Voici les entrevues de «Maggie & Ivette» avec "Fans of Reality TV" :
http://www.fansofrealitytv.com/forums/s ... hp?t=48942
http://www.fansofrealitytv.com/forums/s ... hp?t=48959
Entrevues - "Fans of Reality TV" - «MAGGIE & IVETTE»
- Sweet Angel
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 3528
- Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am
Comme «Ivette» semble avoir la mémoire courte sur ses propos racistes envers «Kaysar», entre autres, quelqu'un est allé cherché dans les archives de "Jokers" certains commentaires d'une seule journée :
From Jokers Archives 7/14:
Ivette: I was like "Look at the f-ing dumb blonde!"
07/14/05 07:24 PM
Ivette: If he was just a dirt bag, like Michael, I would trust him more. But since he preaches the Quaran, I hate him even more. I can't stand him.
Jen: Kaysar has had a lot of body odor lately.
Ivette: If he was just a dirt bag, like Michael, I would trust him more. But since he preaches the Quaran, I hate him even more. I can't stand him.
Jen: Somebody asked him a question the other day and he couldn't answer it (about Quaran?)
Ivette: Obviously your little friend Michael didn't vote for you, he voted for Ashlea.
Jen: Don't think he did it on purpose? So Ashlea wouldn't feel bad.
Ivette: He came into the bedroom one day raging about her. He came in raging. You should've seen him that day.
Jen: And the next day they were flirting like crazy.
Ivette: They're all 3 dirtbags. Eventually we're all going to have to play the game. Right now, you know, we don't have to.
Ivette: That is why I said you know what? Give the Gold Room to the dirtbags.
Jen: I am scared to go to the wrap party.
Sarah: Why?
Jen: Because he's going to see how we all talked about us, he'll slit our throats.
Ivette: I hope his mother is embarrassed.
Ivette: I have yet to say anything bad about anybody else. Anything I have to say, I say to their faces. (OMG)
Ivette, April, James in Bathroom
07/14/05 06:54 PM
A: You know who he really needs to put up Michael and Janelle, because they are on each other's team.
I: He said we're gonna talk.
I: I want Kaysar to beg; to become desperate. I want him to become petty for being such a dirt bag.
A: Uh huh.
A: You don't think he'll feel safe?
I: No. No.
A: No, they're saying Michael did (voted for Kaysar)
J: Sarah is worried you will think it was her that voted for Kaysar.
I: No, no.
James: So can I tell him?
A: We told her. (Janelle)
James: There is something that Eric and I have to work out before this.
I: Which is why I said, we should POV, then put him up (Mike)
James: I know you guys hate to wait, but just give us the night.
I: I would love to see Kaysar begging all week for being such a scumbag.
::::Beau enters ::::
I: What she doesn't know that saves her is that we have a Muslim freak.
I: Did you see Michael on the couch, how he was discretely....(inaudible)
Ivette and April
07/14/05 06:52 PM
Ivette: "I want Kaysar begging like a little bi#ch all week."
April: "Should Eric put him up?"
Ivette: "No I just want him to beg all week like the little dirtbag he is
I. I want him to become petty, shi**ing in his pants, for being such a dirt bag. You see what i'm saying?
More racism from Ivette
07/14/05 11:53 AM
Ivette> he asked his higher people (does air quotes) if he can do this, if he told them what it was they would have never let him
Ivette> I hope he stays thousand and thousands of feet away from allah, i hope he just stepped back a thousand feet because of this *****
James, Ivette, April on Kaysar
07/14/05 11:52 AM
I: All I am saying is that he is such as bastard (kaysar)
J: When I told you that that group was talking about putting up you and Beau, that should've been enough.
A: He's playing
J: He's trying, but not doing a good job.
I: If he was just a shady bastard, then I would respect him more. But being Muslim and preaching Allah.... I hate him.
Ivette> "he going to ride camels back to iraq" NT
07/14/05 11:31 AM
Ivette> id rather him being an ***** and not bring his fu**ing Koran into everything NT
Ivette> him and all his muslim bullcrap im not going to lower myself to that NT
07/14/05 11:33 AM
Ivette> i'll tell him "i hope you dont get 100 feet close to Allah" NT
07/14/05 11:35 AM
Sans commentaires !!!
From Jokers Archives 7/14:
Ivette: I was like "Look at the f-ing dumb blonde!"
07/14/05 07:24 PM
Ivette: If he was just a dirt bag, like Michael, I would trust him more. But since he preaches the Quaran, I hate him even more. I can't stand him.
Jen: Kaysar has had a lot of body odor lately.
Ivette: If he was just a dirt bag, like Michael, I would trust him more. But since he preaches the Quaran, I hate him even more. I can't stand him.
Jen: Somebody asked him a question the other day and he couldn't answer it (about Quaran?)
Ivette: Obviously your little friend Michael didn't vote for you, he voted for Ashlea.
Jen: Don't think he did it on purpose? So Ashlea wouldn't feel bad.
Ivette: He came into the bedroom one day raging about her. He came in raging. You should've seen him that day.
Jen: And the next day they were flirting like crazy.
Ivette: They're all 3 dirtbags. Eventually we're all going to have to play the game. Right now, you know, we don't have to.
Ivette: That is why I said you know what? Give the Gold Room to the dirtbags.
Jen: I am scared to go to the wrap party.
Sarah: Why?
Jen: Because he's going to see how we all talked about us, he'll slit our throats.
Ivette: I hope his mother is embarrassed.
Ivette: I have yet to say anything bad about anybody else. Anything I have to say, I say to their faces. (OMG)
Ivette, April, James in Bathroom
07/14/05 06:54 PM
A: You know who he really needs to put up Michael and Janelle, because they are on each other's team.
I: He said we're gonna talk.
I: I want Kaysar to beg; to become desperate. I want him to become petty for being such a dirt bag.
A: Uh huh.
A: You don't think he'll feel safe?
I: No. No.
A: No, they're saying Michael did (voted for Kaysar)
J: Sarah is worried you will think it was her that voted for Kaysar.
I: No, no.
James: So can I tell him?
A: We told her. (Janelle)
James: There is something that Eric and I have to work out before this.
I: Which is why I said, we should POV, then put him up (Mike)
James: I know you guys hate to wait, but just give us the night.
I: I would love to see Kaysar begging all week for being such a scumbag.
::::Beau enters ::::
I: What she doesn't know that saves her is that we have a Muslim freak.
I: Did you see Michael on the couch, how he was discretely....(inaudible)
Ivette and April
07/14/05 06:52 PM
Ivette: "I want Kaysar begging like a little bi#ch all week."
April: "Should Eric put him up?"
Ivette: "No I just want him to beg all week like the little dirtbag he is
I. I want him to become petty, shi**ing in his pants, for being such a dirt bag. You see what i'm saying?
More racism from Ivette
07/14/05 11:53 AM
Ivette> he asked his higher people (does air quotes) if he can do this, if he told them what it was they would have never let him
Ivette> I hope he stays thousand and thousands of feet away from allah, i hope he just stepped back a thousand feet because of this *****
James, Ivette, April on Kaysar
07/14/05 11:52 AM
I: All I am saying is that he is such as bastard (kaysar)
J: When I told you that that group was talking about putting up you and Beau, that should've been enough.
A: He's playing
J: He's trying, but not doing a good job.
I: If he was just a shady bastard, then I would respect him more. But being Muslim and preaching Allah.... I hate him.
Ivette> "he going to ride camels back to iraq" NT
07/14/05 11:31 AM
Ivette> id rather him being an ***** and not bring his fu**ing Koran into everything NT
Ivette> him and all his muslim bullcrap im not going to lower myself to that NT
07/14/05 11:33 AM
Ivette> i'll tell him "i hope you dont get 100 feet close to Allah" NT
07/14/05 11:35 AM
Sans commentaires !!!