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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Jim & Marsha After the race
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Publié : jeu. juil. 22, 2004 6:03 am
par CanelleEtPruneau
Voici la copie de l'entrevue apres la course qui est sur le site officiel :


What was your worst moment in the Race?
Jim: When the ticket agent at the gate for the 10:30 flight kept allowing other standby passengers on the plane, even though we were #1 on the standby list. He did not like something about us, and I began to have a very bad feeling.
Marsha: When the ticket agent at the gate took about 10 people on standby over Dad and I even though we were the first Team on the standby list! I guess he thought the twins, Kami & Karli, were cuter than us!

What was the best moment in the Race?
Jim: Coming from last place to 3rd place on leg 2.
Marsha: When we moved from last place to 3rd place in the second leg of the Race, proving that not only could we still stay in the game, but we could also make up a lot of time despite certain obstacles.

When and how was your relationship with your teammate strengthened or changed?
Jim: Our relationship was great before the Race and continues to be solid. We left the Race with dignity, and that meant a lot to both of us.
Marsha: Dad and I definitely got to see each other in a different light. Even my father's interaction with the other Teams during the Race and at Pit Stops allowed me to see him out of his "father mode" and as "Jim," the way the rest of the world views him.

Is there any place you'd revisit, or wish you had been able to visit?
Jim: I would definitely go back to Patagonia. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.
Marsha: Patagonia was by far one of the most amazingly beautiful places I have ever seen! However, the chance to see the Pyramids in Egypt would probably have made me pee my pants (Well, hopefully not)!

If you could do the Race over, what would you do differently?
Jim: Double-check the tickets at the counter!
Marsha: Check the stupid tickets at the airline counter to make sure they were correct. I will no longer assume that ticket agents know what they are doing!

Of all the things you packed, what was the most useful?
Jim: Flashlight
Marsha: For me, it was the power bars I packed. Initially, Dad and I agreed that he would handle the money for fear that I may make an impulsive purchase. So, needless to say, I would've starved, as my father apparently doesn't need to eat more than once every three days! We bought one bottle of water to share on the whole trip.

What did you wish you'd brought with you, but didn't?
Jim: A smaller headlamp. The one I had was rather heavy, and other racers had smaller ones.
Marsha: More power bars! Just kidding. Actually, I had far too much stuff as it was. I could have gotten by with the clothes on my back, a toothbrush and, well, power bars.

Now that you've finished the Race, what are your plans?
Jim: Get back to reality! Go back to work flying for a local hospital in Jacksonville, Florida and continue living life to its fullest.
Marsha: I am taking the July Florida Bar Exam and am moving to Ft. Lauderdale to start my career as a civil litigator. If I fail the bar exam, I figure I'll move in with Mom & Dad to embark on Plan B: "Would you like fries with that!"

Publié : jeu. juil. 22, 2004 6:13 am
par nicki
Merci beaucoup.  Ils sont vraiment sympathiques.