SYTUCD nouvelle saison 2012

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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : mar. oct. 11, 2005 12:00 am

SYTUCD nouvelle saison 2012

Message par Tibibi »

Yessssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!! Les auditions de jeudi, 24 mai étaient tellement bonnes. J'en ai pleuré tout comme plusieurs dans la salle durant le numéro de l'exorciste.
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Manitou de la Parlotte
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Re: SYTUCD nouvelle saison 2012

Message par NicoNico »

J'ai bien aimé aussi les auditions, et l'exorciste était vraiment que dire de la petite ballerine en rose...tellement mignonne!
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13825
Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

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Intronisé au Panthéon
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Re: SYTUCD nouvelle saison 2012

Message par Ziggy »

Ça passe à quel poste?
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 16133
Inscription : mar. oct. 11, 2005 12:00 am

Message par Tibibi »

Ziggy a écrit : Ça passe à quel poste?
à CTV et à FOX
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13825
Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13825
Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13825
Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

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Immortel du Domaine
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Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

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Intronisé au Panthéon
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Inscription : mar. févr. 10, 2004 1:00 am

Message par Ziggy »

Tibibi a écrit : [...]

à CTV et à FOX

merci! Je vais regarder si je les ai :lol:
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 13825
Inscription : mer. janv. 07, 2009 12:07 pm

Message par xilef »

So You Think You Can Dance Season 9 Episode 5 Recap: Top 20 Revealed
Jun 27 2012 10:43 pm ET

Slow motion dancing reminds us that 35 dancers have made it through Vegas but only 20 made it through. The classy Cat Deeley walked out to our familiar stage, only lighting and projection seems to have upgraded, which is a shame because I missed the original stage. It's also the 200th Episode and do you know what the show's doing to celebrate? Nothing.

Our "Experts" Mary Murphy and Nigel Lythgoe were joined by the useless and adorkable Zooey Deschanel who was speechless the whole time. Well, she ranks pretty high for the most useless guest judge. Maybe she should ask Siri for critiques. Nigel reminds us that there's no results show this season and that there would be two winners, one male, and the other female.

Cat waited with the contestants in the holding room as she wondered who would be "In or Out." What is this, Project Runway?

Contemporary Dancers - Alexa was first, considering that she was the last to know last season the producers thought it was fitting enough for her to not suffer any more. She was horribly exposed last week that I've already grown tired of her, but Tyce revealed that she was in. She was followed by George and giant Will and Amber.

I thought the dance choreographed by Tyce was awkward with the bench work. The choreography wasn't the best thing that Tyce ever created and it should have made the contemporary dancers look better, but they just looked under-prepared. Alexa looked different with eyeliner which was a good thing; something less naive. Will was warned to move faster because of how he lumbered around.

Ballroom - Salt Lake City provided our three remaining Latin dancers. Nick was a lock because he was the only male ballroom dancer; the crying helped display his emotions. He's an ugly crier, but his tears were turned to happiness when he was in. Whitney and Lindsay knew that they would be friends no matter what. Cat sent them down the green mile together and while Mary tried to fake them out, both were in.

Dear Dancing with the Stars, this is how to correctly do a trio dance. While I couldn't tell the blondes apart, the dance smoldered sex. I'm hoping that they will wear different colors or something in the future. The dance was sexy, up until they slipped in a section that was a jive kick that didn't work for me. I understand that jive is part of Latin, but the way it was used veered too close to quickstep. Nick was warned to be better grounded.

Classical/Technical - Eliana used the word "clusterball" and the producers immediately gave us a montage of her giving faces. Debbie announced that she was in, blue suede shoes and all. Daniel and Chehon were both ballet dancers, but had opposite Vegas journeys. Chehon was forgettable but ended with a huge bang. Daniel was amazing all through the week but his solo was boring. On paper that would mean that Daniel understood choreography, which I think is a more useful quality. Both made it through.

We actually got to watch an actual ballet routine? I'm shocked and amazed by the technicality; then the music shifted to an intense speed. It was good until I think the music got almost too fast. Eliana's skirt was insane as well. Desmond Richardson and Dwight need to be commended. Am I the only one that was staring at the guys with lightning bolts on their crotches to cover up their bulges for television? Probably.

Jazz - The similar curly-haired brunettes Tiffany (the spicy one) and Audrey (the shoulder farter) both made it through even though I can't tell the difference between the two. Audrey squealed "Are you for sure?" and proceeded to call her mom sounding like a naive five-year-old. Janelle, the belly dancer, showed star quality; Adam pointed out how unique a belly dancer was and instantly welcomed her into the top 20. She then proceeds to slam her head into the door. Janelle was sick and couldn't dance anything.

Sonya Tayeh had to retool her routine for just Audrey and Tiffany. It reminded me of previous Sonya dances, but there seemed to be more nerves in both girls; there was less assurance in their footing. I think that Janelle deserved a belly dance solo. It would have been funny if that was the reason she didn't dance was because of that.

Contemporary (Again) - Joshua Alexander was in tears in the holding room. He never performed his final solo because of his backflip and then got cut. That's just mean. Matthew (the Ryan Gosling look-alike) made it through as he mimed walking through a door. Thanks Mary; that was one of dumbest announcements. Dareian, who had lousy brick-feet, made it through along with LA dreamer Janaya. The final two girls were Emilia (Silent Movie) who struggled with choreography and the "stunning" Jill Johnson. As Janaya ran through it floored the two girls that they would be the only ones left. Tyce told that they were looking for a risk and were looking for "star quality" and allowed Emilia in.

Stacey Tookey's routine put Tyce to shame. I loved the sharpness that was contrasted by smooth lifts and really nice transitions.

Other (Male) - There are seven men left all with different abilities. Mary allowed Cole (Martial Arts Fusion) into the top 20 with a few karate chops. In an interesting twist both tappers were eliminated, leaving the space for stepper Brandon. Only last space left was stuck between Feliciano and Cyrus. If it wasn't for the insane amount of Cyrus coverage, I wouldn't have believed that he could make it through. Nigel called Cyrus "original" and was the last one in.

The three oddballs had a Christopher Scott routine, but it seemed more like mini solos. This led me to wonder more about Janelle not being able to belly dance. It's actually thrilling to watch a hodgepodge of different styles.

Top Ten Girls - Travis Wall - Travis somehow had the door from Season 4's "Mercy" routine, but this time instead of drunken lovers it was about sprits going to the afterlife. He then added difficulty seeing the potential in the women. I don't know why Cat kept saying "ten" when there were only nine. The routine was flowing and nice, a few levels of height kicked in. The weird crawling monster at the end confused me, but it was pretty in that Travis Wall way.

Top Ten Guys - Sonya Tayeh - Sonya apparently talks while clapping for emphasis. She proceeded to force the men to take off their shirts and then pair together. I actually thought this was one of Sonya's more original routines, not just because of the odd costuming. The paired dancing actually wasn't as gay as Sonya made it sound on paper. I found it interesting that Cyrus didn't have to do any of the hard paired leaps.

Top 20 (aka 19) - I liked the concept because it wasted a lot of time with dancer sunglass reveals and the technique of getting so many people on a stage without any issues. It covered the lack of Janelle well giving both Brandon and Cyrus. The end seemed like a bit of a blur of people, but it again covered up Cyrus well. Then the shot went to Mia Michaels. I'm not sure if I was more confused by her choice in glasses or her hair.

In two weeks the competition will begin. Let's hope Janelle will have recovered by then.

Michael Pascua -

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