The Fountain Of Youth

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Inscription : ven. févr. 28, 2003 1:00 am

Message par nicki »

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La date n'est pas encore déterminée mais WB annonce un nouveau Reality inspiré à la fois par Amazing Race et The Beauty and the Geek.  Voici ce que j'ai trouvé.

Kutcher            Goldberg

'Youth' to be served at WB

The WB is reuniting with the team behind summer success "Beauty and the Geek" for a comedic reality skeinskein that's set to explore the generation gap.
Ashton Kutcher and Jason Goldberg are exec producing the "Amazing Race"-inspired project, dubbed "Fountain of Youth."

WB Entertainment prexy David Janollari has given an eight-episode order to the show, which will be produced by Kutcher and Goldberg's Katalyst shingle and Fox 21. Multiple nets made a play for the show, which snagged a premium license fee from the Frog.

"Fountain of Youth" will be Katalyst's third unscrïpted series. In addition to "Beauty," shingle produces MTV's long-running "Punk'd."

Basic concept of "Fountain" has eight college seniors teaming up with eight active senior citizens on a race across the United States. Each of the young folks will be paired with one of their elders, and while speed will be important, the show's means of elimination won't be identical to that of "Race".

Goldberg said "Fountain" will be similar in tone to "Beauty and the Geek" and won't simply poke fun at older folks.

"This is about people learning lessons and getting out of their comfort zones," he said. "We're trying to break stereotypes. We do funny. We don't make fun."

Goldberg said he and Kutcher are both fans of "Race" and that "Fountain" will in some ways be a comedic take on the CBS hit.

"They set the bar," he said. "But what we love to do is comedy; that's the signature of this company."

Kutcher said "Fountain" has all the hallmarks of a good reality skein.

"Anytime you take people with different views of the same world it's explosive, and conflict is the breeding ground for comedy," Kutcher told Daily Variety.

Janollari said he thinks "Fountain of Youth" can "deliver the same blend of poignancy and humor and heart that 'Beauty and the Geek' delivered.

"It's incredibly universal and relatable," he added.
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