amazing race 24

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

début 23 fevrier avec les équipes qu'on connait déja
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Biche Pensive
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3635
Inscription : jeu. nov. 01, 2007 12:00 am

Message par Biche Pensive »

J'aime bien le casting.

Il y a plusieurs équipes que j'ai hâte de revoir dont la nouvelle équipe avec Mark (de Bopper & Mark, une de mes équipes favorites) et Mallory. J'aimais bien leur équipe originale alors je suis contente de les voir ensemble.

Je suis aussi heureuse de revoir David et Connor qui avaient du quitter trop tôt ainsi que les cowboys que j'ai toujours aimé.

Je suis moins contente de revoir les afghanimals et les insupportable tweeny :cry: :gluk:

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

commence ce soir
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

pour savoir si Rachel est éliminée il faut juste regarder durant les confessionals si elle est contente, c'était le cas ce soir
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

ça sent le non-elimination...
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

non elimination!
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Biche Pensive
Magicien des Mots
Messages : 3635
Inscription : jeu. nov. 01, 2007 12:00 am

Message par Biche Pensive »

Pacm a écrit : non elimination!
On le sentait venir, mais je suis contente pour eux: ils ont eu une belle attitude face au challenge qui était vraiment dur.

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Pacm »

Les autres équipes sont méchants envers Rachel :grr:
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

j'me disais que le vieux bonhomme allait se recasser le genou au moment que l'autre se pete le genou
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11649
Inscription : mar. mai 04, 2010 1:55 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par MsPontchartrain »

C'est un miracle qu'on n'ait pas eu droit à un 114e récit de comment il s'était détruit le talon. :gla:
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

ah non il va falloir attendre plus longtemps pour les brenchel babies
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11649
Inscription : mar. mai 04, 2010 1:55 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par MsPontchartrain »

Haha ! Karma. Je suis contente que l'estropié ( :gla: ) et son fils aient gagné. Ils ont bien joué.
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: amazing race 24

Message par Pacm »

MJ: Rachel… this season your edit really seemed to change. At first it seemed like the other teams were just ganging up on you because you U-Turned Dave and Connor, but then in the final episode, it made it seem like you were the villains as you threw dirt into Dave and Connor’s hole and the country singers accused you of pushing them in the airport on the way to Vegas. Do you think you guys were the heroes or the villains this season?

RR: Well, I don’t even know but let’s first clear up this whole dirt incident. We did not throw dirt in their hole, we literally were digging and we were minding our own business. We did not maliciously scoop a chunk of dirt and throw it in their hole. If we wanted to do that we would have done that. So why the hell would we waste our time throwing dirt in Dave and Connor’s hole when we are racing for a million dollars? Like that was not our intention and I can’t believe that CBS and The Amazing Race would ever edit it like that because that’s absolutely absurd.We were not there to throw dirt in someone’s hole; we were there to race for a million dollars. If I wanted to throw dirt in his hole I would have literally grabbed a shovel myself and started scooping dirt into his hole while he was shoveling. If I am going to be a villain, I’m going to be a villain. I am not going to be a beat-around-the-busher. If I am going to do something to maliciously mess someone up then I am going to maliciously mess them up. It was not on camera. It was Jen saying I pushed her and she is a trifling, little manipulative girl. What if I go around defaming her character…

BV: Rachel, can I talk? You can tell that Rachel is still a little upset about this. So Murtz, honestly, we were digging frantically. Our car left in seconds from the airport and then we showed up to the dig in third. We already knew that we were at a disadvantage. We were trying and I was frantically digging. I don’t think any of the other teams have ever dug a hole in their lives. My father is a bricklayer, so I have dug plenty of trenches… plenty of ditches… I know how to dig and I dig fast. I was digging a lot faster than they were. You guys saw this in the season… it became like a junior high school or middle school mentality where all they wanted to do the entire race is try and make us look bad.So with that what better way to do it than to say that we are doing things that we are not doing? Just to try and make us look petty and make us look stupid by them saying that we are throwing dirt in their hole and that Rachel is pushing the girls. The girls at the airport tried to cut in front of us in line and we were like ‘no.’

RR: And they got pissed because we wouldn’t let them cut in front of us. They got pissed when we wouldn’t give them directions. Caroline up in the thing in Switzerland asked Brendon for help and he wouldn’t help her, so she is like ‘fine, I didn’t want to ever be friends with them anyway. They are not part of the Accidental Alliance.’ And they called us aliens, why because Brendon is a Mexican? So they are racist. And I don’t like how nobody addressed that fact that Caroline and Jen are racists.

BV: Rach, Rach… calm down!

RR: They are obviously racists for calling us Mexicans. Well I am sorry they are racists. They are homophobic because they made comments about gay people on the Race. I think I should start tweeting that up. I have a 190,000 twitter followers, would they like that?

MJ: I think this is spiraling out of control!

BV: Yeah, from now on I will address the stuff about Dave and Connor.

RR: Let’s address the real issues. Let’s address the racism and the homophobia. Let’s address the fact that Caroline and Jennifer are little gigolettes and they were sticking their boobs in old men’s faces at the airport, sixty-year old men to give them money. Do you know what they were doing while Brendon and I… let’s start about this… While Brendon and I were at the airport doing research, Caroline and Jen were getting drunk in another room with sixty-year old men who took their bags to them at the end of the leg in Las Vegas. So what they are prostitutes too? That ís 100% the truth.

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