Publié : ven. août 19, 2005 7:11 pm
Our Interview with Kaysar, 8/19/05
Victim of a broken promise, Kaysar was evicted one week after America voted to put him back in the Big Brother house. In a play reminiscent of Marcellus giving up his right to save himself in Big Brother 3, Kaysar gave the HOH title to a player who couldn’t be trusted - and who turned right around and “backdoored” him. On the phone, he was just like we’ve seen him on the live feeds - relaxed, humourous and definitely charismatic. There’s a reason why he’s finding his life is now filled with fans, whom he endearingly calls “friends.” Read on to find out what he thinks of April’s professions of love, Ivette’s accusations of religious hypocrisy, and that plucky little banner plane.
By now you’ve been told you earned 82% of the America’s Choice vote. Were you surprised to learn it was such a landslide victory?
Yes, and no. It’s weird, I had mixed feelings, it could have gone either way. When I heard it, I was quickly accepting of it because I just knew I played with my heart. I played with nothing to lose, I wasn’t so focused on the money, I was more focused on presenting myself as true and correct as possible. I think in doing so, people saw my passion for the game, my love for the game, and appreciated that.
What did the other houseguests make of your return? Did anyone’s reaction surprise you?
Their initial reactions didn’t surprise me, but I started to learn how deeply rooted their animosity was towards me because of what transpired that week. The problem is that their group was solely based upon wanting to gain stardom, wanting to win the money, and wanting to get to the sequester house so that people know who they are and all that kind of stuff. So they were playing very dirty, and what their motives were based on was very flawed. I think that’s the sad thing about it. They knew I wasn’t playing for that, and it was like a chip on their shoulder.
Could you have outlasted Jen in the HOH competition, do you think? I tried to stay up for the entire competition and couldn’t make it, so you definitely have my respect; but were you about to give up?
(Laughs) No, I think I could have gone on for at least two more hours. And, we were in there for 14 hours already.
Many folks who were rooting for the Sovereign Six were surprised when Howie used his time as HOH to target James. Do you think going after James was a mistake on Howie’s part? Was he doing it for the good of the team, or the good of Howie and Rachel?
Well, I actually left specific orders with Howie before I left to remove James from the game. And that was because James, although a strong player, wasn’t disciplined. He was very shaky. He was very negative. We didn’t have him solidly. Even though I tried to get his full allegiance, I felt it was swaying and he was ready to turn on us at the first inkling of any pressure. I knew he was going over because valuable information coming straight from my mouth was ending up in the hands of the other side. And that was very disappointing.
So, I felt as though we obviously had the clear enemy, which was Maggie in that camp, but we couldn’t afford at that point to be holding onto somebody who could potentially stab us in the back if not the next week, the week after. So I decided that, listen guys, it’s probably in the best interests of the group to expunge James and sarah.
It may have been a bad move, but the thing is: Howie didn’t play it correctly. He was supposed to put up two pawns on the other side, instead he made a deal with the other side to keep them safe and put up James and Sarah, which completely backfired. And actually, it left me completely susceptible.
When the cast was announced, many people wondered if religion would be a point of contention in the house. Did it come up as an issue in the game?
No. The thing is, I suspected it might become an issue, but it never did. Ivette tried to make it an issue, she called me a hypocrite for even coming on the show.
Yes, I can’t follow her logic on that one - that somehow it was wrong for you to be in the game because you are a religious person, and never mind that others in the game consider themselves Christians, brought a Bible, etc.
Well, that’s the problem. I can’t get over the fact that Ivette and the rest of her friends don’t apply logic. They are very irrational. I couldn’t speak their language a lot of times so I just had to hear them babble. It made no sense to me, so I kept nodding most of the time and saying “okay, okay.”
My thing was, I didn’t want to come off as the type who is going to sit there and preach. Sure, I pray. But she had her little beads that had saints on them. Is she a hypocrite? Other people came in as Catholics or Christians - I was just targeted because my prayer was much more visible. I just wanted to be known as one of the houseguests. Do I come from a different faith? Yes. Do I come from a different ethnicity and race? Yes. Is that a big deal, was I trying to highlight that? No. I wanted to be remembered as a good player. If the viewers said, by the way, what nationality was he, or what was his religion? That was an added plus, that was it. But I think because of their insecurities, they tried to highlight things that were so negligible. All I can say to that is, what can you do?
In my earlier interview with you, you named April the greatest instigator in the house. Did she stir up more than she can handle?
(pause) Even after what’s happened, I still feel sorry for April because I truly feel that she just doesn’t use her brain. Maggie and that camp, a lot of times they find themselves speaking more than they think or listen, and it’s very unfortunate. They have an opinion about everything ...they just babble. And is she an instigator? Of course she is, much like everyone else on that side. I found myself trying to play the role of the peacekeeper time and time again, and she was one of the people I protected from James during my time as HOH, actually.
Yes, I remember that.
And, for her to now to completely stab me in the back this way, and then come crawling back to me when things get heated again? Because Howie was completely fed up?
It was barely an hour after the Veto ceremony and she went to you and told you she loved you.
Yeah! Crying, and telling me, “You know I love you, right?” Because she needs me to stand up for her. Well, where were you before? I believe these tactics are just...cowardly. As much as I want to believe this is a game and all that kind of stuff, it’s very indicative of how someone would lead their life. It’s an extension of who we are. I hate to say this, but I’m thoroughly revolted by much of what I’ve seen come from the likes of Jennifer, April, Ivette, Beau and Maggie, and everyone else that came from that end of the spectrum.
What is your advice for your friends left in the house? It’s three against five now.
Honestly, if I could tell them something, I would say, no matter what...because we all, even myself, got very frustrated because these cowards keep pounding us into the ground with their tactics. They’re just bullies. The second that they get HOH they were treating us like trash. And it’s amazing, because it’s almost as if they don’t learn. They think they are so right, and they think they won the hearts of American viewers from coast to coast and that people are going to cheer them on when they see them in airports. They have this image of themselves, so they continue to abuse power.
Sometimes we would get frustrated, and we wanted to just lash out. I think that’s what you saw last week with Howie and Janelle - they were just so frustrated with them that they couldn’t stand it anymore. They wanted to show them a little taste of their own medicine. Show them that we can do it too and we can do it much better. But I wanted to assure Howie and Janelle that it’s not worth it. It’s better to play a clean game, maintain your integrity and maintain clarity. In the end, you need focus on the strategy rather than the trash talk. Because that’s what will get you ahead. And I think all my conversations with Janelle helped her understand that the most, and I think she’ll do a great job.
On the topic of the other side’s self-image, it seemed like BB was trying to give them clues, like the music they played in the morning.
And the fact that you were voted back in the’re saying that didn’t have an effect on their self-image, they didn’t take it as, maybe America doesn’t think we’re as great as we think they think we are?
Oh, they definitely realized that! And I had a suspicion that Jen was going to do what she did because they played the song in the morning, “Stupid Girl” [by Garbage]. I was like, Oh God, it’s over. This is it. (Laughs) My time has come.
These are the things that ticked me off. They knew exactly what was going on, but they had so much animosity. They hated that - this is such a childish thing to bring up, but...we were the better-looking bunch. We were the more charismatic bunch, the more athletic, and the smarter bunch. And to top it all off, to add insult to injury, I, who was considered the leader, the glue who held the team together, was voted off - and then voted back in over their infamous Cappy, who they thought could do no wrong. Well, how was that possible? That just infuriated them, and I think at that point is when things came out, and they didn’t care any more.
Howie even poked fun at them and said, “You know what? America voted Kaysar back in and you voted him right back out, America hates you.” And Jennifer and April said, we don’t care, we don’t care. It was as if they did it out of spite. It was a strike against our team, a strike against me, but it was almost like it was a strike against the American public in general, like they were saying, “You voted him back in and we don’t give a damn.”
Did you get to see the plane that flew by?
No, but I suspected it had to do something with what Jen was doing because we just heard a plane that was very persistent. I was like, Oh my God, something is happening.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard about that.
No, I haven’t, what was it about?
It said, “J-Blo and Yapril, America wants your DOR.”
Oh, my God. (Laughs) Oh, my God. (Laughs again)
You know what? The ironic thing of it all was my entire team was in the Gold Room. The only people that saw it were Ivette and their group.
They’re the ones who needed to see it.
Perfect. That is perfect.
Are you done with reality television? Will we see you on “The Bachelor” someday? Or maybe “The Amazing Race?”
(Laughs) You know, I’ve had such an amazing experience doing Big Brother. It was something out of the blue. I had never even seen the show, I was brought on to it because of Michael. And only good things happened, it was truly a blessing. At this point, I need to decide whether or not I want to take any offers that come up or if I should just call it quits while I’m ahead. I really don’t know. I feel that it’s been so great and there are so many fans now. (Laughs) I don’t know where they came from. I have so many friends - I don’t even want to call them fans, I want to call them friends! It’s amazing, I don’t even know what to think of it.
Thank you so much for speaking with me, Kaysar! We would love it if you came and registered, but that’s up to you.
I will! Thank you for this interview.
Many thanks to Kaysar for his insightful answers, and to CBS for granting the interview.
Our Interview with Kaysar, 8/19/05
Victim of a broken promise, Kaysar was evicted one week after America voted to put him back in the Big Brother house. In a play reminiscent of Marcellus giving up his right to save himself in Big Brother 3, Kaysar gave the HOH title to a player who couldn’t be trusted - and who turned right around and “backdoored” him. On the phone, he was just like we’ve seen him on the live feeds - relaxed, humourous and definitely charismatic. There’s a reason why he’s finding his life is now filled with fans, whom he endearingly calls “friends.” Read on to find out what he thinks of April’s professions of love, Ivette’s accusations of religious hypocrisy, and that plucky little banner plane.
By now you’ve been told you earned 82% of the America’s Choice vote. Were you surprised to learn it was such a landslide victory?
Yes, and no. It’s weird, I had mixed feelings, it could have gone either way. When I heard it, I was quickly accepting of it because I just knew I played with my heart. I played with nothing to lose, I wasn’t so focused on the money, I was more focused on presenting myself as true and correct as possible. I think in doing so, people saw my passion for the game, my love for the game, and appreciated that.
What did the other houseguests make of your return? Did anyone’s reaction surprise you?
Their initial reactions didn’t surprise me, but I started to learn how deeply rooted their animosity was towards me because of what transpired that week. The problem is that their group was solely based upon wanting to gain stardom, wanting to win the money, and wanting to get to the sequester house so that people know who they are and all that kind of stuff. So they were playing very dirty, and what their motives were based on was very flawed. I think that’s the sad thing about it. They knew I wasn’t playing for that, and it was like a chip on their shoulder.
Could you have outlasted Jen in the HOH competition, do you think? I tried to stay up for the entire competition and couldn’t make it, so you definitely have my respect; but were you about to give up?
(Laughs) No, I think I could have gone on for at least two more hours. And, we were in there for 14 hours already.
Many folks who were rooting for the Sovereign Six were surprised when Howie used his time as HOH to target James. Do you think going after James was a mistake on Howie’s part? Was he doing it for the good of the team, or the good of Howie and Rachel?
Well, I actually left specific orders with Howie before I left to remove James from the game. And that was because James, although a strong player, wasn’t disciplined. He was very shaky. He was very negative. We didn’t have him solidly. Even though I tried to get his full allegiance, I felt it was swaying and he was ready to turn on us at the first inkling of any pressure. I knew he was going over because valuable information coming straight from my mouth was ending up in the hands of the other side. And that was very disappointing.
So, I felt as though we obviously had the clear enemy, which was Maggie in that camp, but we couldn’t afford at that point to be holding onto somebody who could potentially stab us in the back if not the next week, the week after. So I decided that, listen guys, it’s probably in the best interests of the group to expunge James and sarah.
It may have been a bad move, but the thing is: Howie didn’t play it correctly. He was supposed to put up two pawns on the other side, instead he made a deal with the other side to keep them safe and put up James and Sarah, which completely backfired. And actually, it left me completely susceptible.
When the cast was announced, many people wondered if religion would be a point of contention in the house. Did it come up as an issue in the game?
No. The thing is, I suspected it might become an issue, but it never did. Ivette tried to make it an issue, she called me a hypocrite for even coming on the show.
Yes, I can’t follow her logic on that one - that somehow it was wrong for you to be in the game because you are a religious person, and never mind that others in the game consider themselves Christians, brought a Bible, etc.
Well, that’s the problem. I can’t get over the fact that Ivette and the rest of her friends don’t apply logic. They are very irrational. I couldn’t speak their language a lot of times so I just had to hear them babble. It made no sense to me, so I kept nodding most of the time and saying “okay, okay.”
My thing was, I didn’t want to come off as the type who is going to sit there and preach. Sure, I pray. But she had her little beads that had saints on them. Is she a hypocrite? Other people came in as Catholics or Christians - I was just targeted because my prayer was much more visible. I just wanted to be known as one of the houseguests. Do I come from a different faith? Yes. Do I come from a different ethnicity and race? Yes. Is that a big deal, was I trying to highlight that? No. I wanted to be remembered as a good player. If the viewers said, by the way, what nationality was he, or what was his religion? That was an added plus, that was it. But I think because of their insecurities, they tried to highlight things that were so negligible. All I can say to that is, what can you do?
In my earlier interview with you, you named April the greatest instigator in the house. Did she stir up more than she can handle?
(pause) Even after what’s happened, I still feel sorry for April because I truly feel that she just doesn’t use her brain. Maggie and that camp, a lot of times they find themselves speaking more than they think or listen, and it’s very unfortunate. They have an opinion about everything ...they just babble. And is she an instigator? Of course she is, much like everyone else on that side. I found myself trying to play the role of the peacekeeper time and time again, and she was one of the people I protected from James during my time as HOH, actually.
Yes, I remember that.
And, for her to now to completely stab me in the back this way, and then come crawling back to me when things get heated again? Because Howie was completely fed up?
It was barely an hour after the Veto ceremony and she went to you and told you she loved you.
Yeah! Crying, and telling me, “You know I love you, right?” Because she needs me to stand up for her. Well, where were you before? I believe these tactics are just...cowardly. As much as I want to believe this is a game and all that kind of stuff, it’s very indicative of how someone would lead their life. It’s an extension of who we are. I hate to say this, but I’m thoroughly revolted by much of what I’ve seen come from the likes of Jennifer, April, Ivette, Beau and Maggie, and everyone else that came from that end of the spectrum.
What is your advice for your friends left in the house? It’s three against five now.
Honestly, if I could tell them something, I would say, no matter what...because we all, even myself, got very frustrated because these cowards keep pounding us into the ground with their tactics. They’re just bullies. The second that they get HOH they were treating us like trash. And it’s amazing, because it’s almost as if they don’t learn. They think they are so right, and they think they won the hearts of American viewers from coast to coast and that people are going to cheer them on when they see them in airports. They have this image of themselves, so they continue to abuse power.
Sometimes we would get frustrated, and we wanted to just lash out. I think that’s what you saw last week with Howie and Janelle - they were just so frustrated with them that they couldn’t stand it anymore. They wanted to show them a little taste of their own medicine. Show them that we can do it too and we can do it much better. But I wanted to assure Howie and Janelle that it’s not worth it. It’s better to play a clean game, maintain your integrity and maintain clarity. In the end, you need focus on the strategy rather than the trash talk. Because that’s what will get you ahead. And I think all my conversations with Janelle helped her understand that the most, and I think she’ll do a great job.
On the topic of the other side’s self-image, it seemed like BB was trying to give them clues, like the music they played in the morning.
And the fact that you were voted back in the’re saying that didn’t have an effect on their self-image, they didn’t take it as, maybe America doesn’t think we’re as great as we think they think we are?
Oh, they definitely realized that! And I had a suspicion that Jen was going to do what she did because they played the song in the morning, “Stupid Girl” [by Garbage]. I was like, Oh God, it’s over. This is it. (Laughs) My time has come.
These are the things that ticked me off. They knew exactly what was going on, but they had so much animosity. They hated that - this is such a childish thing to bring up, but...we were the better-looking bunch. We were the more charismatic bunch, the more athletic, and the smarter bunch. And to top it all off, to add insult to injury, I, who was considered the leader, the glue who held the team together, was voted off - and then voted back in over their infamous Cappy, who they thought could do no wrong. Well, how was that possible? That just infuriated them, and I think at that point is when things came out, and they didn’t care any more.
Howie even poked fun at them and said, “You know what? America voted Kaysar back in and you voted him right back out, America hates you.” And Jennifer and April said, we don’t care, we don’t care. It was as if they did it out of spite. It was a strike against our team, a strike against me, but it was almost like it was a strike against the American public in general, like they were saying, “You voted him back in and we don’t give a damn.”
Did you get to see the plane that flew by?
No, but I suspected it had to do something with what Jen was doing because we just heard a plane that was very persistent. I was like, Oh my God, something is happening.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard about that.
No, I haven’t, what was it about?
It said, “J-Blo and Yapril, America wants your DOR.”
Oh, my God. (Laughs) Oh, my God. (Laughs again)
You know what? The ironic thing of it all was my entire team was in the Gold Room. The only people that saw it were Ivette and their group.
They’re the ones who needed to see it.
Perfect. That is perfect.
Are you done with reality television? Will we see you on “The Bachelor” someday? Or maybe “The Amazing Race?”
(Laughs) You know, I’ve had such an amazing experience doing Big Brother. It was something out of the blue. I had never even seen the show, I was brought on to it because of Michael. And only good things happened, it was truly a blessing. At this point, I need to decide whether or not I want to take any offers that come up or if I should just call it quits while I’m ahead. I really don’t know. I feel that it’s been so great and there are so many fans now. (Laughs) I don’t know where they came from. I have so many friends - I don’t even want to call them fans, I want to call them friends! It’s amazing, I don’t even know what to think of it.
Thank you so much for speaking with me, Kaysar! We would love it if you came and registered, but that’s up to you.
I will! Thank you for this interview.
Many thanks to Kaysar for his insightful answers, and to CBS for granting the interview.