«Résumé» d'une personne qui a assisté "live" à la finale hier soir :
- Sweet Angel
- Magicien des Mots
- Messages : 3528
- Inscription : mer. mars 16, 2005 1:00 am
Sur le forum du site officiel d'American Idol, j'ai trouvé un résumé fort intéressant d'une personne qui a assisté "live" à la finale hier soir et qui par le fait même, rejoint très bien mes pensées et résument aussi très bien, mais encore de façon plus concrète et tangible, l'analyse que j'en ai faite !!!
From: NIKKOmyIdo1 12:01 pm
All those who say bo s*cked toniight...Um BO"S VOICE WAS D*MN NEAR GONE!!
I just want to say I throughly enjoyed myself tonight at the finale. I got to sit by Rosanne Barr for a minute cause they kept moving me from seat to seat. I sat behind Brandy and her Brother Ray J for one segment and then they moved me again...I got to meet some of the idols.. THe kodak theatre is VERY deceiving cause it's small to me. I also saw David, Celena Rae, Joseph Mudena in the courtyard but I will tell ya about that in a minute.
But anyway let me tell my review from actually sitting there listening..
To be honest. The songs didn't do any of them justice tonight. The only songs that sounded okay to me was Vehical and bo's LAST SONG. Bo's voice was d*mn near GONE!! I had never heard him sound like this. It had nothing to do with him, but that his voice sounded tired. Carrie had some clunkers in there too. On her first song, people around me was like...EWWWWWWWW!!! Also some people were saying that she didn't move enough on the stage.
If you are to judge totally on tonight, I would say that this was a tie. Bo first song, I didn't like but I loved the 2nd and 3rd. I don't like carrie's type of music but she sang the 2nd and 3rd one good but the first one was a real clunker. With regards to who would make the best AMERICAN IDOL. It would be who would be the best HEADLINER on this summer tour, Who would attract the most media attention, the most fans, who would sell the most records, who AI would make the most money off of and the producers had to make a decision if the votes are close would be BO BICE!!!
At this stage of the game, people's minds are made up..I look at the total season not just tonight. Bo voice was not 100% and I think the allegies took it's toll on him. I still think he will win.. He has too many fans and teenage boppers dialing his number.
Now in my honest opinion with regards to the claps, the yelling, the signs, BO ruled the house. Bo has A LOT of fans who really love him. During the commercial breaks, everybody would just be screaming and yelling WE LOVE YOU BO!! It was very touching. He looked so happy to be on that stage. Oh I also noticed who each of the idols were rooting for.
Lindsey, Jessica and Miklah, Anthony were for Carrie. I noticed they would stand up when she performed
Constatine, Nikko, Anwar, Scott, Vonzell, Nadia would not stand up when carrie performed but did when Bo sang and finished. I could tell who each idol was rooting for.
After the finale, Bo and Carrie each seperatly came out to the courtyard areas to do a slew of interviews and most of the fans were waiting with BO signs, I saw a few Carrie signs..But check this out..When Bo came out, I thought the BEATLES were in town. I saw 1 girl faint from crying so hard, and another lady looked like she was having scheizure. The media was grabbing him left and right and I kept seeing like a million flash bulbs as he walked. There was this AURA about Bo when he walked, He looked like a BONAFIDE ROCK STAR!!! With the groupies and all...
When carrie came out, I heard a a faint clap, a few here and there screaming CARRIE!! But if I were to compare the difference in the attention, the screams, etc BO IS THE MAN!!
Oh as I was watching below Carrie and Bo giving interviews, then I heard some screaming behind me..IT was MIKLAHA"S MOM jumping up and down screaming and hugging DAVID, JOSEPH and CELENA RAE!! She was so happy to see them. Then Mikalah and Lindsey came out this clothing store and they were all hugging and screaming like they had really missed each other. I asked david what he was up to and he told me that he had signed a deal with Virgin records to look for his CD in the fall..
If I think of anything else, I will continue adding on this thread
Oh David, Celena Rae and Joseph were getting their autograph grove on. People kept stopping them asking for pictures, autographs..They look like they were enjoying themselves.
Also wanted to add..I and few other people got a chance to talk to Debra Bryd the vocal coach for a LONG TIME. She was sitting down in the pit area when they let us in and boy did she fill us in..How she got the job with AI, Her choosing Vehical for BO and how artists/singers in the beginning didn't want them singing their songs, but now the phones are ringing off the hook of artists begging the idols to sing their songs....She also told us why some songs cleared and why others didnt'. What they were like behind the scenes.. The rumors, etc. It was so much fun !