Revenge of the HouseGuests! (vengeance des HG)
Les opinions d'anciens participants de Big Brother sur le site officiel de CBS BB6 !!
Lisez, sous forme de blog, ce que Jack BB4, Jun BB4, Karen BB5, Scott bb5, Will BB5, Nakomis BB5 ont à dire. Ils postent des messages quand ils en ont envie, espérons qu'ils seront bavards ;) Ha oui.. j'oubliais... et les commentaires de Winston.. personnage mystérieux.
Semaine 1 -- What is the best way to proceed when first moving into the BB house?
Traduction libre -- Quelle est la meilleure façon de procéder quand on entre pour la première fois dans la maison BB ?
Réponse de Jack : 7/7/05 9:45 pm
Quickly identify the leaders, become a pilot fish and hitch a ride. Let the leaders be the first targets. Don't piss anyone off. Bite your tongue in groups. Don't be so loud or opinionated. Do your talking in private. Try for a secret alliance (Danielle-Jason BB3) to supplement your secret game partner for BB6. ... e_blog.php
J'adore Jack !
Les opinions d'anciens participants de Big Brother sur le site officiel de CBS BB6 !!
Lisez, sous forme de blog, ce que Jack BB4, Jun BB4, Karen BB5, Scott bb5, Will BB5, Nakomis BB5 ont à dire. Ils postent des messages quand ils en ont envie, espérons qu'ils seront bavards ;) Ha oui.. j'oubliais... et les commentaires de Winston.. personnage mystérieux.
Semaine 1 -- What is the best way to proceed when first moving into the BB house?
Traduction libre -- Quelle est la meilleure façon de procéder quand on entre pour la première fois dans la maison BB ?
Réponse de Jack : 7/7/05 9:45 pm
Quickly identify the leaders, become a pilot fish and hitch a ride. Let the leaders be the first targets. Don't piss anyone off. Bite your tongue in groups. Don't be so loud or opinionated. Do your talking in private. Try for a secret alliance (Danielle-Jason BB3) to supplement your secret game partner for BB6. ... e_blog.php
J'adore Jack !
*SPOILERS sur Winston ...*
Ouai finalement j'abonde dans le sens de Winston = Drew ... ... drew.shtml ... g/drew.gif --Message edité par LeoChris le 2005-07-09 12:56:09--
Ouai finalement j'abonde dans le sens de Winston = Drew ... ... drew.shtml ... g/drew.gif --Message edité par LeoChris le 2005-07-09 12:56:09-- ... enshot.bmp - Screenshot du site officiel de BB6 ... (La pub de RotHG) ...
Zoukie a écritExcuse moi Jadz...Vraiment!
J'hais ca quand les gens prennent pas la peine de lire et parte des doublons...Sti! Je fais la même chose...
C'pas grave.. tu m'as bien fait rire
Sur le Blog
Toujours pour la question de la sem. 1
What is the best way to proceed when first moving into the BB house?
J'aime bien ce que Will écrit :
... finding unique ways to identify with every one on an individual level. The first nomination is always really random and usually based on who fits into the house dynamic best. As far as the secret pairs are concerned, I would naturally try to set up two different alliances with my partner, always taking care to cover my friend's butt. But since it seems that Julie might reveal to the HG's that everyone has a secret partner very soon, that plan would most likely go out the window.
J'hais ca quand les gens prennent pas la peine de lire et parte des doublons...Sti! Je fais la même chose...
C'pas grave.. tu m'as bien fait rire
Sur le Blog
Toujours pour la question de la sem. 1
What is the best way to proceed when first moving into the BB house?
J'aime bien ce que Will écrit :
... finding unique ways to identify with every one on an individual level. The first nomination is always really random and usually based on who fits into the house dynamic best. As far as the secret pairs are concerned, I would naturally try to set up two different alliances with my partner, always taking care to cover my friend's butt. But since it seems that Julie might reveal to the HG's that everyone has a secret partner very soon, that plan would most likely go out the window.
Ce cher Will (BB5) a les yeux sur Kaysar
Il veut qu'on fasse une p'tite prière pour qu'il ne se fasse pas éliminer jeudi
7/11/05 12:39 pm Will
Okay, so strategy is fun and all, but can we please take a moment to say a prayer (or five) for my baby, Kaysar? How hotdeliciousirresistable is this man? He is a necessary ingredient for a summer in the BB house and I plan to storm the compound and go straight for Rachel's jugular if he is evicted. Sorry, Ashlea, you're cute too, but I've got no love for ya this week....
Will menace même la jugulaire de Rachel si Kaysar se fait éliminer.
Toujours aussi coloré ce Will
Je ne vais pas faire une prière mais j'espère vraiment que Kaysar va rester. Ça regarde bien mais on ne sait jamais.
Alors, je me croise les doigts.
Alors, je me croise les doigts.
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[img][/img]" onclick=";return false; [img][/img][/center]
- Illustre Pie
- Messages : 298
- Inscription : mar. mars 30, 2004 1:00 am
LeoChris a écrit*SPOILERS sur Winston ...*
Ouai finalement j'abonde dans le sens de Winston = Drew ... ... drew.shtml ... g/drew.gif
Ouiiiiiii faites que ce soit Drew ... mais ça m'étonnerait vu l'ombre sur la photo... Comme a dit Année Bissectile, ça ressemble plus à Mike ou à Marvin que d'autre chose...
Ouai finalement j'abonde dans le sens de Winston = Drew ... ... drew.shtml ... g/drew.gif
Ouiiiiiii faites que ce soit Drew ... mais ça m'étonnerait vu l'ombre sur la photo... Comme a dit Année Bissectile, ça ressemble plus à Mike ou à Marvin que d'autre chose...
mayaka a écritMoi j'ai lu une réplique sur un forum américain que j'ai trouvé pleine de sens mais qui menait pas à grand chose.
Y'a un gars dans le roman "1984" de George Orwell qui s'apelle Winston Smith . C'est de ce roman là que provient Big Brother. C'est quand même drôle, non?
Ca fait pas mal de sens !
Et qui est le Big Brother who's watching you in BB?? Arnold !?!? why not !
En tk... ça va avec le thème de cet été hein .. un autre secret
Y'a un gars dans le roman "1984" de George Orwell qui s'apelle Winston Smith . C'est de ce roman là que provient Big Brother. C'est quand même drôle, non?
Ca fait pas mal de sens !
Et qui est le Big Brother who's watching you in BB?? Arnold !?!? why not !
En tk... ça va avec le thème de cet été hein .. un autre secret
J'ai comme l'impression que, vu les dernières saisons, ils commencent avec pleins de secrets révélés qui sont assez surprenants mais que par la suite on va être déçu. Ils ne peuvent quand même pas faire découvrir une nouvelle chambre par semaine là. Nos attentes vont être trop élevées, vous ne croyez pas?
La bio de Winston a été ajoutée sur le site (en dessous de sa photo, c'est bien écrit Winston Smith , 1984 )
Although the enigmatic Winston Smith isn't ready to reveal his true identity, he was willing to sit down with us (behind a screen, of course) and answer a few questions for BIG BROTHER fans.
Born in Tokyo to an English mother and a Japanese father, Winston displayed early on a talent for solving puzzles and learning languages. When he was ten years old, the family moved to the United States, and after a few years all three became US citizens. By the time he reached adulthood, Winston had already earned a reputation in Intelligence circles for his freakish ability to break the most difficult codes and his facility with languages and dialects. It was inevitable that his first job would be breaking codes for…let's just say a lesser-known branch of the US Intelligence community.
Not much is known about Winston's years within the Organization, but he did advance rapidly and finally went into a deep cover assignment. Details of that years-long assignment are obscure, but we can tell you that he was living in England, and we've heard that during those years he was under video surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When the assignment ended, Winston emerged a changed man and immediately moved to Los Angeles to seek work in the entertainment industry.
Winston has done quite well in Hollywood, amassing an impressive fortune and becoming quite a player. Rather than appearing on camera (he has had quite enough of that, thank you), Winston has remained behind the scenes, watching from the shadows. Despite his mania for secrecy, he travels a lot and appears in public frequently. You might even say he's something of a public figure. Many of you have probably run into him when you're out and about.
We asked Winston Smith to join the Revenge of the HouseGuests blog because of his years under surveillance and his deep knowledge of all things BIG BROTHER. If you remember nothing else about him, keep this in mind: Winston likes to watch.
Although the enigmatic Winston Smith isn't ready to reveal his true identity, he was willing to sit down with us (behind a screen, of course) and answer a few questions for BIG BROTHER fans.
Born in Tokyo to an English mother and a Japanese father, Winston displayed early on a talent for solving puzzles and learning languages. When he was ten years old, the family moved to the United States, and after a few years all three became US citizens. By the time he reached adulthood, Winston had already earned a reputation in Intelligence circles for his freakish ability to break the most difficult codes and his facility with languages and dialects. It was inevitable that his first job would be breaking codes for…let's just say a lesser-known branch of the US Intelligence community.
Not much is known about Winston's years within the Organization, but he did advance rapidly and finally went into a deep cover assignment. Details of that years-long assignment are obscure, but we can tell you that he was living in England, and we've heard that during those years he was under video surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When the assignment ended, Winston emerged a changed man and immediately moved to Los Angeles to seek work in the entertainment industry.
Winston has done quite well in Hollywood, amassing an impressive fortune and becoming quite a player. Rather than appearing on camera (he has had quite enough of that, thank you), Winston has remained behind the scenes, watching from the shadows. Despite his mania for secrecy, he travels a lot and appears in public frequently. You might even say he's something of a public figure. Many of you have probably run into him when you're out and about.
We asked Winston Smith to join the Revenge of the HouseGuests blog because of his years under surveillance and his deep knowledge of all things BIG BROTHER. If you remember nothing else about him, keep this in mind: Winston likes to watch.
Dans les bio de la revenge des HG, ils ont ajoutés des photos. Pour l'intant y'a celle de Jack,Drew et Karen... je vais vous montrer celle de Karen qui se prend pour une diva.. elle est pas très jolie sur ces photos il me semble...
Vous saviez qu'elle se prend pour une chanteuse? Sur son site officiel il y a des extraits.. écoutez ca et jugez par vous même ;)
Vous saviez qu'elle se prend pour une chanteuse? Sur son site officiel il y a des extraits.. écoutez ca et jugez par vous même ;)
'' Le bonheur, c'est le temps que dure la surprise d'avoir cessé d'avoir mal'' Réjean Ducharme- du roman L'hiver de force
''L'art sauvera le monde.'' Fiodor Dostoïevski
''L'enfance est un couteau planté dans la gorge'' tiré de Incendies de Wajdi Mouhawad
''L'art sauvera le monde.'' Fiodor Dostoïevski
''L'enfance est un couteau planté dans la gorge'' tiré de Incendies de Wajdi Mouhawad