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LE DOMAINE BLEU • Entrevues - "Fans of Reality TV" - «MAGGIE & IVETTE»
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Publié : jeu. sept. 22, 2005 9:30 am
par Sweet Angel
Voici les entrevues de «Maggie & Ivette» avec "Fans of Reality TV" :


http://www.fansofrealitytv.com/forums/s ... hp?t=48942


http://www.fansofrealitytv.com/forums/s ... hp?t=48959

Publié : jeu. sept. 22, 2005 9:55 am
par Sweet Angel
Comme «Ivette» semble avoir la mémoire courte sur ses propos racistes envers «Kaysar», entre autres, quelqu'un est allé cherché dans les archives de "Jokers" certains commentaires d'une seule journée :


From Jokers Archives 7/14:

Ivette: I was like "Look at the f-ing dumb blonde!"
07/14/05 07:24 PM

Ivette: If he was just a dirt bag, like Michael, I would trust him more. But since he preaches the Quaran, I hate him even more. I can't stand him.

Jen: Kaysar has had a lot of body odor lately.
Ivette: If he was just a dirt bag, like Michael, I would trust him more. But since he preaches the Quaran, I hate him even more. I can't stand him.
Jen: Somebody asked him a question the other day and he couldn't answer it (about Quaran?)
Ivette: Obviously your little friend Michael didn't vote for you, he voted for Ashlea.
Jen: Don't think he did it on purpose? So Ashlea wouldn't feel bad.
Ivette: He came into the bedroom one day raging about her. He came in raging. You should've seen him that day.
Jen: And the next day they were flirting like crazy.
Ivette: They're all 3 dirtbags. Eventually we're all going to have to play the game. Right now, you know, we don't have to.

Ivette: That is why I said you know what? Give the Gold Room to the dirtbags.

Jen: I am scared to go to the wrap party.
Sarah: Why?
Jen: Because he's going to see how we all talked about us, he'll slit our throats.
Ivette: I hope his mother is embarrassed.

Ivette: I have yet to say anything bad about anybody else. Anything I have to say, I say to their faces. (OMG)

Ivette, April, James in Bathroom
07/14/05 06:54 PM

A: You know who he really needs to put up Michael and Janelle, because they are on each other's team.
I: He said we're gonna talk.
I: I want Kaysar to beg; to become desperate. I want him to become petty for being such a dirt bag.
A: Uh huh.
A: You don't think he'll feel safe?
I: No. No.

A: No, they're saying Michael did (voted for Kaysar)
J: Sarah is worried you will think it was her that voted for Kaysar.
I: No, no.
James: So can I tell him?
A: We told her. (Janelle)

James: There is something that Eric and I have to work out before this.
I: Which is why I said, we should POV, then put him up (Mike)

James: I know you guys hate to wait, but just give us the night.
I: I would love to see Kaysar begging all week for being such a scumbag.

::::Beau enters ::::

I: What she doesn't know that saves her is that we have a Muslim freak.
I: Did you see Michael on the couch, how he was discretely....(inaudible)

Ivette and April
07/14/05 06:52 PM

Ivette: "I want Kaysar begging like a little bi#ch all week."
April: "Should Eric put him up?"
Ivette: "No I just want him to beg all week like the little dirtbag he is
I. I want him to become petty, shi**ing in his pants, for being such a dirt bag. You see what i'm saying?

More racism from Ivette
07/14/05 11:53 AM

Ivette> he asked his higher people (does air quotes) if he can do this, if he told them what it was they would have never let him
Ivette> I hope he stays thousand and thousands of feet away from allah, i hope he just stepped back a thousand feet because of this *****

James, Ivette, April on Kaysar
07/14/05 11:52 AM

I: All I am saying is that he is such as bastard (kaysar)
J: When I told you that that group was talking about putting up you and Beau, that should've been enough.
A: He's playing
J: He's trying, but not doing a good job.
I: If he was just a shady bastard, then I would respect him more. But being Muslim and preaching Allah.... I hate him.

Ivette> "he going to ride camels back to iraq" NT
07/14/05 11:31 AM

Ivette> id rather him being an ***** and not bring his fu**ing Koran into everything NT

Ivette> him and all his muslim bullcrap im not going to lower myself to that NT
07/14/05 11:33 AM

Ivette> i'll tell him "i hope you dont get 100 feet close to Allah" NT
07/14/05 11:35 AM


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