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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Interview avec la mère de «Janelle»
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Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 3:35 pm
par Sweet Angel
" target="_blank">http://janellepierzina.org/[/couleur]

This is what everyone has been waiting for! Our interview with Janelle's mother. She couldn't get to all your questions because she has to fly out for the finale, but I hope you guys enjoy it!

Where did Janelle grow up and what kind of family does she have?
Janelle is my fist born child. I had her when I was 21. She was born in St. Paul , Minnesota to Kevin & Ann Pierzina. On her first birthday, we moved to Grand Rapids, MN, which is 3 hours north of the twin cities in the great north woods and beautiful clear lakes. I wanted to raise my children in a small town. She has 2 other brothers (23 & 19) and a little sister (9).

What was Janelle like as a child/teen?Growing up, Janelle was very active, very strong willed and FUN to be with. I have Loved going shopping with her since she was five. Janelle has always loved animals. She was always dragging some kind of animal home. As a teenager, she was active in alot of school activities.She was a cheerleader for four years. Very out going. At 15 she literally bloomed in front of our eyes.

How did Janelle get into acting and modeling?
My brother is a hobby photographer and that is when we discovered how photogenic she was. Always a self starter she entered herself in beauty pageants.She was in Miss Minnesota Pageant 2000. At 19, she headed to LA with two girlfriends to give it a shot in the show business industry.The rest is in the makings...

Who is your favorite person from Big Brother 6 besides Janelle?
Kaysar. He is such a gentlemen and was so kind and respectful to Janelle. What a catch he is to someone. I also really like Howie & Rachel. Howie and his Jedi drilling were one of the reasons Janelle did so great at the comps. After speaking with Michael more, I am learning to really like him & respect him as a person. If he ends up being Janelles choice, I will be happy for her.

What do you think about fans wanting Janelle and Kaysar to go on the Amazing Race together?
Hmmm. Not real familiar with the show. But it would be GREAT to see her on ANYTHING with Kaysar.

How do you feel about America absolutely adoring your daughter?
I think it is awesome. I do wonder where this will all take her and if this will last. I kind of gave her a hint when I talked to her right after eviction as to how many people really loved her and she just said; "Really?" She is in for an awesome surprise next week.

How does it feel knowing that your daughter is about to become a huge superstar?
Wow! I am not sure if she is. You think so??? This may all die down after Big Brother. It will be intersting to see what all unfolds after this. No matter what happens she will always have the love & support of her family. That core, I do believe is what helps make her what she is. I am tremendousley proud of my beautiful Janey.

Is there anything you'd like to tell Janelle's many fans?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This experience, and your response is something that will live on in her forever. I am truly amazed at the outcome. Going into this reality show, I was a little wigged out about the possibility of her being slandered & being treated awful by viewers. Like what is happening to the friendship. My heart goes out to them when they get out. When you make your bed, it is often hard to lie in it.

We'd like to thank Ann so much for taking her time to do this for us and all other help and support she's given our site! She's amazing!



Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 3:40 pm
par LeoChris

Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 4:32 pm
par Rock6kev
Woww, j'adore!! Merci beaucoup!!  

Par contre, j'aurais rayé cette phrase là: "My heart goes out to them when they get out".  

Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 4:42 pm
par Sweet Angel
Moi aussi, «Rocki», mais je ne pense pas que la mère de «Janelle» a regardé les "live feeds" ou du moins, pas continuellement, donc il lui en manque des grands bouts... !!!

Publié : sam. sept. 17, 2005 5:26 pm
par Jadz

Merci Sweet  d'avoir copié ici l'entrevue de la mère à Janelle  

J'ai pas fait trop le tour encore de tous les forums américains depuis hier...  

Pour revenir à la phrase dont vous parliez, c'est un peu comme dire "Je les plaint quand ils vont sortir".  Que sa mère ait regardé ou non les live feeds je ne crois pas que cela ait rapport. Elle lit le site de Hamster Watch et déjà là elle a un bon résumé de ce qui s'passe chaque jour sur les live feeds. Elle est en contact aussi avec d'autres HG qui lui ont sûrement rapporter les bitcheries qui venaient du FS donc.. pas grave quand tu n'as pas tous les détails, surtout quand c'est des attaques non fondées sur ta fille et ce, dans son dos.

Je crois qu'à un moment donné tu deviens comme saturé et désabusé de toutes les stupidités du FS. Kaysar l'exprime bien dans ce qu'il a écrit sur le blog de CBS  " [...] any feeling of anger I had for these ladies is overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of disappointment and sadness. Simply put... I feel sorry for them. They will be held accountable for their actions outside of the Big Brother house."

Moi aussi I feel sorry for them, stupid bitches. Et je les plaint quand elles vont se retrouver dans le grand public.

Vaut mieux que la famille et les amis de Janelle et autres Jedi troup se concentrent (particulièrement après mardi prochain) sur tout le positif que leur a apporté cette expérience.  They are the true winners in this odyssey.

Publié : lun. sept. 19, 2005 12:48 pm
par Sweet Angel
Voici un petit message de la mère de «Janelle» qu'elle a laissé sur son forum :


Being her Mom, I just cannot believe all of this. Like WOW!!! She is going to flip when she gets out of that house and sees all of these fan sites and reads all of the forums, and the feeds. She just will not believe it!
Speaking from her family, we are in shock. Even if nothing comes out of all of this, all of you fans (with the feeds especially )will be worth every minute of agony those poor hamsters had to endure!


Publié : mer. sept. 21, 2005 7:19 am
par Ange-Sarah
Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui pourrait m'expliquer ce que c'est Amazing Race et quand ça joue, parce que si Janelle et Kayser y vont j'aimerais bien les voir...

Merci! --Message edité par Ange-Sarah le 2005-09-21 13:19:52--

Publié : mer. sept. 21, 2005 7:26 am
par Automne