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LE DOMAINE BLEU • So you think you can dance ... (au Canada)
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Publié : dim. mars 02, 2008 8:10 pm
par felix
Citation :  Sat, March 1, 2008
[quote]So you think you can audition?
Turns out, you can


If you just have to dance, CTV has some good news for you.

And we're talking about real dancers here, not celebrity wannabes or politicians.

CTV has announced that a five-city, cross-country casting call for the reality-competition series So You Think You Can Dance Canada will take place this spring.

Four cities have been named thus far: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. One additional city will be announced later -- this is CTV, so maybe it will be Dog River, Sask.!

Anyway, specific dates will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

CTV also currently is casting for the host and judging panel for So You Think You Can Dance Canada. The series will air next fall.

Canada joins the United States, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Germany, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa and Israel as markets with an original So You Think You Can Dance production. The U.S. version of So You Think You Can Dance, which originates on Fox, is a hit summer series in Canada on CTV.

http://torontosun.com/Entertainment/Tel ... 8-sun.html

Publié : lun. mars 17, 2008 2:37 pm
par felix
Citation :Des auditions à Montréal pour So You Think You Can Dance

Le réseau CTV prépare une mouture canadienne de So You Think You Can Dance, un concept original de Simon Fuller et de Nigel Lythgoe, les deux créateurs d'American Idol, qui remporte un succès fou chez nos voisins du Sud.

CTV, qui a repris avec beaucoup de succès le concept Idol qui est rapidement devenu l'une des émissions les plus regardées au pays, a décidé de se lancer dans l'aventure So You Think You Can Dance, un concours ouvert aux danseurs de la relève qui rêvent d'une carrière professionnelle. Présentée depuis quelques années déjà aux États-Unis, au Québec le Réseau TVA nous propose même une version française intitulée La fièvre du mardi soir, cette émission a ravivé l'intérêt des jeunes pour la danse, on raconte que les écoles n'arrivent même plus à suffire à la demande, et a permis à des danseurs de se faire connaître.

Comme le font les juges des émissions Idol, des spécialistes canadiens de la danse feront la tournée des principales villes au pays pour faire passer des auditions à des danseurs âgés de 18 à 30 ans qui désirent profiter de cette grande tribune pour se faire connaître et faire leur place dans le monde très compétitif de la danse.

Dans le cadre de cette tournée, qui débutera le 7 avril à Vancouver, les juges seront de passage le mardi 27 mai au Théâtre St-Denis, à Montréal. À partir de 9 h, ils feront passer des auditions et sélectionneront des jeunes qui seront de la première édition de cette version canadienne de So You Think You Can Dance.

Les intéressés pourront obtenir plus d'information sur les règlements de ce concours et sur les modalités d'inscrïption au www.dance.ctv.ca.

http://news.google.ca/news/url?sa=t&ct= ... 1203445516

Publié : lun. mars 17, 2008 2:38 pm
par felix

Publié : lun. mars 17, 2008 2:39 pm
par felix
Calling all Canadian dancers!

So You Think You Can Dance Canada is getting ready to launch it's cross-country audition tour, set to waltz, jive and hip-hop across Canada beginning Monday, April 7!

So You Think You Can Dance Canada cross-country auditions are open to all Canadians who, as of April 1, 2008, are of the age of majority in the province/territory in which they reside, and are no older than 30 years of age. Registration begins at 9 a.m. in each city.

Auditions will be held at the locations and on the dates listed below (subject to change):

Vancouver, BC
Monday, April 7
The Centre in Vancouver for the Performing Arts
777 Homer Street

Halifax, NS
Saturday, May 3
Bella Rose Arts Centre,
283 Thomas Raddall Drive

Calgary, AB
Monday, May 12
MacEwan Conference & Event Centre,
2500 University Drive N.W.

Montreal, QC
Tuesday, May 27
Théâtre St-Denis
1594 St-Denis Street

Toronto, ON
Thursday, June 5
Winter Garden Theatre,
189 Yonge St.

Publié : lun. mars 17, 2008 3:11 pm
par bizou37
c'est super comme nouvelle ça  
j'écoute ça religieusement tout les mardi soir, en français bien évidemment
ça veut dire que ça commencera à l'automne à la télé????
j'ai hâte de voir si ils vont dénicher d'aussi bon danseurs que nos voisins du sud....ils sont tellement sublime
j'ai aussi hâte de voir les chorégraphes
mais me semble que Nigel vas me manquer dans la version Canadienne, contrairement à plusieurs, je l'aime ce monsieur

Édité: Merci Félix  ;) --Message edité par bizou37 le 2008-03-17 21:12:45--

Publié : ven. mars 28, 2008 12:41 am
par nancy31f
  c super

Publié : jeu. avr. 03, 2008 12:47 pm
par bizou37

Leah Miller gets back to her dancing days
Updated Thu. Apr. 3 2008 4:36 PM ET


When Leah Miller found out she landed the role of host for "So You Think You Can Dance Canada," she says she broke down in tears.

"Honestly, I've never been more excited about anything," Miller told CTV.ca.

"I know that might sound weird, but I'm just thrilled."

Miller, 26, is the co-host of MuchMusic's "Much on Demand" and a three-time host of the massive MuchMusic Video Awards.

But her new role brings her back to her roots in showbiz - she was a competitive dancer and earned the title of "Miss Junior Dance of Canada" at the age of 13.

Over the course of her interview with CTV.ca, Miller talked about her dance background, why people love shows about dancing, and what advice she would give to "SYTYCD Canada" hopefuls.

So tell me about what happened when you found out you landed the hosting job?

When Sandra Faire (Executive Producer of "SYTYCD Canada") called me, I had just finished an episode of "MOD," and I saw that she left me a message. I was really nervous, and when I called her back, she asked me if I'd like to host the show. I started crying immediately and my makeup ran everywhere.

Are you a big fan of SYTYCD?

I am, and that's what so cool about bringing the show to Canada ... there are so many talented dancers all over the place, and that's really the greatest part. I can't wait to go and be a part of the audition process in the five cities across Canada and meet all of the competitors!

When did you first begin dancing?

I began with "baby ballet" when I was three years old. I was terrible at figure skating, and I couldn't skate to save my life. But I went to dance class and I learned I was good at that. I stayed with it and danced throughout my teenage years, and went to the Cardinal Carter Academy of the Arts in Toronto for high school.

What was your first lesson like?

I remember loving it, because I was always a very hyperactive child, always running around the house and trying to make people laugh. I was always very goofy, so dance was great for me. It kept me in line. I got all my energy out.

Do you have a favourite dance?

I used to love jazz. As I got older, I would take hip-hop dances with my sister. Dancing is so good for you, and it's great for your body and your mind. Dancing is like yoga in the sense that its therapy and you don't think of anything else.

What advice would you give if you had a friend auditioning?

Auditioning is such a hard thing, so I would say: Never give up, be confident and don't worry. Be prepared, be really bubbly and outgoing, because personality really helps to go a long way.

Would you have tried out for a show like "SYTYCD Canada"?

Oh my gosh, absolutely! When I was younger, my little dancer friends and I would be in competitions and we would always say, "Why isn't there dancing in the Olympics?" That's why I think this show is so cool, because there are all these dancers, and they now have a chance to show their talent, and to take their talent further.

Auditions for "SYTYCD Canada" begin on Monday, April 7 in Vancouver, B.C., and will travel to Halifax, Calgary, Montreal, and Toronto.

source: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/s ... 08&no_ads=

Publié : jeu. avr. 03, 2008 2:01 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Leah My favorite VJ

Publié : jeu. avr. 03, 2008 4:50 pm
par bizou37
~*Chris*~  a écritLeah My favorite VJ
alors j'en déduis que tu va suivre l'émission

Publié : lun. avr. 07, 2008 8:41 am
par ~*Chris*~
Surement et probablement voter aussi

Publié : lun. avr. 07, 2008 2:07 pm
par felix
Citation :April 7, 2008
Toronto, Your Dance Card Is Full

Ahh, Toronto, do you have the fever? Dance fever, that is. In June, our fair city will not only have auditions for So You Think You Can Dance Canada, but will also host the rehearsals for Toy Story: The Musical. (We suspect some dancing might happen at this shindig too.) It's enough to make a grown man suit up and dance.

First up, Leah Miller has been named the host of So You Think You Can Dance Canada—Tanya Kim must be pissed! Alas, Kim, a classically trained dancer, just couldn't compete with a former Miss Junior Dance of Canada. Now, with a blonde, peppy host in tow, CTV emulates the original Dance further by importing loopy but lovable judge Mary Murphy, the best part of the American edition. (Sample comment: "Wooooooooooooooooooooo! Woot! Woot! Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah! All aboard the Hot Tamale Train!") Murphy's presence might pull us away from catching host-free clips of the show on YouTube (like the awesome jazz routine, above, performed by Neil Haskell and Sabra Johnson of the American version). For those who think they can dance, auditions happen June 10 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (John Bassett Theatre, 255 Front Street West).

As if a Miller-fronted dance-a-thon weren't enough, rehearsals for Toy Story: The Musical, a production for Disney Cruise Line, will take place this summer in Toronto. Disney has been holding auditions in Los Angeles, New York, and Toronto over the past month for vocalists, dancers, and—best of all—Disney character lookalikes. (Sample descrïption for Bo Peep: "Sexy and wholesome at the same time. Confident." Don't do it, Tanya Kim!) Once summer ends, the cast of Story will be afloat in the Caribbean working on contract until March 2009 with "competitive pay, room and board, additional benefits package, and no cruise staff duties." Room and board on a cruise ship? No way!

If you think about it, both dancing opportunities are fairly alike. Working on a cruise ship is essentially like being on a reality show: lots of drinking, hooking up, and trying not to fall on your ass in front of the audience.

http://torontoist.com/2008/04/toronto_y ... e_card.php

Publié : lun. avr. 07, 2008 2:10 pm
par felix

Publié : lun. avr. 07, 2008 6:46 pm
par Zoukie
Un ami fait les auditions à Mtl le 27 Mai! J'espère que ca ira bien pour lui!  

Publié : lun. avr. 07, 2008 6:47 pm
par bizou37
~*Chris*~  a écritSurement et probablement voter aussi
et moi donc  
je l'écoute présentement en Français mais je ne peux pas voter, ça m'enrage

merci Félix pour les articles --Message edité par bizou37 le 2008-04-08 00:53:09--

Publié : lun. avr. 07, 2008 7:02 pm
par bizou37
Zoukie  a écritUn ami fait les auditions à Mtl le 27 Mai! J'espère que ca ira bien pour lui!    
Super zoukie  
j'espère pour toi aussi

Publié : mar. avr. 08, 2008 6:30 am
par felix
J'espère bien qu'il y aura des participants du Québec sur la sélection finale. Alors, bonne chance à l'ami de Zoukie!

Publié : ven. mai 09, 2008 8:26 am
par felix
Citation :The Waiting Game: toughing out in Halifax

Updated Fri. May. 9 2008 6:52 AM ET

Lindsay Zier-Vogel, CTV.ca

The stage is lit, cameras poised and judges chairs angled, ready. And now it begins...no, not the explosive few minutes each Halifax golden ticket holder has on stage. No, not quite yet. Instead, it is the beginning of the most agonizing part of the audition experience: The Waiting Game.

You line up, you warm up, then sit (and cool down), watch your fellow competitors, then get warm again, bust out the moves, then sit back down. Up and down and up and down -- the reality is, in any audition, there's lot more time spent sitting than dancing.

Stretch it out

Where some Halifax competitors sit silently, knees jiggling nervously as they tighten their ponytails and secure bobby pins, others spend their down time "marking" their routines in the aisles of the theatre.

Guest judge Dan Karaty advises competitors to stay warm, stay moving. "Keep your body hot and ready to go."

Trish Belcastro, 23, from Fredericton, NB, agrees. She stretches her hip flexors and lower back in the aisle so she's ready for anything the judges throw at her.

"I think the difference in warming up for contemporary and warming up for hip hop is that you need to make sure you're really flexible for contemporary, but a lot more compact for hip hop," Belcastro says. Over her shoulder, four hip hop dancers throw down long sets of sit ups and push ups.

Christina Boyce, a 23-year-old hip hop dancer from Amherst, NS takes a much different approach than this compact, highly physicalized warm up. She spends her time in the aisles doing tai chi.

"It's very relaxing. And helps me control my breathing when I get up there to perform."

Mental preparation

It's tricky to stay not just physically warm, but emotionally and psychologically ready. Some dancers prefer silence, closing their eyes in their seats and blocking out the busyness around them, while others pop their earphones in and blast their own tunes.

Lauren Ritchie, 24, of Edmonton spends the lull preparing herself mentally and emotionally. "I do a lot of visualization," she says, stretching her hamstrings in her seat.

"You need to make sure you're in a place where you can just get on stage and not worry about the steps or the technique."

Contrary to most Halifax auditionees, judge Karaty says he prefers not to focus too much. "I like to stay light and have fun so that I don't let myself over-think anything."


When the dancers are allowed on the stage to finish their warm-up, they rush to the stage. Between the stretching and dancing, they also to test the floor, slipping off half-soles if it's too slippery, adding socks if the stage surface is sticky.

Moncton-native, Kashena Bartlett, 21, likes to get on stage before the auditon so she can orient herself before her performance. "I need to make sure I know the front from the back, and left from right. I like to know what I have to work with, where I need to look at to see the judges."

The right mindset

Choreographer and guest judge, Blake McGrath advises dancers to do whatever they can to stay warm, keep focused and stay in the right mindset.

Karaty adds that despite all the waiting, competitors shouldn't lose sight of performance: "The moment you get up on that stage, you've just got to let it all go and have a good time."

http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/s ... /20080507/

--Message edité par felix le 2008-05-09 14:28:39--

Publié : ven. mai 09, 2008 8:51 am
par ~*Chris*~
C'est le fun de voir plusieurs personne de la meme province que toi

Publié : ven. mai 23, 2008 5:44 pm
par ~*Chris*~
Est-ce qu'il a une date pour la premiere emission?

Publié : ven. mai 23, 2008 5:49 pm
par felix
J'ai vu mentionné Octobre 2008