Voici un résumé d'une personne qui était à la finale :
I got to go in the backyard and meet the houseguests after the finale. Here are some tidbits!
No press wanted to talk to the Friendship.
Jennifer looked visibly upset and shaken.
Crappy was working magic on Ivettes parents assuring Maggie would have done the same and picked Ivette over Janelle.
Tush was quietly scolding Beau on what they looked like on the feeds.
I informed Rachel and Janelle on the statements made my Ivette "Rachel is going back to pick up horseshit and Janelle is going back to sucking cock" and Rachel said "That bitch, tell Janelle she voted for her". I also told Janelle that they bashed her continually and that Maggie was working the angle that Janelle made up the stories of her playing the flute etc. Janelle was like "What? I did play the flute!" She looked concerned what I told her this. Thats when Sara chimed in and told her till the time she left the house thats all they did.
Michael and Janelle were making out alot.
Tush took Ivette to a corner and was explaining things to her.
Crappy had Ivette aside at one point and the publicist tried to get Ivette and Crappy goes 'No, hold on a minute give me a minute' That guy is such an arrogant a$$hole! He was bragging himself to Ivettes dad that he is a man of honor because he is a fireman. barf!
Howie was FUN! He was the funnest to talk to he gave me 5 kisses and told me I was beautiful.
Kaysar was very gracious and open to Amazing Race w/Janelle and was Janelle.
Janelle said her time in the house with just Mag and Iv was horrible.
Thats all I can think of for now.
1 more thing........during the taping of the show when attention turned to Jen or Crappy the crowd hissed! I saw the show on Tivo and you couldnt actually hear that! We were told we couldnt boo them but obviously it was overwhelming and it did happen a few times during the taping and it made the show.
Résumé de gens présents à la finale
Autre chose, apparemment, ce matin au Early Show Ivette aurait bitché Maggie. Ivette regretterais avoir fait partie du FS.
Est-ce que qqn l'a vu??
De plus, sur wireimage, il y a des photos de la finale. Entre autre, une photo d'un bec entre Howie et Rachel et la meilleure est celle de James et April, tous les deux souriants MAIS James fait un gros doigt d'honneur (qu'April ne voit pas)!!!
Est-ce que qqn l'a vu??
De plus, sur wireimage, il y a des photos de la finale. Entre autre, une photo d'un bec entre Howie et Rachel et la meilleure est celle de James et April, tous les deux souriants MAIS James fait un gros doigt d'honneur (qu'April ne voit pas)!!!
Un autre résumé!
First, let me say that this is strictly my experience, and should not be taken as anything more than that.
I got to the check in point at 3:30, for a 6:00 show. I was #7, which I was VERY excited about, went through security, and then waited for when they would let us in. As we were all standing there, waiting, those of us with numbers were seeing others without numbers, but with wristbands. I chatted with a couple of wristband-wearers, and discovered they “knew someone”. Those of us with numbers were soon outnumbered by people with wristbands, and suddenly #7 wasn’t looking so good.
At about 5:00, everyone with wristbands were escorted to the finale set. Those of us, around 30, with numbers had to wait to see if there would be room for us to get in. I just kept thinking “come on, please!!” Finally, at about 5:15 (I know, it doesn’t seem like a long time, but it felt like an eternity), they escorted all of us to the set. I was lucky, because I was alone, and they had ONE seat left down on the floor, next to the runway. They asked who was there alone, and I had the first number, lucky #7 came through, and got that seat.
At around 5:30 they started giving us instructions. They explained that we were supposed to applaud when the stage director (that is what I would call her anyway) waved a big stick. It was easy enough. The next thing they told us, which was reiterated throughout the show, was that we were encouraged to be positive toward everyone. We could be more positive toward those we liked, but they kept reminding us that the final two made it to the final two, and deserved to hear applauds and cheers. We were told to stand when Julie came down the runway, and to stand when the jury entered. They specifically asked that we not boo anyone on the jury, or the final two.
At about 5:45 Julie arrived. She still had her makeup cape on, and chatted with us a bit while she got her final touch-ups. We actually got to watch her hair get smaller! She was very nice, and when someone yelled to her, “Julie, who’s your favorite?” she said “No comment.” Then she said “I don’t have a favorite, it would be like having a favorite child.” Whatever.
They started counting down at 10 minutes to air. Every 30 seconds they would announce how much longer until we went live. I think it was for the production crew, but it got my adrenaline going, and I doubt I was the only one. At 1 minute to air, they again reminded us to be positive. We were told Julie would start, and when signaled we were to start applauding, stand up and cheer. And then it all happened. They then immediately went to tape, and we were able to watch that on monitors on the set. It was hard to concentrate, people were talking, they were telling us about when we would applaud again, and the excitement in the air was palpable. I have to interject here; I think more people were excited about seeing the Sov6 than the two finalists.
Whenever they went to tape, things would get moved in and out of screen shot, for example the plasma that they use when talking to Maggie and Ivette, or the chairs for the jury. There were a lot of distractions. I can’t explain how hard it was to try and watch the taped pieces with everything else going on.
I was lucky enough to be sitting just two rows in front of where the jury, and later the earlier evictees, came in. The whole time the tape of the jury talking to the final two played, I was distracted by production people saying, they are outside, hold them there, etc. With about two minutes left in that tape, they told us they had to turn the volume off because the jury was coming in and they didn’t want them to be tainted by something they may hear. They were standing just feet behind me, unable to see the tape, but right there, seeing all of us looking at them. It was a very surreal moment for me. I felt like I knew these people, I mean DANG they were in my house all summer!
I imagine you all heard the differences in the audience reaction to the Sov6 vs. the Fiendsheep. It was even more obvious in the studio. The reaction Janelle got was just thunderous. It was so cool that even while we were doing what we were asked to do, applauding for everyone, still you could tell where the hearts of most of the audience were.
When they went to commercial after the jury was introduced, they explained to the jury how they were going to cast their votes. There was a little metal screen around the side of the box, and they told the jury to put their right hip as close to that screen as possible and make sure they held the key below it, so that neither the studio audience or Julie could see who’s key was going into the box.
I LOVED the audience reaction to them airing April’s POS comments about America. She tried so hard to back-peddle on her comment, but at least she did apologize. I don’t excuse it, but an apology is a start. The audience booed her, and I still think she deserved it. Then within about two minutes, Eric also got booed for being an idiot. During the commercial break, “What’s Up, Kaysar?” was yelled a few times in the studio. Again, showing the love to the Sov6.
James and Sara hugged on camera, but one cool behind the scenes thing is that during the commercial break that followed, Janie and Michael met each other at mid-stage and also shared a very nice hug and small kiss. It was really sweet, and while I don’t know if I see them together long term, it was nice to see that.
When the vote reached 3-3, you can’t really hear it on the show, but there was a big inhale throughout the whole audience. It was so odd, because we all realized Howie was the deciding vote, and I think everyone thought he could have gone either way. The big love fest onstage after the vote was as messy in studio as it looked on TV. It was a very odd way to end, but I guess they thought maybe we didn’t want to hear what the winner had to say ;-)
When the show ended, we had to stay seated while CBS took what seemed like dozens of photos of the whole cast. It took about 10 minutes, but by that time I had been sitting almost two hours without moving, and I was getting antsy. Then they took the cast out, and then former BB houseguests and anyone with the cast went next. Finally the rest of us were able to leave.
It was a great adventure, I had a blast, and loved being able to be there. It was the first time I have ever been to a studio for a show, so I think it was a great introduction to how things work.
Réponse de cette personne par la suite:
Thanks everyone, for reading and for your comments and questions. I am going to try to answer your questions in this post.
Firecat: When people shouted out "What's Up, Kaysar?" he looked into the audience, smiled and waved. Howie, Janie, and James seemed to really enjoy the audience reactions, and Jen and April seemed the most uncomfortable (gee, I wonder why).
BBKat: Even if you knew what I look like, you probably wouldn't be able to see me. I could barely see me, and I knew where I was sitting. Everyone around me was taller, so every time we stood up, I was completely blocked.
CaliGal: I couldn't really see families' reactions. They were either blocked by other houseguests, or facing away from us toward the cameras.
Phantom: Nope, I didn't know anyone. I emailed the address Gretchen gave out on HC last week. I got a confirmation that I was "eligible to be in the BB6 audience", but that admittance was not guaranteed. So, I went with high hopes and low expectations, but got in and had a great time.
Bongo and PBnJ: You saw more former houseguests than I did. I knew Jack, Drew, and Marvin were there, but couldn't/didn't see anyone else. They didn't introduce the former houseguests to the audience or anything.
KR: You asked if I booed at Crappy. You BET I DID! LOL It was spontanious and I just couldn't help myself.
I would agree that someone on the BB6 staff knew the votes, probably just the producers, not everyone. As I was leaving, I heard a couple of staff people talking and they were saying the couldn't believe Howie voted for Maggie. I think they were pretty surprised, but with the final two they had, neither choice was that great.
I think that's it, at least for now. Back to your regularly scheduled
First, let me say that this is strictly my experience, and should not be taken as anything more than that.
I got to the check in point at 3:30, for a 6:00 show. I was #7, which I was VERY excited about, went through security, and then waited for when they would let us in. As we were all standing there, waiting, those of us with numbers were seeing others without numbers, but with wristbands. I chatted with a couple of wristband-wearers, and discovered they “knew someone”. Those of us with numbers were soon outnumbered by people with wristbands, and suddenly #7 wasn’t looking so good.
At about 5:00, everyone with wristbands were escorted to the finale set. Those of us, around 30, with numbers had to wait to see if there would be room for us to get in. I just kept thinking “come on, please!!” Finally, at about 5:15 (I know, it doesn’t seem like a long time, but it felt like an eternity), they escorted all of us to the set. I was lucky, because I was alone, and they had ONE seat left down on the floor, next to the runway. They asked who was there alone, and I had the first number, lucky #7 came through, and got that seat.
At around 5:30 they started giving us instructions. They explained that we were supposed to applaud when the stage director (that is what I would call her anyway) waved a big stick. It was easy enough. The next thing they told us, which was reiterated throughout the show, was that we were encouraged to be positive toward everyone. We could be more positive toward those we liked, but they kept reminding us that the final two made it to the final two, and deserved to hear applauds and cheers. We were told to stand when Julie came down the runway, and to stand when the jury entered. They specifically asked that we not boo anyone on the jury, or the final two.
At about 5:45 Julie arrived. She still had her makeup cape on, and chatted with us a bit while she got her final touch-ups. We actually got to watch her hair get smaller! She was very nice, and when someone yelled to her, “Julie, who’s your favorite?” she said “No comment.” Then she said “I don’t have a favorite, it would be like having a favorite child.” Whatever.
They started counting down at 10 minutes to air. Every 30 seconds they would announce how much longer until we went live. I think it was for the production crew, but it got my adrenaline going, and I doubt I was the only one. At 1 minute to air, they again reminded us to be positive. We were told Julie would start, and when signaled we were to start applauding, stand up and cheer. And then it all happened. They then immediately went to tape, and we were able to watch that on monitors on the set. It was hard to concentrate, people were talking, they were telling us about when we would applaud again, and the excitement in the air was palpable. I have to interject here; I think more people were excited about seeing the Sov6 than the two finalists.
Whenever they went to tape, things would get moved in and out of screen shot, for example the plasma that they use when talking to Maggie and Ivette, or the chairs for the jury. There were a lot of distractions. I can’t explain how hard it was to try and watch the taped pieces with everything else going on.
I was lucky enough to be sitting just two rows in front of where the jury, and later the earlier evictees, came in. The whole time the tape of the jury talking to the final two played, I was distracted by production people saying, they are outside, hold them there, etc. With about two minutes left in that tape, they told us they had to turn the volume off because the jury was coming in and they didn’t want them to be tainted by something they may hear. They were standing just feet behind me, unable to see the tape, but right there, seeing all of us looking at them. It was a very surreal moment for me. I felt like I knew these people, I mean DANG they were in my house all summer!
I imagine you all heard the differences in the audience reaction to the Sov6 vs. the Fiendsheep. It was even more obvious in the studio. The reaction Janelle got was just thunderous. It was so cool that even while we were doing what we were asked to do, applauding for everyone, still you could tell where the hearts of most of the audience were.
When they went to commercial after the jury was introduced, they explained to the jury how they were going to cast their votes. There was a little metal screen around the side of the box, and they told the jury to put their right hip as close to that screen as possible and make sure they held the key below it, so that neither the studio audience or Julie could see who’s key was going into the box.
I LOVED the audience reaction to them airing April’s POS comments about America. She tried so hard to back-peddle on her comment, but at least she did apologize. I don’t excuse it, but an apology is a start. The audience booed her, and I still think she deserved it. Then within about two minutes, Eric also got booed for being an idiot. During the commercial break, “What’s Up, Kaysar?” was yelled a few times in the studio. Again, showing the love to the Sov6.
James and Sara hugged on camera, but one cool behind the scenes thing is that during the commercial break that followed, Janie and Michael met each other at mid-stage and also shared a very nice hug and small kiss. It was really sweet, and while I don’t know if I see them together long term, it was nice to see that.
When the vote reached 3-3, you can’t really hear it on the show, but there was a big inhale throughout the whole audience. It was so odd, because we all realized Howie was the deciding vote, and I think everyone thought he could have gone either way. The big love fest onstage after the vote was as messy in studio as it looked on TV. It was a very odd way to end, but I guess they thought maybe we didn’t want to hear what the winner had to say ;-)
When the show ended, we had to stay seated while CBS took what seemed like dozens of photos of the whole cast. It took about 10 minutes, but by that time I had been sitting almost two hours without moving, and I was getting antsy. Then they took the cast out, and then former BB houseguests and anyone with the cast went next. Finally the rest of us were able to leave.
It was a great adventure, I had a blast, and loved being able to be there. It was the first time I have ever been to a studio for a show, so I think it was a great introduction to how things work.
Réponse de cette personne par la suite:
Thanks everyone, for reading and for your comments and questions. I am going to try to answer your questions in this post.
Firecat: When people shouted out "What's Up, Kaysar?" he looked into the audience, smiled and waved. Howie, Janie, and James seemed to really enjoy the audience reactions, and Jen and April seemed the most uncomfortable (gee, I wonder why).
BBKat: Even if you knew what I look like, you probably wouldn't be able to see me. I could barely see me, and I knew where I was sitting. Everyone around me was taller, so every time we stood up, I was completely blocked.
CaliGal: I couldn't really see families' reactions. They were either blocked by other houseguests, or facing away from us toward the cameras.
Phantom: Nope, I didn't know anyone. I emailed the address Gretchen gave out on HC last week. I got a confirmation that I was "eligible to be in the BB6 audience", but that admittance was not guaranteed. So, I went with high hopes and low expectations, but got in and had a great time.
Bongo and PBnJ: You saw more former houseguests than I did. I knew Jack, Drew, and Marvin were there, but couldn't/didn't see anyone else. They didn't introduce the former houseguests to the audience or anything.
KR: You asked if I booed at Crappy. You BET I DID! LOL It was spontanious and I just couldn't help myself.
I would agree that someone on the BB6 staff knew the votes, probably just the producers, not everyone. As I was leaving, I heard a couple of staff people talking and they were saying the couldn't believe Howie voted for Maggie. I think they were pretty surprised, but with the final two they had, neither choice was that great.
I think that's it, at least for now. Back to your regularly scheduled
sakke a écritAutre chose, apparemment, ce matin au Early Show Ivette aurait bitché Maggie. Ivette regretterais avoir fait partie du FS.
Est-ce que qqn l'a vu??
De plus, sur wireimage, il y a des photos de la finale. Entre autre, une photo d'un bec entre Howie et Rachel et la meilleure est celle de James et April, tous les deux souriants MAIS James fait un gros doigt d'honneur (qu'April ne voit pas)!!!
Oui Sakke, elle a dit à HC cet après-midi qu'elle ne ferait pas alliance avec les mêmes gens si c'était à recommençer
Merci! Lundi un autre House Calls & ça continuera un peu en encore...
Est-ce que qqn l'a vu??
De plus, sur wireimage, il y a des photos de la finale. Entre autre, une photo d'un bec entre Howie et Rachel et la meilleure est celle de James et April, tous les deux souriants MAIS James fait un gros doigt d'honneur (qu'April ne voit pas)!!!
Oui Sakke, elle a dit à HC cet après-midi qu'elle ne ferait pas alliance avec les mêmes gens si c'était à recommençer
Merci! Lundi un autre House Calls & ça continuera un peu en encore...