Partie 2 :
22:23] <Pattycakes72> omg the live feeds edited????
[22:23] <ivettebb6> even if janelle didn't say she was sorry...was that going to make a
difference? tush doesn't need janelle to think she is beautiful. the only person that
matters is me...and i couldn't be luckier!
[22:23] <Pattycakes72> hello????
[22:23] <Sov6fan> especially of your letter to Jblow
[22:23] <whatever> They can't edit live feeds
[22:23] <UnNamed_Guest168> janie has more confidince in her big toe then all the NH, thats
why she don't care what they said about her
[22:23] <LucileFromHawaii> Ivette I gotta say your Diary Room parts were very funny
[22:23] <HelloThere> But she apologized anyways......
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[22:23] <bbfan17> WHY DO U HATE ASHLEA
[22:23] <Bailey> Are you normally so easily manipulated by other people, like Eric and Maggie
manipulated you?
[22:24] <whatever> HI HelloThere
[22:24] * I_Want_A_Jani_Doll has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:24] <Sov6fan> Crappy ewww
[22:24] <jameswillwin> What other reality shows would you be willing to do?
[22:24] <Bullet> I think your record's stuck, bbfan17
[22:24] <HelloThere> hello
[22:24] <Bullet> LOL
[22:24] <kaysarisastar> ivette of course tush doesn't need that. We are just saying that
Janelle DID feel remorse for being cruel. She is human, too.
[22:24] <DJ> don't forget James manipulating Ivette from the frist moment....
[22:24] <Kelbee> Bailey how would you act in a house for 3mths without family and friends?
[22:24] <kaysarisastar> and that was a reallllly bad picture
[22:24] <pbj4u> Have you watched the tape with Tush on it yet?
[22:24] <Pattycakes72> Janelle was the star of the show
[22:24] <HelloThere> like a human
[22:24] <cags> Ivette so you think you misjudged Janelle at all?
[22:24] <Caycaye> you are RIGHT about that Yvette....from what EVERYONE who has met tush
says...she is one SPECIAL woman....but I am glad Janie apologized...because she WAS wrong to
say that about Maggie....and she knew it
[22:24] <LucileFromHawaii> James was genuine
[22:24] <bb6watcher> and her soul is pure white!!!!!!
[22:24] <bb6fan> at least u r responding the bb6 fans....that is great of u to do that
[22:24] <LucileFromHawaii> at the end
[22:24] * Dino has joined #realitychat
[22:24] <swampy> Patti the live feeds aren't editied but you only ever see about 75% of
what went on in the house on the live feeds, often times rooms and areas are blacked out that
have ppl in them
[22:24] <whatever> Her and Kaysar...
[22:24] <Polysom> this is a game of manipulation, just don't deny it when you do it!!!!
[22:24] <Bailey> like Janie, Kaysar, Sarah .....
[22:24] <Crude> what tapes do you get to see other than TV aired episodes?
[22:24] <kaysarisastar> Ivette, do you know now that it WAS april and Jen's idea to get you
out that one week and not Howie and janelle
[22:24] <LucileFromHawaii> James has had lots of chats
[22:24] <Ewan> KAYSAR IS COOL GUY
[22:24] <lilabean> ok james said you were going to shock us tonight - with what?
[22:24] <UnNamed_Guest738> Well, that picture they showed wasn't the most flattering of Tush,
IMO, but she looked fantastic on the show!
[22:24] <LucileFromHawaii> yes like this too
[22:24] <whatever> Kaysar has a acting career yeaaaaaa
[22:24] <Pattycakes72> oh please...i saw what i saw
[22:24] <Sov6fan> Kayar is great
[22:24] * Yar has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:25] <HelloThere> Hey yeah Ivette, April and Jenn wanted you out BAD
[22:25] <kaysarisastar> i love james!
[22:25] <Sov6fan> KAysar
[22:25] <honeySC> tush is a very attractive person
[22:25] <cags> james answers people every day, hes awesome!!!!
[22:25] <ivettebb6> does anyone realize that those saying sorry are saying them to
america...did america live in the house? were the things said to america or to the
[22:25] <LucileFromHawaii> What shocking thing what?
[22:25] <Pattycakes72> the comps are blocked
[22:25] <steffijo> hey everyone!!
[22:25] <bbworld> g2g bye!
[22:25] <HelloThere> What up Kaysar!!!!
[22:25] * trish has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[22:25] <DJ> Forget acting or whatever, Kaysar is a great human being!
[22:25] <honeySC> well, april did call us names
[22:25] <BB> NOPE
[22:25] * UnNamed_Guest619 has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
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[22:25] <HelloThere> Hey Ivette, you guys told us to go f ourselves after we voted Kaysar
back in
[22:25] <Roanoke> grrrr.....can someone stop this madness!!!!!
[22:25] <honeySC> but we sort of got even with her for that..... hahahaha
[22:25] <kaysarisastar> oh, ivette....when april and jen were trying to convinve howie and
janie to vote you out when you were up next to sarah, maggie knew about it
[22:25] <swampy> so are some rooms at some times patticake
[22:25] <Sov6fan> Ok I need to ask this what was with the hate towards Rachel? that was just
pathetic the way you talked about her
[22:25] <kaysarisastar> did you know that?
[22:25] <LucileFromHawaii> April called us pieces of s**t
[22:25] <UnNamed_Guest738> You did say AMERICA can BURN IN HELL
[22:25] <Bailey> you said a lot of things to the people in America and not positive
[22:25] <HelloThere> I know it was frustration but hey, just pointing it out
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[22:25] <steffijo> didnt ivette leave?
[22:25] <Myx> thx for coming on here Ivette... much respect for staying on to take the heat
in light of the situation in Florida
[22:25] <swampy> which is why we never get to see the cbs secret moment
[22:25] <Durango> and you told America to BURN IN HELL
[22:26] <Crude> what tapes do you get to see other than TV aired episodes?
[22:26] <Sov6fan> Rachel was the most mature in the house
[22:26] <ohpuleeze> Ivette do you realize that ALL the NH did was bash??? The S6 actually
had normal conversations w/o bashing. You were the ones with no lives outside of the house,
not the S6 like you all always said. How could u say that???
[22:26] <bb6fan> well ivette america took it personal because the sov 4 r good people
[22:26] <Bailey> and their kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[22:26] <steffijo> hey swampy!!
[22:26] <whatever> All the NH called us pieces of sh*t! That is my problem with them all.
[22:26] <HelloThere> not for contortionists Ewan
[22:26] <RockinRobinGA> hey Ewan, why you yelling, dude?
[22:26] <Diva> but Ivette, don't you see the difference between saying something in the heat
of the moment and the constant every moment of the day every minute of the night trashing of
Jani and Howie and Rachel for no reason? Especially the same things over and over and over
and over again? It was like beating a dead horse
[22:26] <bb6fan> meanig janelle,kaysar,howie,rachel
[22:26] <Sov6fan> Eachel is awesome sad that she was talked about like a dog
[22:26] <ivettebb6> you guys didn't give me the phone call...oh well...we don't get
everything in life! however, who was waiting for me as soon as i got out?
[22:26] <Pattycakes72> I rooted for the sov BECAUSE the NH was so dispicable
[22:26] <ivettekicksyourass> you all hated ivette way before she ever told you and your kids
to burn in hell
[22:26] <BB> Ewan thats how she is
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[22:26] <Kelbee> lol robin
[22:26] <whatever> They don't know the words "I'm sorry"
[22:26] <UnNamed_Guest576> Ivette why did you and the NH do nothing but bash the sov 24/7
[22:26] <Kelbee> <----didnt hate ivette
[22:26] <lilabean> still waiting to be shocked...............
[22:26] * Roanoke has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:26] <LucileFromHawaii> Well I'm going thanks Ivette for stopping by!
[22:26] <UnNamed_Guest738> oops, maybe that was just being a "poor sport" because she didn't
win Americas choice
[22:27] <HelloThere> Do you know why we didn't give you any AC's?
[22:27] <BB> and she wonders why people dont like her
[22:27] <jameswillwin> can we PLEASE calm down!?!?
[22:27] * Myx has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:27] <kaysarisastar> ivette, we didnt give you the phone call because all you and the
friendship did all day was crap talk janelle and it made us sick
[22:27] <ivettebb6> and think about didn't only affect me, it affected my mom.
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[22:27] <LucileFromHawaii> <---didn't hate Ivette either
[22:27] <Pattycakes72> I did
[22:27] <Pattycakes72> lol
[22:27] <Pattycakes72> jk
[22:27] <HelloThere> That first go f yourselves remark, then the POS remarks, the constant
Janey bashing, etc.
[22:27] <Bailey> what about Kaysar's mom?
[22:27] <vedder99> Should Maggie prosecuted for letting a co-worker take blame for a wrongful
[22:27] <cags> But it was Americas choice
[22:27] <MamaBear> your mom attacked rachel for no good reason
[22:27] <ivettebb6> so 2 wrongs make a right?
[22:27] <kaysarisastar> ivette, the problem fans had with the friendship was you did alot of
crap talk and bad stuff, but then acted like you were playing with morals
[22:27] <Sov6fan> I thought when Janie won that call from mike that was so funny LOL
[22:27] * Roanoke has joined #realitychat
[22:27] <UnNamed_Guest168> april blamed ivette for how she acted now ivette blames editing
[22:27] <Durango> America giving janie the phone call was to send a message to the NH
[22:27] <UnNamed_Guest738> and April's husband, and Howie's mom, wasn't all about
[22:27] <HelloThere> So were the banners
[22:27] <sov4-2> no you was just wrong
[22:27] <Caycaye> I can see what you are saying about Janie apologizing to AMERICA and not
directly to Tush...but I guess Janie figured that she had insulted Tush to AMERICA on
she needed to make that right in the same medium...
[22:27] <cags> It wasn't wrong to give Janie the phone call
[22:27] <bb6fan> if u would not have done so much bashing u probably would have got the phone
[22:27] <Dino> ivette, just own up to the fact that you guys were nasty
[22:27] <Sov6fan> yes it was a big clear message
[22:27] <ohpuleeze> Ivette so you think that the majority of bb6 fans have warped perceptions
of you?? Whatever
[22:27] <marybeth> Ivette as a Sov fan I do have to say I respect that you have come here to
chat and not left with the negative comments. I said what I had to say, my opinion, trying
not to be mean, sorry but you did sign up for it, you watched pervious shows, you knew what
you were getting into, but I have to give it to you for hanging in there.
[22:27] <Kelbee> Ivette, this is how I seen it, you were straight up and from the heart, and
thats ok with me, just other people cant deal with it, cause they dont get it.
[22:27] <kaysarisastar> ivette, we were trying to give you guys a hint as to how the fans
were seeing things
[22:27] <Pattycakes72> speaing of AC, I just got my cell bill for that...darn
[22:28] * LucileFromHawaii has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:28] <Pattycakes72> very expencive
[22:28] <Sov6fan> Nerd HErd didn't recieve that message though
[22:28] <kaysarisastar> that's one of the reasons the banners went by
[22:28] <whatever> its called the blame game anything but take respon. yourself
[22:28] <kaysarisastar> but only maggie saw the banner, right?
[22:28] <DJ> No, they SAID they were playing with morals
[22:28] <lilbit> I voted for you to get the phone call and the taping of Two and a Half Men
but with the latter Katrina took out Miami's power and we couldn't vote
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[22:28] <HelloThere> Noone saw the second one
[22:28] <Pattycakes72> OH, Ivette, did anyone see that DOR banner?????
[22:28] <ohpuleeze> Morals my ass
[22:28] * Ewan has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:28] <HelloThere> not in the house anyways
[22:28] <jameswillwin> im going now. i will see all of you later
[22:28] <ivettebb6> thats right, it was america's choice...AND on that same was OUR
choice to not mingle with the ever so popular sov6 and it was our choice to not only evict
kaysar once, but twice!
[22:28] <Sov6fan> thats funny Maggot saw the first one
[22:28] <cags> Ivette, You guys trashed the others 10 times more than they did you
[22:28] <Sov6fan> yes it was your choice and it sucked
[22:28] <ivettebb6> it was our choice to want to take OURSELVES to the end!
[22:28] <HelloThere> you guys may have won the money, The Sovs won America
[22:28] * Diva is now known as DCDiva
[22:28] <DJ> Why are you so jealous of the Sov6? You drip with it.
[22:28] <ivettebb6> OUR CHOICE!!!!!
[22:29] <HelloThere> Money doesn't last forever
[22:29] <whatever> here you go again
[22:29] <Judybug> and it was your choice to tell me and my kids to burn in hell. that is
unforgivable. do you even regret it?
[22:29] <Bailey> see you are not being nice again, you have such a tone about you
[22:29] <kaysarisastar> fans loved kaysar because he was honest and full of integrity. fans
hated eric because he claimed he was, but was a hypocrite
[22:29] <Pattycakes72> HelloThere...very well said
[22:29] <Sov6fan> but wewill be seeing Kaysar more often and thank god no nerds
[22:29] <UnNamed_Guest738> nothing wrong with that, but it was also YOUR CHOICE to insult the
[22:29] <bb6fan> towards the end i enjoyed your consversations with janelle even though
maggie tried to put mud on it
[22:29] <UnNamed_Guest168> ivette you say howie picked a friendship over you ...but you
picked maggie over janie picked friendship over money so whats the difference?
[22:29] <kaysarisastar> that's why the SOV 6 is popular
[22:29] <Dino> but you gusy were so nasty, ivette
[22:29] * stavros has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:29] <Pattycakes72> WAS it worth it????
[22:29] <MamaBear> Soverigns will always be loved by America
[22:29] <HelloThere> And Kaysar and the Sovs acknowledge their downfalls and mistakes
[22:29] <RockinRobinGA> way too many peeps talking at once in here! yikes!
[22:29] <ivettebb6> jealous? honey, i got my nice chunk of change and additional perks...
[22:29] <Bailey> but it ends there
[22:29] * steffijo has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:29] <ivettekicksyourass> lol no, kaysar CANT admit that he was outplayed.
[22:29] <HelloThere> Fine, but the Sovs got America
[22:29] <Durango> won`t last
[22:29] <sport> it was a good idea to evict kaysar,he was the brains of the sov6.
[22:29] <vedder99> how catty
[22:29] <UnNamed_Guest168> thats all you got ivette
[22:29] <kaysarisastar> the Sovs were popular because they portrayed themselves as decent
human beings
[22:29] <HelloThere> yes he can, HE HAS
[22:29] <honeySC> ivette, have to ask, have you used the scooters?
[22:29] <Pattycakes72> hated universaly...great perk
[22:29] <DJ> But you're still jealous.
[22:29] <lilabean> is this one of those perks?
[22:29] <Durango> 50 g`s is probably gone already
[22:29] * jameswillwin has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:29] <Dino> ivette, you got a nice chuck o change now...but prior to were quite
DISCUSting (sorry not yelling)
[22:29] <missyb> I also enjoyed your convo's with Janelle. You liked a lot of the same
things. Also loved the strip /dance lesson that you and Janelle gave Howie.
[22:29] <ivettebb6> love them, but i don't see your love payin their bills
[22:29] <MamaBear> Janelle never lied in the game
[22:30] <Sov6fan> when people think of BB6 they will remember the Sov 6 being great and the
nerds being the most hated reality contestants ever and what a pathetic winner that season
[22:30] <Bailey> What was your obsession with Janelles' hair about?
[22:30] <cags> I can't believe you are staying around for this, you've got some guts girl
[22:30] <whatever> dont you think janey. kaysar, howie are making more money than you? give
me a break. 25.000 dont go far
[22:30] * suzie has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:30] <ohpuleeze> lol hated universally..ditto here
[22:30] <kaysarisastar> I really enjoyed Ivette's relationship with James.
[22:30] <HelloThere> Nope, but the jobs they'll get from this, which will go beyond the money
you and Mags got, sure as hell will
[22:30] <TK> no ivette it was our choies that why jan won the ac
[22:30] <bb6watcher> You wouldn't have got squat if america had any say!!
[22:30] <swampy> patticake I think you should only speak for yourself
[22:30] <UnNamed_Guest738> yes, what is wrong with hair extensions?
[22:30] <kaysarisastar> that's about it. I hated the rest of the sheep.
[22:30] <UnNamed_Guest576> Ivette did you opinion ever change about janie even at the end
when it seemed like the 2 of you were getting along
[22:30] <UDean> kaysar gave the house one person from his side in order to plan a clean game
which is also what howie wanted
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[22:30] <ivettebb6> 25, no 50!
[22:30] <honeySC> i loved those quiet moments too
[22:30] <jenlee76> of couse she has guts, what is there to be afraid of?????
[22:30] * Silky has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:30] <HelloThere> 86%
[22:30] <Bailey> taxes!!!
[22:30] <Pattycakes72> Karma
[22:30] <ivettekicksyourass> reality stars dont get "huge" jobs. i think you need to get in
touch with reality
[22:30] <ivettebb6> i told you guys, any little bit helps
[22:30] <SummerTyme> After taxes?????
[22:30] <whatever> what about taxes lying again
[22:30] * honeySC asks ivette if she has had a chance to use the scooters yet
[22:30] * suzie has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:31] <UDean> so ivette kaysar was not all about numbers as you side becuase why would he
give Jenn HOH?
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[22:31] <kaysarisastar> ivette, are you going to watch kaysar on Half and Half?
[22:31] <Sov6fan> America's top 2 choices Kaysar and Janelle!!!
[22:31] <RockinRobinGA> I would take 50K less taxes anyday over the approval of americns
[22:31] <Pattycakes72> do you stillstealyour cable??
[22:31] <Dino> yea, you were so mean to anyone outside your friendshit, that America chose to
be mean to you and not give you AC; hoping for a meltdown
[22:31] * canadaluvsjanie has joined #realitychat
[22:31] <HelloThere> So money is the end all be all....screw feeling good about yourself
right? Forget being a good person
[22:31] <RockinRobinGA> approval don't buy me squat
[22:31] <Kelbee> whatever what are you the reality tv show police? please.
[22:31] * suzie has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:31] <ivettebb6> i only watch mtv
[22:31] * Timer 1 activated
[22:31] * swampy sets mode: +b *!*@tvchat.B0EAF62E7DC7AD.TR
[22:31] <Dino> and thanks! you did it and did it well
[22:31] <kaysarisastar> really?
[22:31] * Timer 1 halted
[22:31] * Pattycakes72 was kicked by swampy (swampy)
[22:31] <Sov6fan> reasy to see Kaysar and Janie on the Amazing race!!!
[22:31] <vedder99> 25k could almost buy a soul
[22:31] <Sov6fan> ready
[22:31] <UnNamed_Guest1> ivvette do you still live Maggie after the way she used you
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[22:31] <whatever> also james and sarah
[22:31] <DCDiva> lol vedder
[22:31] <marybeth> you said many times "does Janelle know she is playing for 30K?" What
about those taxes?
[22:31] <HelloThere> Kaysar has so much on his plate right now anyways.....
[22:31] <HelloThere> As does Janey...
[22:31] <Sov6fan> lol vedder
[22:31] <kaysarisastar> Ivette, don't you think Kaysar and Janelle make a way cuter couple
than janelle and mike?
[22:32] * yukonjack has joined #realitychat
[22:32] <MamaBear> the soverign 6 are getting offers left and right for tv shows have you
gotten any?
[22:32] <UnNamed_Guest168> lol
[22:32] * Yapril has joined #realitychat
[22:32] <whatever> NO!!!!!
[22:32] <Dino> who cares
[22:32] <UDean> america loved that the SOV played a game and that Kaysar got rid of the bully
[22:32] <Kelbee> hey Ivette, what is going on with Beau these days?
[22:32] <ohpuleeze> ivette do u realize that maggot was doing everything in her power to keep
you from having a positive relationship w/ Janie?
[22:32] <ivettebb6> I AM A FABULOUS PERSON! i always said, some people love me, more people
hate me. once again, we don't get everything in life
[22:32] <ivettekicksyourass> so much? he's a struggling wannabe actor
[22:32] <Dino> you back at work, ivette?
[22:32] * honeySC asks if Ivette has had a chance to use those neat scooters
[22:32] <Sov6fan> Who care about bobo yawn
[22:32] <cags> Since you've seen the internet, why don't you respond on message boards the
way you do here.
[22:32] <bb6fan> u said janelle didn't make friends to win but it was you....don't u think?
[22:32] <Crude> what tapes do you get to see other than TV aired episodes?
[22:32] <ohpuleeze> ivette you're a genius
[22:32] <ivettebb6> no, haven't gone back yet
[22:32] * ohpuleeze has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:32] <Kelbee> <- paying attention, she said yes i think? lol
[22:32] <vedder99> at least Kaysar is getting chances and is trying
[22:32] <damick> Why not friendly with Maggie?
[22:32] <HelloThere> No, you don't get everything in life, but I would sure as hell not sell
my soul and sell my family out that way
[22:32] <honeySC> cags, we are going to set her up with a message board so she can talk to
all of you
[22:32] <MamaBear> soverigns are also doing charity events to help out the hurricane victims
[22:33] <Dino> do you remember when you said, f*** god, f*** god straight to hell????
[22:33] <DJ> How can you have a problem with Howie supporting his friend by not voting for
you, after you treated her so badly?
[22:33] <Sov6fan> No if she was a genious she would of threw the last HOH comp and she
probably would of one
[22:33] <honeySC> kel, did she answer the question of the scooters?
[22:33] <kaysarisastar> guys, what is that april hate site?
[22:33] <Kelbee> yep loved them? i think
[22:33] <honeySC> my one question and it didn't get asked
[22:33] <kaysarisastar> i think ivette would like it
[22:33] * stavros has joined #realitychat
[22:33] <ivettebb6> sell my soul? isn't that why i got second place because i didn't sell
[22:33] <HelloThere>
[22:33] <kaysarisastar> the april is a horrible person one
[22:33] <Sov6fan> OMG is she still saying Rachel blackmailed Howie to vote for Maggot
[22:33] <suzie> hi
[22:33] <Caycaye> Yvette....I have learned in life...that IF you have an opinion...and you
don't BLINDLY follow DO have a lot of enemies....but that doesn't make you a
BAD person....You ARE a fabulous person....and at least you can take the can
learn from mistakes though
[22:33] <honeySC> i think so ivette
[22:33] <Crude> what tapes do you get to see other than TV aired episodes?
[22:33] <UDean> you keep saying that Rach was a poor sport becuase of her faces and her hot
dog bun are the poorest sport in the whole BB6 house!
[22:33] <whatever> Have you seen all the vids made for the sov.?
[22:33] <HelloThere> Um, you sold it way before Maggie and Eric
[22:33] <bb6fan> ivette u would have won if y had not left that message for rachel.....she
was not a poor sport
[22:33] * Polysom has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:33] <UnNamed_Guest168> wasn't that janies fault for her saying that about god? lol
[22:33] <vedder99> You said Janie had no soul, how the hell do you know?
[22:33] <Betty> Have you thought of modeling?
[22:33] <jenlee76> Ivette, why dont you ever post on your yahoo group?
[22:33] <cags> Howies easily blackmailed isn't he? Wink
[22:33] <kaysarisastar> yes, ivettte, write that down and check it out later:
[22:34] * truthhurts has joined #realitychat
[22:34] <vedder99> far as I see you don't have a soul either then
[22:34] <whatever> puke
[22:34] <DCDiva> Why do you think that Rachel was a sore loser when everytime you lost you
stomped around, through a hissy fit, cried and called people all kinds of names i.e. She has
no soul, that you weren't a poor sport? Pot Kettle
[22:34] <Dino> as if she hasn't already. duh
[22:34] <DJ> Everything was F'in Janelle's fault....
[22:34] <RockinRobinGA> man, you peeps forget this is a GAME
[22:34] <Moodybooty> What is the one positive thing you walked away with other than the money
and Eric's friendship?
[22:34] <UDean> ivette also go to
[22:34] <Sov6fan> Maybe Ivette if you didn't leave such a ignorant and pathetic goodbye
message to Rachel she coulda won
[22:34] <HelloThere> NOt talking about the game, about personal stuff that had nothing to do
with the game
[22:34] <Sov6fan> That was sooooo stupid!!
[22:34] <stavros> jealous of Janie, much?
[22:34] <Dino> actually, go to survivor sucks
[22:34] <shayc> cags, I just want to say I read your stuff on jokers, you make me laugh so
much - you are great
[22:34] <UDean> they break down each day in an easy format
[22:34] <Izabella> Ivette knowing what you do now is there anything you would have done
differently in the game. P.S. I was so rooting for you to win over Maggie you atleast have a
[22:34] <UnNamed_Guest168> the BBQ was janies fault to?
[22:34] <Kelbee> im telling ya robin, this is the first season of bb that people are so
friggen passionate about it, if you call it that.
[22:34] <DJ> Yeah, Sucks is better
[22:34] <Dino> no one's funnier than sucks
[22:34] <kaysarisastar> hi shay, i am "ihateeric" on jokers
[22:34] <cags> Thanks
[22:34] <Dino> amen dj
[22:34] <Moodybooty> What is the one positive thing you walked away with other than the money
and Eric's friendship?
[22:34] <ivettebb6> you people run around in circles and i already went around in wilma's
circle so....
[22:34] <shayc> Hey ihateeric
[22:34] <suzie> hey Ivette we saw the live feeds 24/7 why did you bash like a meniac and
expect us not to know? Remember how you spied on the Sov6? did they ever do anything like
that to you?
[22:34] <Sov6fan> I love Survivor sucks best message board ever
[22:35] <HelloThere> That should say something, that people are still so worked up over
[22:35] <MamaBear> I want to know Ivette how to you justify game or not comparing kaysar to
Osama bin Laden?
[22:35] <RockinRobinGA> passionate, I think peeps forgot that BB is a game
[22:35] <UnNamed_Guest168> ivette all you are doing is blaming thats why
[22:35] <shayc> I love your stuff too!
[22:35] <whatever> HamsterTime rocks
[22:35] <Dino> and how dumb were you guys to think they didn't show what went on in the HoH
[22:35] <kaysarisastar> omg, enough with the racism questions? you guys are driving me nuts
[22:35] <Sov6fan> hamsterwatch is awesome too
[22:35] <HelloThere> Hey, outside of this discussion, did April realize that the reason her
nose bled was b/c she picked it all the time?
[22:35] * yukonjack has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:35] * dcakes has joined #realitychat
[22:35] <DCDiva> I don't think we are going around in circles, we are looking for true and
honest answers
[22:35] <bb6fan> i would like for u to stop blaming janelle for everything...2 wrongs don't
make a right
[22:35] <kaysarisastar> asking the same questions 1 million different ways isnt going to get
a different answer
[22:35] <UDean> ivette even wanted to sleep under the bed so she could spy on howie and
[22:35] <stavros> always blaming others
[22:35] <TK> see how nices is she not
[22:35] <damick> Ivette why arent you friendly with Maggie?
[22:35] <suzie> Ivette take some responsibilty for losing ok
[22:35] <vedder99> Sorry but when someone calls a person a Sand N*gger it's offfensive
[22:35] * kaye has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:35] <HelloThere> rippiing Janey's clothes, or talking about it
[22:35] * keldogg has joined #realitychat
[22:35] * Reese has gotta go... Just want to say THANKS Ivette for stopping by. I applaud
your guts and honesty here! I wish you well.....
[22:35] <SummerTyme> Excuses ... excuses ...
[22:35] <Yapril> ivette, you are by far the nastiest reality contestant i have ever seen.
[22:35] <HelloThere> don't forget camel jockey vedder
[22:35] <stavros> poor Tush, it must be a one-sided relationsip where Ivette gets her way
[22:36] <whatever> IT IS ALL IN THE FEEDS!!
[22:36] <Judybug> IVETTE! Would your PLEASE tell us if you regret telling us all, and our
innocent children, to burn in hell?
[22:36] <Moodybooty> What is the one positive thing you walked away with other than the money
and Eric's friendship?
[22:36] <Betty> Ivette, thanks for coming to chat, and, James, thanks for setting it up!!!
[22:36] <ivettebb6> its been great! to my yahoo group, i love you guys. talk to you soon!
[22:36] <Sov6fan> OMG vedder I totally forgot about that now Im getting pissed all over again
[22:36] <stavros> good on judy
[22:36] <vedder99> Thank you HelloThere
[22:36] <pbj4u> How is your dad's construction business...Got a Wilma boost?
[22:36] <damick> Ivette why arent you friendly with Maggie?
[22:36] <kaysarisastar> bye ivette
[22:36] <bb6fan> ivette i am not being mean to u....just making statements
[22:36] * Betty waves, got to go Bye Bye!
[22:36] <HelloThere> and Osama and a bastard
[22:36] <DCDiva> and i would like for you to not point out what others did that was so wrong
when we are talking about you! This is about YOU. We know that everyone did things, but
right now we are talking about you.
[22:36] <RockinRobinGA> take care ivettebb6!
[22:36] * LL has joined #realitychat
[22:36] <suzie> ivette when did you realize that sneaky Maggie was taking you for a ride?
[22:36] <ivettekicksyourass> Bye IVETTE! We love youuuuuuuuuuuuu!
[22:36] <stavros> see ya-watch the door
[22:36] * yukonjack has joined #realitychat
[22:36] <DJ> Thanks for coming Ivette
[22:36] * Betty has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:36] <Caycaye> Rachel really WASN'T a bad sport Yvette...she was just very mature, and she
tried to "keep the peace"...but she felt attacked by Beau and honestly didn't understand why.
She was VERY hurt by your ending statement...and after everyone else had left her a nice
message CBS made SURE to BLAST her with your message LAST...and Julie Chen "jumped" on it.
It embarassed Rachel..and I KNEW she would NEVER let Howie vote for you...she was very hurt
and e
[22:36] <Sov6fan> no we don't
[22:36] <sport> bye Ivette
[22:36] <Kelbee> Thanks again Ivette, so much for doing this chat tonight xoxoxo
[22:36] <UnNamed_Guest1> bye ivette - i hope you learn to face reality soon
[22:36] <Bullet> good night Ivette
[22:36] <RockinRobinGA> ivettebb6, come visit the website!
[22:36] <Bullet> sorry for the rudeness of some people
[22:36] <ivettebb6> bye swamps, thanks for everything! its been exhausting (lol)!
[22:36] <Dino> burn in hell...with us!
[22:36] <bb6fan> bye ivette.....have a good life and try to tone it nice
[22:36] <stavros> hope Tush sees the real you now
[22:36] <java> ivette, why do you not like hair extensions
[22:36] <Sov6fan> quit kissing aSS
[22:36] <HelloThere> good luck as a toaster or a dung beetle in your next life
[22:36] <kaysarisastar>
[22:36] * bb6watcher has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:37] <whatever> Whatup Kaysar....Janey youe a cupcake!!!
[22:37] <Yapril> ivette is gone to hell where she belongs, bye evilette
[22:37] * voy_your has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:37] <Izabella> Thank you for chatting with us.
[22:37] <suzie> Ivette too bad Marcellas had to handle you with kid gloves lol
[22:37] <Kelbee> oh lord yapril chill out sister
[22:37] <honeySC> SWAMPY says he will call you right away, Ivette
[22:37] <HelloThere> oh my this is too cathartic
[22:37] <Sov6fan> Whad up KAYSAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
[22:37] <kaysarisastar> april and busto, america wants your DOR!
[22:37] <kaysarisastar> er
[22:37] <kaysarisastar> jblow
[22:37] <ivettekicksyourass> There are certain people who are really immature and
hateful...ignore them
[22:37] <Bullet> watch is Sov6Fan
[22:37] <HelloThere> Kaysar: most beloved bb hg ever
[22:37] * chewy has joined #realitychat
[22:37] <stavros> do you all think she'll sleep well tonight?
[22:37] <Dino> what time did chat start?
[22:37] <Moodybooty> what was that april website?
[22:37] <bb6fan> ignore the haters.....go on with your life and be nice
[22:37] <whatever> Kaysar # 1
[22:37] <kaysarisastar> i think she's sleep fine
[22:37] <Sov6fan> Whad up Janie whad up KAYSAR!!
[22:37] <Kelbee> yep im sure of it stavros
[22:37] <kaysarisastar>
[22:37] <UnNamed_Guest576> bye ivette. Whadd up Kayssaarrrr we LOVE KAYSAR and JANIE
[22:37] <ivettebb6> i've always seen the real ivette/tush thanks..
[22:37] <BB> Kaysar sexiest man ALIVE
[22:37] <stavros> she need a reality check
[22:37] <MamaBear> stop being jealous of Janelle and go on with your life Ivette
[22:38] <vedder99> hey with 25k why didn't she get out of the Hurricane?
[22:38] <UnNamed_Guest576> Kaysar is soooooo sexy
[22:38] <java> hello tush
[22:38] <Sov6fan> Kaysar hottest thing to walk through that house
[22:38] <damick> Ivette why arent you friendly with Maggie?
[22:38] <UDean> ivette is the definition of immature
[22:38] <Yapril> she wont have a nice life .. she has the worst soul (tm ivettte)
[22:38] <yukonjack> its too bad you have people who hate you. Man what a alful feeling
[22:38] <HelloThere> b/c Maggie screwed her over
[22:38] <HelloThere> as did Cappy
[22:38] <ivettekicksyourass> LOL, who are you to be talking?
[22:38] * trish has joined #realitychat
[22:38] <suzie> the nerd herd will always be known for being a nasty hater group but the SOV6
will always be known as friends and we know since we watched the live feeds 24/7
[22:38] <UnNamed_Guest168> she is going to go cry in her bedroom....yelling...i hate her i
hate her is all janelles fault everyone hates me
[22:38] <UDean> she crys and yells when things dont go her way
[22:38] <kaysarisastar> maggie is paying for ivette and beau to go to vegas i thought
[22:38] <bb6fan> tone it down and be nice.....
[22:38] <Sov6fan> cause maggots a vile hateful b*tch
[22:38] <UnNamed_Guest576> Kaysar and Janie all time reality show contestants ever
[22:38] <Bailey> The Friendship - friends for life.....LOL
[22:38] <whatever> LOL
[22:38] <sport> bye, ivette you was the best BB player ever.
[22:38] * honeySC says on behalf of and the chatters thank you for coming
tonight and speaking candidly with us
[22:38] <stavros> yeah, friends for life
[22:38] * yukonjack has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:38] <TK> ivette is gone guy's
[22:38] <UnNamed_Guest576> Sov are the real friens
[22:38] <kaysarisastar> ivette is kaysar really dating shannon elizabeth?
[22:38] <stavros> that's why she chose them over her family
[22:38] <kaysarisastar> oh
[22:38] <HelloThere> back to Kaysars forum for me
[22:38] <cags> Ivette if your sticking around what do you think of Maggie saying that people
on welfare waste space in the ER
[22:38] <honeySC> have a good one!
[22:38] <vedder99> ME
[22:38] <Bullet> how would Ivette know?
[22:38] <Sov6fan> lol the friendship pathic group of losers
[22:38] <vedder99> ME TO
[22:38] * momamia has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:38] <honeySC> everyone say goodbye now
[22:39] <bb6fan> by the way u and maggie seen like complete opposites any way
[22:39] * chrstymam1969 has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:39] <whatever> do you mean the fiendship,,the ones who don't talk?
[22:39] <MamaBear> some one please find the transcrïpt of when they did that to Janelles
clothes its the only way Ivette will own up to the truth
[22:39] <damick> Ivette why arent you friendly with Maggie?
[22:39] <UDean> i wanted the underdogs to win but we got stuck with the crappy sheep
[22:39] <Reese> bye now.. lol
[22:39] <marybeth> I think Maggie should of at least bought Ivette that $700 purse she wanted
and one of those baby buggies
[22:39] <BB> Rachel is prettier than you IVETTE
[22:39] * SummerTyme has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:39] <canadaluvsjanie> Ivette, i really want to know how hard it has been for you since bb
ended. By the reaction in this chat room is your life pretty difficult. I am not a nerd
herd fan but seeing the hate in here i feel sorry for you.
[22:39] * Moodybooty has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:39] <Kelbee> mama there is no transcrïpt of that
[22:39] <BB> inside and out
[22:39] * HelloThere has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:39] <stavros> have fun in LV, hope you blow all your money with Crappy
[22:39] <suzie> maggie was the sneakiest player this year
[22:39] <Dino> oh yea, is crappy gonna father your baby, ivette?
[22:39] <marybeth> Any gifts come your way from Maggie?
[22:39] <Sov6fan> RACHEL ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[22:39] <dcakes> you guys are mean LOL
[22:39] <bb6fan> u and janelle would be great friends....u guys have great personality but
again u need to tone it down and be nice
[22:39] <kaper> Good Bye. You took a lot of heat for your team tonight.
[22:39] * RockinRobinGA thinks it's a good thing I am not a BB fan, lots of crazy fans in
[22:39] <stavros> what team?
[22:39] * cablegirl has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:39] <Sov6fan> Rachel is awesome
[22:39] <marybeth> bb that is not needed
[22:39] <Yapril> ivette: your nastiness and racism will come back and haunt you
[22:39] <jenlee76> no they aren't mean just some very immature people in the room
[22:40] <Kelbee> hey dcakes nice job with your questions
[22:40] * BB was kicked by Bullet (Behave)
[22:40] <TK> yes what team
[22:40] <ivettekicksyourass> Rachel is a poor sport
[22:40] <bb6fan> ignore the haters it was just a game
[22:40] <DCDiva> LOL Stavros, I thought you were going to bed!
[22:40] <cags> The transcrïpts aren't out there, I've seaqrched for them. I was watching when
it happened though. They didn't rip her clothes, they pushed them under something so she
coulsn't find them
[22:40] <MamaBear> Janelle is too good of person to be friends with any of nerd herd
[22:40] <Yapril> u are friggin racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:40] <Sov6fan> Oh please Rachel a poor sport
[22:40] <truthhurts> RACHEL???????
[22:40] <shayc> oh hey, can anyone give me kasar's site?
[22:40] <suzie> BB should have taken your mic away lol
[22:40] <dcakes> I sucked with my questions
[22:40] <UnNamed_Guest576> Ivette did you hear about Team Kaysar
[22:40] <UDean> ivette will never say she did anything wrong in the BB6 house
[22:40] <stavros> me too-but couldn't resist
[22:40] * honeySC sets mode: -v Yapril
[22:40] <Sov6fan> the biggest poor sport is in this chat with us now
[22:40] <damick> Ivette why arent you friendly with Maggie?
[22:40] * keldogg has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:40] * Yapril was kicked by honeySC (honeySC)
[22:40] * BB has joined #realitychat
[22:40] <ivettekicksyourass> i cant believe she told howie she would never be his friend
again if he voted fot ivette
[22:40] <suzie> Ivette .... PLease switch off your MIC haha
[22:40] <UDean> she was just being "honest"
[22:40] <Kelbee> nope dcakes you did ok
[22:40] <truthhurts> I hate her!!!! ring any bells?????
[22:40] <ivettekicksyourass> that is SO pathetic.
[22:40] <stavros> honest?
[22:40] * mimi222 has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:40] <kaper> Uh...the team that voted Maggie the $500,000
[22:40] <stavros> try denial!1
[22:40] <bb6fan> nobody is perffect and u proved it........just tone it down and be nice but
again ignore the haters
[22:40] <cags> It happened when people were sick of transcribing all the bashing thats why it
can't be found
[22:40] -RockinRobinGA:@#realitychat- (opnotice/#realitychat/10@) when do we get to kick
these idiots out of our chat room eh?
[22:40] <canadaluvsjanie> How long did ivette chat for?
[22:40] <marybeth> Ivette, did you give Beau any $ or one of the Vespa's? You could not have
gone on without him correct?
[22:40] <suzie> we used to mute you Ivette lol
[22:41] <Crude> hey james, do you know if Howie has the full clip of him tearing Busto a new
one? I've got it if he wants it.
[22:41] <UnNamed_Guest1> i just wish one person would admit that they really were nasty in
the HOH room and not blame editing
[22:41] <stavros> 1 minute
[22:41] <kaysarisastar> at least give ivette credit, she is willing to talk and face the
[22:41] <AnthonyDe> There's only one way to settle this: Sov6 vs. Friendship Dance off!
[22:41] <bbfan17> why is ivette name still on side
[22:41] * suzie was kicked by honeySC (honeySC)
[22:41] <Sov6fan> Rachel is awesome I love that sassy side of her in sequester!!
[22:41] <Bailey> lol
[22:41] <stavros> she just like listening to herself
[22:41] * moscco has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:41] <UDean> she is stalking the chat
[22:41] -RockinRobinGA:@#realitychat- (opnotice/#realitychat/10@) kick em honey, kick
[22:41] * lilbit has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:41] <Sov6fan> it was the editing is the sorriest excuse
[22:41] * UDean was kicked by honeySC (honeySC)
[22:41] -RockinRobinGA:@#realitychat- (opnotice/#realitychat/10@) kick em honey, kick
em!!!!!!!!!!go honey go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[22:41] * AnthonyDe has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:41] <ivettekicksyourass> huh? she didnt say it was the editing
[22:41] <bb6fan> guys remember this was a game.....ivette is young....give her a break...i am
sure if she had to do it again she would do some things different
[22:41] * damick has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:41] <kaysarisastar> why are people getting kicked out randomly
[22:42] <honeySC> all comments are welcome, but this room has a rule, no beating up on
people, no bashing personally
[22:42] <dcakes> The game is OVER people
[22:42] * LOL has joined #realitychat
[22:42] <stavros> 25 is old enough to know better
[22:42] * Dean has joined #realitychat
[22:42] <BB> yes she did
[22:42] <ivettekicksyourass> all she said was that her goodbye message to rachel was edited.
and it was....
[22:42] <Sov6fan> thats another excuse she was young!! whatever
[22:42] <whatever> they edited in favor for the NH until they couldn't get away with it
[22:42] <kaysarisastar> i agree. ivette is young and a little naive. I think she was easily
manipulated by maggie and eric.
[22:42] <canadaluvsjanie> I kind of don't blame her it is a really rough room. I don't
approve of her actions in the house and would really like her to respond to why she hated
janelle so much, it couldn't of been the homeless guy story, that would make her hate her so
intensly in the house. I just want some answers.
[22:42] <bbfan17> is ivette gone?
[22:42] <Reese> honey's cleaning house! lol
[22:42] <DCDiva> but game or no game, you just don't talk about people the way she did for
hours on end for no reason
[22:42] * UnNamed_Guest95 has joined #realitychat
[22:42] <Bullet> not yet
[22:42] * UnNamed_Guest271 has joined #realitychat
[22:42] <whatever> then they had to show how awful they all were
[22:42] <Kelbee> not yet what bullet?
[22:42] <stavros> right on diva
[22:42] * UnNamed_Guest95 has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:42] <Kelbee> and hey bullet did you say hello to me?
[22:42] <Dean> when crappy left all she did was play as if she was maggies partner
[22:42] <cags> I give Ivette credit for doing this, and most of you know I wasn't her biggest
fan for awhile
[22:42] <Bullet> someone asked if Ivette had let
[22:42] <Bullet> left
[22:42] <truthhurts> they can't edit what she didn't give them....even if she added stuff to
her goodbye...we all know she didn't tell Rachel she loves her
[22:42] <Sov6fan> so what she said them things about Rachel. If she didn't have anything to
say to Rachel in the goodbye message she should of not said anything
[22:42] <Kelbee> oh
[22:42] <Bullet> Whut up, Nudieeeeeeeeeeee, I mean Kelbeeeeeeeeeeeee
[22:43] * CaboGirl has joined #realitychat
[22:43] <Bullet> LOL
[22:43] <UnNamed_Guest576> I LOVE THE SOV + 2
[22:43] <Kelbee> LOL
[22:43] <stavros> watch the live feeds-no editing there
[22:43] <kaysarisastar> The editing really favored the friendship. I think they can thank the
editors for the fans they DO have
[22:43] <bbfan17> why is she not talking
[22:43] <UnNamed_Guest1> bb6fan some of us just are interested in how they felt that we as
viewers cant hear what we did and instead blame editing
[22:43] <DCDiva> All the things that she said that she was responding to, the cleaning the
house, the float back to Cuba, she didn't know any of that until she got out of the house ans
was told by her mom and Tush
[22:43] <LOL> SOV6 RULE
[22:43] <bb6fan> nobodys perfect give her a least she talking and april and jen
and maggie are hiding for their actions
[22:43] <dcakes> I know what you're saying but you guys are acting like you guys are better
but you are trashing her, too...What's up with that?
[22:43] <kaysarisastar> she isnt talking because you people ask the same questions over and
[22:43] <Caycaye> Yvette said she didnt like Janie becaus eshe hated people who thought their
'shit didn't dtink" and Janie was one of those people....but i BET you if Ivette had gfiven
Janie HALF a chance...and Ivette's mind wasn't polluted by James telling her lies...she would
have LOVED Janie...
[22:43] <bbfan17> then she should leave lol
[22:43] <Dean> yes the editiors did make the sheep a lot better
[22:43] <DCDiva> And btw, when Jani said that, Kaysar told her that wasn't nice
[22:43] <stavros> that's right diva-she didn't know any of that until after the game
[22:43] <CaboGirl> i knew she wouldn't have the guts to chat
[22:43] <kaysarisastar> kaysar is a really nice person.
[22:43] <Kelbee> cabo she was in here for a long time? where have you been
[22:43] <dcakes> She IS chatting
[22:43] <DCDiva> she never once told any of the Fiendship that the things they said were rude
or not nice
[22:43] <kaysarisastar> jennifer is gross.
[22:43] <dcakes> She didn't have to come here at all
[22:43] <stavros> but she still uses that as an excuse for her behaviour
[22:44] <whatever> throw tom. at all the NH
[22:44] <ivettekicksyourass> she has been chatting for the last hour and a half
[22:44] <Sov6fan> yes Kaysar did tell Janie to stop little did he know the vile crap coming
out of Ivettes mouth about him
[22:44] * ChadClark has joined #realitychat
[22:44] <UnNamed_Guest576> me too LOL
[22:44] <CaboGirl> what did she say? anything new
[22:44] <Dean> but even with that most BB6 only watchers still saw them for what they are
[22:44] <UnNamed_Guest168> give ivette a break? but yet she still bashes janie..ooookkkkk
like she gives jani a break
[22:44] <ivettekicksyourass> NOTHING she does will ever satisfy you people. seriously.
[22:44] <cags> Hey Ivette, its gonna uglier in here, if your gonna stick around and watch
[22:44] * UnNamed_Guest has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:44] <stavros> yes, just own up to it
[22:44] <kaysarisastar> i don't think houseguest have ever got this negative of a reaction
from so many fans.
[22:44] <dcakes> she said she ended up on good terms with Janie at the end
[22:44] <Crude> James, I think people think she hasnt really owned up to much so they are
just looking for answers.
[22:44] <Dean> she will never say she did anything wrong in the house
[22:44] <stavros> that would satisfy me-with no caveats this time
[22:44] <Dean> she has an exuse for eveything
[22:44] <whatever> crap like the way she based the viewers?
[22:44] <Kelbee> hey wait is james here?
[22:44] <bb6fan> i am sure if ivette cross her path she would be cordial to janelle
[22:44] <Sov6fan> not not even Alison and Jun got this musch but the nerd herd deserve it
[22:44] <canadaluvsjanie> I think april and maggie fed ivette alot of stuff too, paranoia
does wacky things to a persons mind. I just wish she wouldn't keep saying oh the sovereigns
talked trash too, it wasn't the same, it wasn't so intense..god at one point they were
complaining about janelle's crotch and how it looked in her bathing suit. It was obsessive
and strange. I just want to know why.
[22:45] <UnNamed_Guest271> is ivette the most hated BB6 housguest?
[22:45] <Caycaye> There were MANY more houseguest who got more negative
[22:45] <BB> agree
[22:45] <DCDiva> i agree Canada
[22:45] <CaboGirl> yes
[22:45] * James has joined #realitychat
[22:45] <UnNamed_Guest738> Ivette, no matter how you felt about Rachel making faces, I
believe you lost the game when you couldn't control yourself in your goodbye message. Did
you forget you were there to play a game?
[22:45] <kaysarisastar> ivette isn't talking because she is busy checking out ;0
[22:45] <bbfan17> hi james
[22:45] <ChadClark> april and jen are more hated than ivette
[22:45] <Sov6fan> especially Busto and Maggot and Jblow they deserve it the most
[22:45] <bbfan17> bb6
[22:45] <ivettekicksyourass> I think maggie and April might be even more hated
[22:45] -RockinRobinGA:@#realitychat- (opnotice/#realitychat/10@) ivette question bot needs
to go yes?
[22:45] <Caycaye> come on Ivette is a MUCH more likeable and better person than THOSE women
[22:45] <James> hello
[22:45] <kaysarisastar> maggie and eric are the most hated
[22:45] * honeySC sets mode: +o James
[22:45] <UnNamed_Guest271> JAMES,, i love u
[22:45] <shayc> hello james
[22:45] <James> maggot sucks
[22:45] <bb6fan> janelle doesn't dislike ivette....janelle is cool....
[22:45] <bbfan17> james u rock
[22:45] <BB> HI James
[22:45] <kaysarisastar> is that the real james?
[22:45] <canadaluvsjanie> i think maggie is really a nasty person, april is just plain
[22:45] <MamaBear> hi james
[22:45] <stavros> ivetee isn't much better
[22:45] <James> and sarah!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:45] <Kelbee> guest 738 i think that was one of those heat of the moment diary room
thingys. who knows
[22:45] * ChadClark has quit IRC (Quit: Bye bye)
[22:45] <Sov6fan> Crappy just never needs to be brought up again no one cares about that
[22:45] <Bullet> Hey James and Sarah
[22:45] <Bullet>
[22:46] <cags> IVette does have more fans than any of the other NHers including Beau
[22:46] <CaboGirl> ivette you really seemed to enjoy putting rachel and janey down are you
like that in real life?
[22:46] <Kelbee> Hi James! Hey Sarah
[22:46] <java> would rather sit and talk with ivette then jblow, april or maggie/eric
[22:46] <BB> James your so sexyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:46] <shayc> Hey Sarah
[22:46] <RockinRobinGA> CaboGirl, be nice
[22:46] <stavros> do you let Tush get a word in?
[22:46] <CaboGirl> ok
[22:46] <Bailey> lol
[22:46] <RockinRobinGA> stavros, be nice
[22:46] <Sov6fan> Ivette drank the kool aid
[22:46] <Kelbee> James Ivette was asking for you earlier.
[22:46] <cags> Maggies koolaid was poisoned
[22:46] * canadianchiK has joined #realitychat
[22:46] <James> hi ivette!!!!!!!!!!
[22:46] <stavros> yeah, she needed help
[22:46] <DCDiva> James finally!
[22:46] <honeySC> ivette, this is james rhine
[22:46] <Crude> Hey James, does Howie have the full clip of him chewing out Busto because I
have it if he wants it.
[22:46] <vedder99> Why won't she answer the Michael question
[22:46] <Caycaye> I came in the chat late....did Ivette ever say if she realized how Maggot
manuipulated her and used her to win the million?
[22:46] <Kelbee> she did not stavros
[22:46] <kaysarisastar> James, call into the fishbowl on friday. Janie and Mike are going to
be on and we just like hearing from you!
[22:47] <UnNamed_Guest1> i think pple liked ivvette util she got sucked in
[22:47] <DCDiva> LOL, Boy don't you know its rude to set up a chat and not show? LMAO
[22:47] <canadaluvsjanie> maggie took advantage of ivette's trust in her..she is a nasty,
nasty woman.
[22:47] <BB> ivtte dosent talk
[22:47] <James> i didn't set it up
[22:47] <dcakes> pssst...don't tell James how bad I suck
[22:47] <Izabella> Ok people get over it the games over. Bashing her is not going to get our
questions answered.
[22:47] <cags> I'm gonna tell him dcakes
[22:47] <James> i was at a party until the PIGS in ATL shut it down
[22:47] <cags> JK
[22:47] <stavros> oh, but it feels sooo good
[22:47] <Sov6fan> Is Maggot a man or a woman? we never found that out
[22:47] * bb6fan has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:47] <RockinRobinGA> are you calling us Atlantan's pigs?
[22:47] <shayc> lol dcakes
[22:47] <kaysarisastar> James, stop hating on cops!
[22:47] <James> Ivette, how the chat going?
[22:47] <dcakes> He probably already knows anyway
[22:47] * bb6fan has joined #realitychat
[22:47] <BB> LOL ur so right
[22:47] <stavros> not good James
[22:47] <kaysarisastar> jen
[22:47] <canadaluvsjanie> ivette was chatting but it was pretty rough and then she quit.
[22:47] <Caycaye> good Republican hates the cops!!!! LOL
[22:47] <kaysarisastar> definitely jen
[22:47] <cags> IS that really Jamesbb6
[22:47] <BB> BOTH
[22:47] * ivettebb6 has quit IRC