) & Adam Malis (27)
These two are from Los Angeles. They are both spinning teachers. They use to date, but are currently broken up. Since both seem to be in good shape they might be able to go far. It will depend on how the two can handle being together even though they are broken up.
Donald (69) and Mary Jean (65) St. Claire
If am not mistaken, this will be the oldest team to ever race. Donald is pushing 70 and looks it. I am not sure if these two can keep up with the much younger teams. The two will most likely work well together since they have been married for 23 years. I don't think it will matter. If these two aren't the first to go they will fall soon after.
Avi Schneier (32) and Joe Rashbaum (32)
It seems that CBS got smart and stopped putting strong all male teams on each season. This time around we have two high school buddies from Brooklyn, New York. Both are Jewish and plan to keep it kosher while in the race. These two don't look like much and don't look to be much of a threat. I see them going out early.
Johnathan Baker (42) and Victoria Fuller (31)
These two are the only other married couple this time around. Strangely, the two don't share the same last name. Johnathan is an entrepreneur and claims to be able to perform the "Jedi mind trick" on people. He also dyed his hair blue for the race. Victoria is a former Playboy Playmate. These two are going to be fun to watch.
Lori Chestnut Harvey (32) and Bolo Dar'Tainian (38)
These two are pro wrestlers from Florida. They want to be known as the tough, freaky people. I am not sure if these two are
dating or just friends. They are in good physical shape but I don't see these two lasting to the end.
Kris Perkins (30) and Jon Buehler (29)
Kris is a student at UCLA while Jon is a bar owner in Scottsdale, Arizona. The two are in a long distance relationship. They hate negativity and want to help people as long as it doesn't hurt them. These two are young, strong, and athletic. I think these two can make it far.
Freddy Holliday (35) and Kendra Bentley (25)
What a shock! Models on The Amazing Race! These two are not yet married but hope to be after the race if they don't kill each other. These two are young and good looking. I can see them as a top three team.
Lena (23) and Kristy (26) Jensen
Here we have another team of sisters. These two should be a lot more fun than the twins though. Kristy is a devout Mormon mother/model. Lena on the other hand is a former strip tease aerobics instructor. I can already see the fireworks starting.
Aaron Crumbaugh (25) and Hayden Kristianson (25)
Hey, more models. These two are dating models from LA. The two admit they tend to fight a lot but they are young and in good shape. They could be a top three team.
Hera (23) and Gustavus McLeod (49)
Well hopefully this time around the father/daughter team will have better luck. Hera, the daughter, is a special education teacher. Gustavus, the father, is an ex-CIA operative. His work in the CIA has to be an added bonus. If he can keep up, I see them going far.
Maria Sampogna (26) and Meredith Tufaro (26)
These two are best friends from Brooklyn. Their strategy is to be kind. I don't think that will last long. They should ask Dennis where being nice will get them. I see these two falling in the middle of the pack.
Voilà, vous pouvez déjà choisir vos préférés.