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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Article - par «Danielle Reyes BB3»
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Publié : mar. sept. 27, 2005 6:21 pm
par Sweet Angel
Let me first just say that this year?s casts are very, very tall. It was like living in the land of the Giants.

On Thursday I had the honor and the privileged to go shopping and have lunch w/ Kaysar. We talked about the game and we discussed the perception of the Friendship alliance. Kaysar is true gentleman.

James called Kaysar and wanted to talk to me! I was honored. It?s really funny how the houseguests from the current season are fans of the hgs from the previous season and vice-versa.

James and I played the game similar.

The Wrap Party is probably the best Big Brother Wrap Party!
Let me go down the list ?

Will BB5
Drew BB5
Marvin BB5
Lori BB5
Erika BB4
Jack BB4
Marcellas BB3
Lisa BB3

One big dysFUNctional family!!!

I must say I did get to speak to most of the BB6 cast w/ the exception of Eric & Maggie. I didn?t even see Maggie. Ivette was there w/ her girlfriend Maggie and I must say Maggie or better known as Tush is very attractive.

When Beau saw me he did scream like a little [Censored] and I told him too!

Howie is one of the craziest people!!! He is an absolute riot! I can?t begin to tell you the things that came out of his mouth.

Janelle and Michael were close and I hope nothing but the best for them.
Janelle is stunning! She?s like a Hollywood Starlet. I can see why Michael is attracted to her!!!! Plus on the other hand she?s a very smart girl and that smile is intoxicating.

James and Sarah are so happy together. Honestly, I didn?t expect it to work out, but when you hear James talking about his love for Sarah you can?t help but to press your hand to your lips and whisper, ?You had me at hello.?
Sarah is absolutely precious and her beauty whispers to you! She is one of those women that God blessed not only a great body but her features our natural and she is a woman that don?t have to wear a drop of makeup and still look beautiful.
James said when he first saw her he told his friends that ?I think I saw the woman I?m going to spend the rest of my life with??

Kaysar my Iraqi Prince is the handsomest man to grace Big Brother. Ladies, yes he is all that and a bag of chips! When Kaysar talks you hold your breath because you don?t want him to stop talking. You hang onto every word that comes out of his mouth. Those eyes are intoxicating.

After the party we all went to hang in the lobby of the hotel.
Janelle?s mother is fabulous!!!! April and I were walking around barefooted because our puppies were barking. My feet were killing me.

So just like a typical houseguest we have no concept of time. Will and I took a taxi to Diane?s and we found out that literally Diane lives down the street from Jason.

Will and I had breakfast I think because it was 4am in the morning and I was so tired.

I invited Will to stay the night w/ me over Jason, but he declined because he needed his face cream, mask?etc. So I kissed his adorable face good bye.

The following day I hung w/ the Sovereign Six over Kaysar?s apartment. We had an absolute blast and I tried to tell them about the episodes and Sarah had all the copies on tape. I insisted that they watched the episode ?I caught the bigger fish.?

The Sovereign Six watched their very first episode ?I caught the bigger fish.? I was actually enjoying their reaction to the episode. How they laughed at each other and called each other out. It was so much fun.

That evening we went to dinner and a club. We talked so much about the game. Believe you and me Sarah called Howie out several times for making one of the dumbest moves in BB history. I bet you guys didn?t know that side of Sarah? She really has a lot of spunk in her. When we were at the club she yelled to James, ?James, we need a drink!? James obliged and got us some drinks.

Howie was hitting on every girl that was in sight. He even commented, ?Danielle, I thought your boobies were bigger?? I responded, ?No, you?re thinking of Tonya.?

James, Sarah, Howie and Kaysar logged onto the websites to read the message boards and I directed them to realitybbq.com. So they were reading postings on Friday, September 23rd.

Rachel and I are a lot alike. I kept feeling like an old woman and at one point in the evening I turned to her, ?Don?t you want to be in bed?? She totally agreed. We start talking about how old we are (33 yrs old) and how we can?t party like back in the day.

I had a lot of fun! I must say the Sovereign Six are the true friendship of BB!

On a side note, I did have a chance to speak to Ivette and you could see the hurt and hear the contempt in her voice. I do believe that she realizes that some of her alliance weren?t really her friends. She was absolutely convinced that Rachel convinced Howie to change his vote. I told her that is unlikely (side note I did ask Howie if Ivette admitted that she didn?t play the game w/ integrity would he voted differently? He responded, ?She would have had my vote). Where was I? Oh yeah, I did point out to her that even if Rachel did change Howie?s vote?could you blame her since her goodbye speech was not nice.
I do believe Ivette is in for a hard time and in the next couple of weeks she comes to realize the hurtful things she said. Believe you and me, I?m speaking from experience.

All Stars!!!! Well, it was a hot topic among the hgs. It was more like, ?Are you doing the All Stars?? My response is still the same. Hell No.

I just want to welcome our newest cult members to Big Brother Family. This year was probably the first time the house was divided into teams and America took sides. Also the first time when the viewers were black & white. We didn?t have a Love to Hate them or Hate to Love them houseguest. Ironically what was the biggest instrumental perception was our most beloved houseguest was from Iraq and one of our hated hg was a fireman?.the irony.

I can?t wait until next year and like you I?m hoping for All Stars!

Hugs and Chocolate Kisses

Danielle Reyes BB3

Publié : mar. sept. 27, 2005 6:54 pm
par Sweet Angel
Voici quelques photos de ce week-end :