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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Top 4 - 27 août - Show
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Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 9:52 am
par marieevep
Bonjour !!

Le show est ce soir à 21h !!!

A ++

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 10:52 am
par felix
Un peu de lecture pour passer le temps....

Citation :The fantastic four
We predict who will win from Canadian Idol's final quartet


Brian Melo, left, Jaydee Bixby, Carly Rae Jepsen and Dwight d’Eon are the final four in this season’s Canadian Idol. The winner will be crowned Sept. 11.

And then there were four.

After 12 weeks of watching the dreams of Canadian Idol candidates shatter like old CD cases, viewers are left with a quartet they can actually stand: Jaydee Bixby, Dwight d'Eon, Carly Rae Jepsen and Brian Melo. Tomorrow it'll be down to three, two the week after, and on Sept. 11, your fifth Idol will be crowned. Yawn.

But CTV is once again the biggest winner, having held Idol at the No. 1 spot in Canada's weekly BBM ratings since June 12. It's a considerable feat for a season that's been pretty dull as far as controversy goes. Hype surrounding executive producer and proud Torontonian John Brunton's rant about "the lack of attention and respect paid to the bright, young singers from Toronto" lasted a day. Slightly more talked about was the untimely exit of poster boy and predicted shoo-in Greg Neufeld -- a departure that enraged host Ben Mulroney, shocked judges and sparked an online petition to bring back the young Romeo.

Other than that, it's been business as usual. Neufeld hoo-ha aside, Canada has done a decent job of keeping the most promising talent in the race. CTV also delivered actual talent in guest mentors like Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5 and Rihanna.

Tonight, original Canuck idol Paul Anka gives the four a lesson on standards. Next week, Season 2 winner Kalan Porter (the curly-haired dude) returns, and the final three perform songs chosen by viewers. And who better to cap off a season than Bon Jovi? The radio-rockers mentor the Top 2 in New York in the last performance episode Sept. 10, and will perform on the finale Sept. 11. Avril Lavigne and Eva Avila also get mic time, and the Top 10 castoffs return to remind you why you voted them off.

Ah, the suspense is killing me. But before I get too excited, here's a look at the Top 4:


Age: 16 (going on 80)

Hometown: Drumheller, Alta.

Occupation: Student

Strengths: Sanjaya comparisons aside, young Bixby does have the pipes to carry him through. His trademark neo-twang might have been what got him this far, but his down-home charm and nice-boy hairdos likely had more to do with it.

Weaknesses: Like last year's runnerup Craig Sharpe, Bixby's innocent shtick will only get him so far. Truth is, he can't make a career out of covering Johnny Cash and Elvis tunes, and his olde-tyme twang isn't very inspiring in this day and age. The chances of him breaking out of that been-done country genre seem slim.

Ward's Prediction: He'll last one more week. After that, Canada will finally realize there are enough Elvis impersonators in the country, or The King will rise from his grave to personally tell him to stop.


Age: 28

Hometown: West Pubnico, N.S.

Occupation: Lobster fisherman

Strengths: d'Eon seems to be the only one who recalls competitors are allowed to use instruments this year. He even pulled off what appeared to be a guitar solo in a cover of Rob Thomas and Santana's Smooth a few weeks back. The longtime garage bander also has experience on his side.

Weaknesses: Despite his in-your-face performances, d'Eon and his rock rasp don't stand out. And this is a guy who has worn LEATHER PANTS on the show. (Involuntarily, of course. But still.)

Ward's Prediction: Canada will get bored of the fisherman this week and cast him off.


Age: 21

Hometown: Mission, B.C.

Occupation: Student/waitress

Strengths: Unique vocals, a fresh sound, a cute face -- Jepsen has a lot going for her. Judge Zack Werner is her biggest fan, and is enamoured of her ability to put her own spin on every song -- even Queen's Killer Queen.

Weaknesses: If past winners Ryan Malcolm, Kalan Porter, Melissa O'Neil and Eva Avila are any indication, voters don't dig indie vibes nearly as much as someone who seems commercially safe.

Ward's Prediction: Seeing as how she's the only who whose album I might consider buying, she won't win. But she should make the Top 2.


Age: 25

Hometown: Hamilton, Ont.

Occupation: Construction worker

Strengths: Signature rasp? Check. Cute quirk? Uh-huh. Winning smile? Indeed. Perpetually hatted Melo's rocker vibe is cool enough for the guys and hot enough for the girls. Plus, his take on Radiohead's Karma Police had all four judges swooning.

Weaknesses: His sound is a bit '90s, and he reminds me of Live frontman Ed Kowalczyk -- which could be a strength, I guess.

Ward's Prediction: Assuming Season 3 runnerup Rex Goudie's hat curse doesn't continue, Melo will win. Even if he doesn't, viewers will buy his CD.
Next story: My Heroes!

http://winnipegsun.com/Entertainment/Te ... 6-sun.html
--Message edité par felix le 2007-08-27 16:53:16--

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 2:33 pm
par qwertygirl
On se souhaite un bon show... avec encore possiblement une chanson d'Elvis...

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:03 pm
par LeoChris
Bon show a tous

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:08 pm
par LeoChris
Carly 1.0 - Perfo  très (trop ?) cabaret. Elle est dedans ... c'est son style ... Mais aura t'elle les votes ?

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:10 pm
par qwertygirl
Un gros bof... on avait de la misère à entendre la voix tellement le band était fort.

Perfo moyenne pour moi mais j'ai hâte de l'entendre lors de sa 2ème chanson...

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:12 pm
par felix
Le retour du Jaydee après la pause....

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:14 pm
par qwertygirl
Leo... je crois que l'on est tout seul ce soir!!!

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:14 pm
par ~*Chris*~

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:16 pm
par qwertygirl
Paul Anka lui a dit de ne pas sourire... et il a réussit...

mais réussir sa chanson, c'est autre chose... vraiment vraiment ordinaire...

pis la passe des pieds...

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:17 pm
par qwertygirl
c'est la semaine des nouvelles coupes de cheveux, teinture...

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:18 pm
par LeoChris
Jaydee - Poche, plate est pas bon ...

Laura Osnes OWNED that song ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcdXhxxWnvc

Jaydee ... c'est le contraire.

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:19 pm
par felix
Même si ce n'était pas aussi éclatant qu'espéré, la perfo de Carly était loin d'un désastre... un peu d'ajustement et le tout serait près d'un hit!

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:20 pm
par Toupie
Je suis là aussi... à moitié... je lis en même temps!!!

Carly, pas mal, c'est son style.  Ca faisait cabaret mais j'ai bien aimé, ça fittait avec le style de cette semaine.  

Jaydee: maaaaaaaaaassacre!!!!!  Seigneur,s ans commentaires!!!!

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:21 pm
par felix
Hâte de voir ce que Dwight nous réserve... il réussit bien à surprendre l'auditoire depuis quelques semaines... il s'améliore dangereusement...

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:23 pm
par LeoChris
Mack the Knife ... quelle merveilleuse chanson que j'adore ... NOT

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:26 pm
par qwertygirl
J'ai bien aimé mais sans plus. La meilleure perfo de la soirée à date mais je demande plus!!!

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:28 pm
par LeoChris
Brian : La meilleure perfo a date ... mais rien d'extraordinaire non plus.

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:28 pm
par felix
Dwight est malheureusement off tone! Dommage!

Publié : lun. août 27, 2007 3:29 pm
par LeoChris
British Invasion aurait été tellement mieux !!!

Dwight est pas fameux non plus by the way ...