Cast the Redemption Island

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Manitou de la Parlotte
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Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »" onclick=";return false;

Mes préférés d'avance en lisant les Biographies sont Stephanie, Francesca.
Et Kristina je crois que je vais soit l'aimer ou la détester, dépend si elle déteste mes autres préférés :)

Disons que les autres... ont pas trop l'air amusant... Jusqu'à date là.
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »

Si vous voulez une meilleure biographie, ici c'est un autre site mais ATTENTION! SPOILER sur les deux contestants manquants:" onclick=";return false;
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 9810
Inscription : mar. mai 05, 2009 10:39 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Zarmela »

Yeah! Une nouvelle Pharmaceutical sales rep!
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Ninty »


Ometepe (orange tribe)


Andrea Boehlke
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Current residence: Random Lake, WI

Andrea may be only 21 years old, but she already has plenty of experience outdoors. ''I've been hunting and camping my whole life. I've shot seven deer and I've also hunted turkeys and lot of different kind of fowl.'' And now she's hunting human game!!! But this natural flirt also hopes to kill with kindness. Does that mean a showmance could be in her future? ''There's really only three [hot] guys. Honestly, I think I've been checking out the girls more.'' Alrighty then!


Ashley Underwood
Age: 26
Occupation: Business owner/model
Current residence: Benton, ME

The former Miss USA competitor has a theory on why pageant girls have had success in this game before. ''Pageant girls are very strategic and very charismatic and I think you have to be likable in this game,'' says Ashley. ''I want to be likable and I want to build relationships with everybody. And through pageants you really have to work on that side of your personality.'' She names Stephenie and Parvati as her favorite players. As for her least favorite? Surprise! It's Russell! ''He's a jerk and I know you can't be everybody's best friend. But he was nobody's friend. Let's be real.''


Francesca Hogi
Age: 35
Occupation: Lawyer
Current residence: Washington, D.C.

Unlike some contestants, Francesca is not here for the experience or the exposure. ''I think that a lot of people come to play Survivor and they're kind of hoping for the best but I'm not hoping for the best. I didn't leave my family and my friends and indoor plumbing and meals at regular intervals to come and live on the beach and hope for the best. I'm here to win.'' This hardcore fan didn't have to think twice when asked about her least favorite contestant: ''Doesn't everyone hate Russell? I mean he's, like, awful. He plays to win. I appreciate that, but ugh, Ewwww. Sorry. He's awful.''


Grant Mattos
Age: 29
Occupation: Personal Trainer/ Former NFL player
Current residence: West Hollywood, CA

This former NFL wide receiver was encouraged by his good friend Natalie Bolton (Survivor: Micronesia) to be on the show, and he claims that, ''I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get to the end. And it's been visualized in my mind. I just need to go ahead and execute that now.'' As for his favorite contestants, he says, ''I liked Ozzy's game a lot and I like Sandra. And I really liked Boston Rob. His way with words was great.'' No shocker then that his least favorite is Russell. ''There was just a vibe there I really didn't like. But I would have loved to have played against him and seen what that was like.''


Kristina Kell
Age: 46
Occupation: Law student
Current residence: Los Angeles, CA

Give Kristina points for having a pretty good idea what fate is awaiting her in the elements. ''I'm expecting to be miserable. I'm expecting to be hungry. I'm expecting to be cold. I'm expecting for my feet and my hands to rot. I'm expecting to be tired and angry and lonely. I'm expecting all of it.'' But unlike, say, NaOnka and Purple Kelly, she won't let that deter her from her goal. ''I'm going to knock every person out one by one until I'm the only one left. I will do everything in my power. I will say anything, do anything, go anywhere. I will faint and throw up before I give up. I have to win. This is it.''


Matthew Elrod
Age: 22
Occupation: Pre-med student
Current residence: Nashville, TN

This Fabio lookalike feels that — like the season 21 winner — he is a secret weapon waiting to explode. ''I believe I'll be an underestimated player out here when in reality I'm probably one of the most dangerous. Because I believe I'm much more intelligent than I appear. And I think I'm going to use that to my advantage. I'm athletic and I've got a good social game and I think everybody's going to have a hard time not liking me. They might see the long blond hair and just say 'Oh, he's just a surfer guy and doesn't really have a thought going through that head of his,' but in reality I'm measuring everybody up and I'm gonna know what's going on.''


Natalie Tenerelli
Age: 19
Occupation: Dancer/student
Current residence: Acton, CA

The teenage beauty had not watched much Survivor before she was cast, but ended up on the show after being on a professional volleyball dance team — don't worry, we have no idea what that is either — with Jennifer Parker of The Amazing Race (season 12). And she's already looking for another young hottie to partner up with. ''I definitely want to align with a girl — a younger girl. Because I feel like if I'm not in an alliance with another girl that they will be jealous of me if say, I'm with two or three other guys.''


Phillip Sheppard
Age: 52
Occupation: CEO, Enterprise Software Sales Group
Current residence: Santa Monica, CA

In what sounds like a plot twist straight out of Xanadu, Phillip was recruited for the show when casting director Lynne Spillman saw him rollerdancing. Philip considers Rupert, Coach, and Boston Rob his favorite players, and insists that being one of twelve siblings will help him get along with large groups in the game. And while he's excited about playing, there is one thing he is not looking forward to about the experience. ''Well, to be candid about it, defecating in an environment where other people could potentially see you or there might be a camera catching you — that's not too exciting.'' (For anyone.)
Dernière modification par Ninty le lun. janv. 10, 2011 9:43 pm, modifié 1 fois.
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Ninty »

Zapatera (purple tribe)


David Murphy
Age: 31
Occupation: Criminal defense attorney
Current residence: Los Angeles, CA

This criminal defense attorney/know-it-all always considers himself the smartest person in the room. Too bad there are no rooms on Survivor! Still, he believes his background will come in handy. ''I have a strategic advantage on the rest of the contestants based on my professional experience and based on my background. I have experience dealing with a variety of people in a variety of stressful situations and I think that gives me a big advantage.'' But will the fact that he had never seen the show before last summer work against him?


Krista Klumpp
Age: 25
Occupation: Pharmaceutical sales rep
Current residence: Fairhope, AL

Krista knows something about being a leader, having been elected head cheerleader at Auburn. ''I am not the type of person to turn down a challenge. I've always been up for a big adventure and I'm pretty strong willed and hard-headed.'' And it seems living in the wild has its advantages! ''I'm actually really excited about not having to wash my hair.'' She counts Parvati as one of her favorite contestants but has no love for her former partner-in-crime, Russell: ''He had zero integrity with some of the moves that he made and some of the lies he told.''


Julie Wolfe
Age: 50
Occupation: Fire department engineer
Current residence: Oceanside, CA

Julie doesn't want to win Survivor. She needs to win. ''Financially, I have to. I'm here for one reason. I'm not here for the fame or the pictures or the glory. I just went through a divorce. I have two daughters at home. The divorce was ugly. I'm paying child support. I'm paying alimony and I have two girls 100 percent of the time and my house is in foreclosure so I'm here to win that million dollars. That's the only reason.'' Her favorite contestant? ''The whole world may hate me, but I like Russell. He's evil. But he played the game.''


Mike Chisel
Age: 31
Occupation: Realtor/ex-military
Current residence: Del Mar, CA

This former solider who saw action in Iraq has the best preparation possible for the rollercoaster ride that is Survivor. ''In warfare you see the absolute best in humanity and you see the absolute worst in humanity. It's a complete dichotomy of sorts. It's 15 minutes of chaos followed by a month of sheer and utter boredom.'' Mike actually applied with a former girlfriend for The Amazing Race, but when she backed out, he ended up on Survivor instead. He counts Rupert as his favorite contestant ever and Russell as his least fave: ''The dude was very watchable, however he just needed to go. I don't know why those tribes kept him in the game."


Ralph Kiser
Age: 45
Occupation: Farmer
Current residence: Lebanon, VA

Ralph got on Survivor the old fashioned way — he applied. And this southern boy may remind some of his favorite player ever, Big Tom. He plans to spread the love in the a point. ''I love everybody. I don't hate nobody. But they got to be losers, 'cause I got to be the winner. I hate to say that but I'm gonna have to get one or two of them to follow me through to the end of the game and can their ass.'' Something to keep an eye on: Ralph claims he can make fire anytime, anywhere. We'll see...


Sarita White
Age: 36
Occupation: Visual effects producer
Current residence: Santa Monica, CA

How did Sarita end up on Survivor? ''They actually found me in Venice Beach. I was taking margaritas to the face.'' And while she counts Parvati as her favorite player (''I love the vixen''), Sarita plans to play much more openly and honestly: ''I'm going into it with a completely open heart, my instinct totally honed in on the other cast members, and I'm really just ready to vibe it out. To play it differently than it's ever been played before — just truly from the heart.'' Sounds great! Whether it gets her past day three is another matter.


Stephanie Valencia
Age: 26
Occupation: Server/student
Current residence: Long Beach, CA

Don't let Stephanie's pint-size stature fool you. ''I am scrappy. A lot scrappier than people think I am. I'm really good at looking cute, but I'm better at kicking ass when I have to.'' (Don't believe her? Then just check out her work in the low budget horror short Zombie Hunter.) And while Survivor is known for its twists, there is one Stephanie was hoping not to see on Redemption Island: ''I know what I wouldn't want to see is other Survivors from past seasons, cause I saw Guatemala and that really annoyed me. I would be kind of like, 'This is my Survivor. You already did yours. This isn't All-Stars. Why are you still here?' That would really irritate me.'' Well, prepare to be irritated, Stephanie.


Steve Wright
Age: 51
Occupation: Former NFL player
Current residence: Huntington Beach, CA

A 13-year NFL veteran, Steve played on the same Dallas Cowboys team as Survivor: Guatemala's Gary Hogeboom, but he lists Tom Westman as his contestant of choice. As someone who values ''honesty'' and ''integrity,'' Steve's pick for least favorite Survivor is pretty obvious. ''Russell was a little idiot. I would have voted him out. I would have done everything I could to get that punk out of there early. He was a cancer in the camp and I don't understand how they put up with it. But hopefully that doesn't happen in our camp. I'm going to do my best to keep things clean and straight.''
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »

Les gens font tellement pensé a d'autres des autres saisons, comme Matthew = Fabio par exemple. Kristina me fait un peu penser à Corinne, mais selon moi soit elle va être éliminé au début ou elle va être la méchante de la saison.
Dernière modification par Citron500 le lun. janv. 10, 2011 9:50 pm, modifié 1 fois.
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Ninty »

9 filles, 7 gars. Ils pensent vraiment qu'on sait pas faire le calcul? Ptit indice : les deux joueurs qui retournent, ce sont 2 gars... :gla:
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »

Lol je sais c'est qui. :) PIs c'est moi ou tous les gars castés ont lair un peu vieux?? La plus part là...
Dernière modification par Citron500 le lun. janv. 10, 2011 9:56 pm, modifié 1 fois.
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Pacm »

pu vraiment besoin de cacher le nom des 2 concurrents secrets, j'pense que tout le monde est au courant maintenant que c'est Hunter et Dreamz
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Caïd de la Causette
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Inscription : lun. mai 11, 2009 9:43 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Liam »

Le cast à l'air spécial, mais je me trompe toujours d'habitude en pré-saison avec le premier jugement des candidats ! J'ai déjà hâte au 16 Février pour les voir :P !
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Ninty »

Un + pour moi cette saison, seulement 18 participants, et 16 d'eux sont de nouveaux joueurs. Moins il y a de monde, mieu c'est. J'ai toujours trouvé que 20 participants c'est trop.
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 8357
Inscription : lun. janv. 17, 2005 1:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par ornitho-max »

Je sens que je vais détester Kristina. lol

Krista: Natalie wannabe?

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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »









(NaOnka #2 :) :))
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »














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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 26673
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Zoukie »

Citron500 a écrit : Les gens font tellement pensé a d'autres des autres saisons, comme Matthew = Fabio par exemple. Kristina me fait un peu penser à Corinne, mais selon moi soit elle va être éliminé au début ou elle va être la méchante de la saison.

Oui bien après 21 saisons,c'est normal qu'à la 22ème...Y'a des similitudes à faire avec d'autres joueurs ! :lol:
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Intronisé au Panthéon
Messages : 26673
Inscription : mer. avr. 02, 2003 1:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Zoukie »

Ninty a écrit : Un + pour moi cette saison, seulement 18 participants, et 16 d'eux sont de nouveaux joueurs. Moins il y a de monde, mieu c'est. J'ai toujours trouvé que 20 participants c'est trop.

Moi aussi je préfere quand il y en a moins ! Sinon je ne me rappele pas des premiers et ca me prend plusieurs semaines à me souvenir de tous et chacun...
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »

Je suis assez accro pour tous les connaître avant même que ça commence. =X
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Citron500 »

Et oui, et oui... sur mon Facebook ça bel et bien été ANNONCÉ 43 minutes auparavant:

Si vous voulez le savoir le 16 février regardez pas... mais c'est annoncé officiellement qui sont les deux castaways mystères:
Rob & Russel.... *Roll eyes* ... PWC2ldUh-k" onclick=";return false;

C'est bien ce que je me disais, il n'a toujours pas changé...
j'ai hâte qu'il se fasse botté le cul! (En assumant que c'est
impossible qu'il gagne avec l'attitude qu'il a dans la vidéo.
Dernière modification par Citron500 le jeu. janv. 13, 2011 11:01 am, modifié 2 fois.
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11138
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Pacm »

les bios de Rob et Russell ont été rajoutées officiellement sur le site de CBS


Rob Mariano (33)
Current Residence: Pensacola, Fla.
Previous Seasons: "Survivor: Marquesas," "Survivor: All-Stars" and "Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains"

Rob Mariano, more commonly know as "Boston" Rob, returns to SURVIVOR: REDEMPTION ISLAND with one goal in mind: to win. "It's like I have been climbing this mountain for almost ten years now, and I'm not gonna quit until I get to the top." One of Rob's most defining characteristics is his determination. In 2000, he woke up the day of the Boston Marathon and decided to run it as an unofficial entry with absolutely no training and finished.

After growing up in Boston and graduating from Boston University, Rob met his wife, fellow castaway Amber Brkich, during "Survivor: All-Stars" and proposed to her during the live finale. Rob and Amber are happily married and living in Pensacola, Florida with their two daughters, Lucia Rose and Carina Rose.

Why will SURVIVOR: REDEMPTION ISLAND be different? "I feel like I have done my best every time I played and I have always done what I said I was gonna do. I mean, I played this game three times. A lot has gone wrong every time. IÂ’m hoping that this time I can make something go right."


Russell Hantz (38)
Current Residence: Dayton, Texas
Previous Seasons: "Survivor: Samoa" and "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains"

Russell Hantz was a first time castaway only 2 years ago, but has quickly become one of the most notorious villains to every play Survivor. He returns to SURVIVOR: REDEMPTION ISLAND more prepared than ever before. "I'm ready for this. I'm more ready for this than I ever have been."

As a self-made millionaire who built his business by working hard, speaking his mind and stepping on anyone who got in his way, Russell will do anything to win the game of Survivor. He is known for back-stabbing his allies, lying and cheating, but he is proud of his title as a villain. "The image that I have as a villain, thatÂ’s fine with me because this is how I play the game." Only time will tell if this strategy will pay off or if once again he will come up short.

What does he think of SURVIVOR: REDEMPTION ISLAND? "It's gonna be history. Survivor history!"
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 6113
Inscription : sam. avr. 10, 2004 12:00 am

Re: Cast the Redemption Island

Message par Ninty »

Rob est ok, 4 saisons ca commence a être beaucoup, mais je le trouve encore intéressant alors pourquoi pas. Russell, juste avec le vidéo de présentation il me tombe plus que jamais sur les nerfs...

Et puis j'ai comme un sentiment que le monde commencent a comprendre que Russell est genre le plus gros "goat" ever on Survivor. Juste pour ca j'ai peur que certain (certaine?) s'aligne avec lui, parce que c'est une victoire facile avoir Russell avec toi dans le final 2/3... Oh well!

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