American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Malheureusement Didi ne pourra pas compter sur le vote unanime des juges pour la sauver si besoin est.
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
TABAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Non mais quelle merde!
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Quelle belle et talentueuse...fille
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Elle a le coeur brisé.... sûr
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
J'dois avouer que j'suis surpris qu'elle ai pas été sauvée apres cette perfo
... et c'est vraiment domage pour Didi, j'en aurais fait partir d'autre avant elle (mais pas Tim

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Dommage pour Didi
C'est encore la même histoire qu'à Canadian Idol. Les filles partent en premier parce que les gars recoivent des votes à la pêlle des tites filles avec leur cellulaire rose.
C'est encore la même histoire qu'à Canadian Idol. Les filles partent en premier parce que les gars recoivent des votes à la pêlle des tites filles avec leur cellulaire rose.

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Maudit cellulaire rose 

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Siobhan safe ouf !
Didi partie ?
Avant Tim ????

Non mais ark ! C'est quoi là, 3 fille qui partent de suite alors que les gars sont CLAIREMENT inférieurs
Mais au moins Siobhan a évitée le bottom.. J'ai eu peur
Didi partie ?

Non mais ark ! C'est quoi là, 3 fille qui partent de suite alors que les gars sont CLAIREMENT inférieurs

Mais au moins Siobhan a évitée le bottom.. J'ai eu peur

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Très décus du départ de Didi. Oh well, ya plus rien qui me surprend dans ce show la.
Tant que Siobhan se rattrape et gagne a la fin ca me va.
Tant que Siobhan se rattrape et gagne a la fin ca me va.
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
Didi Benami on 'American Idol': "It Was a Cool, Crazy Ride"
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Last night Didi Benami was the 15th person eliminated from season 9 of American Idol. This morning, she took the time to chat with members of the American Idol press about her experience on the show and what her plans are moving forward as a musician.
An exhausted Didi chatted amiably about her Idol experience, including her brand new best friends Crystal Bowersox and Siobhan Magnus and that awkward grilling by Ryan Seacrest Tuesday night. Here are the highlights of our interview with Didi Benami.
Were you prepared for the scrutiny she got on the show?
"Actually, I wasn't prepared for that. I wasn't an avid American Idol watcher, so I didn't know what to expect. Honestly, I was just being myself and I did stuff that meant something to me, and I also had a good time. I'm Ok, I'm done with it. And it's actually interesting, it was a lot like my Los Angeles experience. You get kicked down, you got to get back up again and start over. It's not anything I haven't dealt with before."
Kara suggested you had lost your way as the competition went along. Do you feel you did?
"I don't feel like I lost my way. I feel like they wanted me to do something specific every week. I kind of went out on a limb several weeks. I did different things and they weren't expecting it and it was kind of a surprise--just to show that I can do other things. I am a singer-songwriter and I have that, but I also tap into every single emotion that I have. And that I do very well. That is artistry. Through these songs I was just showing a different side to myself. It probably wasn't necessarily the side they wanted to see, but I have them, and I think everybody does. I was just being me. I appreciate Kara. I think she was trying--I think they were all trying to be really helpful. I was just trying to do my thing, and it wasn't exactly what they, kind of, planned out for me, I guess. It's not every day that you get to sing in front of 30 million people. I just wanted to do different things, and not do the same thing every week--to show that I can do other things."
Were the judges' too tough in their criticisms?
"It's tough, but you know, you've got to get back up and do your thing, regardless of what anybody says--the judges, America, anybody. It's about your music and your passion, and what you do, and not what anybody else thinks. That's what I think is a real artist--somebody that just does it. That's part of everything--you've just got to hang in there and be resilient. It can be confusing, but you just got to do your thing."
Were you relieved when you made it to the Top10?
"I'm relieved. I get to go on the tour, I don't have to work as a waitress, anymore, which is nice. I get to do what I love, more than anything. It's just amazing, the fans that are already reaching out and supporting - it's a blessing. It's a relief to know that I will be able to make a living at what I love to do over the summer, and hopefully for the rest of my life."
Idol seemed to be a particularly emotional experience for you, was that just Idol or are you an emotional person in general?
"I'm not always emotional. I'm actually pretty shocked--whenever something happens ... unfortunately it's right when there's a camera in my face. It's been an amazing ride, and of course, it's been emotional, because it's something that I've always wanted to do. Reaching that place that I got to on the show was a really amazing thing for me and a really big accomplishment. That was emotional for me. You work so hard, and you just try to believe and keep the faith and just imagine, know that, good things will come, and when they finally do it's almost...disbelief. It's a really amazing opportunity--it brought me to tears."
Tell us a little bit about Ryan's repeated requests for you to reveal why you sang "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" on Tuesday. That seemed a little awkward.
"It was kind of a weird situation--it was a little awkward for me. There's a time and a place for--I was trying to convey the message through the song, not by somebody asking me why I was singing it. I think it was pretty obvious to people why I was singing it. I don't think anybody has to have that emotion--I sing the song because I love the song. It was kind of an uncomfortable situation for me, because I didn't want to answer the question. Ultimately, I did what I felt was in my best interest."
How did you feel last night when the judges showed hesitation before ultimately deciding not to use the save on you?
"The whole crowd was chanting, and that was pretty cool. Ultimately, I kinda felt like I was going home and I thought it would be cool if they exercised the option to let me stay 'cause I wanted to come back next week, Beatles week, and be great. Regardless of what happened, I was OK either way. I'm not really worried. I've had amazing support from everybody and it's just been a crazy, cool ride. I'm happy because I'm going on tour, and I have a lot to look forward to, so I'm not at all distraught about anything. I want to put a record together-I want to get my music out there."
What would you have performed next week if you'd made it to 'Beatles Week?'
"I'm so bummed. I wanted to do "Blackbird". I love that song. Or maybe "Across the Universe." I was kind of going back and forth with several. I hadn't really started to delve into that, though, because I wasn't really sure what was going to happen."
How did the Top 24 get along with one another?
"Everyone seems to get along pretty well. I think everyone is doing their own thing, and everybody respects that. It's kind of like, you know, separate little families, in all of our apartments and everything. It was really nice, actually. I really enjoyed spending time with them, some of them, I think they are really really great people. I really enjoyed meeting all of them."
When you were eliminated last night they showed you and Crystal hugging and talking. What did she say to you?
"Lots of things! Crystal and Siobhan and I are very close. Crystal actually came down and stayed with me last night. It was nice. They are really amazing, wonderful people. I really enjoyed getting to meet them and getting to know them both. It's hard when you meet other artists, that you really connect with, and you want to work with, you're put into a position to compete against each other when really, when you're singing, it's not a competition. It shouldn't be a competition. We're all very different, and unique in our own ways, and we all had something different to bring to the table. We're all aware of that. We do what we do best, and love each other along the way. I'm really really happy that they are going forward and I wish them the best of luck, and I will see them again."
What did Siobhan say to you after your elimination?
"Siobhan is a really really unique, amazing person. I love her very very much. She's a total sweetheart. It's interesting because, I never would have thought, upon meeting her--or anybody--that you're going to forge a close friendship with them. She ended up being my roommate the first week. Actually, I met her on the very first day of Hollywood week. I was like 'ahhh, who is this girl?' She was just herself, she was never anybody else but herself. She doesn't care, and neither does Crystal--that's what I really love about the both of them. They are just themselves, and they are very unique and they're very different and I just really respect them. Siobhan is one of my best friends, and I think that we're going to be friends for a long time and I think that girl's great. They are both going to go really far. It's tough to leave your friends, it's like leaving summer camp."
What kind of music do you hope to make in the future as an artist?
"Didi music! I'm going to do my thing--I'm going to do singer/songwriter type, acoustic , low-key, chill, relaxing music. I'm going to put my heart into what I do, like I do every time. It's me-folk/acoustic, soul acoustic kind of fusion stuff, with a little jazz, a little bluegrass, and a little bit of everything that I've experienced in my life."
How did the pace on Idol compare to trying to make it as a singer on your own?
"It's insane, intense--like boot camp for singers. Hear a song, learn it in very little time to sing it on a stage in front of everybody--it's a lot of pressure. It's an amazing experience, at the same time if you want to take full advantage of it, you don't want to mess up and you want to do everything you can to give them everything you have. It's definitely an interesting experience and they definitely always keep you busy with Ford shoots and photo shoots--there's always something. I've learned a lot. I can't wait to sleep! I'm exhausted, but, I'm really really grateful and glad that I got the chance to do it."
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Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
C'est ridicule que Tim soit encore là et que Paige et Didi soit parties! 

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
C'est pas juste le talent. La personalité et le look peut attirer aussi beaucoup de votes. C'est rien de nouveau.Mirianne a écrit : C'est ridicule que Tim soit encore là et que Paige et Didi soit parties!
Si Didi est lesbienne comme la rumeur le veux, ça l'a pas aidé.
À propos, c'est elle il y a quelques années.
Un vrai sosie de Marie-Mai

Dernière modification par DJo-Coeur le ven. avr. 02, 2010 12:45 am, modifié 2 fois.
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
C'est tellement frustrant ! On est au Top 10 et les six gars sont encore là et il ne reste que trois filles 

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 10 Results ~ R&B/Soul (31 mars 2010)
J'ai encore espoir que le top 2 soit Siobhan et Crystal.