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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Le Top 20 Wednesday Oct. 8 at 8pm ET - Page 2
Page 2 sur 3

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 3:23 pm
par ornitho-max
cool Nicolas et Arassay ! couple idéal pour moi . mon preferé gars et ma préféré fille ensemble.

bon j'ai pas vraiment de mémoire pour les autres qui ont passés. Mais ça va quand meme assez bien

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 3:26 pm
par ornitho-max
c'est vrai que Romina à outshiner mais la chorégraphie a pas aidé dario il était en arrière d'elle un bon moment

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 3:55 pm
par ornitho-max
bottom 3

Isaak + Kaitlyn
Joey + Tamina

pis jsais pas là lol. je veux pas que Tamina quitte je l'ai adoré au audition!

la voix de l'animatrice de tappe sur les nerfs

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 3:56 pm
par felix
mon classement

1- Vincent-Lisa

2- Alli-Danny

3.  Arassay - Nico

4. Romina-Dario

5. Miles-Laura

6. Kathlyn- Izaak

7. Caroline - Jesse

8. Kevin-Natalli

9. Joey- Tamina

10. Bre-Francis

7. --Message edité par felix le 2008-10-08 21:57:38--

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 4:54 pm
par Ninty
Mes votes vont à Lisa & Vincent. Superbe performance. Et je trouve que c'est le couple le plus balancé.

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 5:39 pm
par NightFall
wow je sens quon va avoir une belle saison!!!

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 5:45 pm
par felix
NightFall  a écritwow je sens quon va avoir une belle saison!!!  

Sans être aussi chauvin de Jean-Marc "canada" Généreux, je dirais qu'il y de très bon potentiel chez plusieurs gars et filles....

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 6:52 pm
par koukini19
WOW le show de ce soir était SUPER!!! J'suis vraiment impressionnée! Pour ma part je ne noterai pas les 10 couples, mais je dirais que mon top 3 serait:

1- Danny & Allie, mes favorits! Je les trouve trop cute ensemble, ils sont vraiment bons et ont donné toute une performance!!!
2- Vincent & Lisa, ont fait une performance excellente! Vraiment Hot!
3- Nicolas & Arassay, ils étaient aussi très bons et j'adore la salsa et les mooves de Arassay!!!

Publié : mer. oct. 08, 2008 7:20 pm
par Zoukie
Je suis pas mal sur que Nico était un danseur pour La Fureur!

Sinon ce soir,Vincent et Lisa ont planté tout le monde!

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 2:03 am
par felix
Citation :The Top 20 Hit the Stage for the First Time
Updated Thu. Oct. 9 2008 1:05 AM ET

Lindsay Zier-Vogel, CTV.ca

The Top 20 took the stage by storm and wowed the audience and judges with their dynamic dancing. The audience was ecstatic and brought colourful signs complete with sparkly letters and fantastic illustrations to cheer on their favourite competitors.

Not only are the dancers hoping to win the competition and the title of Canada's favourite dancer, the lucky winner will also win $100,000 and a brand new Mercedes C2-30.

The Top 20 were divided into ten couples. They picked a dance style out of a hat and then worked with a choreographer. After the live show, viewers vote for their favourite couples and the three couples with the fewest votes will have to dance for their lives during the results show on Thursday.

Getting Started

The Top 10 girls entered first dressed in glittering reds and pinks, with the Top 10 guys following them in blue. After strutting their stuff on the stage for the very first time, they left to get ready backstage.

Next up, host Leah Miller introduced the judges: King of hip-hop Luther Brown, Mr. Dance himself, Blake McGrath, Urban dance queen Tré Armstrong and ballroom dance champion, Jean Marc Genereux.

It has been a long journey to get to the Top 20 and we got to look back through highlights from the dancers' auditions.

Salsa: Arassay Reyes, 21, South Surrey, B.C., and Nico Archambault, 23, Montreal, Que.

Arassay and Nico were the first up with a spicy salsa routine, but before they performed, audiences got a glimpse of their rehearsals at Canada's National Ballet School with choreographer, Gustavo Vargas.

From the get-go, Arassay felt comfortable in the genre, though as a hip-hop and contemporary dancer, Nico was a little more hesitant.

"They work hard and they're committed," Gustavo said. Nico's confidence grew during the rehearsal process and Gustavo was confident they were going to "kill it."

Their salsa moves were hot and spicy, "muy caliente," according to both Leah and Tré.

Luther was the first judge up and said, "That was a great way to open the show!" Blake followed and got the crowd cheering. "This is what it's about!" he yelled.

Tré said Nico was fierce and Jean Marc loved the Cuban motion in Arassay's hips.

Hip-hop: Natalli Reznik, 28, Toronto, Ont., and Kevin Mylrea, 22, Westbank, B.C.

Next up, Natalli and Kevin met with choreographer Tanisha Scott to start their hip-hop routine. As a contemporary dancer, Kevin was slightly out of his element and Natalli's challenge was picking up choreography.

Where Kevin had the timing, Natalli had the flavour, Tanisha said. "We need to get them on the same page," she added.

Even though their timing wasn't as tight as it could've been, their military-inspired costumes impressed the judges. Luther loved the energy, and appreciated that Kevin just went for it, even though hip-hop wasn't his genre. "Ya'll got to dance in the ground," he noted, and Tré echoed this, "Your boots have to be heavier."

Blake said the performance was alright, but thought the energy died halfway through, and Jean Marc was impressed with the commitment of the couple.

Smooth Waltz: Breanne Wong, 25, Ajax, Ont., and Francis Lafrenière, 28, St. Bruno, Que.

The trick to a smooth waltz is creating the illusion of making the complicated steps look smooth and easy and choreographer Amy Wright was excited to work with the dancers on perfecting that illusion.

During rehearsals, Bre and Francis were especially nervous about a move Amy dubbed, "the dead man's drop," but during the performance it was seamless.

Francis' ballroom background was an asset in this partnership as Bre learned the basics of partnering. "I didn't even know how to hold someone's hand before this week," she said.

Luther didn't get goose bumps, much to the audience's dismay, and felt that they were holding back. Blake wanted stronger lines and necklines and again, the audience wasn't impressed with Blake's comments. "You can boo if you want, I have a louder mic," he joked.

Tré enjoyed the routine, though wished it could have been smoother and Jean Marc thought Francis carried Bre throughout their routine.

Jive: Allie Bertram, 18, Calgary, Alta., and Danny Arbour, 26, Montreal, Que.

Ballerina Allie and Latin dancer Danny were up next and had a lot of fun rehearsing with choreographer Melissa Williams. This number was an old-school jive, Melissa noted, "More rockabilly, 50s-style."

During their rehearsals, Melissa said the dancers still had a lot of cleaning up to do with the movement, but said, "They're really taking care of each other."

The lifts, that Danny was nervous about during rehearsals, went off without a hitch and both Allie and Danny were all smiles after their performance.

Their sharp, clean routine unanimously wowed all four of the judges. "I love it," Luther said. "This is the level we need to see!"

Blake and Tré were also fans and said it was their favourite number of the night so far.

The dancers beamed as the audience cheered and Jean Marc noted the chemistry between the pair. "This is what the show's all about."

Theatre: Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, 18, Loretto, Ont., and Izaak Smith, 19, Prince George, B.C.

The following pair was contemporary dancers, Kaitlyn and Izaak. Choreographer Sean Cheesman was slightly worried that they were the youngest people in the competition. "They're going to have to grow up really fast to do this number," he said.

The "touchy-feely" component of the routine was a challenge, but the dancers thought they'd be able to pull it together before the show.

This flashy number saw Kaitlyn costumed in a sequined red flapper dress with matching fishnets and Izaak in a tie, vest and fedora.

Luther liked the facials, but thought they could have been more exaggerated, and though Blake enjoyed it, he agreed with Sean and wanted a stronger, sexier connection between them.

Tré loved Kaitlyn's presence, but didn't quite believe Izaak's commitment. Jean Marc loved Sean's choreography and thought Kaitlyn was sassy, though Izaak wasn't quite engaging enough for him.

Contemporary: Lisa Auguste, 27, Rexdale, Ont., and Vincent Noiseux, 22, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.

Choreographer Stacey Tookey was excited about creating a contemporary routine for Lisa and Vincent. "It's adding a human quality to a technical style of dance," Stacey says of the genre.

Lisa and Vincent were in their element as contemporary dancers. "It's got to be as far as we can push them, as far as she can fall, as far as he can throw her," Stacey said. This dance was about pushing their dancing past the limits and took a lot of trust.

The judges enjoyed this dynamic routine, with its lifts, solo movement and unison segments. "I love watching you two dance," Luther started and Blake thanked the dancers for their performance. "You took us on a journey and that's what dance is all about," he said.

Tré thought Lisa and Vincent were the most technically strong dancers of the night so far and Jean Marc added, "That was a magical moment." All four judges noted their exceptional technique and emotional investment.

Disco: Lara Smythe, 25, Toronto, Ont., and Miles Faber, 21, Calgary, Ont.

Next up, Contemporary dancer Lara and popper Miles worked with choreographer Melissa Williams on a fast and fun disco routine.

The routine wasn't anywhere near polished during the rehearsals, but both Miles and Lara were confident they'd have it ready. Dressed in a short turquoise dress with white boots, Lara took to the stage and channelled disco fever where Miles got the audience cheering with his hip thrusts.

Though the piece, according to Melissa, was about teenagers when they're first starting to get to know each other, Lara and Miles took it to the next level, surprising the audience and judges with a full-on kiss.

Luther liked the performance and thought it was a lot of fun. Even though he saw a few slip-ups from both, Blake gave them the fun award of the night.

Jean Marc thought Lara could break loose a little more. And though he is a popper and could have been out of his element, the judges noted Miles's confidence on stage. "Miles, you came miles from the Green Mile," Tré joked.

Hip-hop: Romina D'Ugo, 22, Toronto, Ont., and Dario Milard, 19, St. Hubert, Que.

Romina and Dario chose hip-hop and started rehearsing with choreographer Tanisha Scott on a dance where Dario played a business man with Romina as an innocent tease in a cat-and-mouse game.

This sexy routine started off with Dario in a headstand and Romina in a maid's outfit which Jean Marc especially loved. "Hot, hot, hot!" Leah said as soon as they finished.

All of the judges agreed that Romina dominated the routine and wanted Dario to have a stronger presence. Luther also wanted Dario to tighten up his moves.

"I couldn't take my eyes off you," Blake said to Romina and said to Dario, "You let her eat you alive."

Tré agreed that Romina outshone Dario's dancing, even though she loved his movement and Jean Marc appreciated that Dario's movement had a lot of texture and wanted him to step up for their next performance.

Tango: Tamina Pollack-Paris, 19, Toronto, Ont., and Joey Matt, 19, Calgary, Alta.

Next up, Tamina and Joey rehearsed their tango routine with choreographer Gustavo Vargas. "With tango, you have to bring the passion," Gustavo said.

Joey said the most challenging part for him was spinning Tamina into a lift and then sliding her through his legs. Tamina was nervous about this very same move.

Tamina's sequined outfit wowed all of the judges, though the consensus was that their connection was slightly lacking.

"It looked a little bit messy," Blake said and Luther agreed. Tré loved the look of the performance, though she warned Joey to command Tamina more strongly. Jean Marc loves Tamina's sexiness, but thought Joey needed to find a stronger connection with his partner.

Jazz: Caroline Torti, 23, Oakville, Ont., and Jesse Catibog, 29, Toronto, Ont.

Last, but certainly not least, were dancers Caroline and Jesse who learned a jazz number by choreographer Clarence Ford.

In the rehearsals for this retro-jazz-pop routine, the dancers struggled with their lifts, though they believed they were going to "rock it."

After their dance, costumed like members of the Jackson 5 in afros and orange bell bottoms, Luther thought that though they are two of the strongest dancers on the show, he saw a lot of mistakes. Tré, Jean Marc and Blake, however, appreciated the entertainment value that ended the show.

Highlights of the Night

Luther's highlight of the show was Allie and Danny's jive routine. Blake loved Lisa and Vincent's contemporary number. Tré appreciated the unlikely pairings of Romina and Dario and Caroline and Jesse, where Jean Marc loved Arassay and Nico's salsa that started the evening.

What a fantastic show, but on Thursday, two dancers will be eliminated. Who will stay and who will go? Cast your votes and tune in tomorrow for a wild group number along with six solos.

voir les photos sur le site

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Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 2:06 am
par felix
les gars....

les filles ...

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 2:09 am
par felix
mon top3 de la soirée d'hier

Nico and Arassay start off the night with a spicy salsa

Danny and Allie dance their hearts out.

Vincent catches Lisa.

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 2:10 am
par felix
Bravo aux gars du Québec... j'aurais tellement voulu aussi des filles du Québec...snif!

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 2:15 am
par felix
The Top 20 choreographers: Amy Wright, Clarence Ford, Tanisha Scott, Gustavo Vargas, Stacey Tookey, Sean Cheesman and Melissa Williams.

Our esteemed judges: Jean Marc Genereux, Tre Armstrong, Blake McGrath and Luther Brown

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 3:04 am
par NightFall
mes ca fait du bien de voir des nouveaux chorégraphes ils étaient vraiment fort!!!!

Et nos danseurs québecois nous représente tu bien un peu c'est débile!!!!!!!!

Lisa et Allie m'ont VRAIMENT impressionnés là wowww vraiment!!!!!!

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 3:12 am
par LeeLou
Zoukie  a écritJe suis pas mal sur que Nico était un danseur pour La Fureur!

Sinon ce soir,Vincent et Lisa ont planté tout le monde! C'est ce que je me disais , ainsi que professeur a S-A un bref instant...

Nicolas Archambault

Nicolas Archambault a fait éloge de son art dans plusieurs spectacles musicaux dont Night Fever, Elvis Story et Joe Dassin. Il a également dansé avec de nombreux artistes dont Caroline Néron, Corneille et Lorie et, à la télévision, pour l’émission La Fureur et Music Hall 2. En plus d’avoir collaboré en tant que professeur invité à Star Académie, Nicolas Archambault collabore à Révélations et ce, depuis 2002. Ses ateliers sont toujours très appréciés des candidats.

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 3:46 am
par William
j'ai adoré le show .. !!! vraiment la qualité de danseur WOW !!

Lisa et Vincent étaient incroyable .. mes numéro 1 de l'émission!

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 4:06 am
par NicoNico
J'ai les même coup de coeur que Félix, avec en no 1 Vincent et Lisa quelle belle corégraphie.

J'aime bien le groupe à date, je trouve les danseurs plus respectueux lors des commentaires, à l'écoute et en général plus expressifs lors des no. que leurs confrères américains.

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 9:04 am
par bizou37
j'ai les mêmes coups de coeur que toi Félix  
j'ai même miser quelques votes hier

merci pour les articles

Publié : jeu. oct. 09, 2008 3:48 pm
par Melsy4
Zoukie  a écritJe suis pas mal sur que Nico était un danseur pour La Fureur!

Sinon ce soir,Vincent et Lisa ont planté tout le monde!

Je l'ai mentionné a quelques reprise pour Nico... Il a été effectivement danseur pour La Fureur et aussi d'autre évènements musicals!