Publié : ven. sept. 30, 2005 7:50 pm
Voici un message d'Ivette, aujourd'hui, sur son site Yahoo qui me confirme encore plus que cette fille a vraiment besoin de consulter et d'être soignée !!!
Ouf !!! Sans commentaires !!!
Date: Sat Oct 1, 2005
Subject: it's me ivette...
hi everyone...
let me begin by thanking you all for your wonderful support and
dedication to the show. i'm so thrilled that i was able to entertain you guys for the summer. thank you as well for sharing your thoughts with my tushy-butt and making her summer easier. so now about me...we just got back on monday and i have so much catching up to do. the bills started pouring in, friends have been calling, family has wanted to see me and the tush has needed some long over due lovin. i've been meaning to write and get to know you guys but i've just needed some time away from anything having to do with big brother. this isn't going to be a long post but i just wanted to touch base.
i want to clear up any mis-understandings or mis-conceptions that people have been having about me. I WAS NOT THE ONLY PERSON who made negative comments about others in the house. kaysar, micheal, and janelle made their fair share of "racist"/offensive comments towards me. "that latin chick/girl", "ghetto cuban", "carpet muncher", "rug chomper", "bitch", "float back to cuba on your raft". should i go on? mind you i was born and raised in AMERICA. people are so funny, they only hear
what they want to hear. no one ever comments on how the soveirgn 6 treated me. no one remembers that howie was the first person to "rag" on kaysar. people forget because they became friends. howie commented on his "magic carpet", "camel rider", if he could borrow his "book" to take care of business, how kaysar was going to build a "temple with the money." again, should i go on? lets also remember on week 6 when kaysar came back and was then put up, i had a one-on-one conversation with kaysar telling him that i made several rude comments including one about strapping a bomb to yourself. i told him that i apologized and that i truly felt that he was an honest person just like myself. why is it that no-one cares to find clips of that day. how about the day he was evicted, i got his bag for him and gave him a hug. i am not going to continue to ask for forgiveness. i did my part in person, in the house, and to the person i owed it to.
to kaysar. and those comments posted that were said by me, they
weren't ALL towards kaysar. i'm not going to continue to justify that matter. and to top it all off, i'm latin and gay, who am i to discriminate? about the other house guest...beau is my baby, jenn and april will see the friend that i was to them, maggie broke my heart, and eric and i talked things through and he will forever be my friend. to janelle, what can i say...the girl turned out to be better than 11 other house guest. i always said, "outside of this house she is probably a wonderful person, in here its strategy." i have a close friend just like janelle who i adore so i understand her. i've never claimed perfection nor to be the sweetest thing alive. however, i do know that i have a good heart and that to me does not have a price.
that's what i was fighting for in the house. honesty and loyalty.
what i find funny is people who have soooooooooo much to criticize about me and my comments, yet they post the worst possible things that any human being could say. from "ivette should have burned her face with the bbq" to "she should go to jail with her brother", "her family should all go to jail", "i want to beat ivette up", "i hate ivette and she should burn in hell." the list goes on. let it be known as well that "burn in hell" is an everyday term that i use. is it the best one? probably not, but its a bad habit that i'll eventually have to
break. i'm sorry if i ever offended anyone, those weren't my
intentions. if people are such fans of any of the houseguest's they would realize that any controlled enviornment would bring out the worst in anyone. specially one that is aimed at getting rid of someone every week in order to get to the ultimate prize. all in all, my point was to send all my love to those who have supported me through out the summer and those who eventually began to understand me and appreciate my honesty, harsh and all (lol). i want to continue to hear from you guys and i promise to keep posting. a big kiss to all...
love and thanks,
Ouf !!! Sans commentaires !!!
Date: Sat Oct 1, 2005
Subject: it's me ivette...
hi everyone...
let me begin by thanking you all for your wonderful support and
dedication to the show. i'm so thrilled that i was able to entertain you guys for the summer. thank you as well for sharing your thoughts with my tushy-butt and making her summer easier. so now about me...we just got back on monday and i have so much catching up to do. the bills started pouring in, friends have been calling, family has wanted to see me and the tush has needed some long over due lovin. i've been meaning to write and get to know you guys but i've just needed some time away from anything having to do with big brother. this isn't going to be a long post but i just wanted to touch base.
i want to clear up any mis-understandings or mis-conceptions that people have been having about me. I WAS NOT THE ONLY PERSON who made negative comments about others in the house. kaysar, micheal, and janelle made their fair share of "racist"/offensive comments towards me. "that latin chick/girl", "ghetto cuban", "carpet muncher", "rug chomper", "bitch", "float back to cuba on your raft". should i go on? mind you i was born and raised in AMERICA. people are so funny, they only hear
what they want to hear. no one ever comments on how the soveirgn 6 treated me. no one remembers that howie was the first person to "rag" on kaysar. people forget because they became friends. howie commented on his "magic carpet", "camel rider", if he could borrow his "book" to take care of business, how kaysar was going to build a "temple with the money." again, should i go on? lets also remember on week 6 when kaysar came back and was then put up, i had a one-on-one conversation with kaysar telling him that i made several rude comments including one about strapping a bomb to yourself. i told him that i apologized and that i truly felt that he was an honest person just like myself. why is it that no-one cares to find clips of that day. how about the day he was evicted, i got his bag for him and gave him a hug. i am not going to continue to ask for forgiveness. i did my part in person, in the house, and to the person i owed it to.
to kaysar. and those comments posted that were said by me, they
weren't ALL towards kaysar. i'm not going to continue to justify that matter. and to top it all off, i'm latin and gay, who am i to discriminate? about the other house guest...beau is my baby, jenn and april will see the friend that i was to them, maggie broke my heart, and eric and i talked things through and he will forever be my friend. to janelle, what can i say...the girl turned out to be better than 11 other house guest. i always said, "outside of this house she is probably a wonderful person, in here its strategy." i have a close friend just like janelle who i adore so i understand her. i've never claimed perfection nor to be the sweetest thing alive. however, i do know that i have a good heart and that to me does not have a price.
that's what i was fighting for in the house. honesty and loyalty.
what i find funny is people who have soooooooooo much to criticize about me and my comments, yet they post the worst possible things that any human being could say. from "ivette should have burned her face with the bbq" to "she should go to jail with her brother", "her family should all go to jail", "i want to beat ivette up", "i hate ivette and she should burn in hell." the list goes on. let it be known as well that "burn in hell" is an everyday term that i use. is it the best one? probably not, but its a bad habit that i'll eventually have to
break. i'm sorry if i ever offended anyone, those weren't my
intentions. if people are such fans of any of the houseguest's they would realize that any controlled enviornment would bring out the worst in anyone. specially one that is aimed at getting rid of someone every week in order to get to the ultimate prize. all in all, my point was to send all my love to those who have supported me through out the summer and those who eventually began to understand me and appreciate my honesty, harsh and all (lol). i want to continue to hear from you guys and i promise to keep posting. a big kiss to all...
love and thanks,