Voting Confessional ranking

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Messages : 8357
Inscription : lun. janv. 17, 2005 1:00 am

Voting Confessional ranking

Message par ornitho-max »

J'ai fait un ranking des 30 meilleurs voting confessionals Je n'ai sûrement oublié une tonne.

Voting confessionnal ranking
1- Queen gets dethroned and a lightning will strike a lone tree at the top of a mountain faster than anything. Scout Voting for Ami.


3- Dragon slayed: Erinn voting for Coach

4- There’s an old proverb: a wise men knows much and says little. A fool knows little and says far too much. Shii ann to Robb.

5- Is that a revenge vote? Hell Yeah. Jerri to Colby

6- I’ll write your name down again and if I’m the final 2 you still gonna give me the million dollar. Sandra to Rupert.

7- You’re the black widow, king cobra, black mamba all rolled into one. Marty to Brenda

8- I’m voting for you for a 3rd time this game. You’re like the cockroach that won’t die under the refrigerator. Eliza to Twila

9- You should have known better then to have mess with the biggest bachelor in New York: Sash to Shannon

10- You’re pretty good a hiding you nasty side, but when your true color comes out. They’re no part of any rainbow I’ve ever seen. Ami to Scout

11- When you snore at night time that sounds like somebody is choking a walrus. Courtney to Jean-Robert.

12- Nananana, hey hey goodbye. Rob C. To Roger.

13- My mother always told me. You may not be able to beat them with these all the time (pointing her arms) but you can always beat them with this (pointing her head). Cirie to Erik.

14- You’re a disgusting old, chauvinistic, alcoholic, idiot and you need to grow up before you die alone…. And you’re a loser. Sugar to Randy.

15- Last week I took care of the dragon, this week I need to take care of his bride. Good night sweet princess. Coach to Sierra.

16- This is my love letter to you, since you tried to vote me out. I figured I should return the favor. Parvati to J.T.

17- Checkmate bra. Though you had me. Tell you anytime you go to Vegas beat on black. Sean voting for John

18- This vote is not strategic, it’s strictly personal. Randy to Susie

19- I tough I was the dumbest survivor ever. James to Jason

20- First time for Paranoia, second time for irritation and third time because my ear infection is clearing up Greg to Jenna L.

21- You’re a grown man, consider name change. Lisi to Dreamz

22- You may be the golden boy but I’m platinum. Brian C. to Blake.

23- Au revoir, Adios, Aviderici , Sayonara. Or as we say in Boston: see ya later. Rob to Alicia

24- I hope your time here have helped your future modeling career. Edna to Mikayla.

25- Goodbye sweetheart. It’s time to go (singing). No more competition. Richard to Greg.

26- If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned. Russel to Marissa

27- In the spirit of the Olympics, let the games begins. Tina for Michell

28- All mass no class. Tom to James

29- It’s time for the dark horse to ride into the sunset. Ian to Gregg

30- If you were dying of Thirst in the desert. Everyone of us will give you a drink of water. Maralyn to Kel
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 11137
Inscription : mar. sept. 16, 2003 12:00 am

Re: Voting Confessional ranking

Message par Pacm »

Fuck you. Jonny Fairplay à Shawn
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Manitou de la Parlotte
Messages : 1585
Inscription : mar. mai 12, 2009 8:30 pm

Re: Voting Confessional ranking

Message par Citron500 »

"It has nothing to do with the color of your skin, Phil, you are one crazy dude" - julie to philip

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