Publié : mer. sept. 21, 2005 6:25 pm
Voici le résumé du "Chat on Jokers" avec «Kaysar» qui s'est tenu ce soir (21 sept.) :
C'était apparemment la folie furieuse, il y avait environ 900 personnes !!! «Kaysar» était au téléphone d'un hotel pour répondre aux questions qui lui étaient posées !!! C'est évident que très peu de gens ont eu la chance d'avoir leurs questions posées !!!
.. this was the first thing seen, it seems it started in mid-question.
KAYSAR_BB6 : well, there has been a lot of speculation about me on Amazing race
Jokerette : yes so we've heard!
Jokerette : which brings the next question..
Jokerette : LIVEFEEDWATCHER: will you do any other reality shows in the near future or was BB6 enough to last you a life time?
KAYSAR_BB6 : The only other reality TV shows I will convider doing are Amazing Race or the BB Allstars
Jokerette : so you were approached for all stars?
KAYSAR_BB6 : All I can say is that someone very high of the corperate ladder at CBS has asked me already
Jokerette : wow! and you're thinking of doing it?
KAYSAR_BB6 : It depends on the circumstances... I have to see where I'm at in my life
KAYSAR_BB6: It sure sounds like there will be a BB Allstar cast. I think it will be soon
Jokerette : wonderful
Jokerette : AllHailKingKay: Kaysar..since you are from Iraq, what message does it send you that you were overwhelmingly selected as America's Choice??
Kiana: Kaysar: Do you think the sequestered jury of 7 maintains the integrity of the game better than when every houseguest was able to see the entire show, diary room entries, public opinion and all had a voice? After all, the jury of 7 still arrive at the jury house with their own prejudices about what happened their eviction week anyway.
KAYSAR_BB6: I am really happy that I gained the popular vote. This was important because it shows were the American public really stands
KAYSAR_BB6: They are not afraid to open their minds and their hearts
Jokerette: not where YOU're concerned.. you're very much loved
Kiana: The fans did indeed speak
Kiana: 82% of us
Jokerette: Tweedle: Would you have any suggestions for CBS for next season's Big Brother? Changes in format, competitions, number of guests, vetos, etc?
KAYSAR_BB6: I suggest they cast people who want to really play the game and are not shooting to make it to sequester so they can pay off their credit card bills
KAYSAR_BB6: ie: jennifer
Jokerette: Serena: Kaysar, what is your one regret in the game.
KAYSAR_BB6: I regret taking my finger off the button. :-)
Jokerette: FrodoLass: As a Kaysar fan, I would like to know how you would have answered Eric's question last night concerning his belief that your actions in breaking a promise to him, was the same as Jen breaking her promise to you.
KAYSAR_BB6: Well, I made a promise to eric that I meant to keep
KAYSAR_BB6: the promise had conditions
KAYSAR_BB6: one of which was: do not ask or think about playing in the veto competition
KAYSAR_BB6: He knew of this condition and knew he was in a tough spot
KAYSAR_BB6: so he tried to trick me by playing on my team
KAYSAR_BB6: thinking I didn't know what he was trying to do
Kiana: another condition was, he promised to take you to the final 4 and then promised the same spot to many different houseguests, right?
KAYSAR_BB6: that's very true. He was not trustworthy
Kiana: What is your completely honest opinion on the friendship, political correctness aside?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think they should seek help
KAYSAR_BB6: they should spend less time speaking
KAYSAR_BB6: and more time thinking about who they really are
Jokerette: <whuddup_kaysar> jokerette, can you ask kaysar... if you are cast for Amazing Race, who would you bring as a partner
KAYSAR_BB6: I think janie is the compete package
KAYSAR_BB6: I think I would have to see what the producers would like to see
Jokerette: dark-territory: has ivette had a chance to apologize for some of her racist comments to you?
KAYSAR_BB6: No, I haven't see her. Her mother came up to me though. She said I shouldn't take wait Ivette has to say personally. She just talks too much
KAYSAR_BB6: that's no excuse in my opinion
KAYSAR_BB6: if you have nothing nice to say. Keep your mouth shut
KAYSAR_BB6: or make it good
Jokerette: hurricanekaysar: Kaysar do you plan to speak to any of the Friendsheep and call them out on their hypocrisy or do you plan to just leave things in the past?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think if they want to step up to the plate and speak of what happened in the house, then I'm there.
KAYSAR_BB6: But I think they have cause far more problems for themselves than they can ever imagine
Jokerette: Dancerhere: If you had an opportunity to vote for either Ivetter or Maggie last night to win, who would you have voted for and why? BTW I hate them both but loved you!
KAYSAR_BB6: I think I would run for the hills!
KAYSAR_BB6: It would be a tough call.
KAYSAR_BB6: I couldn't say... I think I would vote for....
KAYSAR_BB6: I'm sorry I can't answer that question
Jokerette: <wishfulthinker> ask kaysar how he feels about the majority of America feeling that the SOVS are the true winning team this season
KAYSAR_BB6: It feels like we can all wake up every morning knowing there is still hope in this world
KAYSAR_BB6: we played well... we played right...
Jokerette: awwwwww
Jokerette: <StevenOConnor> in a game that NOTHING is for certain, why did you trust Jenn who was on the other side?
KAYSAR_BB6: Because I think deep down inside we are good people. I treated them so well. I showed them all nothing but respect. I thought if I had her the world she would find it in her heart to do the right thing
KAYSAR_BB6: And I could plan for the next week
Jokerette: bless your heart.
KAYSAR_BB6: I didn't think her lust for power and fame would distort her decision making that much
Jokerette: <Eff> Does it surprise you Kaysar at how fast the Friendship has turned on one another now that the show is over? Beau is mad at Ivette, Ivette's mad at April and Jenn, and so on. Whereas the soverign seem to be having a great time.
KAYSAR_BB6: I wish you could see how much the S6 are having. It is just too natural
KAYSAR_BB6: Am I surprised. No way
KAYSAR_BB6: they had to validate their so called friendship my naming themselves the "friendship," What a joke
Jokerette: <whuddup_kaysar> Who would you keep in touch with from BB6?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think I would keep in touch will all the S6
KAYSAR_BB6: We didn'f have to speak of our friendship. It came easy for us
KAYSAR_BB6: I knew their so called friendship would not last. They didn't care about each other. They cared about hurting the S6
Jokerette: <bigdawg> can you ask kaysar if he felt that the game was going down hill when Howie made the decision to nominate James and Sarah?
KAYSAR_BB6: Yes. I did feel it was all downhill from that point on... I think that was the beginning to the end
Jokerette: kaysarluvr: Kaysar...what was your favorite memory from the house?
At this point there was a lapse in conversation, everyone freaked..
KAYSAR_BB6: Sorry about that
KAYSAR_BB6: there were some technical difficulties
Jokerette: but i got to talk to him on the phone, it's all good
Kiana: now the females are drooling
KAYSAR_BB6: My favorite moment: The end of my week of HOH. The S6 was formed. We were all in the HOH
KAYSAR_BB6: the energy was indescribale
Jokerette: Amanda: Kaysar will you ever forgive Jen for what she did to you?? Also do you plan on talking to her in the future??
KAYSAR_BB6: She ruined the game
KAYSAR_BB6: She made it clear that she was playing the game to make it the sequester house
KAYSAR_BB6: so she can pay her bills
Jokerette: no way to play agame
<JTobaccorhoda> Jokerette, ask him if he knows if the Fiendship has had a chance to look at Joker's updates. Thanks
KAYSAR_BB6: I don't think they have had a chance to look at jokers
KAYSAR_BB6: we are still in semi-sequester
KAYSAR_BB6: I'm speaking to everyone from the hotel lobby
Jokerette: that's just as well :|
Jokerette: they're not overly popular here :|
Kiana: Is that until the wrap party, Kaysar?
KAYSAR_BB6: correct
Jokerette: <AmericaHatesIVET> Kaysar, do you think Ivette is aware just how badly America despises her?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think they are a bit overwhelmed. People are stopping them on the street expressing their disgust for them
Jokerette: awwwwwwwww now that makes me feel bad
Jokerette: <SherryB> Would you ask Kayser since he is a graphic artist, if he has any of his work on the web?
KAYSAR_BB6: I will have some work up shortly. I have a friend/parter helping my put up my official site. There are will display some of my work and some background about how I started designing
KAYSAR_BB6: along with many other things
Kiana: Jokers will make sure we post your link on our site
Jokerette: Blaque03: Kaysar, not only have you won the heart of America, but Canada loves you too! You played an amazing game and you are truely a wonderful person. My question for you is...Do you think you and Janelle will stay in close contact? Also, do you think her relationship with Michael will last now that the game is over?
KAYSAR_BB6: I hope to stay in contact with Janie. She is the first one I bonded with in that house.
KAYSAR_BB6: As for her relationship with michael, I wish them the best
AlNisa: As Salaamu Alaikum Kaysar! Has Eric made an effort to apologize for his actions in the house??
KAYSAR_BB6: Eric has made a slight effort... but that doesn't matter. He should apologize to the public at large not me
KAYSAR_BB6: I feel he exploited his position as a firefighter to gain popularity
KAYSAR_BB6: and thats the clean version
Jokerette: <azlina> kaysar, what are your plans now that you're out of the house?
KAYSAR_BB6: I'm not sure yet. I will have to wait and see what opportunities present themselves.
KAYSAR_BB6: I have some things that I am working on, but I'll let everyone know when things are final
Kiana: <sergeirulz> kaysar - do you feel there is still a sociological aspect to the big brother show as far as how people act, react & interact under the conditions of the house... or has it become all entertainment?
KAYSAR_BB6: There is definitely a sociological aspect!...
KAYSAR_BB6: We are placed in a house with no social contact
KAYSAR_BB6: in a comfortable environment with people you wouldn't normally associate with
KAYSAR_BB6: It simulated society under pressure
Jokerette: <Mamasita> Hello. Please ask Kaysar if he thinks the houseguest are aware of the online communities such as Jokers that have followed the show all season? Do they realize the "word" is that this has been the best season ever? Thanks!!
KAYSAR_BB6: I don't think they are aware of the online communities, but I assure you that they will!
KAYSAR_BB6: The fans here at jokers have contributed so much to BB6!
Jokerette: <CCL> jokerette will you ask kaysar if there was one person from the Friendship that he was going to have to spend a month with, who would it be?
Kiana: <jlcmsu> Kaysar don't you feel your side just got outplayed because they got the S6 to make mistakes?
KAYSAR_BB6: No comment
KAYSAR_BB6: well...
KAYSAR_BB6: I think we beat ourselves
KAYSAR_BB6: we made several little mistakes as a collective. In the end it translated into one big one.
<hatetheherd> Hey Kaysar! What did you think about the Howie/April fight? P.S. I'm wearing my "Vote for Kaysa" t-shirt! hehe
KAYSAR_BB6: LOL. Well I knew howie was doing it to get under April's skin. And it worked. I didn't agree with some of the things that were said. He was a bit brutal with his words
KAYSAR_BB6: But Howie has a good heart
KAYSAR_BB6: He was upset with the sheep
Jokerette: <visaliakid> Kaysar...What is your reaction to Big Brother's editing of the Fiendsheep to make them look better than they were?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think BB edited them they way they did because if it wasn't for the editing their lives would be in danger. They are hated as it is
Jokerette: lmao!
KAYSAR_BB6: Any more editing, you would think there were only 8 houseguests
Jokerette: <rachrox> ask Kaysar if they are doing a bb6 dvd and would he do commentary?
KAYSAR_BB6: I could help out with the DVD. I could comment if asked to do so.
Jokerette: CainEJW: While in the house, you often ended up sleeping days, often when you were nominated. Why did you decide to sleep in those days, and do you feel it may have cost you valuable strategy time?
KAYSAR_BB6: I needed to gather my thoughts. I had to stay up during the night to plan my next move as well. I also wanted to stay away from those terrible people.
KAYSAR_BB6: I slept because that was the only way I could calm my nerves as well
Jokerette: PlayinDead: I would like to know if Kaysar has heard about Ivette comparing him to Osma Bin Laden and his thoughts about it.
KAYSAR_BB6: I heard about it a week after I was released back into the wild.
KAYSAR_BB6: I laughed actually
KAYSAR_BB6: She had to resort to such underhanded tactics
KAYSAR_BB6: I know who I am
KAYSAR_BB6: a terrorist is not close to what I am
KAYSAR_BB6: she is a sad sad human
Kiana: Kaysar do you have any clear idea why the sheep blindly did Maggie's dirty work for her? How did she have so much control over them?
KAYSAR_BB6: Well people who are afraid to live their own life often look for someone to tell them what to do. They can't think for themselves.
KAYSAR_BB6: On the same note... Anyone can lead the weak minded.
Jokerette: <hatetheherd> Kaysar, Do you think any of the herds' jobs will be effected due to how they portrayed themselves the last 3 months?
KAYSAR_BB6: Well before I entered the house, I had to do my research.
KAYSAR_BB6: While others were concerned with whether or not they will be rich and famous... I was concerned with my return to the real world
KAYSAR_BB6: I read an article about reality TV stars
KAYSAR_BB6: everyone returned back to normal
KAYSAR_BB6: except
KAYSAR_BB6: for one woman on the apprentice who made racist comments
Kiana: Yes she lost her job, I believe
Kiana: anti-semitic remarks
KAYSAR_BB6: exactly
Kiana: So you think this may happen to some of the sheep as well?
KAYSAR_BB6: I could care less. I would rather them wisen up a little and learn from their mistakes.
KAYSAR_BB6: I don't want them to suffer.
KAYSAR_BB6: If they become better people the world would be a safer place
Jokerette: <valerie> Kaysar...what was it that made those silly women so dedicated to Eric?
KAYSAR_BB6: Lack of a positive male role model in their lives
Jokerette: Kaysar we sure love having you..
Jokerette: I know you're busy
Jokerette: We're going to open this back up so everyone can say goodbye..
KAYSAR_BB6: my pleasure
Jokerette: are you ready for the deluge?
KAYSAR_BB6: open the flood gates
About 6,000,000,000 goodbyes, thank yous, you rocks, marriage proposals, phone numbers, etc followed in the next 4 seconds.
C'était apparemment la folie furieuse, il y avait environ 900 personnes !!! «Kaysar» était au téléphone d'un hotel pour répondre aux questions qui lui étaient posées !!! C'est évident que très peu de gens ont eu la chance d'avoir leurs questions posées !!!
.. this was the first thing seen, it seems it started in mid-question.
KAYSAR_BB6 : well, there has been a lot of speculation about me on Amazing race
Jokerette : yes so we've heard!
Jokerette : which brings the next question..
Jokerette : LIVEFEEDWATCHER: will you do any other reality shows in the near future or was BB6 enough to last you a life time?
KAYSAR_BB6 : The only other reality TV shows I will convider doing are Amazing Race or the BB Allstars
Jokerette : so you were approached for all stars?
KAYSAR_BB6 : All I can say is that someone very high of the corperate ladder at CBS has asked me already
Jokerette : wow! and you're thinking of doing it?
KAYSAR_BB6 : It depends on the circumstances... I have to see where I'm at in my life
KAYSAR_BB6: It sure sounds like there will be a BB Allstar cast. I think it will be soon
Jokerette : wonderful
Jokerette : AllHailKingKay: Kaysar..since you are from Iraq, what message does it send you that you were overwhelmingly selected as America's Choice??
Kiana: Kaysar: Do you think the sequestered jury of 7 maintains the integrity of the game better than when every houseguest was able to see the entire show, diary room entries, public opinion and all had a voice? After all, the jury of 7 still arrive at the jury house with their own prejudices about what happened their eviction week anyway.
KAYSAR_BB6: I am really happy that I gained the popular vote. This was important because it shows were the American public really stands
KAYSAR_BB6: They are not afraid to open their minds and their hearts
Jokerette: not where YOU're concerned.. you're very much loved
Kiana: The fans did indeed speak
Kiana: 82% of us
Jokerette: Tweedle: Would you have any suggestions for CBS for next season's Big Brother? Changes in format, competitions, number of guests, vetos, etc?
KAYSAR_BB6: I suggest they cast people who want to really play the game and are not shooting to make it to sequester so they can pay off their credit card bills
KAYSAR_BB6: ie: jennifer
Jokerette: Serena: Kaysar, what is your one regret in the game.
KAYSAR_BB6: I regret taking my finger off the button. :-)
Jokerette: FrodoLass: As a Kaysar fan, I would like to know how you would have answered Eric's question last night concerning his belief that your actions in breaking a promise to him, was the same as Jen breaking her promise to you.
KAYSAR_BB6: Well, I made a promise to eric that I meant to keep
KAYSAR_BB6: the promise had conditions
KAYSAR_BB6: one of which was: do not ask or think about playing in the veto competition
KAYSAR_BB6: He knew of this condition and knew he was in a tough spot
KAYSAR_BB6: so he tried to trick me by playing on my team
KAYSAR_BB6: thinking I didn't know what he was trying to do
Kiana: another condition was, he promised to take you to the final 4 and then promised the same spot to many different houseguests, right?
KAYSAR_BB6: that's very true. He was not trustworthy
Kiana: What is your completely honest opinion on the friendship, political correctness aside?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think they should seek help
KAYSAR_BB6: they should spend less time speaking
KAYSAR_BB6: and more time thinking about who they really are
Jokerette: <whuddup_kaysar> jokerette, can you ask kaysar... if you are cast for Amazing Race, who would you bring as a partner
KAYSAR_BB6: I think janie is the compete package
KAYSAR_BB6: I think I would have to see what the producers would like to see
Jokerette: dark-territory: has ivette had a chance to apologize for some of her racist comments to you?
KAYSAR_BB6: No, I haven't see her. Her mother came up to me though. She said I shouldn't take wait Ivette has to say personally. She just talks too much
KAYSAR_BB6: that's no excuse in my opinion
KAYSAR_BB6: if you have nothing nice to say. Keep your mouth shut
KAYSAR_BB6: or make it good
Jokerette: hurricanekaysar: Kaysar do you plan to speak to any of the Friendsheep and call them out on their hypocrisy or do you plan to just leave things in the past?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think if they want to step up to the plate and speak of what happened in the house, then I'm there.
KAYSAR_BB6: But I think they have cause far more problems for themselves than they can ever imagine
Jokerette: Dancerhere: If you had an opportunity to vote for either Ivetter or Maggie last night to win, who would you have voted for and why? BTW I hate them both but loved you!
KAYSAR_BB6: I think I would run for the hills!
KAYSAR_BB6: It would be a tough call.
KAYSAR_BB6: I couldn't say... I think I would vote for....
KAYSAR_BB6: I'm sorry I can't answer that question
Jokerette: <wishfulthinker> ask kaysar how he feels about the majority of America feeling that the SOVS are the true winning team this season
KAYSAR_BB6: It feels like we can all wake up every morning knowing there is still hope in this world
KAYSAR_BB6: we played well... we played right...
Jokerette: awwwwww
Jokerette: <StevenOConnor> in a game that NOTHING is for certain, why did you trust Jenn who was on the other side?
KAYSAR_BB6: Because I think deep down inside we are good people. I treated them so well. I showed them all nothing but respect. I thought if I had her the world she would find it in her heart to do the right thing
KAYSAR_BB6: And I could plan for the next week
Jokerette: bless your heart.
KAYSAR_BB6: I didn't think her lust for power and fame would distort her decision making that much
Jokerette: <Eff> Does it surprise you Kaysar at how fast the Friendship has turned on one another now that the show is over? Beau is mad at Ivette, Ivette's mad at April and Jenn, and so on. Whereas the soverign seem to be having a great time.
KAYSAR_BB6: I wish you could see how much the S6 are having. It is just too natural
KAYSAR_BB6: Am I surprised. No way
KAYSAR_BB6: they had to validate their so called friendship my naming themselves the "friendship," What a joke
Jokerette: <whuddup_kaysar> Who would you keep in touch with from BB6?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think I would keep in touch will all the S6
KAYSAR_BB6: We didn'f have to speak of our friendship. It came easy for us
KAYSAR_BB6: I knew their so called friendship would not last. They didn't care about each other. They cared about hurting the S6
Jokerette: <bigdawg> can you ask kaysar if he felt that the game was going down hill when Howie made the decision to nominate James and Sarah?
KAYSAR_BB6: Yes. I did feel it was all downhill from that point on... I think that was the beginning to the end
Jokerette: kaysarluvr: Kaysar...what was your favorite memory from the house?
At this point there was a lapse in conversation, everyone freaked..
KAYSAR_BB6: Sorry about that
KAYSAR_BB6: there were some technical difficulties
Jokerette: but i got to talk to him on the phone, it's all good
Kiana: now the females are drooling
KAYSAR_BB6: My favorite moment: The end of my week of HOH. The S6 was formed. We were all in the HOH
KAYSAR_BB6: the energy was indescribale
Jokerette: Amanda: Kaysar will you ever forgive Jen for what she did to you?? Also do you plan on talking to her in the future??
KAYSAR_BB6: She ruined the game
KAYSAR_BB6: She made it clear that she was playing the game to make it the sequester house
KAYSAR_BB6: so she can pay her bills
Jokerette: no way to play agame
<JTobaccorhoda> Jokerette, ask him if he knows if the Fiendship has had a chance to look at Joker's updates. Thanks
KAYSAR_BB6: I don't think they have had a chance to look at jokers
KAYSAR_BB6: we are still in semi-sequester
KAYSAR_BB6: I'm speaking to everyone from the hotel lobby
Jokerette: that's just as well :|
Jokerette: they're not overly popular here :|
Kiana: Is that until the wrap party, Kaysar?
KAYSAR_BB6: correct
Jokerette: <AmericaHatesIVET> Kaysar, do you think Ivette is aware just how badly America despises her?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think they are a bit overwhelmed. People are stopping them on the street expressing their disgust for them
Jokerette: awwwwwwwww now that makes me feel bad
Jokerette: <SherryB> Would you ask Kayser since he is a graphic artist, if he has any of his work on the web?
KAYSAR_BB6: I will have some work up shortly. I have a friend/parter helping my put up my official site. There are will display some of my work and some background about how I started designing
KAYSAR_BB6: along with many other things
Kiana: Jokers will make sure we post your link on our site
Jokerette: Blaque03: Kaysar, not only have you won the heart of America, but Canada loves you too! You played an amazing game and you are truely a wonderful person. My question for you is...Do you think you and Janelle will stay in close contact? Also, do you think her relationship with Michael will last now that the game is over?
KAYSAR_BB6: I hope to stay in contact with Janie. She is the first one I bonded with in that house.
KAYSAR_BB6: As for her relationship with michael, I wish them the best
AlNisa: As Salaamu Alaikum Kaysar! Has Eric made an effort to apologize for his actions in the house??
KAYSAR_BB6: Eric has made a slight effort... but that doesn't matter. He should apologize to the public at large not me
KAYSAR_BB6: I feel he exploited his position as a firefighter to gain popularity
KAYSAR_BB6: and thats the clean version
Jokerette: <azlina> kaysar, what are your plans now that you're out of the house?
KAYSAR_BB6: I'm not sure yet. I will have to wait and see what opportunities present themselves.
KAYSAR_BB6: I have some things that I am working on, but I'll let everyone know when things are final
Kiana: <sergeirulz> kaysar - do you feel there is still a sociological aspect to the big brother show as far as how people act, react & interact under the conditions of the house... or has it become all entertainment?
KAYSAR_BB6: There is definitely a sociological aspect!...
KAYSAR_BB6: We are placed in a house with no social contact
KAYSAR_BB6: in a comfortable environment with people you wouldn't normally associate with
KAYSAR_BB6: It simulated society under pressure
Jokerette: <Mamasita> Hello. Please ask Kaysar if he thinks the houseguest are aware of the online communities such as Jokers that have followed the show all season? Do they realize the "word" is that this has been the best season ever? Thanks!!
KAYSAR_BB6: I don't think they are aware of the online communities, but I assure you that they will!
KAYSAR_BB6: The fans here at jokers have contributed so much to BB6!
Jokerette: <CCL> jokerette will you ask kaysar if there was one person from the Friendship that he was going to have to spend a month with, who would it be?
Kiana: <jlcmsu> Kaysar don't you feel your side just got outplayed because they got the S6 to make mistakes?
KAYSAR_BB6: No comment
KAYSAR_BB6: well...
KAYSAR_BB6: I think we beat ourselves
KAYSAR_BB6: we made several little mistakes as a collective. In the end it translated into one big one.
<hatetheherd> Hey Kaysar! What did you think about the Howie/April fight? P.S. I'm wearing my "Vote for Kaysa" t-shirt! hehe
KAYSAR_BB6: LOL. Well I knew howie was doing it to get under April's skin. And it worked. I didn't agree with some of the things that were said. He was a bit brutal with his words
KAYSAR_BB6: But Howie has a good heart
KAYSAR_BB6: He was upset with the sheep
Jokerette: <visaliakid> Kaysar...What is your reaction to Big Brother's editing of the Fiendsheep to make them look better than they were?
KAYSAR_BB6: I think BB edited them they way they did because if it wasn't for the editing their lives would be in danger. They are hated as it is
Jokerette: lmao!
KAYSAR_BB6: Any more editing, you would think there were only 8 houseguests
Jokerette: <rachrox> ask Kaysar if they are doing a bb6 dvd and would he do commentary?
KAYSAR_BB6: I could help out with the DVD. I could comment if asked to do so.
Jokerette: CainEJW: While in the house, you often ended up sleeping days, often when you were nominated. Why did you decide to sleep in those days, and do you feel it may have cost you valuable strategy time?
KAYSAR_BB6: I needed to gather my thoughts. I had to stay up during the night to plan my next move as well. I also wanted to stay away from those terrible people.
KAYSAR_BB6: I slept because that was the only way I could calm my nerves as well
Jokerette: PlayinDead: I would like to know if Kaysar has heard about Ivette comparing him to Osma Bin Laden and his thoughts about it.
KAYSAR_BB6: I heard about it a week after I was released back into the wild.
KAYSAR_BB6: I laughed actually
KAYSAR_BB6: She had to resort to such underhanded tactics
KAYSAR_BB6: I know who I am
KAYSAR_BB6: a terrorist is not close to what I am
KAYSAR_BB6: she is a sad sad human
Kiana: Kaysar do you have any clear idea why the sheep blindly did Maggie's dirty work for her? How did she have so much control over them?
KAYSAR_BB6: Well people who are afraid to live their own life often look for someone to tell them what to do. They can't think for themselves.
KAYSAR_BB6: On the same note... Anyone can lead the weak minded.
Jokerette: <hatetheherd> Kaysar, Do you think any of the herds' jobs will be effected due to how they portrayed themselves the last 3 months?
KAYSAR_BB6: Well before I entered the house, I had to do my research.
KAYSAR_BB6: While others were concerned with whether or not they will be rich and famous... I was concerned with my return to the real world
KAYSAR_BB6: I read an article about reality TV stars
KAYSAR_BB6: everyone returned back to normal
KAYSAR_BB6: except
KAYSAR_BB6: for one woman on the apprentice who made racist comments
Kiana: Yes she lost her job, I believe
Kiana: anti-semitic remarks
KAYSAR_BB6: exactly
Kiana: So you think this may happen to some of the sheep as well?
KAYSAR_BB6: I could care less. I would rather them wisen up a little and learn from their mistakes.
KAYSAR_BB6: I don't want them to suffer.
KAYSAR_BB6: If they become better people the world would be a safer place
Jokerette: <valerie> Kaysar...what was it that made those silly women so dedicated to Eric?
KAYSAR_BB6: Lack of a positive male role model in their lives
Jokerette: Kaysar we sure love having you..
Jokerette: I know you're busy
Jokerette: We're going to open this back up so everyone can say goodbye..
KAYSAR_BB6: my pleasure
Jokerette: are you ready for the deluge?
KAYSAR_BB6: open the flood gates
About 6,000,000,000 goodbyes, thank yous, you rocks, marriage proposals, phone numbers, etc followed in the next 4 seconds.