Survivor One World episode 2
NaOnkaaaaa elle me manque lol
:P Mais jai limpression que Sabrina pourrait être 4th, je sais pas, j'espère qu'elle va plus loin que ça xD Hahahaha

Dernière modification par Citron500 le lun. févr. 27, 2012 5:02 pm, modifié 1 fois.
Re: Survivor One World episode 2
According to San Diego 100.7 Jack FM, Survivor One World contestant Leif Manson was arrested early this morning outside the San Diego Zoo for drunken disorderly conduct and assault on a child. According to witnesses, Leif was upset for having to ride the children's bumper cars when he did not reach the height requirement for the adult bumper car ride. "I've never seen such an angry person" said witness Toby Flenderson, "he was cursing and making obscene gestures at the recreation staff." When Leif got into his bumper car he became a reckless menace, ramming his car into a terrified six year old, shouting the F word amongst other slurred curse words. The frightened six year old suffered a bit of whiplash and was taken to a local hospital. Leif failed his breathalyzer test and was taken to the SD Zoo holding cell until city police arrived. Before entering the police vehicle Leif was allegedly crying and begging the cops to shoot him. "I can't even ride on the fucking adult bumper cars. FUCK YOU GOD. FUCK THIS CITY. FUCK EVERYONE." Leif has been placed on suicide watch at the San Diego Harbor Police Department. Si vous avez finit de lire, cliquer sur le carré noir: stune farce lol. xD Je lai trouver quelque part pis je les trouver vraiment drole :P
- Stagiaire
- Messages : 94
- Inscription : lun. oct. 24, 2011 2:05 pm
Tu as tout a fait raison, en fait j'ai fait une erreur, ce n'est pas dans Vanuatu mais plutôt Fiji lorsque Moto a pris le truc de se pencher (squat), à partir de ce principe je me suis dis les plus petit en dernier et les plus grand en premier. Mais bon les plus stables qui restent le plus longtemps, c'est logique.Pacm a écrit : l'ordre des gars à la poutre etait bon, ils ont mis les moins stables en premier pour qu'ils soient tassés le plus vite possible