American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)

Je déteste le fait que mes préférés se rendent jamais loin ... sa me rapelle la saison 6 avec Haley Scarnato. *Soupir*
Bon, je sais pas si je vais vraiment continuer a suivre la saison... ou si je vais juste me contenter de regarder les perfos de Lee/Aaron sur youtube. Le reste des candidats ne m'a jamais vraiment accroché ... et sans Tim bah ...
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
Finalement ! Il s'est déjà rendu beaucoup trop loin, il a été chanceux de pas avoir été out avant ! 

Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
la semaine prochaine je veux Aaron!!!!!!!!!!! out!!!!!!!!
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
Malgré qu'il s'améliorait dans les dernière semaines, Tim avait fait son temps. Si seulement on peut se débarrasser de Aaron et de Mike dans les deux prochaines semaines...
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
Si Michael et Aaron veulent survivre jusqu'au top4, ils devront définitivement faire un saut artistique majeur. Pour Aaron, je ne pense pas qu'il puisse en si peu de temps réaliser un tel exploi mais pour Michael, je mettrai pas ma main au feu... il a des ressources en lui.
Dernière modification par xilef le jeu. avr. 22, 2010 2:30 pm, modifié 1 fois.
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
Thème et mentor de la procnaine émission d'AI du 27-04-2010
American Idol: Theme for 04/27 [[SPOILER ALERT!]]
April 22, 2010 11:41 AM EDT
views: 45
Next week's theme will be Shania Twain music, and she will be the mentor.
She was already a judge this season, so she either really likes American Idol or she's pushing some product.
Either way, it sounds like country week. Looks good for Aaron, bad for everyone else. Although, every theme seems bad for everyone this year.
http://tododivas.gather.com/viewArticle ... 4978190312" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
American Idol: Theme for 04/27 [[SPOILER ALERT!]]
April 22, 2010 11:41 AM EDT
views: 45
Next week's theme will be Shania Twain music, and she will be the mentor.
She was already a judge this season, so she either really likes American Idol or she's pushing some product.
Either way, it sounds like country week. Looks good for Aaron, bad for everyone else. Although, every theme seems bad for everyone this year.
http://tododivas.gather.com/viewArticle ... 4978190312" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
autre article à ce sujet
Shania Twain tapped to mentor 'American Idol' top 6 on her own songbook
Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts to play results night
Published on Thursday, Apr 22, 2010 By Katie Hasty
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Shania Twain tapped to mentor 'American Idol' top 6 on her own songbook
Shania Twain
The top 6 finalists on “American Idol” better get ready to strap on their boots for a pop-country-themed competition next week. Crystal Bowersox, Lee DeWyze, Casey James, Aaron Kelly, Michael Lynche and Siobhan Magnus will be tackling the Shania Twain songbook next Tuesday (April 27), compliments of mentor Shania Twain.
Chart-topping crew and recent multiple-ACM Award winners Lady Antebellum and country radio faves Rascal Flatts will be performing on results night next Wednesday, the former on “Need You Now,” the latter on “Unstoppable.”
Shania Twain hasn’t released any new music in years, but is rumored to be making a comeback album for 2010. She scored a reality show on Oprah’s cable network, announced earlier this month, and made a special appearance during the Olympics’ opening earlier this year, further fueling activity from the Twain camp. She was also a guest judge during Idol's audition rounds.
http://www.hitfix.com/articles/2010-4-2 ... n-songbook" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Shania Twain tapped to mentor 'American Idol' top 6 on her own songbook
Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts to play results night
Published on Thursday, Apr 22, 2010 By Katie Hasty
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Shania Twain tapped to mentor 'American Idol' top 6 on her own songbook
Shania Twain
The top 6 finalists on “American Idol” better get ready to strap on their boots for a pop-country-themed competition next week. Crystal Bowersox, Lee DeWyze, Casey James, Aaron Kelly, Michael Lynche and Siobhan Magnus will be tackling the Shania Twain songbook next Tuesday (April 27), compliments of mentor Shania Twain.
Chart-topping crew and recent multiple-ACM Award winners Lady Antebellum and country radio faves Rascal Flatts will be performing on results night next Wednesday, the former on “Need You Now,” the latter on “Unstoppable.”
Shania Twain hasn’t released any new music in years, but is rumored to be making a comeback album for 2010. She scored a reality show on Oprah’s cable network, announced earlier this month, and made a special appearance during the Olympics’ opening earlier this year, further fueling activity from the Twain camp. She was also a guest judge during Idol's audition rounds.
http://www.hitfix.com/articles/2010-4-2 ... n-songbook" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Re: American Idol 9 - Top 7 Results ~ Inspirational (21 avril)
Ninty a écrit : Malgré qu'il s'améliorait dans les dernière semaines, Tim avait fait son temps. Si seulement on peut se débarrasser de Aaron et de Mike dans les deux prochaines semaines...

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Amélie Nothomb